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Offline Famouss7x7  
#1 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:30:45(UTC)
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As the cameras cut from the pre-show carpet show, we are taken to the M&S Bank Arena in Liverpool, England where fans and celebrities are packed out in the beautiful arena for the seventh annual Fan Choice Awards! There is already loud chatter and screaming fans being hard throughout the arena as the excitement for the night everyone has waited for has finally reached upon us. As we go live, suddenly the lights go dark at the sold out M&S Bank Arena. The pitch darkness causes the fans to break out into screeching cheers and screams. The show is finally about to start. For a few seconds, the lights are completely shut off before red, white, and blue spotlights start circulating around the arena with cinematic opening beats, adding to the suspense of it all and also foreshadowing the arrival of Payton Rodriguez as the colors signify the colors of the Puerto Rican flag . The cameras also cut around the arena as this is happening, showing off an extremely beautiful Fan Choice Awards stage prop and screens where podium stands center stage. The camera’s panning around the stage doesn’t fail at really exemplifying the massive production values that went into the stage production of the Fan Choice Awards this year. The spotlights that circulate throughout the area as the camera’s cut and pan around also gives us our first glimpses of fans in the audience and celebrities alike who are also seated in their areas around the M&S Bank Arena. The spotlights that circulate throughout the area continue for about 10 seconds with this cinematic instrumental as fans continue cheering in excitement, and the cheers do not slow down. Five more seconds pass and the suspense continues, the darkness with the spotlights give the notion that something is about to happen and after those five seconds we finally get some answers.
“AYO…..FAN CHOICE AWARDS…...WELCOME! WE OUTCHEAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

As soon as Payton’s voice is heard the fan cheers grow louder and for the first time the spotlight casts upon Payton, and he is seen at the top of the M&S Bank Arena wearing a harness with a bottle of champagne in his hand! Payton, who’s attached to the harness with a face microphone attached, the Puerto Rican Papi has huge smile on his face as he looks down at the crowd who is either looking at the screens to see him or looking at him with their own eyes as he hangs hundreds of feet in the air! As Payton looks at the crowd from below him, he smiles and speaks into his microphone after a few split seconds. “LESSS GED DIS PARTY STARTED U FEEL?!”

Right after his words, Payton pops the bottle of champagne and fireworks blast from the stage. The lights come on and champagne comes spraying down at the celebrity audience members and fans. Instantly theme music starts to play as Payton starts coming down from the rafters on the harness.



The lights in the arena cut with Puerto Rican Flag color strobe lights, Spanish trap beat really brings life to the arena and the Red, White and Blue starred lights and strobe lights really give ode to the hosts roots. “Ay! Ay! Ay!” Payton yells out into his microphone and holds the bottle with one hand and starts waving his other hand up and down, causing the audience to do the same, really adding to the party element to this opening. For some, Payton's lack of safety coming down on the hardness may be uneasy for some, who may be in for an award show accident. Still, as Payton is coming down from the rafters the cheers are still loud, fans in the crowd are waving their hands up and down and it takes about 40 seconds for Payton to reach the lower point of the stage. However, it doesn’t look as if Payton is going straight to the stage, the harness lowers down and instead, it looks as if Payton is purposely going straight into the crowd! “CHU READY?”

Payton says into the mic as he’s lowered straight into the pit area standing crowd and detaches himself from the harness! There’s about five members from the stage crew situated in the middle of the crowd, and Payton falls of top, spilling some champagne on the fans through all the madness. The crowd and especially stage members guide Payton slowly to the crowd as he excitedly crowd surfs through the fans as he moves toward the stage as the Latin theme music blares throughout the PA system. It takes about 30 seconds for Payton to make it to the main stage and when he gets there, he stands there throwing his hands up, Payton uses one arm to start flexing his muscle with his free hand. Payton does a little dance to the chorus which causes the crowd to burst into cheer again as his charisma is portrayed heavily through his entrance. A few seconds pass as the beats ride out Payton yells into the microphone. He is here!


