AUGUST 19, 2017

The amount of intrigue and speculation based around what to expect at this evenings opening performance from what seems to be referred to as “The Dirty Mouth Girls” has been insane ever since the announcement from the industry all-rounder Cara Zayn. There was a lot of people that were sceptical and a lot of people were highly positive about this form of entertainment being pushed to the mainstream. It was most definitely a mixed bag from the industry as a whole. It's fair to say that not enough information was out there for people to truly understand how the show would look and feel, there was certainly a lot of people unsure about fitting the various different elements into a traditional length entertainment show. But with the first of the initial launch shows beginning on Saturday evening at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, California it was clear that people wouldn't have to wait too long to find out what this was all about and whether this could actually take off and become not only a touring element but also spawn a more varied form of entertainment. Fortunately we were lucky enough to receive VIP tickets for the performance which sold out in rapid fashion. But for those that missed it, here is our take on what went down.

It was clear early on that this was going to be a bizarre evening just judging by the eclectic mix of people awaiting outside, I'm sure that at least half of the audience were there more out of intrigue than anything else and when this show does get around to touring properly I'm sure there fanbase will become more defined and recognizable. However, the crowd was a nice mix, tattooed young women and men, some more mature men and women and just a mix of conventional and alternative. Of course the audience were all above the 18+ age limit that was set very early on in the announcement. As we all made our way inside and awaited the performance with some of the latest pop music playing out over the sound system, it was clear immediately that everybody was here to have a fun time, regardless of genders, genres, ages and class which in this day and age is not always the easiest collective audience to stumble upon.
But with the waiting over, the lights all around us dimmed and everybody glanced to the stage, excited and a little nervous as to what to expect as we heard loud and pounding drum beats before the large banner dangling from the top of the stage stretching the length of the stage while displaying the name of the evenings event dropped abruptly to the floor all of the girls walked out from the back to the very edges of the stage. All of them dressed in either leather or metal clothing depending on their chosen skill for the evening, the familiar face of Cara Zayn took the microphone and welcomed everybody to the wonderful and weird, ultra sexual performance of her “Dirty Mouth Girls”. The girls all danced and teased their audience briefly before vacating the stage. A hush went over the audience as dark red lights shot across the stage rapidly and out walked two girls on stilts wielding sticks emblazoned with fire. Their performance went incident free to the surprise of many fans in the first few rows that let out very audible screams and whimpers as soon as the girls got a little too close to comfort. Perhaps this is not the sort of show for the easily worried or scared but it was clear from the opening that this was very much a circus inspired show with added sexuality.

The stilt walking was the ideal way to introduce the crowd to the sort of show that they should expect. I can say from our position in the first couple of rows, there were a few people in attendance that were not up for this form of entertainment or should we say this level of danger. But despite their appearances and relative youth these are professionals that have been doing this sort of thing for enough time to truly know what they're doing. Just not perhaps on this magnitude or scale. So word of warning, if you panic easily, avoid the show or more logically remember that these are trained professionals. Next up was some Angle Grinding performed by Megan Tavaria and Daria Rose, they were joined by the rest of the girls from the show as they danced around the two primary performers and teased some rather dangerous situations. A number of the girls then vacated the stage and jumped the barrier separating the first row from the stage and began dancing with the audience and encouraging them to let loose and enjoy themselves. It was nice to see them get this involved with the audience and I think it was a smart decision as it helped a few of those in the crowd to enjoy the show a little more. The girls appeared light hearted and game for a lot, dancing with the men and women and also enjoying the performance just as audience members amidst the flying sparks.
As Megan and Daria vacated the stage, the spotlight aimed at Cara raised up high at a DJ booth, she talked to the audience briefly and explained that this is the first of a few party sections of the show. Which she encouraged people to drink and dance and have fun with strangers and not-so strangers before providing a DJ set which featured dance remixes of a number of some of the biggest rock songs of past and present. The girls that had made their way into the crowd stuck around for around ten to fifteen minutes and danced and drank with members of the audience. I can see the audience interaction becoming one of the most endearing things about this whole show because the girls integrate themselves into the crowd so seamlessly with the sole aim of making sure people are enjoying themselves.
As the girls jumped the barrier, they made their way into the darkness and Cara continued to perform her DJ set for a short while before the girls walked out one-by-one and were all introduced individually. All dressed in full-length robes they hit their positions on the stage and the music stopped briefly. As the music quickly bellowed back into action all of the girls simultaneously removed their robes to show them all dressed in leather underwear as they performed an Erotic Dance routine, which included sections where they brought up some lucky members from the audience both male and female and presided to perform for them, sections involving each of the girls performing for each other in an attempt to out-do one another.
And towards the end of this portion of the performance, Cara was replaced in the DJ booth by Arabella Nixon, she switched the music from Rock to a more Dance and Electronica vibe as Cara made her way down to the stage. She was placed on a chair in the center of the stage while one by one each of the dancers took their turn at teasing her before Cara rose from the chair and reached her hand out to one of the girls before exiting the stage with her chosen one before being quickly followed by the other girls.
Another party section provided by the DJ set from Arabella Nixon was next and was very much like before, lots of dancing and lots of drinking. It's clear that the DJ sets throughout the show are placed in the show in order to give the girls time to change outfits backstage and prepare for the next major set and also to give the crowd a brief break to visit the bar or as some chose to head outside for a smoke. During these sets it tends to become nothing more than a nightclub but it's fun and it keeps the energy going while the girls prepare for what's to come. As simple as these sections are, they're probably the most important ones for the smooth running of the show.

