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#1 Posted : 16 October 2020 11:13:38(UTC)
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Production Company: Vineyards/HBO Inc
Director: Jamal 'Zulla' James
Runtime Length: 1hr, 30min.



The sounds of a tape film rolling back is heard. Footage shows Radio at the several award season red carpet, smiling. A footage shows Radio signing her record contact with Studio 60, she looks up to the camera and blows a kiss. Many black and white film of Radio when she was a little girl is shown in slow motion. Radio is seen at the 'Morning After' Tour with Vanity backstage smiling and laughing as screaming fans welcome her. Radio is then seen on the floor, seems lifeless. She laughs as the camera gets closer. Radio is seen on top of a balcony, painting with dark shades on. It switches fast to the next footage of Radio as an girl playing a toy guitar and piano, then shows her appearance on Chelsea Lately. " Everything just went down hill, so quick..." a voice is heard. The intro begins as a pink backdrop of several black and white childhood pictures of Radio then fades to burning pictures of her pictures during her early music career. The fire slowly fades, with ashes fallng that spells, " Crazy Lady"

HOB iconic static intro begins to fade out slowly as flashes into the letters of 'HEB' begins to plaster the screen. A few pictures are shown in the beginning highlights of Radio's career, more specific pictures are focused on. The audience notices pictures of Radio next to a newborn baby, her in a milk bathtub smiling into the camera, Radio is seen in a dark closet with a white dress on, no face visible in the closet. Radio is seen in a lot of pictures with blank expressions, no emotions, always like Radio wasn't present at this moment the picture was being taken. You also see Radio in her great moments, including pictures of her in her home studio in Paris, her standing next to her award wall. The picture sequels changes as we see Radio staring into a camera that is laying on the floor of a location. The zooming of the photo stops and a sweet voice begins to slowly be heard in the background..

" I think its those moments in her life that just effects who she is. The main problem is the over thinking.. its a consent reminder of how someone's mental state can just get worst over time.." the voice fades out. A slow piano begins to slowly play in the background, the smiling photo of Radio zooms even closer to the screen. The record, ' Color Me' begins to play in the background.

Screen blackout.

Radio Vine's Color Me is still playing in the background when Radio is carrying around a video recorder shouting and shouting as she records the garden of her home in the backyard. She then turns the camera back to her and grins with tears in her eyes. She looks down and screams again, she walks over to the small radio placed on her wooden dresser. She then increases the volume extremely loud then proceeds to scream loudly over the music. The camera begins to shake as if Radio is running, for a few seconds its dark then reappearing is Radio in the mirror with a short white dress, her hair appears it has not been done in days, her red lipstick is completely faded, her neck is red.

RADIO: This fucking feels like a dream come true. I mean, look at me"... [she switches the camera to her face where she slowly zooms in her top lip] Don't I fucking deserve it?" her lips begins to shake with emotion, she bites her top lip, gently. The video recorder turns off, leaving the screen black.


A man with a long white shirt on, large is admiring the keyboard music coming from inside the recording booth, seen is Radio playing a keyboard inside the studio as she smiles. She nods her hand in agreement to the soft and dramatic key playing.

You can't fucking tell me how to feel. My whole FUCKING life I been told how to feel and what to do, because mother fuckers think I can think for myself.. because of this shit I dealinnnnnn with! in my fucking head. Do you think it's some kind of sick mind control people love..?

The voice over fades out to Radio walking out of the booth, with the man laughing at the way Radio is portraying she a model with her messy bun that sits perfectly on top of her head.

RADIO: See, you can nevaaa have a women like this Jeff. [she begins to swirl as she quickly picks up the wine glass that sits on the edge of the desk] See, IT TAKES a lot of man to handle me Jeff... that's why you look at me crazy when I say men can't handle me..

She slowly walks over to Jeff and bursts into laughter. She looks at the camera and begins to dance slowly with the wine in her hand.

JEFF: (laughs) you want me to turn up the damn piano you recorded? It's no music, just a damn piano gal!

Radio ignores his joke, clearly you can see Radio was serious. She instead begins to dance slowly with Jeff, Jeff laughs, Radio joins. She dances slowly around the desk, while the camera slowly follows her. She smiles slowly, sexually at the camera. She looks over her shoulder and smiles again, then staring deeply at the camera, focusing on her dark eyes. She walks over to the operating board when she slowly turns the volume, louder and louder as the high keys begins to ring around Jeff. She begins to move her hips slowly, raising her glass to the top of the ceiling. The camera man laughs nervously. Radio begins to slowly dance towards the camera as the beautiful piano begins to echo the studio. The camera man backs up to Radio Vine- Sundays Mornings begins to play in the background.

EXT- OCEAN- 9:30AM- JULY 24 2009

Sequels of a ocean waves crashing into the deep golden sand, the sun is shining endlessly over the ocean sea. Radio appears as she is recording herself with her video recorder, she looks well rested as she gives the camera a big smile. She looks around a few times as she is slowly walking along the beach. She then stops, stares at the camera.

RADIO: You know when I was a little girl, I always loved the beach. I loved the way it looked, so beautiful... no matter what the fucking day brings you, you can go to the beach and just..

She stops, holding her chest. She turns the camera to a group of family. Two brothers, a mother and father as they are in a group all laughing and conversating. She zooms in on the extremely handsome man with blonde hair, blue eyes, nice firm built.

RADIO: (in background) see.. why cant I have that?

Redirects camera to her.

RADIO: ALLL my fucking life.... see them... over there. (faces camera back to family) they have a lovely family, something I wanted. Fucking stead', I got placed in so many homes.. so many. It was almost like they didn't even care what the fuck I was going though, it was the money! Everything is about the money, fucking assholes.