The beats finally ride out and the crowds continues to cheer but as Payton begins to speak, the cheer slows down quite a bit. “IS YA BOI PAYTON AND WE BOUT 2 HAVE A LIT AS NITE U FEEL?!!!!” The crowd pops in cheer once more and Payton waits to continue speaking. “Dis is duh time where weh finna b lit, so if chu ain’t bout dat life den issa boutta dat time 4 yuh 2 pack ya shizz up and dip up outta heah u feel?!" The crowd laughs and cheer once more as Payton takes a gulp of champagne. “2 nite is duh nite weah we gon’ be celebratin’ fiyah azz music and accomplishmentzzz frm sum fiyah azz singas...rappas….like ya boi P, u feel?!” The crowd cheers once more as he looks around the stage. “Now damn…..am finna go offta scriptt 4 a minute cuzzz we gott sumn baddies in duh crowd…naww ain' no1 moh fiyah den ma wifey who in duh crow chu feel? buhhhhh lemme hear u scream if chu a baddie!!!!” There’s a big burst in cheer, clearly from mostly female fans as Payton pulls out his cell phone. “Now who tryna getta pick wit ya boi P!?” Payton looks around the crowd and cups his ear. He walks from each side of the stage to see which area is the loudest and after a few seconds, he stops, and moves to center stage and crouches down at some fans who are completely going bonkers. “OHHHH we goddd some baddies rite heah….” Payton laughs while pulling his camera upward for the selfie. “Countttt widd mee!” Payton yells out to the crowd as he counts. “1….2…..3”.


Payton does his signature stick out the tongue pose and snaps the picture. The crowd cheers and Payton stands up as he gets ready to speak he clearly went off script and went over his scheduled time, but Payton is ready to take up more time. The hyped up Payton then begins to speak once more.


The lights cut out again, leaving the windowless arena in pitch black. gasps from startled audience members can be heard. a single thin red light beams down from the rafters to the left side of the stage. the red light intensifies and spreads until the entire stage is glowing red. thick smoke starts to roil from the rear of the stage and the karoliena's music starts to play.

it'd start at the 52 second mark for those playing along at home.

as the choir starts,the red light turns to holographic fire and engulfs the stage. Karoliena is raised from a platform under the stage. while the platform is in motion she has her head tilted up, looking to the roof. her arms are extended, with a martini in her left hand. the woman has some fans in Liverpool as cheers are loud an enthusiastic . flashes from cameras break up the solid black of the darkened audience area. karoliena brings her head level with pleasant,if a little impish smile. the martini is lifted to her lips, while her right hand makes a little presenting motion and the house lights come on. this reveals her music was performed by a full 100 member orchestra plus a 50 member choir.

They all stand and formally bow as karoliena takes her place behind the podium. mainly because she needed to place her drink somewhere before she leads the audience in clapping for the orchestra.



"your tax dollars at work. flew them all the way in from Vienna for...." karoliena moves her wrist to check where a watch would be. "about a minute's worth of playing." she laughs warmly and waves to the departing orchestra and brings her attention back to the crowd. "i see you already met my friend payton...and he's still cranked to the nines." karoliena says tiredly,but very playfully. all through the rehearsals he was like this. so at least i never had to push him to work. you know i can be a real....slave driver." karoliena says slyly with a raised eyebrow as a loud crack of a whip is heard over the speakers. she smiles widely and returns to the microphone. "if i demanded an entire orchestra be flown in for my music, how do you think THAT sound was made." karoliena quips with a little roll of her eyes. anyways, welcome to the event of the year. the one time that you,the fans,have a the decision to make when it comes to who gets an award. this isnt like the the dusty old rock and roll hall of fame where some dusty old hippies and industry insiders make the call. lets give some already egotistical people some awards that confirm their opinions of themselves." karoliena jokes to a mild response. Payton watches in awe along with the crowd at Karoliena's extravagant entrance and words.

He bows jokingly during the whole ordeal and as she talks. This receives some laughter from the crowd and when Karoliena stops speaking Payton returns to the mic as well. "DAAAAAMNNNNNN....now DAT was FIYAH....Dat...dat....waz like...sumn...assembly or sum shizz...but onli the prinziple was hot af...chu feel..chu sure I aint write bed ova miss bout bout chu?" This causes a wave of laughter in the M&S Bank Arena at the playful yet flirty nature of Payton. Payton laughs at winks playfully at Karoliena before speaking into the mic and toward the crowd. "SHOW SUM LOVE TO DIS BADDIE...KAROLIENA HOTTIE SUMMERS!!" Payton then turns to the crowd. "COME ON YALL...WAS DAT NAH FIYAH AF?" Payton starts clapping as swinging his arms in a motion to get the crowd to clap as well. Payton was the perfect hype man and it was showing. The crowd starts clapping loudly as Payton continues when they quiet down.

