Song: "Psycho Love"
Premiere Date: May 17, 2020
Directed by: Hannah Lux Davis, Stephanie Fierce
Produced by: Fierce Studios (Stephanie Fierce)
Filming Dates: December 1, 2, 2019, January 17, 18, 2020
Location: Fierce Studios, Los Angeles, CA
Budget: $850,000
Main Cast: Stephanie Fierce Johnson as Stephanie Fierce
Wendel Williams as Evil Stepmother

The video opens up in a dark forest and Stephanie Fierce is seen running at full speed with the dress she was wearing on the Evolve music video.
"Hurry, You're letting her get away" the loud and dictating voice is heard coming from the evil step mom.
Fierce is then seen struggling to make her way through and starts to rip her dress off her. This scene has a rush like feel. The scene cuts back and forth to her and the guards that are seen chasing her. After taking most of the heavy dress off her, she starts running but trips and falls down a hill. Her body is seen rolling down until she reaches the ground unconscious.
"Wait!" the evil step mother commands her guards as they attempt to go down and grab Stephanie Fierce.
"I think a slow and cold death is what she deserves. Let her rot in the dirt where she belongs". The guards obey the evil step mom's request; and as they start living the evil step mom stands there staring down at Fierce with her evil stare.
"I told you not leave the house, bitch. Now you rot." she says coldly and then walks away.
The camera then slowly pans in from an areal view on Stephanie Fierce who happens to look dead.
The word
"5 Years Later" appear on the screen which then cuts to the words
"Psycho Love".
The song begins.
A nearly naked Fierce is then seen waking up from her long conscious sleep. The power of the dark forest is now with her and she seems in control. A large snake appears in front of her, and Fierce begins to do snake like moves and the snake starts bopping its head to the beat of the song in a comical way. Fierce then continues walking through the forest with her snake like dance moves. Rays of light appear and they reflect off her body as she moves her body around. The snake is impressed and continues to follow her.
"She doesn't like to play hard to get
yearning for it babe
tasting the toxic love off your sweat
bearded face perfectly placed right behind me
cake on me like its my birthday (it's psycho love)
dominating but compassionate, this isn't child's play
boy clean up whats on your plate (it's psycho love)
boy wont leave a spot, feels like a buffet"
When the beat starts dropping in the first part of the chorus, Fierce's move become more defined and less snake like. She starts vouging around the forest but also keeps her moves feminine and sexy. The forest appears to be brighter around these shots showing off Fierce's toned sexy body. The scene start to incorporate hair choreography that is sassy and hard hitting. Finally right before the song moves to the second chorus. A close up shot of Fierce pecking the snake's head with a kiss is seen.
it's psycho love
You're talking a big game
I might just be too much for you baby (baby),
no matter the color or race
it's psycho love
don't hold back, are you able to tame me (tame me)
bah bop bop bop bop
cause its psycho love baby
bah bop bop bop bop
fuck me fuck me
bah bop bop bop bop
cause its psycho love baby
bah bop bop bop bop
fuck me fuck me

The shot then cuts to an ocean like view where Fierce and two other background dancers are seen sliding down slowly on a stripper pole that sticks out of the large body of water. Her outfit is sparkly bikini but barely covers her body and her boobs aren't covered in some of the shots as they are purposely exposed. She's also wearing 9 inch transparent hooker heels. This scene in a way pays tribute to TLC's "Waterfalls" music video where the trio are seen dancing above water but with a more adult like and modern touch. The shot also shows the water up close which gives the scene a sense of realism and Fierce is also seen dancing harder than the previous scene. Many of the dance moves are stripper like and involve the dancing pole which stretches out towards the sky. At one point there is a birds eye view of the water from above and it shows a giant shark swimming below where Fierce and her dancers are. Giving the scene a sense of danger but glamour at the same thing. Fierce and her dancers don't seem phased by it as they continue to dance, slow motion close up glamour shots of Fierce's nearly naked body are seen throughout this scene.
Yeah I like to bite what I can't chew
got me steady wondering what's underneath you
I prey, maybe two or three
just show it to me boy, don't need a preview
You're talking a big game (bop bop bop)
might be too much for you baby (baby),
are you able to tame me (tame me)
the way you rough me up got me feeling insane
bah bop bop bop bop
cause its psycho love baby
bah bop bop bop bop
fuck me fuck me
bah bop bop bop bop
cause its psycho love baby
bah bop bop bop bop
fuck me fuck me"
As the bridge of the song begins to play, Fierce appears in a rural like environment where a volcano is seen behind her. Fierce and her sweaty background dancers are seen touching on each other simulating a big orgy. The moves on this scene are more vulgar and stimulate sex. Fierce and her dancers are nude but no sex body parts are shown but they are teased. As the bridge of the song continues, a volcano is seen beginning to erupt. This serves almost like a flashback scene of earlier environments of the video. Fierce is seen in the forest moving slowly with strobe lights, as she's seen in the ocean scene as well. When the beat drops; the scene cuts back to Fierce sitting in a throne above water and she gets up and starts walking forward. She's wearing a more risque type of outfit along with a blonde bob. A DJ also now appears above water and he's seen slamming his hand down and up to the beat of the song as Fierce and an army of dancers breakout into dance matching the song's beat. As the song comes to an end all of her dancer do a death drop, and a wet haired Fierce is seen chuckling as the scene fades to black.
Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, (lick a little)
Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, (touch a little)
Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, (kiss a little)
bah bop bop bop bop
Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me (lick a little)
Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me (touch a little)
Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me (kiss a little)
bah bop bop bop bop
Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me (lick a little)
Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me (touch a little)
Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me (kiss a little)
bah bop bop bop bop
You're talking a, you're talking a, you're talking a,
you're talking a, you're talking a
you're talking a big game
the way you're touching me is insane baby baby
no matter the color or race
don't hold back cause it's psycho love baby baby
bah bop bop bop bop
cause its psycho love baby
bah bop bop bop bop
fuck me fuck me
bah bop bop bop bop
cause its psycho love baby
bah bop bop bop bop
fuck me fuck me
Fuck Me"
The End.