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#1 Posted : 12 June 2024 07:39:12(UTC)
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There is something about this interview that was a long time in the making, and it was something that needed to be done. These two have been pioneers in their fields, trailblazing a way on what you can do and be as a celebrity. Both of these guys have had a hard upbringing, both of them captured a rabid fanbase, they have grew into more than just what they started. The overdue interview of Chris Walker and Billy Khan.

When you guys first got together was this the life you thought you were going to have? Through all the ups and down did you think everything was going to turned up like this?


Honestly, I went into everything with zero expectations. I was at possibly the shittiest point in my life then. I turned up to that audition with everything to gain and nothing to lose. If I didn't get in, didn't matter since I was already couch surfing and unemployed. Couldn't get worse. If I did succeed, well the only way was up. By that I meant that I saw it as a way of making some money, doing something fun and maybe, potentially feel the buzz of having a charting song. In no way did I anticipated Weekend would go on to become, well, Weekend. Nobody did.

I basically went from a nobody to a somebody overnight. A potential statistic found dead in a back alley to being on magazine covers. Once we released that first single, there was no looking back. I wasn't totally prepared for the sheer magnitude of success because nobody could've banked on that. It's fucking insane to think how stratospheric it all went. I've always kept a cool head about it, though. I never had delusions of grandeur. I was dragged up in the very real world and I've always had my feet firmly on the ground. I've never been carried away with the fame and I haven't played any games in the industry. I don't have time for all that bullshit. I think a big reason as to why I'm still going is because of how headstrong I am and always have been. I haven't been manipulated or swayed by anything whether that's pressure or enticement.

Going back to the beginning you guys were brought together by Lyrica Ocha who was a member of the girl group G2L. What was that first impression of the guys and is that experience one of the factors that you decided to try your hand and putting a group together?

Ha! Well, when I first saw Oscar I thought; "who the fuck is this uppity little prick?". Did NOT fucking like him. Both London boys but you know, I was very working class and from the streets of Hackney. Oz was a private school boy from Mayfair. I just wanted to clock him, haha! We're all good now though. Don't come for me, internet. I could tell Scott was going to be a joker. He was definitely the loudest in the room while I was sat in my hoodie being all mysterious. Riley was just effortlessly cool. He has such a kind face and I remember instantly liking him. Just a very breezy guy. Dustyn? Instantly bonded with him. There was such a sweetness and naivety. A pure soul. Dust came straight up to me and started chatting away like I was his equal. It took me aback. I'd gone through life with people avoiding me like the plague. I was rough. He came up to me with no judgement. I had instant respect for him but also this protective instinct kicked in. If he could nonchalantly saunter up to me, someone who at that point regularly carried a blade, he could walk up to anyone. That's a scary thought in this seedy industry so I kind of took him under my wing.

As far as the SYNCO project was concerned, yeah, absolutely. Although we had mass appeal and I've never liked to box something off to one specific gender, we knew that a female version would really impact and inspire a whole other demographic. With Weekend, even more so than the music, a huge part of why people loved us was down to how relatable we were and even though it was an industry thing, it still felt organic. That's what we did with SYNCO, found five real girls with extreme talents and passion, and gave them a huge platform they otherwise wouldn't have had.

Coming out it was a different time and people didn't see the super stars that you guys are today what do you think looking back could you share a story about you guys grinding it up and getting your name out there?

It was a constant grind. I think a reason we kept on pushing was because of a lot of the doubting and pushback within the media and industry. We were seen as a joke just because we were young, regular guys who liked to sing. Back then, there was like this divide. You had your glossy, prim and polished pop stars who were media trained to within an inch of their lives and rolling in multi-million record label budgets. Then you had the edgelord, alternative, indie, smelly-looking white guys brandishing their guitars who turned their noses up at anything remotely fun. We turned up in our TopMan wardrobes, hairspray, and a dream. Both sides didn't know what to do with us and it was like their natural instinct was "ATTACK!". It was cool to hate on us. It was like they wanted to stamp us out before we got too big but that only spurred us on. Pushed the grind.

