The atmosphere is tense, the music got dark and the lights got low. Something is about to happen after minutes. Five figures appear on stage among smoke and shadows. One of them holds a rainbow flag. It's David.
Crowd cheers but the ambient instrumental keeps being dark while it slowly turns into a known melody. The five Jollies in the dark move slowly to create a scene, their faces can be barely seen. A woman's voice is heard aloud, it's not anyone of them, but a very provocative voice.
AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN..."Drums suddenly play and the dark music evolves into '
Yin & Yang' song from the 'Squad Goals' album. The faces of the Jollies can now be seen as they are wearing masks on their faces this time, all indicating of the dark pandemic times and the fact that a mask can hide just like a person hides their own secrets.
They all stand still in their places, David in he middle with the huge rainbow flag around him. Zafari raps his verse, sounding loud and a bit theatrical, being supported by David with his lines in close to the chorus as he ad-libs in a low, provocatine warm tone, almost speaking while Zafari raps.
Rose and Fabriano sing right after, they harmonise perfectly - he's extremely low, she sounds really high and they mix that in long sustained, pleasing notes especially from her.
The song continues like this until the middle 8 where David with his flag walks closer to the audience and others are obscured. Rose appears on the screen behind being on the phone.
[Hey, how are you?
Oh, that's good to hear
Aw don't be shy
You know, you can trust me
You know, you really know
I got secrets too]And as Rose disappears from the screen behind, David suddenly takes off his top clothes and mask remaining shirtless and showing proudly the rainbow flag, symbol of the LGBTQ community. It's an almost emotional, strong moment. A symbol of coming out. He lets out a big secrets and strips it away, it's what he really is underneath it all and is not afraid to show it.

David begins to smile excited, the moment is really too strong to keep serious for the whole atmosphere and the others are shown again without their masks, finishing the song as they gather up and Natasha lets out her amazingly strong, rocky high notes. She's very powerful and after such moment, the feeling is taken to the extremes.
π©π»βπ¦° π¨π»
But when you think it's time that, time that
You just go deep down there, down there
And there's no place to show them, them (π§π» Will you show them to me)
Or just no time to explain them, there
I will say it's your truth then (π§π» I'm good company)
Know the Yin Yang we got them, them
We got them all
Yin Yang we got them
We got them
SecretsThe crowd cheers loud as the Jollies finish this emotional, strong song. David puts his shirt back on while the lights go down again and the music goes in the same dark instrumental as before.
The music suddenly changes and smoothes, becoming more and more sweeter as the live band begins to play '
Emotions In The Moonlight'.
The Jollies all smiling are shown again, David waves at the crowd and does a V sign while Rose looks at Natasha and laughs hugging her. It's a cute moment.
Zafari starts his lines giving out the soulful in his loud and clear vocals, David plays with the audience waving slowly his arms in the air and Natasha joins him for fun before she sings her lines showing off again her amazing strong vocals. She keeps the quality of the live high on this song bringing out actual emotion in the singing of this ballad
The cute moment comes when Rose hugs Fabriano to sing the chorus together as here too, they blend their two vocals to sing the chorus.

The whole feeling of the song is quite tender and cute, the guys mantain that by playing with each other especially Rose who owns this song in both vocally with her sweet voice and the vibe with her cuddling and smiling around.
David in his lines doesn't quite reach the strong vocals of the others so he's slightly harmonised by Natasha but he puts in some personality and tries to interact more with the audience, showing that he's more an entertainer than a singer here.
Before the last chorus, Rose stands out even more as she surprises everyone with a long, high note that even the live band behind stops playing for a few seconds. Audience roars for her.
What do they know, what do they know
How it feels in the moon glow
How it feels when you let it go
π¨π»π©π»βπ¦°Skin to skin, heart don't stopπ©π»βπ¦°π¨π»
So when you hold me do it slow
When you kiss me so tight, when you make it alright
Just you, you and me for tonight
Did you know how I kept my heart
And when you hold me lose control
No need to block or fight
You know they feel so right
All the emotions in the moonlightThe cute song eventually ends with everyone joining Rose and Fabriano and sing together reaching out a beautiful climax of emotions but the music continues developing into different melodies while the five dance and have fun with each other on stage.
Suddenly the song gets a more Salsa, rocky flavor. A song nobody has ever heard before. The dances on stage get a more latin vibe and the crowd look confused but excited. What's going on? It's the new song "
Viva La Vida", never released before as it's going to be their first single in 2021.
Dancers join on stage again and it becomes a sort of Salsa dancing club, but it's not girls dancing with boys only. It's men dancing with men, girl with girls too. Black men with white girls. A transgender woman dances with an older dancer. An ill boy with a metallic leg gives an incredible dance with a beautiful blonde dancer. A curvy girl dances with an hunky muscled man. All this whille the Jollies sing together new lines that will soon impact the radios and the streaming.

The song is fun, uplifting and inclusive. The salsa latin flavor is strong and it seems to have a poor rigid scheme of verse-bridge-chorus, instead it sounds like a long chorus cut by a few verses and bridges here and there. The whole song is sung by the five all together.

The only part of the song sung individually are some words in the middle 8 followed quickly by another exciting chorus with everybody dancing salsa around and slowly developing into a conga line dance around the stage.
Ay, no falta màs
No fear for my life
El amor for dancing y bailo
Ay que locura
Viva la vida
No-, no falta màs
No fear for my life
Un amor màs complicado
Ay que locura
Viva la vida
When the song ends, most of the audience does a standing ovation and everybody screams excited. Rose cries out of emotion for the huge moment with everybody dancing and Natasha hugs her. "Aw girl, c'mon!". Zafari laughs madly and just lets out a sigh of relief. "We did it!" Shouts David taking a breath. "So who liked it?" "Everyone!" Replies Zafari playing.
"Woo, you better do." Says Natasha playfully daring the audience with attitude. "So what's next Fabriano?" Says Zafari looking at Fabriano while the dancers behind go off stage.
What's Your Name?" "Uh? Zafari. Mr Zafa for the friends." Says Zafari looking at the crowd with a playful look. Natasha shakes her head playing too "Ah, you never changing, Zaf." While the crowd screams for the new song off the 'Power-Up EP' announced begins to play. This song as well gets a more Rocky vibe with the live band rather then the Electro Pop song made of synthesizers done by Dj Rashai.
David begins singing playing with Natasha and Zafari and then running to the centre stage, Zafari follows him rapping the next verse with fun and energy. Natasha behind also gives a good show as she seems to totally let herself go with adrenaline in her improvised dance.
The whole audience seems to sing along when Rose sings her part and the others help by pointing their mic.
Then Fabriano sings his low, breathy part with his charming tone and attitude and people attracted to him scream loudly in the crowd, he has a magnetic effect.
Natasha follows with her adrenaline and keeps the song going with Zafari next. Pretty much, this time the Jollies have fun on stage being playful with each other, especially Zafari and David, while Fabriano keeps his cool but sometimes show a dry humor that not many understand.
The frog could become a little prince
The problem is where to find a kiss
Poor, riches, or where it stinks
Hey little baby let me start from hereπ¨π»
Tell me what's your name?
What's your name?
You're gonna tell me
What's your name?
What's your name?When the song ends the group screams and run off stage suddenly. A new music starts playing while the crowd cheers really loud...