[The DannyK Fan Live opens up with DannyK comedically wearing sunglasses indoors. He lifts the glasses off his face.
"Yo! K-ings! Can you all hear me?". Danny takes a moments to look at the fan comments as fans begin to pour in for this impromptu live. As the chat starts to fill up with comments Danny smiles before continuing to speak.
"I hope all of you are well today. I know this is long overdue, but I've been so busy lately with the promotions and recording buuuuut I've got a bit of time today to answer some of your questions!" Danny begins to scroll through the comments before getting started.
"Right now, I'm actually in the US. I flew in this morning from the U.K....think it was a 7 hour flight. And the time shift is a key in for jet leg, yep. I just finished a meeting and I'm doing well, but I'm going to get some food and then rest after this. How are you?". After reading some comments Danny begins to speak to about the fan live.
"I'm going to try my best to get to as many questions and I can before my ride gets here. Wow... so many people here already. You all are super fast. Wow. Ready? Let's do it" Danny smiles before sitting up and starting to answer some question"'
"Alright first question! SlimMoney24/7 says, Yo it’s ya boy Slim and I’m wanna know if you could hook ya boy up and invite me to your party?"
What's up Slim money! Thanks for your question man. uhh...but wait? I have a party coming up? Danny looks around slightly confused. "I think I may have to talk to my management because I really don't see a party on my upcoming schedules. But..if I do then you're definitely invited. I see you doing your thing out there and I enjoy your songs. You also seem like a really cool guy. If and when I have a party, you're there bro!"
"TikaBKilla asks, who would you like to collaborate with and why also what advice would you give to new artist" "Thank you for your question, TikaBKilla. If I'm being honest, I could probably create an entire list of the artists that I'd like to collaborate with. There's just so many really good people out there buuuut...." Danny puts his finger on his chin and looks up thinking. "If I had to choose...hm.. let me see." Danny take a few more moments to think to himself. "I think I'll break it down to the top five artists that I'd like to work with...but honestly, I'd like to do some work with Lincoln. That guy can DANCE and I think we'd really complement each other not only vocally but performance wise to. Imagine us on stage together? We'd kill it! Tell me I'm lying." Danny laughs. "I'd also really love to work with Kato" Danny smiles. "I've always looked at Kato is an inspiration of mine growing up before I even got into music. Working with him would really feel like a full circle moment for me. I also think that A Rush of Blood was one of the best EP's I've heard in recent times. I feel like him and I could really bounce some really good ideas off of each other and create a great song. Also, I think I could really learn something from him given the amount of time he's been in this industry, straight up. Uh..next, I'd have to say Kara Romero for obvious reasons, Kara never misses!" I'd also love to work with Misu who has like the catchiest music. I think we'd really come up with something really cool. Last but not least, it's got to be Billy. Imagine us on a song together? I think that'd be a moment. He's also on fire right now, he's really killing it. I know whatever it is that'd we'd do together would be somehting to remember. Hands down." Danny laughs and blushes. "I'd also got to name some honorable mentions. Tika Mays, Miki Lee, Payton. The list could go on for days." Danny laughs before moving on.
"As for your second question...I think the biggest advice that I wish I would've received is to never settle for less and follow what your heart desires. It's super important for a new artist to hear that. The industry is really tough and sometimes you find yourself in situations that you don't want to be in, or, you hear false promises that never come into play and then you're sort of like stuck. Don't allow anything to come into between what your heart desires. Don't be afraid, go and get it. I'll be honest though, you can hear any advice but you really won't truly know how to navigate it until you are living it. If that makes sense?"
"Next question comes from CrescendoMusic. Why did you decided to pursue solo career?""Well that's a really good question. I think it really came down to me wanting to make music that I was passionate about and wanting to connect with my audience on a more deeper level. I think after a while it really came down to me wanting to make decisions that I wanted to make and I know that comes across slightly as self-centered, but I think it's the least a hard working artist can ask for. Connection to your business, your fans, your art. You know?"
MAJORCosmicBlueStanz asks What k-pop group do you want to work and also are you dating or single #ASKDANNYK"K-Pop... group? Right now I'm not really interesting in working with any groups but in the future I think I'm open to work with anyone as long as it makes sense. As for if I'm dating or single?" Danny smiles and blushes for a moment, running his hands through his hair and tilting is head a bit. "I'm having fun and enjoying life right now."
