THANK YOUWow, I never thought I'd get to this moment. Writing this section has been a long time coming. At first, I didn't think I had it in me to even give you all a second album. When I started the process I then felt like I had another mountain to climb. GOLDENHEART's creation has been such a cathartic process. I've laughed, cried, smiled, got insanely pissed off and all several times over. I truly opened up on this album and was in my feels as they say. It was like free therapy. I just got into my little studio and let it all out every single day. Finishing the record was like half a weight lifted but once this album is out there in the world and you're listening and reading these words, I will well and truly feel the release. My thoughts, feelings, ideas and art will be out there in the world for people to do however as they please with. It's an awfully frightening yet deliciously exciting feeling.
First of all, I'd like to thank YOU. If you are reading this, it means you have purchased my album or have acquired it in a shady way. I won't tell if you won't! Seriously though, thank you for showing an interest and supporting my work. Whether this was a Christmas gift for your dad, a listen out of curiosity or you're a diehard member of Grimmie Nation, I appreciate it greatly. While there is ego involved in the creative process, at the end of the day I just want people to connect with it. I hope my words can help people. Whether it is giving them an answer to a problem, shining a light on a situation or just bringing a smile to someone's face, I'll be happy to know this record resonated with you. It's our own little special connection. Truly cannot wait to see, hear and read your reactions once this album hits the shelves!
Unlike with my debut album, there are no other musicians to thank here. I know they say you can't be selfish with art and that two heads are better than one but for me, GOLDENHEART was never just going to be a typical studio album. With a lot of eyes on me and a boatload of stuff to tackle, explain and own, I HAD to do it alone. This is MY story. It may be a harsh listen at times. It may not sit well with some people who loved the first record. It may not have the polished edge that a top producer or songwriter could help add over it but it is what it is; raw and honest. It sounds exactly this way because that's just how it came out in its natural state. Every sound, lyric and instrument embody how I was feeling in that moment. They say what I want to say. While I was a loner in my little studio for about a year, I couldn't have gone ahead without Five Pesky Kids' blessing. A huge thanks to everyone over there for believing in me. I know I raised a lot of eyebrows when I said I wanted to give this album an entire DIY approach at that meeting last year. Your faith and interest in the project really spurred me on. Thank you all.
Dae, my sweet boyfriend. Thank you for being aglow with the most beautiful light. I don't just mean through the creation of this album. Since the moment we met, you've radiated such a glorious, magnificent, positive energy. You always know what to do and say at the right times. When I lose my head, you find the magic words that calm me down. When I'm low, just a simple look from you can raise me back up. I know you don't like when I talk about this but it has to be said. I wouldn't be here today without you. So many times I've felt lost in the most brutal sea and your guiding light has brought me back to safety. I love you.
Dustyn & Ryan, two brotherly idols. I have truly cherished your friendships and creative words of wisdom throughout this process. You've shown such interest and support, cheering me on from the side lines. You have such experience within the industry and it's an honor just to be able to chew your ears off about things. From your wise words, your talents to your wonderful authentic selves, you have both inspired me to extents you cannot imagine. Thank you.
Mom & Dad, it has been a rough few years, hasn't it? I'm sorry for all the turmoil I've caused you. I know it's the last thing you need. I haven't been the perfect son but you've never made me feel any less. Of course, I get a stern word when needed, but overall you have been nothing but encouraging. From my school days to the world's stage, you've continuously supported my dreams and given me your blessing. I am so lucky to get to call you my parents. I grew up in such an open-minded, loving, caring and supportive household. You never held us kids back and I honestly wouldn't be here, sharing my art to the masses if it weren't for your constant backing and encouragement. Forever indebted to you both. Sending my love. Thank you.
To all the people who pissed me off and tried to screw me over throughout the last few years, thank you for the inspiration! I hope you enjoy GOLDENHEART. I KNOW for a fact that you'll be listening!!
I'd like to dedicate the release of this album to Ashley Grimmie. My dearest Ash, I miss you greatly. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you and have a little sob to myself. It's a cruel world. Far too cruel for an angel like you. You were my favorite person. My first friend. My big sister. You were so protective of me. Even at a young age, you were like a third parent. I vividly remember you trying to teach me how to read when you could barely even do it yourself! Fuck, this world is an even colder place without you. I hope you're safe and at peace wherever you are. Like I said, we'll meet again someday. Get those lobster rolls ready for meeeeeeeee.