Radio then throws the camera, landing into sand. She picks up where you can see she's been emotionally. She brings the camera a little higher where she reveals her red and gold swimsuit with her white painted toes with gold crosses on them. She is smiling to the camera as the sun blinds her. She walks in the water. She faces the camera towards the ocean.

RADIO: Ever wonder how far you can go? Don't you sometimes wanna just go? Go? With no looking back, what if Water had this secret place you can go if you can deep enough? Ya? Right? I love water, it's so calming to me but mysterious.. you never know what's really deep into these oceans. (quietly laughs)

She faces the camera back on herself where she shrugs her shoulder. Radio Vine's Empty begins to play.


Radio is sitting in front of a lighted mirror with white bows in her head as several people around her doing her makeup. She looks irritated, annoyed, she rolls her eyes as the camera is seen in the reflection of the mirror. It reveals Radio in a white robe.

MAN 1: I mean, do you guys have the look we requested?
LADY 1: Yes, but it's late.

Radio looks even more annoyed the dress is late. PRODUCER , around his late 20s with a keyboard with several papers on it. He has a white ear piece in ear. He enters the dressing room.

PRODUCER: Talent is ready in 15.

Radio then jumps up slowly from her chair, the makeup artists then backs up with their items in their hands looking at Radio. She stands up and just looks down for a couple of seconds, she then shouts with anger and anxiousness.

RADIO: I really will like to know why the hell is the clothes I tried on at the fitting is NOT HERE! (begins to be overly emotional) why the hell do we have a fitting if the clothes isnt going to be here on time?

She puts out her bows out of her hair that was there to keep her curls in. She puts the bows on the mirror dresser where she then runs out of the room, the camera follows.

RADIO: I just can't do this!

She continues to run down the hallway towards the restroom. The man behind the camera turns it behind him where several producers are walking towards the bathroom in a rush. Inside, Radio is heard shouting and screaming, crying in a chaotic sense. A few seconds later, Radio is heard on the phone.

RADIO: I just don't understand why the fuck this is happening to me. I didn't do anything wrong Allision, SHIT! These fuckers wants me to lose, that's it. But guess what darling- I never lose. (inhales) FUCK IT!

The door suddenly opens up quickly to the angry Radio approaching the camera man.

RADIO: Out of my face! All in my spaces...

She pushes the camera out of her room, heading towards the dressing room. She looks back at the camera, that's several iches away.

RADIO: That's why I don't allow you in here Zulla. You don't' know when to give me space! SPACE! Go away!

In slow motion it shows Radio walking into the dressing room.

SIR.ZULLA (VOICEOVER): I mean, it gets rough. I always thought she was one of the best I've seen. You go from completely loving someone, and their craft and what they do.. to you being afraid to be around them. To you, actually feeling hurt because you are losing a friend. She can be completely normal, loving. Smiling, making everyone feel complete... until someone that you always envy to be around, not because of the success, but because the power that her mind has that will make you feel like you just met someone on the street.. a stranger.. for many nights it felt like that.

Radio is seen talking to the camera, she is obviously drunk as she points angrily to the camera.

RADIO: All week.. it's been a hell storm. I mean, I can sing. I can fucking sing. I'm entertaining.... I mean, like dude- who the fuck wouldn't sign me? Right? Not to be fucking cocky.... but fuck- like come on.

Radio is seen in her room, lights off, she has red LED lights around her room. The camera slowly enters the room as Radio is seen walking quickly on a notepad. The camera stops. He walks slowly towards Radio. Radio then looks up.

RADIO: Hey baby... look what the fuck I just wrote.

She jumps up full of excitement and joy, the man laughs behind the camera. He then begins to read the lyrics to Radio's Bones record.

ZULLA: Oh shit girl, now, you fucking know this will question some shit, right?

He focuses the camera on Radio, standing up with her hands on her hip smiling.

RADIO: That's your problem. You care about what others think. It's music sweetheart.

Radio walks out the camera frame. Zulla turns the camera to her walking out of the room. Zulla follows.

RADIO: Zulla you produced all this music for me? Now you are questioning me! Believe in something either then what you believe in!

She stops walking and turns around.

ZULLA: What else am I suppose to believe in besides what I believe in?
RADIO: In YOURSELF, asshole! Because what now, you are not! You read the lyrics but didn't understand them! Read em over and we will see what you believe in!

She walks away.

ZULLA: (laughs) what is that suppose to mean?

Radio begins to laugh along with Zulla, she tints her head and turns to the camera.

RADIO: I love you.. and you are fuckin' amazing, you know it..

She grins and then rushes her hands out for a hug, Zulla approches her with a hug, showing over her shoulder is a old jukebox with three black and white pictures on top.

ZULLA: Hey baby.. what's that?

Radio stops hugging him and looks behind her. Zulla backs up to catch her attention to noticing the pictures. She looks sad, almost shocked he even asked. She fixes the back of her hair. She walks over to the pictures and picks up one. The pictures shows a middle aged women, in a long white dress, long black hair with a little girl that's holding her hand.

RADIO: Rumor has it that this is my mother... never believed them.. said this is the last picture she left me... sounds like bullshit to me..

She stares at the picture, Radio looks like she's hurt that she will never know the reasoning of why her real mother left. She gently touches the picture. She looks at Zulla and smiles.

RADIO: I am alone...

Radio walks to the small table that sits in between two dressers full of vinyl discs. She grabs the red wine that was placed on the table, she sips and looks up, Zulla is quiet but focusing on her emotions.

RADIO: (cont..) yes.. I've been around plenty of children my entire life.. new children, new lives, new people.. all the time. You know I never got a chance to fucking just have someone be there, every time I think.. I have that person... (pauses) they leave.. all just leaves. But you know!

Radio jumps on top of her red velvet couch that sits across from the same table. She jumps on top and begins jumping up and down with the glass in her head.

RADIO: But look Zulla- im fucking here! I'm here! (giggles) that shit cant contain me! (laughs dramtically) oh FUCK!

