The audience in the studio cheers loudly as the camera zooms in on Ezra walking in, wearing her pink chanel fit. Reaching her seat, Ezra waves again towards the audience and they slowly, with Ezra introducing herself properly again, "
Welcome back to a new episode of Real Talk!! It's been longer than it should have been, we geniunely apologise. We've had some issues behind the scenes, but we are back!" The audience cheers loudly again, having missed their favorite TV Host, "
I can't wait to introduce you today's guests! They are THE newcomers around and have been constantly topping the charts. It'd be weird to not know them but I'm excited for you guys to actually meet them! Getting to know them just a little further with this exclusive interview! Please welcome...ORION!"
The audience gets excited and loudly clap as the trio walks in. Taking a seat infront of Ezra, they get right into the Interview.
Welcome to the show, Orion! I don't think there's anyone in the audience who doesn't know you! You've definitely been all over the place and it's such a pleasure to have you here. I've heard this is your first proper interview in such a platform, please feel at ease. We are definitely not that type of show to feel pressured at! *laughs* So, how are you guys feeling?Boa: Nah, we don’t feel pressured. That’s just not in our DNA. We take everything as an opportunity, you know? Beautiful lady in our company, it’s all good baby. It’s all good!
Circuit: It’s what we’re here for, ain’t nothing ever too much for us.
Bellows: We’re feeling real good right now Ezra. Got our singles out there, album finished. On the way real soon. Talkin about touring plans and all that good shit, after debuting in 2020 we’re ready to really blow shit up in 2021 and 2022. It’s coming, believe me!
Let's get into it. We have quite a lot of questions prepared. First of all, you guys have been standing out, especially now in mainstream music with such a wave of pop boy groups and girl groups, as a hip-hop trio. While it's not a completely new thing, it's definitely not as common as people might think. Did you guys feel like it was hard to be taken seriously, in the beginning? Because there is a lot happening before your first big single, I believe.Bellows: Nah, we had been performing together since we were kids. So we’ve always had that natural flow between us. I think it’s something a little new to the industry today since it’s been a while since we’ve seen a mainstream hip-hop group. If we’re talking historically, the groups of the past were some of the first building blocks to hip-hop, Run D.M.C, N.W.A, Public Enemy, Wu-Tang, A Tribe Called Quest. That’s some iconic shit right there, that’s that legacy and dynasty shit that we talk about. If we can pave the way to more hip-hop groups coming up then we consider that a bonus.
Circuit: It’s got it’s own challenges though, managing the ego’s. I respect anybody that can deal with us in the studio.
With a total of 6 singles, all of them having huge commercial success, how has fame been treating you? Do you feel any different? How are the fans?
Boa: Man, it’s a fuckin’ trip! Once you’ve achieved that level and have given it back where it needs to be given. You’ve just gotta go with the flow of it. Ride that motherfuckin’ wave for as long as you can. You only get one go around this earth, I’ve been poor and broke, it fuckin’ sucks. I’m tasting that other side of life right now and it tastes sweet like honey, baby. Sweet like honey.
Bellows: You know, we’ve all had nothing in the past but our family and we’ve gone through some fuckin’ rough times. It’s been a ride so far, like Boa said. We’ve paid it back to our families, that was the first priority for us. Giving it back to the ones that were there when we were nothing and stuck with us. Now that we’re on a level, we’ve kept it one hundred. Looked out for those that we know have our backs and supported us from day one and we’re just reaping the rewards right now. We appreciate the love we’ve been given by our fans and hopefully we’ll be able to show that when we put this record out and hit the road real soon. We do it for the family and we do it for the fans. Straight up.
Having all this success, do you guys feel pressure to be consistent? It has to be challenging to be consistently at the top of your game.Circuit: Nah, like I said earlier. It’s what we’re here for, nothing is too much for us. We know some of our shit is gonna be rated higher than others, it’s up to people to form their own opinions. All we can do is create what feels right in the moment and that’s what we do. They can’t all be winners, but we can fucking try to make the majority of em’ hit!
So, What's next? Do you plan to release another single or do we finally get to hear this album? As a fan myself, I'm very excited to get my hands on it.Boa: Oooof, we gotta get you an exclusive early copy. A beautiful Queen like you don’t wait in line, baby.
Circuit: No doubt, no doubt.