"Naw like Karoliena said...dis ain't no dusty shizz...diss nite tonight...we gon' have a gud ass time cuz dis year... waz a fiyah azz year...right Karoliena?"
[/color]After nodding her thanks and giving payton a personal round of applause, karoliena lifts her glass from the podium and appears to be searching for something. she gives a puzzled look and then uses both of her hands to support herself as she leans over the podium and still looks to be searching for something. she gives a defeated shrug and takes a sip of her drink. "are you folks at home getting subtitles? i cant seem to find any around here." she replies with a laugh to which the audience joins in. she would be remiss if she didnt make the joke about payton's way of speaking. "right you are, payton. we are going to have a splendid time tonight. we have the hottest acts in music here,and not just the two people on stage currently. this year saw a rebirth of sorts when it comes to music. some old acts reared their heads once more. some vibrant new acts have sprung from the soil with their blossoms opening for the first time. we may even have some of those blushing and unsullied acts right on this very stage. so be gentle,this is their first time."

Karoliena states,clasping her hands to her chest as if she is praying and looks above her to where a halo would be. a white light starts to flood her from above. this is quickly extinguished while a sad trombone sound plays from off stage. karoliena cuts her eyes over to where the sound came from ,and sticks her tongue out at them. "anyways. 2020 has been a ripe slice of the apocalyptic future we were all promised. remember when world war 3 nearly broke out? that was only 8 months ago. now with the virus, touring has come to a complete stop. however,this has somehow translated to fantastic projects being worked on. whether or not this is due to using this quarantine time to finally dust off those studio keys...or not having touring revenue to keep the lights on? well,that is anyone's guess." karoliena says with a little shrug. " in any case,we are just happy that these people are doing what they do! oh,and payton? you had better not have written bend over miss about me! whatever you want to do to me,i will do to you. and i dont have you...pegged as that sort." karoliena quips to payton while the audiiace is a mix of laughs,gasps of what she actually means,and "oooooohhh's" on the level of children at school.

Payton hilariously throws his hands up as if he's caught at gun point while the audience reacts to Karoliena's joke. Payton puts his hands on his chin as if he's thinking about something. "I meen...dis izzzzzz duh FCA so yuh neva know wat cud happen.." Payton turns around and jokingly bends over for Karoliena for a few seconds before speaking into the mic once more. "Das y everyboi at the crib watchin n' erybody out in the crowd...keep ya eyes locked cuz I mean any-n-erything cud happen rite heah...at the seventh annual Fan Choice Awards."Payton then walks over next to Karoliena, funnily standing up all proper like her as he begins to speak. "While our firss performa of duh nite teah's it up on duh stage...me n'karoliena gunna try n'find sum subtittles 4 eryone at duh crib n' n duh audience cuz chu know sum ya'll can't keepitup widdah real g...so we gotchu." Payton nods reassuringly and softly nudges Karoliena on the shoulder, even though there's clearly no subtitles anywhere to be found and the audience will just have to make do. "Now....issa bout dat time 4 our firss performa ah duh nite. I hope ya'll know dat dis baddie rite heah is about to turn it up!!!" Payton is met with cheers from the anticipated crowd as he continues to speak. "Noh questions asked...noh andzzz ifss...or butt's....so gettup outta yah seat....." Payton looks around at the audience. "Come on ...come on....outta ya seat....ma ninjas!" Payton weights for a few seconds while celebrities and fans already rumble in cheer and excitement as they stand up for the award of the night. "LETZZ Show sumn luv for OWWA SPECIAL GUESSTTT PRESENTAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


7:50 -
8:00 -
8:05 -
8:15 -
8:30 -
8:35 -
9:00 -
9:15 -
9:30 -
9:40 -
9:50 -

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

thanks 9 users thanked Famouss7x7 for this useful post.
2001clay on 31/08/2020(UTC), C4AJoh on 31/08/2020(UTC), freestylechamp on 31/08/2020(UTC), erich hess on 31/08/2020(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 31/08/2020(UTC), BrownSugar on 31/08/2020(UTC), genocidal king on 31/08/2020(UTC), PANIC! on 31/08/2020(UTC), FiveT on 31/08/2020(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#2 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:40:28(UTC)
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Naomi is seen out of her seat and clapping for Payton and Karoliena!
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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2001clay on 31/08/2020(UTC)
Offline 2001clay  
#3 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:42:04(UTC)
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Jade clapping for KAROLIENA & PAYTON

