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Offline Synxhard  
#1 Posted : 26 January 2010 16:36:06(UTC)
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OOC: I'll be posting this in 5-6 seperate parts, let me know what you think. First live rp since The Wicker Man's Brazil show, so I'm a little out of it. Told in 3rd person.

9:00 PM, Carlos Tatiere, Oviedo, Spain:

The rowdy Spanish crowd of 4,000 has waited since the first support act, a neo-thrash band, Imperium went up at 6:00. The Oakland,CA metallers had been received well, although all they managed to really accomplish was build the anxiety for Black Gold Reign, who were prepping backstage after a long 2 days of rest in-between Portugal and their current location. The audience began to show some real excitement when local melo-death act In Nomine took the stage, making up for anything the first band lacked with an intense show and some real music chops to back it up. They exit at 8:30, leaving enough time for BGR's roadie, Jason, to set up Corey's massive drum raiser, which appears to be made of a black metal. A banner is hung in the background, featuring similar black coins, enveloped in shadows, over which the words 'Black Gold Reign' are painted in gold. Randy, the lighting technician, kills the house lights, leaving only a few gray and violet bulbs on to illuminate the stage. Die hard fans cheer, as the synth-warped guitar solo 'Six (The Slaughtered)', from the band's 3rd self-titled EP, fades out through the PA, and shadows move across the stage, taking their positions. Suddenly, the band rips into a distorted chord, letting it hold out while massive headlights illuminate the stage, and the crowd goes ape-shit.

Matt: How the fuck are you, Oviedo!?!?

As a group of moshers clear out the center of the venue, Jimmy moves over to the side of the stage, taking a gulp of Jaeger out of a Solo cup, and then proceeding to mount the top of his huge wall of Mesa Boogie amps.

Matt: Hope you guys know this one, cause its what got us off the floor. Sing the fuck along, this is 'Concrete Hell'!

Corey begins the now iconic drum intro to what is possibly BGR's most popular song, while David pumps his fist in the air, managing to get a sizable chunk of the crowd chanting with him. The band begins an epic build up into the verse, and the tension in Carlos Tatiere mounts, as the audience splits in two, waiting for the right moment to perform the wall-of-death. BGR cuts out, and waits a moment for the fans to emit savage war cries, before Corey pounds out the winding drum fill that leads out of the intro and into the verse. As a groove oriented and incredibly catchy Machine Head-esque riff begins, the 2 halves of the crowd sprint towards each other, colliding with enough force to shake the drum raiser, nearly tripping Corey up. They play through a particularly savage rendition of the verse, and the pre-chorus emanates thrash in its most pure form, fast triplets, tri-tones and galloping drum beats, played with extreme preciseness. At this time, Jimmy, who was up until now perched on his rack, leaps down, losing his balance for a second and almost falling into the sea of bodies. When they reach the anthemic chorus, Matt tries to sing, but his voice is over powered by those of 4,000 crazed Spaniards. He just sits back and starts to laugh his ass of, while David and Jimmy cast each other ecstatic looks. Once they reach Jimmy's solo, Matt tosses his guitar tech Brian the Les Paul he had been using, and catapults himself into the crowd, shortly followed by David. Corey and Jimmy treat the fans to extended guitar and drum solos, giving security enough time to tear their energetic front-man and bassist from the sea of fans. The mosh pit threatens to consume even the furthest edges of the crowd as BGR kicks into the chugging outro riff, and another shacking crowd chant begins, this time to the repetitive lyric 'Hell', which is normally screamed back and forth between Corey and Matt. They end the song by holding one note out, while Jimmy rips into a shred-tastic mini solo. Matt greets the audience over the sound of distorted guitars and lots of crash cymbals.


Corey tearing it up on 'Concrete Hell'

Matt: Hell yeah! You mother fuckers might be the craziest crowd we've had this whole tour! Holy shit. Now, how many of you have our very first EP?

Semi-loud cheer, and lots of devil horns. Corey backs this up with a little double bass fill.

Matt: Alright, alright, a few of you. Well, you see, this is the first song I ever wrote with these guys, but it started out as a demo for the 5th Nile's Fear album, so this'll be a little-melo death fix for all you hardcore mother fuckers. Take it away, Jimmy.

