Suddenly they arise from the ashes. Or rather, from the rehearsal room. A while ago, melodic death metal innovators Transferium Project suddenly cancelled all activities, from performances to the release of the new album. No reasons were given. Until now. Frontman Giorgio Galfore recently had an interview with Metal Hammer UK in which he said the following:
Giorgio wrote:We were not motivated anymore. The chemistry was gone. So we made the decision to cancel all activities and go on hiatus. It was hard, especially for Daniel, since he had just joined and only played 4 shows with us. The past months we have been minding our own business, just relaxing. But then Freddy got sick of doing nothing and called Pauli, Alfredo and me to see if we could jam a bit and before we knew we had written a bunch of new material. We called the Dan and Anders and just played. And it felt know, meeting an old friend foor the first time after many years. Just like before.
We contacted the label to put us back into action and dove up the master tape from the last recordings we did.
Q: How about the album you were gonna put out?
A: Ignore all plans for that album. We recorded a handful of new songs and chose the best from both those sessions. This will be our new album. I will reveal to you: it's called Out Of Nothing and it marks a return to IV: Orion, like we said. Or actually, a mix of IV: Orion and No Prayers Left. The symphonic element is pretty much gone, although we still use synths to emulate them. I believe only two songs are recorded with a real orchestra.
The following was posted on
New single and album coming, artwork revealed!Our new album is called Out Of Nothing and here's the artwork:

Tracklisting and release dates will follow.
New single Dream Oblivion out January 15!

1. Dream Oblivion - 5:32 (M: Schwartz, Carlsson, L: Galfore)
2. Soul Splitter - 4:12 (M: Schwartz, Carlsson, Bandaneros, L: Galfore, Schwartz)
3. Dream Oblivion (Orchestral Version) - 5:20 (M: Schwartz, Carlsson, L: Galfore, Orchestral Arrangements: Bandaneros, Schwartz)
Transferium Project is:
Giorgio Galfore - Vocals
Freddy Carlsson - Lead, Rhythm and Acoustic Guitars, Backing Vocals
Daniel DuMonde - Lead, Rhythm and Acoustic Guitars, Backing Vocals
Pauli Schwartz - Bass, Vocals, Backing Vocals
Alfredo Bandaneros - Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Anders Svensson - Drums and Percussion
We are back, and everyone shall know it!