Diego clap along with everybody

Edited by user 31 August 2020 04:43:36(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified


My Character:
Jade Trembay,
Ava Tuffin,
Gabby Love,
Jamel Jones,
Tamar Gilbert (TikaBKilla),
Rose Harris,
Liam Russell,
Natalie Mays,
Murda Bling,
Cosmic Blue,
Camille Preston,
Chanel C. Fox,
Aubrey Cassidy,
Sophia Delaney,
Sally Parkwood,
Tika Mays,
Diego Lopez,
Samantha Stevens,
Paige Wesley,
Mr DJ Hurricane,
Keshia Love,
Stardom Boys,
Alexis Brooke,
Christina Moreno,
Slim Money,
Fatima Amari,
David Dankworth,
Ciara Lovett
Offline freestylechamp  
#4 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:44:38(UTC)
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Kim Lee and Younghood are seen together as they clap for the start of the show and it pans over to see Chris with Pop Culture Catch up is seating next to Chicago Nobody.

Offline genocidal king  
#5 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:45:45(UTC)
genocidal king
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The tannoy gives a little pop and a crackle before settling down. A voice booms out. "Ladies and gentlemen...please welcome our very special guest, and presenter of our next award, the one and only, the inimitable....


As his name is announced, Kai, who hasn't been seen on a stage in a number of years, saunters onto the FCA stage, his signature swagger still as evident as ever, bedecked in a red suit covered in curious newspaper clippings. He walks to the front of the stage, his smile growing as he throws a peace sign to the crowd. As he steps up to the mic, he gives a little appreciative wave to the fans and takes the microphone from its stand.


"Karoliena and Payton, ladies and gentleman...," Kai says with a smile, absentmindedly applauding against his chest with his one free hand. "Wow...and then there's me. I know...fucking hell. "The FCAs, sponsored by Tumblr; bringing the world championships of pining for fuckin' 2015 live and exclusive to network TV." I'm joking, I'm joking, Karoliena is absolutely timeless. I suppose technically I am too, given that I've had no fuckin' idea remotely what time it is since about 2008," he says with a laugh and a shrug.

"Anyway... Liverpool. FCAs. How we doin, eh? 'ow we doin? We reyt? Lovely stuff. This were always my favourite awards show. Mostly because the last time I were here I got off me tits with Erich Hess and sat with me wife throwing popcorn at the back of Elyar Black's fucking idiot head all night."

"When they asked me to come here tonight, you know I actually said nah at first. But then they told me I didn't have to sing or learn any lyrics and I'd get paid for just coming up here and handing out an award. Flight was booked before I got off the phone,"
he laughs.

"Listen, I know what you're thinking. I can see it in your eyes. You're thinking where the fuck's Kai been for the last few years? Well some o' yer are. The rest are thinking "who the fuck is this tattooed tramp on't stage?"" Kai smirks and gives the camera a little wink.

"For those who don't know me, I am Kai Wynter and I am what happens if you splice human DNA with a honey badger and pump it full of narcotics for 31 years. Nice to meet yer, lads. So where has Kai fuckin' been? I'll tell ya. I've been angry at seeing the world go to shit, mate."

"Long story short, I got pissed off at people's creepy love for a flag. Weird cunts man. I in't kink shaming, lads, but how do you love a flag more than you love justice and the rights and lives of other people?" Kai says with a sincerity in his voice rarely seen from the hell raising Kai of old. He paused for a moment to let his words land before continuing, pacing now a little on the stage. "I got really fucking political for a while, and I decided I needed to write an album about all the bullshit I was seeing. About people who just blindly follow orders and can't think for themselves. So I came up with a killer idea and album title. Wait for it... he says before pausing. ""Hive Mind"" he adds, drawing his hand across the air as if painting the title before his eyes. "Fucking deep innit? Eh?"

"Anyhow, I wrote some amazing angry, punky, groovy shit lads. It was mint. I was all prepped to become the angry voice of this generation. Fucking...Zack de la Yorkshire,"
Kai adds, returning to the front of the stage and leaning on his mic stand.