Next up was the first of what is generally considered one of the star attractions of these shows, the arrival of stage props and two very familiar faces in the form of Cassie Summers and Karoliena Summers. If the previous portions of the evening were designed for complete erotic enjoyment then this portion of the evening was designed for both erotic enjoyment as well as pure entertainment. No huge beats pounding out of the sound system, just a slower melodic music backdrop as these two familiar names perform a burlesque performance that is completely sultry. At points during their performance it feels like they're just focussed on having fun with each other, performing with bucking bronco props and a large bath of glitter among others. They interact with one another with the chemistry that you'd expect from two lovers and they even go a little further than anybody else this evening, finishing the performance both topless and drenched in champagne.
How do you follow that? With an encore of course! The previously announced Fire Breathing section and performance from Aikya Balan sort of spoiled the element of surprise as everybody in the crowd knew that the show wasn't over just yet and as the stage was cleared and metal flooring was placed down it was evident what was to come next.
Megan Tavaria, Lily Yeun and Arabella Nixon all made their way out onto the stage, they were dressed in metal bra's and panties. Not only sexy but also a safety precaution as they preceded to give a thirty minute performance with fire, there was the expected fire breathing but also tricks which involved each of the girls from the evening. One of the highlights being the finale which included a giant ring hanging from the rafters with three of the girls providing their best acrobatic performances before the three fire performers preceded to deliver their fire breathing skills in the direction of the giant hoop which immediately became fully en-flamed as the three girls performing on the hoop drop around ten foot into the arms of the trio of fire breathers to bring their set to a close.

The penultimate set of the evening was another DJ set, this time provided by Lily Yeun whom had just wowed the audience with her fire breathing skills among other things. She opted to go with a more Urban feel to her set feature remixed versions of rap and hip-hop tracks as they once more continued to enjoy themselves with alcohol and dancing. Again not too much to say about these sections of the evening, they serve an important purpose but they're relatively unspectacular.
It was then time though for the headline performance from Aikya Balan, she came out onto the stage and performed four songs which sent the crowd into a frenzy, delivering incredible vocals and boundless energy onstage before smoke and a large pole rose up from the floor. She then delivered a highly sexually charged pole dancing routine as well as being briefly joined by the rest of the girls as they all delivered one final dance performance, again picking people from the audience and tempting and teasing for around ten minutes before exiting the stage. Aikya then briefly performed some unexpectedly moving and erotic acrobatics before performing six more songs ahead of the evenings end and every-bodies final bow.
So with the first show under their belts, it's clear that this is a high energy performance. You'll need stamina for this even if you're just going to be standing in the crowd because it's a cavalcade of fun and energy and the sexual nature of the performance will possibly leave you feeling a little drained yourself. It's difficult to describe such a mix of a show. To call it a circus performance would do it a disservice, it's all-round entertainment but with the amount of nudity and sexuality within the show, it is most definitely for mature audiences.
Setlist;1. Introduction (w/Everybody)
2. Stilt Walking (w/Roxy Hunter + Ruby Bryson)
3. Angle Grinding (w/Megan Tavaria + Daria Rose)
4. DJ Set (w/Cara Zayn)
5. Erotic Dance (w/Megan Tavaria, Noella Martinez, Roxy Hunter, Ruby Bryson, Lily Yeun)
6. DJ Set (w/Arabella Nixon)
7. Burlesque Performance (w/Cassie Summers + Karoliena Summers)
8. Fire Breathing (w/Megan Tavaria, Lily Yeun, Arabella Nixon)
9. DJ Set (w/Lily Yeun)
10. Headline Performance (w/Aikya Balan)