The fans go ape-shit once more as Jimmy, already visibly drunk, makes his way to the front of the stage, 7 inches in hand. He mounts the top of the foot riser, and while throwing out free copies of their 3 EPs, addresses the crowd.

Jimmy: You guys having a good time so far? Well good, cause I am too. This is a little tune about epic medieval warfare, and I'm sure you all know it, so we're gonna get a little tricky with this one. Everybody, crouch down, and when I count to 4, I wanna see everybody in the fucking air, got it? Here is... 'Black Phalanx'!

BGR starts a little pre-song clean jam, creating a trippy and anxious vibe, while all 4,000 crowd members crouch to the ground. A grooving bass drum beat can be heard, with David backing it up, giving off that instant 'I wanna head-bang' feel. The 2 guitars start gaining distortion, while Matt and David huddle around the drum raiser.

Jimmy: Alright mother fuckers! One! Two! One, Two, Three, Four!

The crowd explodes into a tsunami of flesh and bones, and people hurtle around, some as high as 10 feet in the air, as if a shot gun had gone off in the room. Well, if there is any track in the Black Gold Reign repertoire that resembled the sound of a massive shell of bullets firing the most, 'Black Phalanx' would definitely take the prize. Matt and David leap from their positions around Corey's drum kit, exploding into a frenzy of blast beating and lightning fast riffage, very close to one of those classic Black Dahlia Murder songs (think 'Of Darkness Spawned' or 'A Vulgar Picture'). Several gliding drum fills in the vein of Brann Dailor of Mastodon lead into the verse, which is harsh gutturals from Matt plastered over an ever shifting triplet based riff. A couple thousand Spanish voices join Matt's for the stand out chorus, which is a 2 part beast, one half chugging mosh anthem, one half shredding mid-string insanity, while all four musicians head bang like there was no tomorrow. Once again, the band finds their amplified voices over powered on the catchy and memorable post-chorus. The vocals easily emanate Matt's heroes, namely pre-'Metallica' James Hetfield and Mikael Akerfeldt. Security pave a path through the crowd giving Matt and Jimmy space to enter the pit and perform their climactic dueling-guitar solo amid moshing fans and friends. From there, Corey once again does the honor of playing an extended drum fill to give the fledgling guitar heroes time to re-mount there positions onstage. As the song ends in a white noise, Jimmy lights a cigarette, and, whilst the aforementioned Marlboro dangles from his lips, he boards the foot riser, assumes the guitar god position, and rips into a thoughtful, eery and masterfully crafted rendition of his famous take off the 'Friday The 13th' theme. This keeps the crowd in ecstasy for a total of 2 more minutes, buying the others time to down a couple 40's, change equipment, and once again run through the pyro-technics layout for their 3rd song. Obviously, Matt isn't risking any repeats of the Birdie incident.


Jimmy playing his 'Friday The 13th' Solo

Setlist: (So Far)
Six (The Slaughtered) [Intro]
Concrete Hell
Black Phalanx
'Friday The 13th' Jimmy Guitar Solo

Edited by user 29 January 2010 17:14:03(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Synxhard  
#2 Posted : 26 January 2010 16:39:30(UTC)
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Something to look forward to Jakey.

Offline Synxhard  
#3 Posted : 29 January 2010 13:05:01(UTC)
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OOC: I would've gotten this up earlier, but some stuff came up. Part 2 of 5. Comments would be nice...

The other 3 re-join Jimmy onstage, who is wrapping up the final few notes of his solo. Matt approaches the mic, and amid short double bass fills and guitar licks, addresses the crowd.

Matt: You guys are hardcore, right? Thought so. Good thing, cause this is the most bad ass straight up hard-core/metal crossover song in our catalog, so you better be ready to give it 100%.

Jimmy: I don't think it'll be a problem, Matt. These Spaniards are the rowdiest crowd we've seen on our European tour.