"So....story time. Bring it in," he says, beckoning the crowd towards him as he sits cross legged at the front of the stage. "We went into the studio. And I may have had a little celebratory cocktail..of the pharmaceutical persuasion," he laughs. "Fucking crashed back to reality four days later didn't I? and Hive Mind was nooooo longer a scathing commentary on the political mindfield of modern day America." he pauses and shakes his head, running the palm of his free hand across his face. "Lads...lads, lads, lads. It was a fucking concept album. From the point of view of a bee. An intro four minutes long that was just a buzzing noise. A thirteen minute operatic piece on the strict hierarchy of a beehive and a trippy acid jazz number about the intricate wonders of the honeycomb shape. All rounded off with...a fucking string concerto playing a neoclassical version of Billie Piper's Honey to the B. Fuck sake."

Kai pauses for a moment and waits for the laughter to die down. "Moral of the story? Don't do drugs lads. Oh..and also don't do some ket to make yoursen feel better and end up investing thousands of dollars in polyphonic ringtones in 2020 either. They in't making a comeback. No matter what that email promised."

He laughs and motions for people to quieten down with a wave of his hand. "Last thing...slightly related. if anyone wants any merchandise, I've got a pasting table and 350 black and yellow striped sweatshirts, so I'll be selling those in the out in't car park when I get off stage. Come down and have a word."

he says, jumping back to his feet and pulling in the lapels of his suit. "it's not about me. I know, 5 minutes back after 4 years in the wilderness and I've already stolen the show. What's he bloody like, eh?

"This next award is one of me personal favourites. Huge award,"
he says, sneaking a look at the envelope he's just been handed. "It's....best band. Cracking award. Gotta love the bands. Who remembers Weekend eh? Top, top lads. Absolutely massive, banging tunes. And Stat Nerds...umm...also...a band," he says with a shrug and a wink towards the crowd. "Anyway, the nominees for best band are...

Atomic War Bride
Public Warning
The Jollies

Kai says after announcing the nominees and glancing at his watch. "Listen, I better look at making a move lads. I've left the dog outside wi' a bag of treats and he'll have finished them soon. I know, I'm not doing much to dispell the old tattooed hobo thing, bringing my dog to this, but he's a total bastard if I leave him in't house. It's absolutely mint to be up here again though and I've had a fuckin' blast. Hope everyone has a belting night.

"Before I go, I just wanted to add, fuck Trump, fuck the Tories and keep fighting the fight against everything the right wing stands for. Peace out lads,"
he says with another flash of the peace sign to the audience and a little bow, forgetting he's not actually finished presenting yet.

After a moment, he presses a finger to his earpiece and the penny drops.

"Oh shit, yeah...and the fucking very deserving winner of the FCA for best band is....

thanks 9 users thanked genocidal king for this useful post.
2001clay on 31/08/2020(UTC), freestylechamp on 31/08/2020(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 31/08/2020(UTC), BrownSugar on 31/08/2020(UTC), erich hess on 31/08/2020(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 31/08/2020(UTC), C4AJoh on 31/08/2020(UTC), FiveT on 31/08/2020(UTC), PANIC! on 01/09/2020(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#6 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:47:29(UTC)
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Nick Urie is seen in the crowd wiping the wetness of his outfit. He doesn't look too happy but still smiles slyly as he sits next to Carter of Public Warning

BitchWat is SHOCKED to see Kai Rollins. She gets out of her seat to clap for Kai and the winner of Best Group!

Edited by user 31 August 2020 04:48:17(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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genocidal king on 31/08/2020(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#7 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:52:49(UTC)
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The crowd is screaming and cheering, the lights go slowly off. Then suddenly the sound of a trumpets. Then some more trumpets join building the melody and five big cubes appear, on each one a gallery of different images for each member of the Jollies appear and change really fast the picture displaying on each cube. When the melody eventually builds up with the drums, five shadows appear on the cubes and crowd goes wild. The tension is high.


(Instastory) You show me your (Instastory)
Who's seen it my (Instastory)
The way we play it
The way we live it
(Instastory) You show me your (Instastory)
You seen it my (Instastory)
The way we play it
The way we live it


They sing an acapella of the chorus of 'InstaStory' their first ever single released on June 2019 and that took them to stardom. In the acapella their harmonies are perfectly blended as it sounds strong and loud.
Then the trumpet plays again and the actual song that is going to be performed is playedin its intro - it's the song 'Valeur' which suddenly stops as David appears to be enlighted and shown alone, while the others still in the dark and sings the intro with his low, almost spoken tone.