Radio jumps down and almost fall into the camera. Zulla laughs at her goofy clumsy come down from the couch.

RADIO: Bitch, let's make a album... like a fucking album! not this dead shit that play on the Radio...
ZULLA: We both know- that's takes a lot of work.
RADIO: So fucking what bitch? let's do it.

Zulla backs up a little to display Radio's beautiful smile as she nervously touches her shoulder and waits on Zulla's answer. She flips her hair, still smiling at the camera. Zulla chuckles. Radio walks over to the camera, grabs it and begins to run. She is laughing and recording the sound of Zulla jokily running after her camera.

RADIO: Come on, catch up. Aww... I see nothing has changed. Say yes! Say yes.

Radio runs outside as the blazing sun hits the camera, Radio runs straight to garden with red roses and several colorful flowers. Zulla is still seen running and laughing as Radio runs into the garden. She turns the camera around to see Zulla standing in the middle of two red roses. Radio cuts the camera off.

A scene from 'Scream' is now showing. Zulla records Radio, eating ice cream with her lips crossed on top of her couches. Radio looks uninteresed to be recorded.

RADIO: Jeremy hasn't called me back yet..
ZULLA: Maybe he's busy love..
RADIO: (shouts) BUSY? You fucking.... busy? Yeah?

Radio grabs her phone.

RADIO: Busy! What is it about me love? What is it? Am I just a little fucking crazy? Huh? They all say, " you're too beautiful to be angry at the times.." WELL YOU KNOW WHAT! I am beautiful and mother fuckers think Im just think fuck toy, this toy they can just use and replace when they are done. You see what nature does... it reproduces... something shit that actually fucking beautiful... but see... I cant even get a call from someone I love... I know it's me. I know.. it's always been me.

Radio quickly gets up. Zulla follows her where he leads her outside where she then takes her car keys out of her pocket, rushes into her 2003 red mustang. She quickly drives off in a high speed, Zulla runs into the street to record her speeding. Radio comes to a complete stop at a stop sign. Zulla zooms in. Radio is just sitting at the stop sign. A few seconds later, Zulla is seen walking to the driver set window. Radio is seen staring into space into the car, he knocks on the window. She rises the window down laughing.

RADIO: Did you think I was going to leave?
ZULLA: (shuttering) I mean.. I didn't know know where you were going love.. I was scared.
RADIO: No reason for you to be scared... if I go, I go baby.

A silence happens between the two.

RADIO: (suddently) Did we ever complete that record?
ZULLA: What record?
RADIO: The one where I am like in a high octave.. and im like " awayyyy, awayyyy, from my deepesssssst love. (giggles) what the fuck was I feeling then?
[Radio stares at the camera, waiting for a response]
ZULLA: I don't know what were you thinking...
RADIO: That. (pauses) get the camera out of my fucking face Zulla. Some things are fucking personal, have some respect..

Zulla shows Radio then driving off at high speed.

ZULLA (VOICEOVER): Some things I've heard from Radio clearly shows she is still grieving mentally from things that has happened and she never recovered from. I know Radio has had a lot of pain over the years and a lot of happiness, but I think she's too much in her head where she doesn't know how to separate the two, I mean when you been in pain for so long, do you even know what happiness feels like? The moment you thought Radio was okay, it turned. It made a dramatic switch...

Radio is seen standing at a dinner party, making a toast.

RADIO: I tell ya, I'm better. Finally better, I actually.. never had this before. A toast. I love you all, thank you for making me well..

Radio rises the grass. Zulla shows faces of many others in the dinner party, most looked concerned and worried and not impressed by her quick speech.

In slow motion, Radio shows sitting down in the gold chair. She smiles slightly while looking around. Many people come to give her hug, many walks right pass her. Radio was looked disappointed after many walked pass her.

ZULLA (VOICEOVER): I think she wanted people to see her as the pop star, see her as someone important, when people thought she was so crazy and out of her mind, it's no way the caliber of who she is, how could someone even deal or wanna work with her? People looked at her as someone that doesn't think clearly or is clearly mental unstable.

Radio is seen in a group of people, smiling and laughing. She seems happy. She dances with her shoulder, in a playful matter towards the camera.

RADIO (VOICEOVER): Am I suppose to be this person that lets just anyone love me? Why can't I be different and not having to fucking explain to everyone that you know? (knocks on head) I'm not there all the way (laughs) but see I can make jokes and laugh about that, you cant and see that darling is the difference between me and them. I make fucking light, you all just say in the dark. Not my fault-- (laughs) I wanna be this star. And I will do it either people think I'm crazy or I think I'm a little loco, doesn't give a fuck.

The voiceover fades. Radio is seen laying on her back in the middle of a garden of several roses. She props the camera against something and lays down, looking backwards at the camera. She looks unhappy. The dark circles underneath her eyes are deep.

RADIO: Beautiful day... I just wanna-

Radio looks back up like something suddenly has her attention. She grabs the camera quick and turns it off.

Blackout. Radio sits up a camera as she appears in front of it. She whispers to the camera. " Godspeed. Godspeed.."

Edited by user 06 November 2020 11:09:31(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified



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Offline RadioVine  
#2 Posted : 17 October 2020 02:06:39(UTC)
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Part Two Crazy Lady tonight!


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freestylechamp on 17/10/2020(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 17/10/2020(UTC), Andre Gandra on 18/10/2020(UTC), 2001clay on 18/10/2020(UTC)
Offline GirlSpice  
#3 Posted : 18 October 2020 05:36:24(UTC)
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OOC: I'd love to know where your mind wanders to write the erratic craziness of Radio lol :) she's such a fun read and such an unexpected character. Looking forward to the next parts!

