The rustling of the crowd slowly subsides as the darkened stage very gradually lights up just enough to reveal Joshua Grimmie and his backing band. The audience cheer and applaud for Grimmie as he marks his return to the FCA stage following the infamous "STEVE!" performance a few years back. Very light smoke trails sweet the stage, covering Joshua's feet.
"FCA, it's been a while, huh?" Joshua says with a chuckle as he very gently starts to strum his guitar, playing a very low, gentle and tender melody. His band then follow suit, delicately playing to aid Joshua's very quiet and sparse plucking. He begins to speak again while continuing to play on.
"You know, moments like these truly humble me. Sometimes, and I know a lot of people in this room can relate, sometimes I get caught up in this industry. I get so wrapped up in the worry. Lost in the fear. Irritated by the noise. I often forget how lucky I am to be in this position. It's such a privilege not only just to be able to perform on such an iconic and prestigious stage and be nominated for wonderful awards, but to be able to share my art and my messages with the entire world. Not everyone has this opportunity and I'm so grateful I get to share it with you," Joshua smiles and looks out into the large crowd, still playing away at the soft melody, in awe at the size of the place. His elated expression soon turns into one of mischief as he raises an eyebrow and moves closer to his microphone.
"And as I love to share experiences, I'd like to dedicate this moment and this song to none other than Adam and Elyar Black...and anyone else who fucked my boyfriend behind my back! I am sure there are a few of you in this room tonight. I've heard of the saying "keep it in the family" but this is just fucking ridiculous!". Joshua laughs and the crowd erupt at the revelation that he has not only broadcast to the entire audience but, in the grand scheme of things, to the entire world.
Spilled my last drop into the ocean
Dried my eyes, calmed from the commotion
Tired of giving negativity my devotion
You fucked with my trust so leave my emotions
What did I ever see in you?

Joshua begins to sing his #1 hit single, "SURPRISE!", although the tender melody continues to play as it seems he is treating us to a more stripped down, ballad-oriented rendition. The official version of the song is far more upbeat with heavy production and it doesn't allow the listener to truly appreciate Joshua's voice like this performance does. A lot of people only focus on his personal life and his story-telling lyrics, often not paying attention to the fact that he has a great voice. He is naturally very raspy with a very powerful chest voice. However, as he sings tonight, he is using a much softer head voice, verging on falsetto but not quite as high. His emotive performance really emphasise the lyrics within "SURPRISE!".
As he sings his verses, a montage of images appear behind him on the huge screens, showcasing a plethora of pictures of him and his ex-partner, Johnny. The audience audibly gasp as two recreated text "screenshots" appear, showing messages from "Johnny" to "Adam" and "Elyar". A strategically placed shrimp emoji covers an explicit picture that was sent out by Johnny to other men. The cameras pan around the room to find the shamed ex-lover but his seat is now empty.
I had to clear and rewire my head
Stuck on loop with all the words that you said
Tainted every crevice, needed a reset
Couldn't even rest up with what you brought to our bed
Don't act like you never knew
Joshua and his band stop for a few seconds, just taking in the screams from the crowd as they react to the truth bombs that have been dropped on stage. Joshua yells
"GO!" and with that, an unexpected flash of light fills the stage, acting as a lightning strike. The projected "walls" behind Joshua start to crumble and reveal a thunderous "sky" behind him, filled with dark clouds and rain. The official studio version of SURPRISE! kicks in, all electric guitars and production blazing for the chaotic, kooky, mental-pop crossover chorus. Joshua's voice regains more of its harsh, throaty power as he bellows the epic chorus. It's evident that he believes every line he is singing. If the lyrics and prior pictures didn't send the message out correctly, Joshua's gusto will. He's not one to be stood on.
Do you really wanna know?
Well, if you really wanna know,
I just fucking hate you!
Does that cut right through to the bone?
Does that stick in your throat?
I'm not losing any sleep over you
You thought I'd run and jump,
As he comes out of the chorus and winds down into the verses, more smoke fills the stage, acting as fog. Again the dark skies in the background, it almost looks as if Joshua is out in some sort of swamp area at night. It then starts to fit into place. With all the harsh nature elements being used, it's symbolising the dark times and storms that Joshua has weathered over the last few years. The boy has had it rough and yet, here he is, performing at the FCA and going strong. By this point, the song is in full swing. The early 2000's, Britney-esque verses have almost everybody up on their feet, dancing along to the insanely catchy melody. SURPRISE! may be brutal lyrically, but it is an earworm of a song. The audience are simultaneously bopping while their jaws are dropping.
Don't worry, I'm not a walking disaster
These tears are just from dying with laughter
Climbing the snakes and moving the ladders
Rules to you, they just never seemed to matter
Guess it was just one big jokeAlways thought that I had a thick skin
But I found it so hard to take it on the chin
I know they say that "he who without sin..."
But I really hope you get a taste of your own medicine
Praying that it burns in your throat
Joshua then runs down the catwalk, getting much closer to the audience and getting them involved for the huge anthem-like chorus. The song was a huge success, becoming Joshua's first #1 single and one of the biggest hits of 2020 thus far. Practically everyone in the room knows it and is seen singing along with him. He jumps around gleefully, feeling the hype from the crowd while also effortlessly belting away and setting that guitar alight. SURPRISE! already has a massive soundscape but in this live performance, the wild song is only amplified. It truly feels like one big "fuck you!", dedicated to anyone that the audience members wish to send that message to. While it's a very personal track for Joshua, the overall message still empowers others and can be interpreted in other ways if they so wish.
"Sing with me, Fan Choice Awards!!" Joshua commands, before raising his microphone up the air, picking up the sound of the audience as he runs back to the main portion of the stage.
Do you really wanna know?
Well, if you really wanna know,
I just fucking hate you!
Does that cut right through to the bone?
Does that stick in your throat?
I'm not losing any sleep over you
You thought I'd run and jump,
Placing his microphone back into the stand just in time for the chorus to repeat again, the "hole" in the "wall" behind Joshua crumbles again and grows even wider. Brighter lights fill the stage, giving off very cold and winter-like vibes, aided by what appears to be "rain" and "snow" that fall down on top of Joshua and his band. It is a very light but persistent fall that eventually does start to cling to Joshua's vest and slightly dampen his hair.
Do you really wanna know?
Wanna know exactly where to go?
It's dark out and getting frosty
And no, I'm no longer sleeping alone
Not holding onto hope and my phone
Clinging onto his gorgeous body
Speaking of, he's coming around tonight
Ain't that a surprise!

