Directed By:Radio Vine/Steven Blias
Length: 4:25
Premiered on: RadioVineVevo/Apple Music Videos.
Single:Sweet Tea
The video begins in a dark hallway with purple carpet leading to a white machine with a purple handle that sits directly in the middle. In the middle is a small white table, sitting is four little girls with white dresses that covers the small chairs. The children lifts up the small white cups as a creepy piano arrangement is heard. At the table, the girls in their golden locks looks directly into the camera while lifting up their tea cups. Their makeup is pale, their evilness grin approaches their faces. Slowly, their bodies stands with ease at at once. A high pitched piano key is heard that echos the hallway.
Seconds later, the girls are seen at the end of the hallway, all in one line holding hands. They grace their walk slowly towards the camera.
A pink telephone with a message, “ Sorry the person you’re trying to reach has moved on” zooms out the frame as the beginning instrumental of Sweet Tea slowly is heard.
Comedically, Radio dances in a mediocre way between the maniacs as she puts on a smile influencing the late 1940s comedic actors in black and white films. She has one a black and white wedding dress with huge ruffles that circles around her legs. She kicks her legs lifting her dress up a bit.
The pictures the manics are holding starts to move with the couples both kissing passionately. Radio watches from behind in amazement.
Radio appears in a bubble wrap inspired set (set 2)with pillow in shapes or teeth are coveted on the sides. She suddenly drops down dramatically over the sides.
Give me my mug
So I can mix you perfectly
I'm not sure what you mean
When you say make it extra sweet before you leave
Give me that sugar rush that I need
(Truthly need)
I may need to sip slowly so it wont burn me
Hidden motives so you won't hurt meDuring the second verse, Radio lip sync whilst doing a ballet numbers. Her makeup is inspired by the colors of starburst. The spring bright yellow complaints the pink on her eyelid, with a neat black liner. She spins and spins as she falls dramatically on the floor towards the end of the dance number
Set 3 is shown with Radio swinging slowly on the pink swing set. She is wearing a short pink ballerina dress with long white socks. The signature heart is painted on her right eye. The layer ablids Radio rocks from side to side with her arms placed on both sides of the swing.
She enters Set 4 with multiple pink telephone hanging from the ceiling. Radio walks slowly, afraid. She looks around nervous and confused as suddenly laugher and voices of children is heard coming from the telephone. Radio looks around in panic covering her eyes. Back to Set 1, the children continue to walk closer to the end of the hall. The terrifying echos of the laugher and voices blasts with the ablids.
Set 3 Radio begins to swing faster as the chorus begins. In mid swing, she jumps off as her body flies towards the camera. The director focuses on Radios unique beauty during the scene.
As long as I can be your tea when you wanna be sweet
Is ur taste buds good enough to eat
Your sweet tea when you wanna be sweet
I know I can be a hand full
(bare with me)
I know I can be a hand full so
(bare with me)
As long as I can be ur tea when you wanna be sweet
Is your taste buds good enough to eat
When you're talking to me.During the second verse, Set 5 shows three people holding pink newspaper. Radio performs as if she is having a mental breakdown in the middle of the train. Different times, Radio walks between the three people looking hopeless as they continue to focus on the paper. Back to Radio mental breakdown performance, she lip syncs aggressively
It's all good for your soul
So sip me even more
I know it may feel good
to have me flowing though you
Pour me into something fancy
To show how you drink me
It's bitter but its sweetReturning to Set 5 Radio is sitting with the three extras holding one of the pink newspapers. She stares blankly at the paper. Tears slowly begin to fall from her eyes.
As long as I can be your tea when you wanna be sweet
Is ur taste buds good enough to eat
Your sweet tea when you wanna be sweet
I know I can be a hand full
(bare with me)
I know I can be a hand full so
(bare with me)
As long as I can be ur tea when you wanna be sweet
Is your taste buds good enough to eat
When you're talking to me.Set 1 shows the little children looking into the camera, they look lost and dark in the eyes. The camera moves across their faces, their emotional state of mind grows as the frame moves. Set 4 shows Radio laying flat as the phone hangs over her body.
So sweet,
even when you hate me
Tea parties full of me
No one around but me
Let's all get together
and have a sip of me.Radio continues her dance number in a slower pace, Radio shows pain and weakness in her dance number in set 4. She dances perfectly in the middle of the set.
Balance it all out,
with your tea and water
Balance it all out
with your tea and water
Leave me to stream
I may be mad again
Never know with me
Drink me up again
All your tea is gone
Do you want some more of me?Radio dances between the hanging telephone as the outro chorus is heard. Seconds later, switches back to Set 1 with the four girls as they stand in front of Radio, all are wearing white wedding dresses with beautiful detail of crystals and diamonds on the foundation of the dress. Down the hall, the children and Radio begin a story telling ballet routine telling a story of a mother who lost her child and trying to cope by doing activities and things like her child would of done. The children playing the roles of the children hoping to meet their mother someday, they beautifully dance from wall to wall down the long hallway.
They continue to progress the storytelling in the middle of the train on Set 5. It switches back to the hallway with the children running down the hall and Radio spinning towards them. Back on Set 3, Radio passes like a spirit from wall to wall as the chorus rages though the screen. Radio is still seen spinning towards the girl. It showcases Radio beautiful beauty shot of her starburst makeup. Radio is finally spinning towards the end of the hallway when suddenly the girls are sitting on the tea table like in the beginning of the video lifting up their tea cups.
The children look back to them seeing Radio staring at the children with tears in her eyes. Set 3 shows the swing slowly swinging. The outro layer vocals begin as suddently water storms immediately ripping the swing off, Radio is seen laying on the floor of Set 2 has water floods over her body, slowly coming off are the teeth off the pillow. Set 1 shows the little girls running from the water down the long hallway, they look panicked as the water quickly approaches them.
Seconds later, Radio is laying in a pool of water with her hair floating on top of the water. She dives her face inside the water coming back up slowly.

The hallway is empty leaving just the tea table in the middle of the hall. The camera zooms out.