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline Andre Gandra  
#4 Posted : 18 October 2020 07:15:48(UTC)
Andre Gandra
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OOC: The reading was like a journey to me, the way you set the mood in the first three paragraphs sort of created a vision in my mind of the imagery supposedly used for the doc. Really amazing the way you've described Radio chaotic state of mind due to her also chaotic but tragically childhood life. Waiting for the second part.

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
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RadioVine on 21/10/2020(UTC)
Offline RadioVine  
#5 Posted : 21 October 2020 15:47:01(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: GirlSpice Go to Quoted Post
OOC: I'd love to know where your mind wanders to write the erratic craziness of Radio lol :) she's such a fun read and such an unexpected character. Looking forward to the next parts!

OOC: I always have this impression of who she is. I think she is so comfortable with her craziness, that she doesn’t mind showcasing that part people judge her most about. I be in this crazy head lol


Offline RadioVine  
#6 Posted : 21 October 2020 15:48:11(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Andre Gandra Go to Quoted Post
OOC: The reading was like a journey to me, the way you set the mood in the first three paragraphs sort of created a vision in my mind of the imagery supposedly used for the doc. Really amazing the way you've described Radio chaotic state of mind due to her also chaotic but tragically childhood life. Waiting for the second part.

OOC: That’s why I love you because you understand her since day one! The next parts are mind blowing. Thank you for the support!


thanks 1 user thanked RadioVine for this useful post.
Andre Gandra on 21/10/2020(UTC)
Offline RadioVine  
#7 Posted : 22 October 2020 10:48:23(UTC)
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Reader Note: During the read, Radio is speaking voiceover, these comments and thoughts are Radio's interview notes.

HBO introduces his iconic static intro as they quickly dive into the opening scene. The camera is in the sky focuses on Radio spinning in circles dramatically in the middle of garden full of flowers and daises, bright colors as she wears a white dress. She spins, smiling, allowing the flow of the wind to move her body. She runs, gently gracing her flowers though the roses.

Radio: (voiceover) You know happiness is strange.. it's like you think you have it.. then something happens and it just slips away so fucking easily.. (pauses) like did we have this happiness even before when we THOUGHT we had it? I found happiness in the bottle of a empty jar.. nothing there for me to even base my happiness on. I had that once upon a time.. Just happy. Always happy... then.. things started to change and that changed too..

A big grand room with crystal overheads on Radio's ceiling, surrounding by snow white walls and Devine structures of painting comes Radio dancing in the middle of the grand room, dancing to Blonde- Call Me, she shakes her head in the playful matter. The record gets louder as Radio dances around in circles. Her face looks warm and radiant. A man (FRANK), French accent, wearing white open shirt tucked, with brown pants, hair in ponytail, bone structure is precise, define. He approaches Radio, smiling as he reaches out his arm and embraces her with a hug and kisses. Radio stares back at him as the couple begin to kiss with extreme passion. The camera frame zooms out to showcase Frank tightly gripping Radio's waist. She laughs in a flirtish matter.

Radio: I saw the elegance in him. I saw the man I wanted. I didn't expect fucking much from a man who had pain like me, but my god- oh my. The way he expressed that pain with love.. My my my- that was the golden ticket for me (laughs) it was like I didn't want to lost that because he was the ONLY man (begins to get emotional) that fucking believed in me when it counted. His love was superb, it was bravery.. it was courage. And till this day, motherfuckers... excuse me.. people want to play a joke. Love is no fucking joke, it can harm you! It can abuse you! I saw it all... guess I was blind.

Several people dressed in evening gowns and suits gather around Radio and Frank at a small table, Radio diamond ear rings sits nicely on the side of her neck, her long white gown with crystals in the front shines though her white smile as she smiles as Frank. Frank is lowkey with gold shades on a dark blue shirt, her smiles and laughs as the people joins in on the laugher. Frank gets up with a short glass cup with brown liquor on top of ice. He takes off his glasses revealing his deep green eyes. " Tonight baby, it's about you.." the camera zooms in on Frank. " It's all about you. I mean, you did something baby that you thought you couldn't do, you got yourself up, picked yourself up and went out there on the stage and fucking killed it beautiful.." the crowd applauses as Radio looks around smiling. " This Mourning After tour is the best yet. The best for you baby. Congrastions, on everything. Now, you can feel like you again." He rises the glass a little more as the crowd rises their glass. Radio gets up slowly and rises her glass. " To Destiny... that girl I know.." Radio sightly smiles, looking away as her thoughts begin to rattle her. She walks up to Frank and whispers something in his ear, she walks away, leaving Frank confused.

Radio: That was a time in my life. (exhales) it felt so damn good.

Showing footage of Radio performing on the 'Mourning After Tour' with Vanity, the crowd is cheering loudly as Radio is in the center with red lighting focusing on her performance.

Radio: (cont.) I was in a state that I knew what the fuck people felt about me. I knew it. I knew people thought I was weak and I couldn't handle a time. You know what the fucking tour directors said, " what if she has a episode?" an episode? Look- I'm many of things darling, and must understand, me- to understand that moment I feel lonely, I feel looked down on, all these emotions in my head, running and running- then you have to think about the setlist, the music, the keys, vocal, this and that! ALL AT FUCKING ONCE! Meanwhile, you're trying to stay mentally stable so people wont think you are a freak...

Radio is seen in a dark recording studio with red LED nights, she is sitting in a chair with her legs under her. " I just worked and worked and worked.." Radio is then seen in the studio alone, she looks away and realizes the coldness of the room. She takes off her headset, walks out of the booth and gets on her cell phone. " It was hard to even push people away and not even be sorry for it. I said, well I went though hell for this and if people don't get it, they just don't get it.." Radio Vine begins to slowly creep into the listeners ear, she sings into a mic, we can hear her breathing. She sings, " all I have to forget, it's the best of me that is so abused, I can hurt you, I can make you cry, but what about what I feel inside. It's you..." her voice fades out..