Bellows: The album is finished, where we go with it from here, we ain’t quite decided on just yet. I want it out now, I want that shit dropping yesterday. We’re talking about prepping the final single from the album, but I think we’ve just gotta let it go and put it out there. The hype can turn into overkill real fuckin’ quickly, we’ve seen that shit happen to better men.
Speaking of music, who would you guys like to work with in the future? You've had some pretty great collaborations with Aubrey Mikkel and Alexis Brooke. Anyone else there, you would like to have a song with?Circuit: We’re down with anybody but they’ve gotta be able to vibe with us in the studio. Like really cook some shit up in there. We don’t want people jumping on a track half-heartedly, it’s gotta mean something. With that being said, I could see us doing something with Younghood or Slim Money.
Boa: Nah, nah, nah. You know we’d fuck it up with Rum and Coke, that’s the vibe. They the fuckin’ blueprint to this shit today. No lie, dope ass motherfuckin’ queens. They’ve been holdin’ it down for a minute now.
Bellows: I think we could hold our own, regardless of genre. Like, big shout out to Alexis and Aubrey, they fuckin’ killed it. If we vibe with Billy or Deneil on something it would be the shit. I’ve been hearing rumours of Stephanie Fierce getting back into the game, if your aspiration isn’t to work with someone on that level then you’re in the wrong business.
Now on to my Favorite topic, dating. How's it been going? Any relationships? Any secrets to reveal? Don't be shy, let us know!Bellows: I only fuck wit my lady, she’s got that shit on lock. Hard pass on that one for me.
Boa: Ezra. Girl, when I look at you it makes me question whether the rest of this world has anything to offer. Glamorous Queen, independent as fuck. I’m letting you know, girl. I’m down if you’re down.
Circuit: Fame is a fuckin jungle, let me tell you. And California is the Amazon. It’s easy out here to find something temporary, finding something with a little more substance isn’t as much. But you’ve gotta enjoy the perks of the gig. You know how it is out here, you’ve always got those safety numbers in your phone.
Oh? I see you, Boa! *laughs* No, but how would you describe your ideal type?Boa: A straight up boss, someone who can handle her business. Ambitious, independent, loyal, loving, can fuck like a goddess and handle herself like a Queen. Anybody disagrees then they’re so fucking wrong.
Bellows: Nah, you pretty much got it down.
Circuit: For sure. But that shit ain’t just around the corner, that’s rare as fuck.
Having said your Ideal type, name celebrity crush! Very interested to know who would fit your Ideal type!
Bellows: My lady, Aubrey. She’s all the things Boa listed, for sure. No doubt.
Boa: Ezra, you know it’s you, girl. When you first came around a couple years back, all classy and shit. You’ve been it ever since.
Circuit: That girl Karma is straight fire, she’s got that swagger. Naomi is elite as fuck too.
Well..anything you would say is a turn-off though? Not getting into looks but let's say personality-wise? Or a certain habit?Bellows: For me, if you don’t acknowledge where you came from. We all started from somewhere, and you’ve gotta keep that with you for life.
Circuit: I ain’t got time for possessiveness, we’re all our own people. Ya’ll gotta give me my space sometimes.
Boa: No ambition, like I ain’t want somebody that’s just known for fuckin’ that rapper dude. You’ve gotta have your own shit going on, build your empire too. That’s what it’s about for me.
Where do you guys see yourself, let's say, in the next...2 years? Any plans beyond the album release?Circuit: Touring the world over and over. Like we ain’t been able to really go like we know that we can since we haven’t been able to tour for the past year. Once we’re touring, performing every night, that’s when you’ll see what we’re really about.
Bellows: We just keep going. Ambition is the key, if shit comes our way we’re gonna take it up. More singles, albums, tours, collabs, merch, endorsements, movies. All that good shit, we’re gonna rack it up. It’s what we do.
Let's play a game! I do that every episode and I feel like playing Never Have I Ever with you guys. It's a known game, I don't think I have to explain right?Circuit: Nah, we gotchu
The twist here is though, If you have done something, explain the audience what exactly happened. The people tend to be quite curious *laughs*Boa: Oh, shit. How deep we diving with this shit?
Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person.Bellows: A few times, nothing crazy. Just responding to the wrong message. It happens frequently. I accidently invited our label boss to get blazed at one of our parties. She’s dope as fuck, she dropped by. She didn’t smoke, but she can hang. Gained my respect.