"Tell me, who do you think that you are?
You know me, what do you think of me?
It's crazy, we need a mirror to talk
But can't we just sometimes, speak by our heart"

At the end of the line he shows his back to the audience, revealing a peace flag with the quote 'Loud and Proud' on it, a simple resume of one of the most important messages of the group on equality, peace and freedom of people against any discrimination.


So the beat starts again, with drums playing in full and the trumpets getting joined by other instruments that make the big catchy melody of the song. The lights show all the Jollies behind David and they all dance togehter to the fun beat, each in a different way reflecting each different personality - David looking a little fun and eccentric and almost a bit flirty to the cameras and the audience, Rose with gentle moves with a big smile on her face, Fabriano showing attitude in his elegance, Natasha just having her fun freestyling and Zafari giving out funny movements and faces still looking very confident.
Rose takes the lead with her soft, pleasing vocals, getting then followed by the chorus sung by all together.

"What matters you were born grotesque
I don't care if you were made like this
Did you pity yourself for being too high
I never understood what is fine
But I know to me it is alright
Whatever you say it is your vibe

Take it all right out, or not if don't feel right
You know what's your valeur, valeur
If you wanna shout or if you wanna cry
You know what's your valeur
Do what you feel is right, you are the only one
You know what's your valeur, valeur
Explain or not explain, do it when you want
You know what is your valeur

Valeur, valeur, valeur"


"Oh you know me
You know what I can be
It's easy to see
I'm way worse than thee"

Zafari and Fabriano deliver a different version to the album track as they sing together the next lines which were divided between the two in to different verses on the recorded version. The way they sing together show how the two can harmonize their manly vocals having Fabriano build a lower tone for Zafari to sing louder on. This takes the tension for the next verse sung by Natasha, who rocks with her higher vocals and gets joined by the others for the next chorus.

"But last time you told me it's not right
Who said it what is the rule now?
Take me here and let's go out
We'll be a mess for free, whatever you feel

Take it all right out, or not if don't feel right
You know what's your valeur, valeur
If you wanna shout or if you wanna cry
You know what's your valeur
Do what you feel is right, you are the only one
You know what's your valeur, valeur
Explain or not explain, do it when you want
You know what is your valeur

Valeur, valeur, valeur


The song goes a little on a instrumental break where the orchestra gives his best and the trumpets take the lead. The five guys have fun, dance with the audience and show a lot of energy. It's all getting really exciting for everyone, it looks like a big party.

Take it all right out, or not if don't feel right
You know what's your valeur, valeur
If you wanna shout or if you wanna cry
You know what's your valeur
Do what you feel is right, you are the only one
You know what's your valeur, valeur
Explain or not explain, do it when you want
You know what is your valeur

Take it all right out, or not if don't feel right
You know what's your valeur, valeur (👧🏻Show it, show it yeah)
If you wanna shout or if you wanna cry
You know what's your valeur (👧🏻Gimme your valeur)
Do what you feel is right, you are the only one
You know what's your valeur, valeur (👧🏻Yeah yeah yeah)
Explain or not explain, do it when you want
You know what is your valeur
👧🏻Yeah, yeah

Valeur, valeur, valeur

Natasha eventually rocks doing final ad-libs with full energy and jumping around the stage while the others are having fun singing the chorus and entertaining the crowd that gets influenced by their contagious energy in the performance. When the song ends, they all stop doing a different pose - Zafari raises his fist in the air symbolizing his black community, Rose puts her hands on her hips, Fabriano points at the crowd, Natasha points at the sky, David does a V peace sign.
Fireworks in the air, loud cheers, this will probably remembered as one of the most memorable performances of the Jollies.
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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#8 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:54:13(UTC)
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Dustyn jumps from his chair excitedly as Weekend win the award. He pulls Riley and Billy, who are sat either side of him, up by the arms before they even get a chance to stand on their own accord. They've been heavy hitters in the industry for almost a decade now but the feeling of being recognised with an award never grows tired. "Thank you! Thank you!!".

Carter smiles when he sees Nick. "Hey you. Just experienced the feeling of losing an award for the first time," he says with a giggle, totally not bothered. He knew it was tough competition plus he's just in sheer awe of seeing Dustyn, Riley and Billy in the flesh.