We made it our mission to be absolutely everywhere and it wasn't even for our own success, it was just to prove people wrong sometimes. We did so many radio station tours across the continents, in-store performances and signings, grabbed any TV spot we could, basically turned up to the opening of an envelope. We even bought ad-space on radio stations where some DJs had refused to play us. They could not play us during their shows but we'd pop up as soon as they were finished! Best of it is, a lot of those people who had slick shit to say back then? Where the fuck are they now? I know where I am.

You guys get signed by Angel Music Records and with that came the relationship with Mykaylah the boss of the label, could you talk about the relationship you two had and the I guess shocking moment of when your nudes got leaked from that.

Nowadays, I wouldn't even call it a relationship. I think it was a case of a very horny teenager and someone with a lot of power. I don't think the dynamic was right or healthy. Not that I'm playing a victim in anything. I was up for it and had a bunch of fun. I just don't count it as anything real. It was all hormones and excitement. In terms of the nudes, I'm not gonna say she leaked them...but I will say it's convenient how they got out there when things started going pear-shaped.

Uh, I was never fussed about it. The label, the team and some of the guys in the group were worried and embarrassed. Never bothered me. I looked good in them and if anything, it was more promo for us. I've never let anyone take ownership of me. I can't get embarrassed or humiliated because I'm the first to own a situation. Whether it's holding my hands up and admitting I was wrong or making the first joke when I've fucked up on something, I can't be your punching bag. I've beaten you to it and I'm already over it. We're all nude under our clothes. We all have sexual urges. The internet can see my hard-on. OK, and? Not like I've fucking nuked a country. Don't lose sleep over it.

Lets talk about 'Smile About it' your first big break as a group which also brought up some drama which isn't going to be the first time. Did you finally feel like "Yes, we are here we have arrived now lets take off from here."

To be honest, it felt like we took off with "Everything About You". It wasn't a #1 hit but it still spread like wildfire and put us on the map. "Smile About It" really was a special moment though. It was the first of many number one records and I guess it did give us reassurance that we'd get some more mileage out of this whole band thing. You know, the first single charted at #2 and it was amazing but we couldn't guarantee that we'd ever get another hit again, so when "Smile About It" did what it did, I guess it did reaffirm things.

Personally speaking you come from a super talented family, your Brother Deneil is a big rap star, Sayyid has been in some famous circles. What was it like with you being the middle child with your brothers and sisters and how did the rough upbringing bring you guys closer?


To be honest, it was quite a dysfunctional household. I was the second youngest of four but I spent a bulk of my life feeling like I was the oldest sibling. My older brother and sister, Sayyid and Faiza, went on to do their own things when shit hit the fan with my parents. Won't go into too much detail because it's all shit and tragic but it wasn't a happy home. No stability both financially and mentally. Not a safe environment for kids. I fell into the care system with Deneil and had very little contact with all other Khans for a while. It's still very fractious and I'm really not looking to reconcile with certain family members. The way shit went down did wonders for my bond with Deneil, though. I have such a close bond with my little brother. It's ride or die and I know it goes both ways. We've endured a lot and there's no shaking or breaking that bond. I'd do anything for him.

I think one of the reason why I feel like we get along so well is much like me you also didn't have a great relationship with your biological parents either. So Thanksgivings and Christmases are the best, Now they your a parent and co-parenting with another celebrity, Andrea, What is your take on you childhood and do you feel like your child, Emil, knows about your upbringing?

My childhood was Hell on Earth, haha! I don't want to go into it too deeply because there's a lot of crap that wouldn't benefit anybody if it was brought up. Essentially though, a lot of neglect, growing up around crime and unsafe environments. Police at the door a lot. Just...yeah, it wasn't...wasn't a barrel of laughs, put it that way! As far as Emil is concerned, he knows some stuff to varying degrees and that's only if he's ever asked. Sometimes he gets curious, sometimes he reads things on the internet and wants answers. I can't really protect him from that. You can put as many locks and filters on internet browsing as you like but if you type in my name, you'll still find a bunch of stuff. If he ever has any awkward or sore questions, I'm always honest and frank with him. You know me, I'm an open book, but I don't make a point of sitting him down and being like; "Hey kid! Want to hear some horror stories about Hackney in 1997?". He's also kept away from the bulk of my family. I have fuck all to do with them so why would I let my son associate? Emil's family is a tightknit chosen group of people who love him.