Boa: Nah, you gotta have that focus. I’ve seen how some of that shit can turn bad for you.
Circuit: Similar to Bellows, I’ve accidently sent an invite to the wrong person. You’ve just gotta stick by it and let it happen.
Adding on to that, Never have I ever texted the wrong person, then pretended I meant to text them.Bellows: Definitely, you’ve gotta stick to your guns. You don’t back outta that shit.
Boa: I think I’d tell em. Gotta keep it one hundred.
Circuit: Always act like you didn’t fuck up. It’s a good life lesson.
Never have I ever pretended to wash my hands by turning the water on, just in case someone is listening.Boa: Nah, you gotta wash em’ every time.
Bellows: Gotta keep it fresh, always. Ain’t fucking around with hygiene.
Circuit: Man, sometimes you’re just busy as fuck. Ain’t nobody gonna know.
Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush.Bellows: The fuck did these questions come from, nasty as hell. I’m telling you, man. You’ve gotta keep it fresh. Ain’t using someone else’s toothbrush, not on my life.
Boa: Nasty lil fuckers. I ain’t even touching someone else’s toothbrush.
Circuit: Nah, that shit ain’t right.
Never have I ever made out with a stranger.Circuit: Man, of course. We lit up the clubs back in Detroit. If you ain’t making out with strangers then what the fuck you in the club for?
Boa: He ain’t wrong, your game’s weak if you ain’t ever made out with a stranger in the club.
Bellows: Yeah, I can’t disagree. I think back in the Detroit days, the aim was to fuck a stranger. Ya’ll gotta start somewhere.
Never have I ever had a bedroom injury.Circuit: Not for me. I can’t speak for the ladies though, things can get crazy.
Boa: Nah, I’ve had shit break but no injury.
Bellows: Broken shit, not confined to the bedroom. But we ain’t out here getting injured while fuckin’.
Never have I ever fell asleep while making out.Boa: You gotta be playin’ us right? These questions are nuts. Nah, definitely not. You got my entire focus, ain’t sleep on nobody I’m fuckin’ wit.
Bellows: Man that’s some disrespect, I don’t care who you’re making out with you ain’t falling asleep.
Circuit: I’ve been woozy while making out. Ain’t never fell asleep though.
Never have I stolen something.Bellows: As kids, I think we all got in trouble for stealing at some point in our life. Just basic replaceable shit, though.
Circuit: Nah, I went big at one time. Had to hustle for a minute.
Boa: Ain’t ever stolen anything worth stealing. If it’s worth having you work for it.
Never have I ever lied to my parents for my sibling or cousin.Bellows: Again, just stupid kid shit. We would always cover for each other.
Boa: Yeah, I think we had to cover for my man Circuit the most. Ya’ll spent most of your teenage years climbing in and outta that bedroom window.
Circuit: For sure, you probably did most of the covering up for me. But yeah, I used to lie about shit all the time when I wanted to go out and get up to some shit with my boys. Dumb as fuck now, but for sure. We all have, right?
Never have I ever made out with someone knowing they are cheating.
Boa: Nah, for me once you’re fuckin wit somebody else, it’s over. I don’t buy in to that whole revenge sex shit. Ya’ll cut all ties with me if you’re fuckin’ around. Like I’d expect the same back, no respect for that shit.
Circuit: Ya’ll never had revenge sex? Man, I ain’t condoning it but it’s fuckin’ good.
Bellows: I’m with Boa on that one. Like that’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed for sure. Like if it’s an open thing and you’re both fuckin’ around, then that’s all good. But if it’s exclusive and they’re playin’, time to end that shit right there. Gotta have that respect for each other, ain’t got nothing without it.
Well, that's it! Thank you so much playing this game. It was really fun to have you guys here! Any last words before we wrap up the show?
Circuit: Keep streaming that shit, keep grindin’. Orion debut, coming soon. Get on that shit, it’s for real.
Bellows: It’s been a ride.
Boa: No doubt. Ezra went awf on this shit. Appreciate ya, queen.
"Thank you so much to ORION for being on our show! It has been a blast, and I will make sure to meet you guys on the next episode of Real Talk! Any guests you would love to have? Make sure to E-Mail us through our website and we will make sure to have them on! Anyways, love you guys and until then!" The camera pans out as Ezra waves goodbye.