If Billy Maddison found it tiring juggling being a full time father to two lively little boys and being a world wide superstar, he didn't show it this week as we spotted him out and about around central London.
The man, who had been listed as "the world's hottest batchelor", broke many fan-girl's dreams earlier this week by getting back together with his on-off fiance, Gemma Ferns. Yes, AGAIN. We can't believe it either.
A friend said "Billy never wanted to break up, even when he found out everything at the wedding, but he felt he had to, because of what other people would say. But over the past two or three weeks, they spent a lot of time together and became really close friends again. He felt he needed to be there for Gemma, after she was devastated by the news of Raven's death, and they really began bonding again. They have a child together, both want more and they both obviously have very, very strong feelings for each other, despite everything, so they're willing to give it one last go".
When asked if rumours were true that the pair are to marry soon, the friend said "I don't think so, not just yet. But it's Billy and Gemma. They've done weirder stuff".
Anyway, this week, he has been splitting his time between being at home with the children, hitting the studio, writing new songs for his next album AND has been an ambassador for a local children's hospital.
"He loves being a family man", our source continued, "he feels as if he's finally grown up. He is pretty strict about his responsibilities, actually. The kids, and now Gemma, always come first. He has to be there when they first wake up, he does the school run for Caleb, then will hit the studio to try out a few new ideas. Then he'll be writing for the new album, perhaps do an interview or two, if it's scheduled, and then back home in time for when Caleb gets home from school to eat with them and spend the evening looking after them, and playing. Even if his work in the studio is unfinished, he will still leave, and then return later - sometimes at 9 or 10 o clock at night and work through until it is finished. Then he'll go home and write some more before going to bed and doing the whole thing again. At weekends he's been spending time at the children's hospital, getting some of the kids into music, and just spending time with them. He finds it really upsetting when he sees, like, a three year old that has cancer or something, but it's rewarding as well. He's giving something back and is happy to help and organisation that is contributing to make these kids' everyday lives a little bit better".
Phew. It makes me tired just thinking about it! Anyone would forgive Billy for looking less than perfect, or for being a little grouchy, but as our picture below shows, the 31 year old is looking on top form! And, as for being grouchy, this picture was taken as Billy had a laugh and a joke with a young homeless man who was sitting out on the street near Billy's recording studio. The star went in to get some lunch, and returned with some food and fags for the homeless guy, and had a little chat before heading back to work.

We wish Billy the best of luck with his family, relationship and hospital work, and look forward to hearing his new album which is said to be slated for release before Christmas!! Keep alert for more updates!!
Edited by user 02 October 2009 02:22:55(UTC)
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