real2 wrote:old.gregg wrote:Just like to point out that I'm the other mod in the situation and I agree with rince entirely. And it's not like Steph hasn't been warned or punished about these things before. Honestly, the mods are sick of it because almost every single problem or bitchy fight around here is either started by or directed to him - or if not you can be pretty sure he'll get involved soon. It was increased by ME for multi accounting because a ban is a ban, if you try and get around it then there'll be punishment for that too. The rules on that matter haven't changed since the first time he was suspended yet he didn't only decide to do it but he also continued doing it after he was told not too. Thus if I see another post from him on another account another day will be slapped onto the suspension.
On this particular situation no. That is false in fact most of the problems that have been happening lately, I was no involved. He'll get involved? So what about the people who started it in the first place. I tried to get around because I logged on and out of nowhere it said I was banned. I tried asking the forum and Rincewind responded why banned me. And I felt unfairly banned and I am giving my explanation why I shouldn't be banned.
The fact you suspend me does not make the situation any better. There is nothing to learn from it. IT just shows that you do not know how to handle power.
And the reason I'm bothered by it is because if I plan being on here on my free time I can't keep on with mods like Rincewind. With him this forum is slowly going to die until hardly no one is left.
There is something to learn from it, and it's quite basic. Stop breaking rules and you can stay, keep breaking rules and you're not welcome. And that's the end of it really.
Also - if you're responding to something a mod has done over PM then yes, it is different than talking to a member as they have the power to do something about it. If you're rude to someone else in a pm and they actually come to a mod then sure a mod will go and do something about it but quite often they just won't. As far as I've seen Rince's pms back to you weren't rude or unreasonable, however yours were. I can't prove that, but I know who I'd trust in a situation like that.
Yes, Steph did stop when asked in the Chimp Records situation which I'm glad about because nobody wanted yet more posts from Chimpy in response.
Rince is not finding things to suspend you - he has a memory. If you break a rule then it's remembered and if you keep doing it some authority has to be taken. I can also see where rince was coming from when he said about spamming. You were posting just one smiley or something in a post - that's not a valid post, really, is it. I mean, I wouldn't say it's a really bad rule break but some content to a post is always quite nice...
The reason I'm increasing your suspension has been plainly stated far too many times - stop creating more accounts to get around it or I will increase it. I can't make it more basic than that, sorry.
EDIT: And while I was posting that you somehow got yet another post in. Do you see what I'm getting at yet?
Edited by user 25 November 2009 03:21:36(UTC)
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