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#9 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:54:51(UTC)
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Tika Mays smile & clapping for Jollies performance & she sitting next to EILIDH

Edited by user 31 August 2020 04:55:30(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified


My Character:
Jade Trembay,
Ava Tuffin,
Gabby Love,
Jamel Jones,
Tamar Gilbert (TikaBKilla),
Rose Harris,
Liam Russell,
Natalie Mays,
Murda Bling,
Cosmic Blue,
Camille Preston,
Chanel C. Fox,
Aubrey Cassidy,
Sophia Delaney,
Sally Parkwood,
Tika Mays,
Diego Lopez,
Samantha Stevens,
Paige Wesley,
Mr DJ Hurricane,
Keshia Love,
Stardom Boys,
Alexis Brooke,
Christina Moreno,
Slim Money,
Fatima Amari,
David Dankworth,
Ciara Lovett
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RoseJapanFan on 31/08/2020(UTC), FiveT on 31/08/2020(UTC)
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#10 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:56:00(UTC)
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erich looks at the drink in his hand and up to the stage when he hears kai's voice. "holy shit! this is some strong god damned liquor." he places the drink back down and looks up again,its indeed kai, erich laughs and claps loudly for the surprise. nobody expected kai of all people to show up. "dont you speak ill about k!" he yells through cupped hands. he applauds for weekend winning the award. they were the rightful winners,he'd feel weird if atomic war bride won.

erica squeals kai's name in surprise.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#11 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:57:40(UTC)
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Nick smiles at Carter. "I totally feel like you should have gotten that one." He says smiling. "I'm all wet now, do you see my blazer?" he says with a bit of a frown but not totally bothered. "I'm still happy for Weekend though, aren't you?"
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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#12 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:58:25(UTC)
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Karoliena smiles and claps as the jollies leave the stage. lets give it one more time for the jollies!" karoliena makes a presenting motion with her hands as the applause fills the room. karoliena makes a little snapping motion and points to her empty martini. it is quickly replaced with a fresh one by a stage hand who rushes off the stage. karoliena takes a little sip before speaking. "i was getting parched. anyway/ the jollies may be joining us again on stage to accept this award. for the most part,music acts live and die by the single. if you release just one perfect singles,your career could have immortality. the nominees for single of the year are: cinza and sabina with strength. the jollies' upbeat little tune, meet me at soda pop. surprise by the never dull,joshua grimmie. tisha jackson,letting us all know its my house i guess drew got the boot,huh? brandon caulfield's straight on out. last,but not least. we have weekend with be a man."

Karoliena pauses as the crowd applauds for their favorites. she uses this time to take another sip of her drink. she gives a little smirk and quickly tosses the toothpick from the olive at payton. without missing a beat,she announces the winner. " the votes are in and the single of the year goes to....

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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2001clay on 31/08/2020(UTC), erich hess on 31/08/2020(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 31/08/2020(UTC), BrownSugar on 31/08/2020(UTC), C4AJoh on 31/08/2020(UTC), FiveT on 31/08/2020(UTC), PANIC! on 01/09/2020(UTC)
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#13 Posted : 31 August 2020 04:59:56(UTC)
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Chris smiles and claps for Joshua Grimme getting best single. While Jake and Sarah were still shocked to see Kai here. "can you believe that?"

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#14 Posted : 31 August 2020 05:00:49(UTC)
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Samantha Stevens give Joshua hugs

My Character:
Jade Trembay,
Ava Tuffin,
Gabby Love,
Jamel Jones,
Tamar Gilbert (TikaBKilla),
Rose Harris,
Liam Russell,
Natalie Mays,
Murda Bling,
Cosmic Blue,
Camille Preston,
Chanel C. Fox,
Aubrey Cassidy,
Sophia Delaney,
Sally Parkwood,
Tika Mays,
Diego Lopez,
Samantha Stevens,
Paige Wesley,
Mr DJ Hurricane,
Keshia Love,
Stardom Boys,
Alexis Brooke,
Christina Moreno,
Slim Money,
Fatima Amari,
David Dankworth,
Ciara Lovett
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#15 Posted : 31 August 2020 05:01:46(UTC)
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Naomi sees Diego and smiles at him from a distance. They are a few rows apart from each other but she still sees him and smiles.