Matt: That's right, so get the fuck up! 'Leather Lungs'

They launch straight into an over-used but heavy as fuck thrash triplet riff, with a couple clever rhythm tricks added into the drum beat to throw of any headbangers. The mix of powerful 21st century Black Flag style vocals layed over a steel bending hardcore riff and thrash drums perfect for moshing is what makes the verse standout in particular. David and Jimmy race back and forth across the stage, cart-wheeling and leaping over obstacles, and Matt performs a perfectly executed move with Jimmy, leaping backwards off the riser right before Jimmy lands on it. Pyro jets up in front of and around Jimmy as he begins a flashy no-barres held solo, and some would say they almost saw Matt flinch as flames engulfed the room. They rip right out of the short squealing solo and into a million-beat-per-minute riff that could likely be described as Slayer on cocaine (not to suggest they aren't already on it and various other substances). BGR toys around with a few cliched galloping guitar parts, and Corey takes a virtuoso drum solo out of the blue. 'Leather Lungs' reaches its peak at an anthemic chorus/war-chant, and David heaves his fist in the air to the beat, prompting the crowd to do so too. Matt and Jimmy trade solos back and forth for a while, with the war-cry interspersed occasionally. As they wrap up the song, a final wave of pyro races up and down the stage, and fireworks in the back ignite their 'Black Gold Reign' backdrop, revealing another banner, decorated with the shady and quite honestly horrifying artwork of their debut single, 'Dead Skin', which features a gray skinned boy, barely visible in the black and silver 'corn-field' scene, whose face is torn up and brandishing many scars. The crowd goes absolutely nuts upon recognizing whats coming next, and part like the Red Sea, ready to rush into each other like vicious Spartan warriors when given the command.


Matt laying down some sick riffs on 'Leather Lungs'

Matt: Thats right, thats what I want to see. You guys probably know this one, its the lead single off our un-released as of yet debut album, its some serious blackened-death metal for ya, and you can expect plenty more on our first full length, mother fuckers!

Black Gold Reign rips into a single heavy chord, which is followed up by Eastern influenced guitar harmonies courtesy of Jimmy and little double bass-plus-cymbal fills from Corey. They repeat this multiple times, adding more chords here and there, and sprinkling in the occasional harmonic or two. Out of no where, a dominating and unearthly fast drum beat comes in, featuring a simple smashing groove on the ride cymbal and snare and an unstoppable dose of double bass, as always. Matt lays down a chugging riff, over which David and Jimmy create some serious vibes with sinister sounding harmony/riffs that inter-weave effortlessly. Much like Behemoth would, Jimmy continues to play lead-esque parts, while David and Matt transfer to poly-rhythmic savagery, which is backed up by precise blast beating. They cut out and the house lights turn on, giving the band their first full view of the crowd, who are waiting to start the wall-of-death. Matt looks over them, grinning, and then emits a high piched gnarly scream, leading into an atomic verse, and the 2 sides of the crowd collide together, forming s venue wide mosh pit of 4,000 Spaniards. Seeing the action down on the floor, Jimmy tosses his guitar to Jason, the guitar tech, and leaps head first into the pit, and is miraculously caught, crowd surfing over the sea of bodies. Carrying on without him, the other 3 blaze through the following chorus and verse, before security pries Jimmy free from the crowd in time to rejoin them onstage for the break-down section, which is characterized by evil octave chord progressions with a minute long drum solo. They wrap up the song with a jam, Matt and Jimmy trading shredding solos back and forth, and David smashing the head off his bass. Amid this "rock-star douchebaggery", Corey retreats backstage to down another 40 and smoke some Marlboro's. He returns to begin the intro to their next song, 'Blind'.

Setlist: (So far)
Six (The Slaughtered) [Intro]
Concrete Hell
Black Phalanx
Jimmy solo
Leather Lungs
Dead Skin

Edited by user 29 January 2010 17:15:40(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline PANIC!  
#4 Posted : 29 January 2010 13:58:40(UTC)
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(OOC: Shit, haven't seen such a great show roleplay like this in a while. Perfect amount of detail to give it a very visual aspect to it. Keep it up!)
Offline Synxhard  
#5 Posted : 29 January 2010 14:02:17(UTC)
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OOC: Thanks, means a lot.
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