As Joshua enters the bridge of the song, the projection of the dark skies fades from the between the hole in the wall. As he sings, a black and white picture of Adam Black, followed by Elyar Black with the question "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" written in huge white capital letters over their faces appear behind Joshua. He's truly naming and shaming. The original lyrics were a dig at Johnny Carter, and while still very much that at the core, these specific lines in the bridge can also apply to Adam and Elyar, as it can be interpreted that they conspired against Grimmie considering they had "beef" prior to this scandal.
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Did you want me to fall apart?
Did you just want to dim my star?
But you can't break this golden heart
Oh, I bet that was a surprise!Never complained when I came out on top
So why do you now want me to stop?Joshua winks after delivering the last two lines, containing a sexual innuendo, and points out into the crowd as if addressing someone specific. The camera then shows Grimmie's current boyfriend, Dae Ho Park, as he sings the words
"came out on top", again being very suggestive. Another pang of light floods from behind Grimmie and he jumps up, thrashing his guitar as he lands, leading straight back into the huge chorus again.
Do you really wanna know?
Well, if you really wanna know,
I just fucking hate you!
Does that cut right through to the bone?
Does that stick in your throat?
I'm not losing any sleep over you
You thought I'd run and jump,
Well...surprise!Throughout the choruses, the entire "wall" behind Joshua completely dismantles and while the "rain" begins to fall even heavier on him, the entire colour scheme brightens up. Instead of imposing, dreary and glum colours, the stage is now a beautiful hue of red and orange, representing the sun setting on a difficult chapter and a new horizon on the way. The heavy rainfall also symbolises Joshua washing away everything that was clinging to him from that time.
"You know I like to get wet, Liverpool!". Oh, yeah...it can also be referencing another pop culture story regarding Joshua. He knows fine well what he's doing. He winks and sweeps his wet hair back before belting out the chorus for once last time.
Do you really wanna know?
Wanna know exactly where to go?
It's dark out and getting frosty
And no, I'm no longer sleeping alone
Not holding onto hope and my phone
Clinging onto his gorgeous body
Speaking of, he's coming around tonight
Ain't that a surprise!
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Did you want me to fall apart?
Did you just want to dim my star?
But you can't break this golden heart
Oh, I bet that was a surprise!
The bridge section returns, this time being used as an "outro" for the song. Joshua holds onto his mic stand and closes his eyes as he sings the word, visibly gritting his teeth as he delivers them. This has been a hellish experience in his life but he's now taking ownership of them. Seriously. Who DO these people think they are? He's sending a message out. Don't mess with Joshua Grimmie.
After delivering his final lines, he smiles from ear to ear and places his hands on his chest, feeling so humbled yet overwhelmingly loved as the crowd cheer in support of him. A divisive figure, young Joshua very rarely feels adoration like this. The love is wonderful but it's the support and the fact that people have listened to him that truly tugs at his heartstrings. With the release of Johnny's last album and Joshua having a mental breakdown, which resulted in him acting very....questionably, the last year felt like one big Joshua hate train. It was easy to point the finger and a huge false narrative was being spun. The release of SURPRISE! and this FCA performance has got to be the biggest Uno reverse card in history. Joshua is now living his best life and those who publicly wronged him have now been introduced to Ms Karma.

"Surprise, motherfuckers!" Joshua says provocatively while doing a "mic drop" gesture before heading off the stage, leaving everyone behind in the chaos as he casually walks off stage, pushing his wet hair back from his eyes.