A camera is seen nicely on the edge of a table. Voices of rage begins to rise up as Radio is heard screaming at Frank, his accent beings thicker as he screams at Radio. Radio sounded as if she has been arguing for a while, her voice is raspy but her words are said with force pain. " Fuck YOU FRANK! You're sick like you're father.." Inedible conversation is heard as the screaming grows louder and louder. You hear Frank furiously telling Radio, " You see why you're alone! This is the reason! Right here, you're crazy opinions and fucking ridiculous way of thinking.." Radio is then heard crying as Frank begins to chuckle as he clearly taking her crying as her joke. " You think you will get me with that shit, you've seen all this shit before." Radio, struggling to speak though her tears, " Hold me Frank, just hold me.." Frank is seen walking out of the room as Radio walks in front of the door way, holding her white rob together, her black eye liner as dried under her eyes. She looks deeply into the recording camera and smirks.

The opening scene, Radio spinning in a circle in the garden slows down her pace. She begins to spin slower, showing she's in pain. Radio voice looks dull, no expression. She falls, landing on a pile of black roses.


Old Hollywood vintage frame inspired begins to play. Radio rises the cam corder high in the air, showing Radio recording Frank driving in a 1980 Cadillac, he looks happy as he waves to the camera. Radio smiles as the wind is blowing though her blonde hair, Radio shows the beautiful scenery. The high buildings and bright lights as the ride down a LA highway. Radio turns the camera, showing bottles of wine in the backseat. Frank puts his hands softly on Radio's legs. A group of people in formal wear, most in high fashion looks all gather in a ballroom, Radio records her reflection in the tall black mirror as Frank is behind her, kissing on her neck. She bites her lip. Frank is seen then recording Radio slow dancing with Daniel the Free Nerd. He spins around Radio. Radio's happiness and fun gathers the room in a circle where Radio is seen acting as if she's a drag queen in the middle, the crowd all are amused. Frank turns the camera back to him, he looks jealous. He blows smoke into the camera, " Motherfuckers forget where they come from once they get a little attention huh? yeah fucking bitches. I'm over here, and my women is worrying about these motherfuckers that can care less..." She sits the camera on a table full of empty plates and glasses. The camera showed Radio looking concerned as the people continue to dance around her. She runs over to the camera and picks it up.

Seconds later, Radio is heard running with the camera in her hands, " Frank!" she yells. " Get the fuck away from me.." Radio begins to sound desperate to get his attention. She yells his name one more time to suddenly the camera drops as Radio is heard in the background crying and laughing at the same time. " You think this is a joke huh?" Radio giggles. " Will you stop..?" she picks up the camera and focuses her mouth as she giggles though her fingers. " Come back..." she continues to walk, following Frank as he walks down a street of cars. " Do you love me?" she cries depressingly. " Hell no bitch. get the fuck outta here.."[i/]

Radio: (voiceover) we use to have these parties.. invite a few friends of Frank's... the few I had I will invite.. but they will leave so quickly because oh my god- when Frank gets mad, oh yes honey- he gets mad. (laughs) I remember my friends just asking me what the fuck am I doing? and I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.. I was doing what I wanted and that was to love him and cherish him.. no matter the cost.

Frank and Radio sits across from a long table with several tall white glasses full with tea. You can still both Frank and Radio are having conversation.

Radio: We will have tea parties in Paris. Darling- having these tea parties when its gray and depressing outside... made me all what to do it. We will listen to each other for HOURS, hours and hours of us just talking. At this time, I was not even thinking about these fucking meds. I wanted to be normal for once, have a conversation without deeping to fucking deeep into shit and losing him. HA! But, that a time of my life where everything made sense... well enough sense for me to think it was a okay for me to sit across from a man who hurts me and then loves me after I hurt.. win game, lost game.. right?

Radio is seen toasting her glass with Frank. She takes the camera and zooms into the tea that looks like its sweeten. Radio is seen seconds later posting in a sexy way in red lingere, as Frank sits on the bed laughing as Radio jokily plays in the doorway. She winks at Frank. She then looks unsure of herself.

Radio: It was that moment where you paused and you begin to thank every thing you have. Then reality sits in- and nothing matters anymore. You are then covered in lies, brutal, abuse, pain and for once you look like the inoocent one, you know when you reallllyyy think about these things? but I had enough sense to know- I wasn't... I was a good ole victim in a villian mindset.

Radio is seen in the camera shouting, " Oh yes, this is Barbara..." she flips the camera to a full figured women with long black hair and blue eyes, she blows a kiss at Radio. Radio flips the camera back to her, she whispers. " She's fucking insane... or am I and I just don't know it...." Radio laughs while running to a room full of men, she stops at the doorway. " You fellas ready..." they all shout " yeah"

The camera shows into a movie room where a large white screening is on top of a stage. Many people begin to be seated as Radio is seen in the entrance of the movie room, handling out paper. A gentleman shows the camera the paper. The paper has " MADHOUSE" written in red, with pictures of Frank and Radio.

Radio: We had this thing.. kind of disturbing, actually.. where we will have couples film them for a week, everything... we wanted to see how these couples grew and we called it Mad House... (laughs) I MEAN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.. I've seen some shit that makes you think... it was romantic, disturbing.. heartfelt... it was almost therapeutic to watch these couples all fail then rise again.. me and Frank loved it.

Footage begins to show Radio and her team during 'Invention of Me' tour all together in the circle screaming and shouting. Down the bottom of the scene: OPENING NIGHT. The audience is heard still cheering and applauding after Radio's set. Radio hugs Frank as she closes her eyes, Radio team is all on her back screaming full of excitement as Radio and her team all come together for a group hug.

Radio: (voiceover) I just remember how good it fucking felt.. just everything. The music, the people, the audience, the fucking creative side. It felt right...