"Next question.. hmm.. let's see... got it! Atomic_Erich asks why should I go to you for all my k-pop idol needs,Danny? It's a buyers market and Ive got options,baby."Ah it's the icon Erich!? On my live? I think I've officially made it. Danny laughs for a few moments. "I mean, my merch section offers high quality products that can adhere to any of your needs, sir Erich. We got coasters..I know you like having a drink man, blankets, shirts, water bottles. There's options but come on, we want quality for affordable prices. You get that with me!" Danny joking laughs.
"BillyBadBoy asks, should I get a cushion with your face on it for my bed?"
"Why get the merch when the real thing is right here?" Danny laughs and bites his lip jokingly.
"Alright, the next question comes from AllThingzDanny and they say, there was a lot of anticipation leading up to your Bring The Heat festival performance. How did you feel? Were you nervous?""Thank you for your question! I know this might sound super weird but pressure oddly makes me want to do even better. I think it comes from always being in fast paced, high pressure environments and all the training I've done before I even debuted. For Bring the Heat, there was a lot leading up to my debut stage and I knew that, and I knew I had to deliver. I think I was more excited about it than nervous because I wanted to get out there, and my amazing K-ings showed me so much love. So if I was nervous it faded as soon as I stepped out on stage. I really fed off of the love that I received from the crowd and the interaction. There was a lot of stage planning and rehearsing that went into that so for it to go over so well makes me super happy and appreciative to everyone involved. I think the team over at Half Moon said something along the lines of me having the hottest crowd all weekend? My K-ings showed up and showed out and I definitely felt it!"
"Next question comes from Kang_USA, how is your relationship with the other BYS members?" "I talk to Jaemin and Kyle like all the time. Kyle even came out on stage and surprised me at Bring The Heat. If you look at the performance, like, I really was not expecting that. I looked at the clips afterward and I cringe so hard. I'm like this guy just crashed my stage! Danny laughs "But in a good way, I was happy to see him out there and show me love. People like to make things up but Kyle and I are still brothers.... I recently spoke to Rae too."
"EyesOnU asks, will there be more merch coming?!""Oh yeah, you have nooo idea. There's a new line that I'm working on now that I'm super excited about that will coincide with my upcoming project. Oh, and for people asking, I'm super involved with my merchandise selection and creation! I've had that question come up a few times. Yes...I know what's coming out!"
"The next question comes from RainK, how was it working with Cory Dionne on Ride?" "Cory Dionne is a genius. I really thank him for producing "Ride" and really helping my vision come to life. I heard his work that he did with Kara Romero and I was like, I gotta get in the studio with him. He's super chill and is very detail oriented. With him, it's the small things that matter. If you've got this broad idea and present it to him, he's gonna push you to carve out what you really want to create, almost making it feel like your producing the record with him. Honestly, it was something that I particularly appreciated being pushed on because I'm sort of used to hearing songs that have already been created for me. With Ride, and the rest of my album, I really have been involved with the creation of the songs, not just like the writing but the actual production values. I learned so much from Cory. You'll hear his work springled throughout my first project. Shout out to you Cory!"
"I've got time for one more. Let's see.. Hmm...alright. LOLDANNYBAE asks, what are your plans for the rest of the summer and the year?""I recently just finished my first mini album! Which I'm super excited about and really ready to annouce. I think it's been a long time coming where I can finally reveal to the world who I am as an artist, and a person, and to begin to tell my story. I think "Ride" was the perfect start to what I want to offer to my fans and this industry. I'll just say it here, I'm not just a K-Pop Idol and don't want to box myself in with that moniker. I'm an artist, songwriter and performer with a lot to reveal and say, and there's so much to look forward this year and I'm really excited about it."
[Someone off of the live, calls Danny, he looks up from his cell phone and nodes', he then looks down at the camera]
Alright, my ride is here and I've got to go. Before I go, just want to say, shout out to all my K-ings, everyone who's on this live. I've really enjoyed my time with you today and hope you're all loving "Ride", there's so much more to come. Thank you for all your support and we're talk really soon okay? Bye"