From Mykaylah, to Andrea finally with Jerry. You love life is quite the ride. What gives girls just weren't doing it for you? In all seriousness Talk to me about finding true love and what it takes to make it work? Like you I had female partners in the past and now I'm with the love of my life and a lot of people are still uncomfortable about it.

I've always said that I was bisexual. I don't even know if that's the right terminology these days. I don't really care about a label to be frank. I just know that if I find someone hot, I find them hot. Don't care about what's going on between the legs. I have fun with it all! Things not working out in the past was nothing to do with sexuality or gender. They just weren't right. Same goes with finding Jerry. Nothing to do with him being a guy. We just work really, really well. For me, I don't think there's a secret to it or a way of "making it work". I've found that if it's meant to be, it just works naturally. I want to do nice, romantic things for Jerry. I want to make him happy and feel loved. I want to show and express my feelings. It doesn't feel like a chore or any great difficulty. It just comes naturally. Like you and Chicago, it may make people uncomfortable...fuck those people, by the way...and it might not be as conventional as you thought...but it fits like a glove, right? It just feels natural. Should never feel awkward or forced. That's not love, that's just one big red flag.

People may not know this about you but you are into soccer, being a huge supporter of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. What was your first experiences with football?

I like that you corrected yourself in the end and said "football" because at first you said "soccer" and that just isn't right, my American friend, haha! For me, I guess it just represents community and positivity. I know football culture has a bad name and yes, there's a whole fucking can of worms with its problems, but from a personal standpoint, there's always been a warmth to it. That's how it should be. Even though things went to fucking shit and was never all roses to begin with, going to a Tottenham game with my dad and my uncle was always a great time and brings back fond memories. Despite things being frosty at home and not having the best relationship, it's like we all teamed up and rooted together for Tottenham. It was a common bond and goal. No matter how bad things were behind closed doors, when that whistle went, everyone just shut up and for 90 minutes, we had unity. That was a rarity in our family. Tottenham has a huge hold of my heart.

I was in a very strict catholic household with my grandmother and grandfather until I just left. You a very strict Muslim household and you can out with a new song Model Citizen a very political song. What is your relationship with politics and religion in the world and what is your belief now if you have one?

I think it's all a bunch of bullshit, to be honest. Not to disrespect anyone. I don't mind people having beliefs. Whatever helps you sleep at night and guide you through life. I don't mind religion as long as it's personal. I also don't think it should be rooted in any sort of violence and bigotry. I think that as long as a religion brings someone peace, it's fine. I don't like when it's used as a weapon. I don't like when it creeps into politics. It's a belief, not a fact. Why is something that's not concrete and tangible impacting real lives? It suddenly becomes about control and that's why I hate it. That was my experience with it. I grew up in a strict Muslim household like you said but it wasn't because they were overzealous about Islam. It was all cherry-picked. Certain aspects were drilled into us as a punishment of sorts. Made to feel like shit because we weren't doing XYZ...then I'd look at what the fuck my father was doing in his spare time and it...it just didn't add up. Found it all hypocritical and a sham. I have no time for it in my life.

In terms of politics, I'm definitely left wing and was always a supporter of the Labour Party in the UK but even they're becoming a shitshow. The guy leading them is Conservative-Lite. I'm extremely anti-right but what we've got going on over on our side is also the pits. I've never been one to idolise politicians even if they do champion what I believe in. That's a huge part of the problem, idolisation and ego. I don't want a celebrity or personality in power. It's all attention and self-service for those folk. I just want someone who will get the job done. I believe in the saying that anyone who wants to be a politician shouldn't be one. The desire to entire that field is loopy in itself. I really don't know the answer and the best way to move forward as a society. All I know is that it's currently a dumpster fire and we need to fucking do something.