Camera shows zooming in on Frank as it sits at a table with beer. Radio is seen seconds later, walking up to Radio as she bends over to talk to him. He just noding as Radio seems excited in her body language. Frank seems uninteresed in Radio's happiness. She stands, looking down on him. He gets up, kisses her on her cheek and walks away. Radio waves off the camera crew to stop recording. The camera man continues to record. Radio rushes with anger towards the camera and pushes the man, barely holding the camera, the man trips sending the camera crashing on the floor. Radio is heard in the background shouting, " FUCKING done already. EVERY DAY- I GET HERE, and yes I wanna film, I wanna be happy but fucking Christ, get the fuck back! Fucking cunts, all of you are idiots. Big idiots..." Radio's manager then walks over and puts his hand softly on Radio's back. He leads her into a room. The crew gets closer the door where things are heard being shattered.

Radio: The next morning, I have the worst fucking headache in the world. I came home.... I remember me feeling so drained.. just barely walking to the front door of my house. I saw Frank... he was in the kitchen, just sitting there.. not doing much.. I walked pass him and went upstairs.. FUCK! I fucking fall asleep in my number that a designer created for me... next morning.. cold morning... woke up to a letter on the side of my bed that Frank left for me... he basically... (pauses) LEFT ME... all alone... without no goodbye or anything. Just gone... Immediately I wanted to just break down and cry and fucking go, somewhere AWAY FROM HERE! I knew just the thing..

News footage with several different reporters all reporting the suicide attempt back in 2010. One footage shows a medical van being drove away, reporters follow the van.

Radio: Remember how dark my mind and soul was... I wanted it to be my last...

Ocean waves are being recorded as they crush into the golden sand. Radio Vine's Broken Souls begins to softly play in the background. The camera admires the beautiful coastal beach as it shows a wide frame of the beautiful water. A dial tone is heard in the background.

MAN: Hello... Destiny?
RADIO: (sounds weak) yes fucking sir? what the fuck are you doing up so early...?
MAN: Are you okay?
RADIO: No im in the fucking hospital... anyone been in the hospital and been fine?
MAN: Destiny.. I need you to listen-
Radio: Oh, fuck that!
MAN: [i](silence)
you are performing at the Goldies.. the Goldies sweetheart! The Goldies!!!!!

The end credit begin to roll up.

A few seconds after the credit are finish, Radio is seen sitting at a table, drunk as her hands lays on her arm, she looks up and quickly goes back down. The camera man zooms on the white tea cup.




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2001clay on 22/10/2020(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 22/10/2020(UTC), erich hess on 22/10/2020(UTC), FiveT on 23/10/2020(UTC), Andre Gandra on 24/10/2020(UTC), C4AJoh on 24/10/2020(UTC), GirlSpice on 24/10/2020(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 06/11/2020(UTC), BrownSugar on 09/11/2020(UTC)
Offline Andre Gandra  
#8 Posted : 24 October 2020 05:11:54(UTC)
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OOC: I wouldn't expect anything less than a tragic lovestory for Radio. In fact, I adored the fact that you made the story to look like both were victims of the situations they have created for themselves, I guess some people iare so fucked up that whenever they meet with someone who's similar it's inevitable to crash or blow away everything, correct me if that's not what you meant for Radio and Frank 'cause it felt to me that both were tragically bad for each other. Anyway, like I said before it was a nice read thanks for that!

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
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RadioVine on 27/10/2020(UTC)
Offline GirlSpice  
#9 Posted : 24 October 2020 22:07:37(UTC)
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Vanity: Ugh, the flashbacks of tour! So much nostalgia, those were happy times. Also, I never knew Radio had such a dirty mouth, well, I did, but not to this extent... I love it. Stay celibate like me darling, it's a lot less pain and I get all the pleasure from myself, music & cups of tea. Muah! ❤

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline RadioVine  
#10 Posted : 27 October 2020 04:52:09(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: GirlSpice Go to Quoted Post
Vanity: Ugh, the flashbacks of tour! So much nostalgia, those were happy times. Also, I never knew Radio had such a dirty mouth, well, I did, but not to this extent... I love it. Stay celibate like me darling, it's a lot less pain and I get all the pleasure from myself, music & cups of tea. Muah! ❤

Radio: Oh darling- the fucking moments with you were so heaven! I love every second with you Vanity! Xo


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#11 Posted : 06 November 2020 10:48:41(UTC)
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A slow ground sweeping shoot of Radio standing in the middle of the hallway, nude as the darkness covers her lower body. She protects her breast with her hands as she stares deeply into the camera. She tits her head to the left, she grins as her eyes begin to water. A church bell is heard.

Radio is standing behind a large window, behind is a large water fountain. She smiles at the camera as pins are seen in her hair. She spins around slowly, showing off her blue crystals dress. She blows a kiss to the camera. Seconds later, she is focusing on her phone, looking down as an makeup artist is doing her makeup, brushing the brush against her soft skin.

She then slams her phone down on the dresser, her makeup artist backs away. She looks up, concerned by her sudden need to back away. “ I’m sorry” Radio says softly.

Radio: It was the biggest night of my life.. and I didn’t feel it.

Radio is seen walking down the hallway, she jumps in high spirits as Gia, her manager cheers in Radios excitement for the Goldies. “ I’ve arrived bitches!” She shouts. Gia and Radio make their way into a black SUV, Radio opens the door to several golf balloons coming out. Many cheer as Radio laughs and gather all the balloons. She looks at the camera and grins. “ y’all are the sweetest.”

A white man, in a tux gathers the balloons as Radio and Gia enter the car. Radio begins to take selfies, as she posing for the selfie. Gia stares in a glaze. Radio notices and does a duck face. They both laugh.

Radio suddenly puts the phone down focusing on a message. She looks up after a few seconds and smiles. Her smile quickly turns into a frown.

Voices of loud screaming and rage is heard as it rapidly increases. Frank is seen next to a red mustang outside a public street, he yells and screams at Radio.

