Top 10 Threads of All Time (This Generation)
1. If we all met each other (Fun Controversial thread) [It was really fun to see what would happen if we met each other. ]
2. My Proof (Live Show Coming Up) [The hardest thing I had to do in the forums, and I’m glad I did it]
3. What are you listening to right now? [One of the best way to see how others music taste is like]
4. Random Thread [Anything you want you can post it here, ANYTHING]
5. The Spelling & Grammar Thread[What finally helped me know the difference between which, wish and There, Their and They're]
6. Photo Thread [Hmmm. Behind the scenes, ha! you don’t look so great do you!]
7. HTC FALL Off-Topic/Non-Roleplay Awards! [the best failing awards ceremony of all time]
8. Homosexuals vs Laws (Marriage, Acceptance, The Army, Bathrooms ect.) [Very Interesting Topic]
9. Illegal Immigration [Something most of us agreed on]
10. The Rock Star Game Forums Theme Song [No forum has a theme song so far]
Edited by user 15 years ago
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