With the audience cheering loudly, Ezra steps into the studio in a pink mini leather dress and a high ponytail. Waving towards the cameras and the audience, she walks towards her seat and makes herself comfortable as she sits down. "
Welcome back ~ ! It's been a busy week, and I can't wait to let you guys know after we introduce our next guests! You've probably heard of them..Stardom Boys? Anyone?", the crowd loudly cheers and the boys walk in as well.
[from L/R: Dan Adler, Matthew Waterson, Damien Cortez, Jordan Brady & Ethan Paterson]
Welcome to the show, boys! It's a pleasure to have you here.
Stardom Boys: Hey, thank you for having us!
Let's get this interview rolling. You've debuted just very recently, what's been the greatest experience so far for you? I'm sure everything is very fresh right now.Damien: Um performing at FCA Pre-Show cause we felt proud that we get to perform on stage & having our second single charting up to number 8 as Top 10 we were blown away about that
What do you think makes "Stardom Boys" stand out so much? You've very passionate fans and clearly results are great as well. What you have seems to be working!Matt: What makes us stand out is the fact, that we have tried to come up with a good name & we found the name stardom so we know what it means but i figure to keep the stardom word but put the boys in it, so we stuck we with it, also we has a fandom name it's FameFarcy
Dan: Oh & we have talent as well so it combined together, make us stand out. That another reason why Stardom Boys stand out.
Who would you say has the most influence on your music? An artist you look up to?
Matt: I look up to Dominic Brown & Tika Mays man, i mean i can't explain it
Dan: Mine would have to be Nick Urie
Ethan: Payton is the one that i look up to.
Damien: i secretly look up to Sabina
Jordan: Joshua Grimmie
You have released 2 singles so far, what's the next step? A new single or possibly the album?
I've read it's gonna be called "Phoenix Rising"? Does that still stand or any changes with that?Boys go ooh as they waiting for one of them to speak
Ethan: Our next step is releasing our third single in Q2 & releasing our album in Q3 but we don't know if we are gonna change the plan, i mean it depends on whatever so for now it can wait.
What are your future goals as a group? Beyond releasing your debut album?Jordan: Our future goals is being on tour with somebody, then winning some FCA's & to have amazing success.
Let's switch to the next segment, I'll ask simple questions about a possible member and
you will reveal which member it fits. You obviously also have the option to say none. Explain it to the fans when it fits to a member! Got it?
Stardom Boys: Got it
The member who's the most chaotic?Boys stare at Ethan
Ethan: Wait why me?
Matt: Ethan is the messiest person cause when it's time to clean he would be the laziest person in the house when it come to cleaning.
The clumsiest member? The one who always forgets or trips on something?
The Boys point at Matthew & laughs when he covers his eyes & smiles playfully
Jordan: There is one time that Matt forgot to wear shoes to rehearsals, he wore flip flop to the studio & our choreographer goz mad at him for that.
Matt: Because i didn't have time so
*laugh* now i know & i'm working on my time management
The member with the best fashion?Stardom Boys: Damien
Damien: Hey i mean it depend on whoever so hey do whatcha gotta do to make it look best
The member who always gets caught doing something they shouldn't have?
Stardom Boys: None of us
Best dancer of the group?
Dan: I think all of us
Boys nod in agreement
The last one! The member or members with the best voice?
Stardom Boys: Matthew, Jordan & Damien
Ethan: 3 of them have a strong voice that will bring the group together
Wrapping it up, do you have anything to say to your passionate fans tuning in today?
Stardom Boys: Aye wassup FameFarcy people it's us Stardom Boys & we would like to say that we love you & we hope that you all stay safe out there
Thank you so much for coming, I'll look forward to see your bright career in the future!
Stardom Boys: Thank You
The cameras zoom out as the audience cheers and Stardom Boys' latest single start playing in the background before ads start playing. Shortly after, the camera's show Ezra sitting in her seat and she starts speaking. "
Stardom Boys were really, we had so much fun!", the audience cheers loudly again. "
We are about to wrap the show up this week, but I would like to announce that next week's guest is going to be amazing. It took some time to get this person to come! You will probably hear news through press about this person before that. Please look forward to next week!!"