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Gildermershina wrote:sharinganerror wrote:TheCDs wrote:stephaniewazhere wrote:Now onto Gay people. I am gay. If God loves everyone he does loves gay, but does it give me the right to “be” homosexual. I don’t know, I’m still confused about it. Rules are rules and if I have to follow them to be safe (go to heaven) then eventually I will have to give up that and leave it. Which is sad, I love being gay. See that point right there is why it is just insane for me to actually consider the possibility that God is a decent guy. If you want to get into heaven you have to give up a part of your lifestyle that makes you happy. Not only is that insane to say "God loves me, but he hates gays, so he will eternally damn me if I don't become a licensed hetero," but more and more research is starting to find that homosexuality is probably a genetic/chromosomal trait and not a choice (it has been witnessed in animals). So God loves you, hates homosexuals and will eternally damn you to Hell, and then has you born gay. Where is the nice guy in all of that because I see a hypocritical bigot. Bunch of bullcrap dude, ya'know the (real)gay penguins? one of em left the other for a female. God doesn't hate homosexuals, he hates homosexuality. It's against what he wanted for mankind, but mankind, being the real assholes of nature, defied him. Nobody's born gay, they just wake up one morning, believe they're gay, and convince themselves they were always like this. God isn't hypocritical, and for one why bother calling him a bigot? Human ideology doesn't apply to him. He's GOD. The most simple lesson in the Bible is that GOD IS GOD, that mean he's the God of everything,anything,nothing, and so forth. He makes the rules, but he never breaks them. You'd just like to believe that wouldn't you? Boy you folk really do find it hard to believe that homosexuality is not a sickness or a delusion you can be cured of. Why would anyone just "decide" to be gay and face all the social difficulties and prejudices associated with it? Because they hate God? And OF COURSE God's hypocritical. The very meaning of hypocrisy is saying one thing but doing another. God breaks his commandments repeatedly in the OT, and contradicts himself on a continuous basis throughout the entire Bible. One minute it's you MUST stone your children to death for speaking out against you, the next it's forgive your children, they do not know that they have sinned. There is no way to reconcile everything in the Bible into one solid definition which exactly why you have Jews and Catholics, and Orthodox, and Anglicans, and Protestants, and Episcopalians, and Mormans, and even Muslims... How do you know whatever assemblage of laws and beliefs that you have gained in your very short time on this Earth is the correct combination, and that all the other ones, practised by millions, and in some cases billions, of people worldwide are entirely wrong? Isn't that a little fucking arrogant? 1. God made the ten commandments FOR MAN. He never had to follow those, he's God.(repeating myself)2. I never said we weren't wrong, I just stated what I believe is right. Whether or not I am right in the end, doesn't matter because in the end, what do I lose?