Jerry Holmes rolls his eyes at Kai Rollins little dig. "These guys using me to get relevant again. My impact"

Mandy Williams is seen clapping for Joshua's win

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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2001clay on 31/08/2020(UTC)
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#16 Posted : 31 August 2020 05:02:40(UTC)
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"I mean, I really would've liked to win but...come on, it's fricking WEEKEND!" Carter says with a laugh, pointing over at them. He's not only a fan but he also respects them. It's somewhat an honour to lose to those boys. He looks around at the huge venue. Something as big as this is a first for him and Nick. "Are you as nervous as I am?"

Joshua's eyes widen as his name is called out, totally not expecting to win anything at all. "Holy....shit!" he exclaims as he stands up to collect his award. "Well, it's nice to know that my misery is fruitful and you all enjoy it! This award makes those days that little bit better in the grand scheme of things now." Joshua laughs and holds up his award. "Thank you, FCA!"




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#17 Posted : 31 August 2020 05:02:42(UTC)
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Diego smile back at Naomi & mouth hello

My Character:
Jade Trembay,
Ava Tuffin,
Gabby Love,
Jamel Jones,
Tamar Gilbert (TikaBKilla),
Rose Harris,
Liam Russell,
Natalie Mays,
Murda Bling,
Cosmic Blue,
Camille Preston,
Chanel C. Fox,
Aubrey Cassidy,
Sophia Delaney,
Sally Parkwood,
Tika Mays,
Diego Lopez,
Samantha Stevens,
Paige Wesley,
Mr DJ Hurricane,
Keshia Love,
Stardom Boys,
Alexis Brooke,
Christina Moreno,
Slim Money,
Fatima Amari,
David Dankworth,
Ciara Lovett
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#18 Posted : 31 August 2020 05:03:21(UTC)
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Payton ducks as the toothpick comes flying to him before pointing at Karoliena playfully as in a “ill get you back” type of way. When the winner for Best Single is announced Payton claps for them and and the spotlight moves over to him so he can announce the next award. “I meeeeeen…..ifff Karoliena keepidd upp wit alladoze martini’s ionooo if she gon’ make it tuh duh enda duh show..u feel?!” Payton laughs taking the last sip of his champagne before placing it down. It’s quickly taken away by the stage crew as Payton continues speaking. “Ery single godda find a crib tuh call dey crib...and dat crib is on duh ALBUM. Duh album izz erything in one. Chu god all duh singles, doze trackz dat tella story….erything u need in one. Alla dese album had dat n’more n’ dats why dey nominated for BEST ALBUM”. Payton nods, "Dese litt azz nominees are THE JOLLIES with SQUAD GOALS who came in duh game n’ startin killin it rite away...WEEKEND - WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD where juzz bout ery track on dere can b a single no lie , SAVANNAH HAIM wit YOUNG LOVE if chu wanna get in ya feelz wit sum dope lyriczz and deep meanin’....CHICAGO NOBODY wit filth and dreams if u feelin trippy or ATOMIC WAR BRIDE wit dirty truck stop classics if chu wanna get on dat rock wave.” Payton nods. “Amma need ya’ll 2 givid up fuh dese nominees cuz it ain’t eazy makin dat perfek album. Payton picks his hands up gesturing for some crowd love. He’s met with it once more after each of the nominees names are called out. “Dere can onli b one doe…..duh winnah of best album is…………

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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#19 Posted : 31 August 2020 05:05:09(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: 2001clay Go to Quoted Post
Tika Mays smile & clapping for Jollies performance & she sitting next to EILIDH

Eilidh looks over at the familiar face of a person she has seen before. She cocks her head to the side. "Hi! I'm Eilidh! I like your dress, it is so pretty! Are you a celebrity too?"

Tatiyana sits besides her friends Sasha and Madison.

Anaísz is siting in her seat. She absent mindedly looks around and sees Sasha with her friends and instantly turns away, not wanting her to notice her at all. She wanted to have fun tonight and not get into drama.

Serenity finds Erica and gives her a big hug. "Hey! I was trying to get over to you on the carpet but dang bodyguards you know? They think I'll shank or be shanked, I don't know."
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Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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#20 Posted : 31 August 2020 05:05:33(UTC)
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Nick smiles at Carter. "I am ...I was practically shaking during the red carpet. I know my photos are going to be terrible. Nick smiles in embarrassment. "I honestly don't want to see them."
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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