Frank: You know you and your fucking insecurities and that mouth needs to be fucking cut off your mouth-
Radio: How dare you insult me in that way? Yeah bitch this mouth keeps you feed..
Frank: I don’t need you bitch..

Seconds later, Frank is seen reaching on his car where he pulls out a white box. He takes out what appears to be a gold necklace, he throws it towards Radio. Radio softly begins to cry.

Frank: Love that bitch.

Radio is looking out the window as the car is in motion. Gia looks at Radio and looks away, she senses something is wrong.

“ Any champagne?” Radio asks the driver. The camera shows behind the car driving as plenty cars fill the wide California highway.

A black and white film tape shows Radio as an child dancing in a white dress, she has a karaoke box in her hand. A woman voice is heard behind the camera. “ You are beautiful.. dance baby..” Radio dances faster, she moves her hips side to side. The camera turns to a man, heavy set as he runs to Radio. Radio runs toward him with her hands open wide. “ hey precious..” he picks Radio up and hugs her tightly.

Radio: I miss that innocence.. I just wanted to be happy. Now I have something I had.. I had love and then that went away.. so what was left? Just bad memories..

A echo vocal track is heard: “ Flow me into the rock of your boat, watch me float. Watch me everytime I shift..”

Radio is seen going around in circles as she smiles, the water is falling on her body, she releases herself into the water as she closes her eyes. Several clips is shown, footage of Us video and Love Can Only Hurt Us is seen, Radio running on a dirt road with a white dress. Her and Frank is seen hugging as he kisses her on her cheek.

Radio is sitting in a black chair as she looks into the camera. She looks ecstatic as she looks around as several crew members behind her are running around. A bright stage light shines though the lens as Radio is seen walking back to black chair. She sits down, crossing her lips and placing her hands on her knees. She looks around as a man walks giving her water. She sips the water.

Q:How did you deal so well with the abuse?
A: I witnessed it! I witnessed it every day. One of my adoptive parents went though abuse with her husband.. I mean the hell I heard.. the way I heard him talk to her.. was so sad because you heard the pain in her voice. Hearing someone you love hurting you..

Q: do you recall any moment you were scared?
A: I remember when I was in the car, on the way to school when her husband slaps her in face. I remember being so scared by the way he turned and looked at us when he got down slapping her. It was scary and dark.. seriously

A camera zooms in on child Radio as she stands on a stage with several other children, she holds a white paper as she smiles at the audience. The audience the stands up and cheers for the children as the camera turns to a banner: Graduation Class 86’

Seconds later, Child Radio is seen running though a playground. She looks back and laughs as the man behind the camera is laughing.

Radio: This man carried so many memories on my life. He’s like my grandfather. I met him when I was in a home in California... he was so nice and he took me like his own. I will always love Elliot for that... he has shown me love I never had before. He was a blessing..

A man (Elliot), full figured white hair with black shades on walks behind Radio as she walks down a doctor office hallway. Radio is wearing a black jeans with a long black oversized black tee and black shades. Seconds later, Elliot is sitting in front of Radio. Radio is sitting on a hospital bed. Seconds later, a nurse enters the room with papers n her hand. She hands Radio the papers.
Nurse: We’ll now in about two weeks. Usually when testing for DNA, it takes several months to connect DNA to a mother or father you never knew.. but knowing the possible candidate which you believed..

The audio goes on mute as Radio is see shaking her head in agreement. Elliot is seen looking down. Elliot seems he knows something he hasn’t told Radio. He then looks up me places his hand on Radios leg. Radio looks at him and smiles.

Q: So why did you get blood work?
A: I grew up with this girl named Allision which we turned out to be best fucking friends.. she’s my darling! And.. (begins to cry) I just always.. wondered why we connected so much...and

A black SUV is seen pulling up to office buildings. Radio steps out in a pink and yellow casual fit with a heart drawn on near her right eye. She gets out and waves to the photographer that's taking pictures from the side. She walks inside a building where on both wall on known pop stars. Ahead Studio 60 appears on one of the office doors. Radio enters.

A group of people sit at large circle table of Studio 60 team. Radio walks in as everyone stands up, Radio goes around the table hugging everyone. She seems a little stand offish at first. She walks to the chair facing everyone. Gia hands her a white blinder. She sits down slowly everyone follows. Everyone looks happy to see Radio, very excited to see what Radio has in store.

Radio: Now look you guys— you know mind be everywhere so please! Be patient with me. Radio laughs loudly. Everyone applauses her display of happiness. She opens up her white blinder. The camera shows the em. Radio giggles. The room has conversation around the room as Radio is seen showing pictures of different visuals to the team. Seconds later, Radio is seen walking out the office door in high spirits. “ everything went so well. I’m so excited!” She shouts to the camera. Radio begins to walk down the hallway as the frame begins to slow motion, as Radio is walking we hear a heart beat slowly beating then a flat line.

Radio: I wanted to start fresh, new people to work with, new sounds, something to inspire me and what I been going though the past seven years.. I was almost ready to go back out and give it my all without Frank, that was the best.. part.

We then hear screaming of agony. It grows louder and louder as the camera is shaking, revealing the camera man running quickly towards a back room. “ call 911.” A distrust voice is heard. “ it’s Destiny..”

The screen blacks out.

After a commercial break, we see the skyline of Los Angeles. We see several nurses walking down a hallway.

Q: what happened?
A: (silence)
Q: Radio.. what happened?
A: Someone that I wanted to love is no longer here..
Q: what do you mean?
A: It was so much.. (crying) I remember the amount of blood.. Something I wanted since I was a kid was gone. That quick. Just taken away from me.
Q: Did you have a miscarriage?
A: Yes...