So I talk about running for president a way back and it didn't go anywhere is holding a political office somewhere in the cards for you? what would be the next step for you branching out?

Nah. I'd only do it if I had a magic wand. I'd wave it, make everything better in a second, then step down. The reality though? No, it's too much of a minefield and corrupt to the core. I'll always lend my voice for a cause but I'd never officially get involved in politics. If I was branching out into something different, I think it'd be in the fashion or fragrance world. Something nice and materialistic, you know? Haha!

Talk about this album first called Tarantula, what did that mean to you and why the name change to BILAL your real name?


Tarantulas are fascinating and grossly misunderstood creatures. I love them and used to have a pet one, Cuddles. He was a Mexican red-knee and was just so docile and majestic. I related a lot to their public perception. A lot of people think I'm all fangs and when it came to my solo music, I think a lot of people already had an idea of what to expect. The whole thing about 'Tarantula' was disproving assumptions, expectations, and prejudices. I sat with it for a while but the more I wrote, the more personal I got. I felt like titling it 'BILAL' still covered the same theme and ethos, and just had a more personal touch. People think they know me? No, THIS is 'BILAL'.

"Everything About You" was a great song and your debut single. I remember a tumblr post that talked about that song and the success it had compared to other guy boy bands at the time. What was something that you guys had that you feel like the other groups around you didn't have?

I think that us being from the UK and Ireland helped a lot in international markets. We leaned into that "new British Invasion" era. I think another huge selling point was our rawness and authenticity. Yeah, we were put together but there was still such an organic vibe. Five regular lads plucked from obscurity with no media training chasing a dream. I feel like a lot of people liked that about us. We weren't all preened and polished. People related to us and wanted to root for us. That's where a lot of the other bands went wrong. This is nothing personal to the actual members of the bands, aside from The Zone, trash people. Other labels saw the success of Weekend and then just started farting out their own boy bands. People saw through the cash grabs. The labels had too high expectations for these new groups and the members probably didn't have the same determination that we did. They just wanted a piece of the boyband pie. It was a fad, a trend. They fizzled out as quickly as they were thrown together.

About Emil, I'm sure that he has seen a lot of people in the music business and stardom in celebrity culture. Does he have an inkling on wanting to try his hand in music or something in entertainment?

I don't want to go into too much detail as to why because I want to protect his privacy as much as possible but, no. He's not that way inclined. If anything, he's as far removed from wanting any sort of celebrity status or attention. Emil has his own thing going on.

I can really see you as a fragrance mogul. I really fits you, do you have anyone close that you would want to work with in that field or an idea people that you are going to take to make that happen?

I'm not entirely sure to be honest. It's just an idea that's sort of fluttered around in my mind from time to time but I've never properly knuckled down and thought it out. What I do know is that if I ever do go into that business, I wouldn't half arse it. I wouldn't want some other company doing all the work and then I just slap my name on a bottle. I'd want to be involved in every aspect from the roots up, especially if it's scent related. If people want to smell like me, I'm sure as fuck going to make sure it smells good!

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Offline BrownSugar  
#2 Posted : 12 June 2024 23:05:48(UTC)
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Billy: Was a pleasure to meet you once again in the flesh and you're very welcome for basking in my presence ;)

OOC: Thank you so much for allowing me to participate in this! I had a lot of fun working on it and these interview moments are always some of my favourite things on the forum :)




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freestylechamp on 13/06/2024(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#3 Posted : 13 June 2024 08:50:26(UTC)
erich hess
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Karoliena:awww,my little christopher is like sixties krusty. i am so proud.

erica:..... what went on behind the scenes when you were on that show?! also,ew. i think billy and i have the same views on sexuality.if you're cute,you're cute. the parts i get to play with are just bonuses.

Karoliena: i assumed everyone worth a fuck was that way anyway.

nina:what...the....fuck??! karoliena?!! i'm the other half of this act!!

Karoliena: it's Wednesday.

Nina: oh my god,it IS a thing!

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
thanks 1 user thanked erich hess for this useful post.
BrownSugar on 13/06/2024(UTC)
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