Footage is seen where Radio is walking around a recording studio with a glass of wine, she walks slowly, weak as an instrumental plays. Seconds later, Radio is seen staring into space as she sits on the black leather couch. She walks from the couch into the booth where she falls over the small chair. She begins to cry softly as the camera is seen leaving the room. Seconds later, a belting voice is heard inside the recording studio, its echo's the walls. It’s full of pain as the hurt is pouring loudly.

Radio is seen spinning in circles in a big field full of daises, she spins faster and faster as Beyoncé Ft Jay z- On the Run chorus begins to play in a slower pitch. Who wants that perfect love story anyway/anyway, anyway.

She continues to spin as the record plays in the background. What about the bad guy goes good, yeah/and the missing love that misunderstood. yeah/ The chorus with a Radio slowing down her spinning pace as Jay Z roaring voice goes in and the flashes of memories appear. It shows many red carpet pictures, footage of Radio recording, videos of her performances on television, even personal moments with Frank. One clip shows Radio crying in the pool then seconds later laughing. It then rewinds to the beginning of the documentary with the second of the tape rolling back.

The sound of the tape stops. We then see Radio sitting in the black chair like earlier in the documentary, she looks down and sad as the rocks back and forth. She looks up, her eyes are red. She shakes her shoulder and closes her eyes. She giggles.

A camcorder begins to record a beautiful green vineyard, we can hear Radio breathing slowly, " oh.. my god" she walks in between the vines with grapes and lemons hanging off the tree. She begins to run though the trees.

Radio: The person I loved and admired all my life... really turned out to be my sister...

A picture of Allision and Radio is seen, the frame zooms in displaying their deep love and affection as friends.

Q: So the results revealed that-
A: I mean, do I need to say it? My best friend Allision was my sister, my biologically sister...Hello? Don't you get it? They fucking divided us to keep us away from each other, they knew we were stronger together..

Several footage of Radio and Allision getting prepared for the Goldie's. Allision is seen in the mirror of the bathroom as Radio washes her face, they giggle and laugh. Both then went into the area where two large beds are shown to balloons and flowers on top of the left bed. Radio turns around stunned by the gesture. Radio and Allision are both seen walking down a theatre hallway during the People's Choice Awards, both smiling and holding hands. Allision films Radio walking up on a short stairway leading to a stage, she turns back and looks at Allision and smiles. She cheers Radio on. Tons of people gather around on a ballroom floor as the camera zooms in on 'Invention of Me' album cover that's on a large banner that's on top of the stage. The crowd cheers as Radio slowly walks out to the middle of the stage. She holds the mic close to her chest. " Thank you so much..." seconds later, Radio is dancing in the middle of the dance floor wildly as Allision hands the camera to someone as she joins in on Radio's dancing.

Radio: When you really have a fucking friend, you got one and Allision was always the one who dealt with everything I bought out, and she made me feel I was normal because she treated me as such. I believed all this time she was my best friend...turns out she's my sister..

Radio smiles and stares into the camera. She grins slowly.

The view of the ocean waves slams against the golden sand. A picture of a white villa on the beach is shown, the waves crush on side of the villa. Radio is standing in the door way grabbing her sweater against her chest. The wind whistles as Radio puts his head back and enjoying the wind.

Radio: I found that the way I was involving myself into things that I knew was going to hurt me mentally. But I did it because I wanted some healing but I couldn't heal because I didn't give myself TIME to heal. I was too focused on the negative and not the positive. But fucking ehh- I didn't give a fuck.. I wanted to hurt I wanted to see how it felt.. because when you feel it, you know it's real.

Radio is seen looking over a shoulder in a recording studio, she bobs her head and hugs the guy. Seconds later, Radio is seen writing on a piece of paper, she then runs over to the man and places it on the booth. Radio steps back, with her hands covering her smile. He turns around and jumps up, grabbing Radio around. They both laugh as Radio is spinning around. " Get in there girly.." Radio runs to the recording booth and puts on side of the headsets on.

Radio: I wanted all new everything. I went out and I found new fresh producers, people who had a vision. People who gets excited about what they are making, creating,, shit, let's do some crazy shit. I wanted to feel alive in my art again so I had to find people who understood that..

Radio is on the corner in New York with white shades on, black fur, red lipstick and strike boots. She has a cigar in her hand, 2008 is seen at the bottom of the scene. " Look at all these mother fuckers. Yall need to all love your fucking self. Love you!" She waves her cigar in her hand around. " Love you.. love yourself." She walks away from the corner crying. Seconds later, Radio is seen in a bar near the karaoke machine. She picks up the mic as the audience is still chatting and drinking. She drops the mic leaving off the stage quietly.

Radio is seen setting up a video camera on the floor, she lays down smiling at the camera, she smiles at the camera, warm. She touches her face. She tints her head back just a lit, touches her neck down to her breast. She looks back now where she winks at the camera, she then giggles to a knock being heard. Her face sours. Screen black outs. In the dark screen, we hear Radio's giggle. " Oh shit what a day..." she whispers.

Credits roll up.



thanks 8 users thanked RadioVine for this useful post.
erich hess on 06/11/2020(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 06/11/2020(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 07/11/2020(UTC), freestylechamp on 07/11/2020(UTC), BrownSugar on 09/11/2020(UTC), 2001clay on 09/11/2020(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 09/11/2020(UTC), C4AJoh on 09/11/2020(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#12 Posted : 09 November 2020 02:13:23(UTC)
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ooc: This looked like it took a lot of work! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I really loved how it flowed like a real documentary especially with the background detail you put to make it read like one! Enjoyed this thoroughly!
Offline RadioVine  
#13 Posted : 09 November 2020 02:37:51(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere Go to Quoted Post
ooc: This looked like it took a lot of work! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I really loved how it flowed like a real documentary especially with the background detail you put to make it read like one! Enjoyed this thoroughly!

OOC: It was tough work especially not written one for a while. But it really fun writing this for Radio. Thank you so much!


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