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Offline Gethsemane  
#1 Posted : 18 February 2010 08:17:52(UTC)
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Welcome to GethsemaneMusic.com, the website of the Welsh band Gethsemane.

Yeah! We released our first single today. All recorded in our garage, written by us amateurs, performed on some cheap instruments, produced cheap, quick, 'nd dirty (Like my imaginary girlfriends), and I loved every second of it. You probably won't find it in stores and are pretty much going to have to order it here online. We have some free previews available, too.

The single's Loitering With Intent, which was a really fun song to record. It's just a silly, whacky, absurd little musical adventure that was just a lot of fun to record. There's a lot of improvisation - especially from the violin - so it's not perfrect, but, again, really fun to record and by far the best song on the single.

First b-side is Bizarre Analogue, a little instrumental written by Oss. No guitar or vocals in this one folks - nice violin, drums, flute and all that though - it's a mix of a modern feel and a very classical feel that turned out pretty well, but could use some polish.

Ugh. Second b-side was one I had fun writing, but the performance was a little... mediocre. It was the first song we performed together and we just kindof threw it together on the first run. We should've given it a few more tries, but I figure it'll be on the album (which we're also working on, it's a nice little thing that you guys are gonna like), so it'll be given some real justice.

By the way, if anyone knows any high-ups in recording companies and such... it'd be great if you could refer us! (Nope, no hint-droppin' here. ;-) ) ~Tim


Gethsemane is an alt rock band formed by a bunch of eighteen-year-olds who couldn't seem to decide what kind of music they liked and threw it all together in a gigantic mash and ended up with a huge band. With a slightly comedic, self-deprecating style to their lyrics and a vast variety of instruments, it seems there's a little something thrown in for every music listening. The band lineup is as follows:

---"Prozac" Tim Drik (Co-Lead Vocals)---
One-half of the lead of the band, Tim is a uni student at Swansea Metropolitan University where he studies at the School Of Performance and Literature for Performing Arts. He's where the self-deprecating end of the lyrics come from. Very, very outspoken about his opinions and bad jokes. He formed the band with Nate in early 2010.
---"Pistol" Nate Baretta (Co-Lead Vocals)---
A normally quiet and reclusive illustrator, Nate has a very loud voice while singing and knows it, participating in several nigh-unknown metal bands since 2008. He is rarely seen outside of concerts and tour buses, occasionally blogging about his life and posting his illustrations on the interwebs. He has been Tim's best friend since middle school, and was the first member other than Tim himself to join the band.
--- Dan Queen (Lead Guitar) ---
Dan Queen is a gamer, inspired to play guitar by Guitar Hero. Nerdy, small, and with uncombed hair, Dan would seem more like a bassist from a distance, but manages to impress with his classically trained gee-tar skill.
--- Shane Queen (Rhythm Guitar) ---
Dan's tag-a-long easily inspired little brother, Shane tends to follow in his older brothers every footstep - from the gaming to the guitar to the joining of a band named "Gethsemane." Diagnosed with ADD, Shane is easily bored and tends to go off to do random things if needing to focus for more than five seconds, which naturally makes him an ideal musician.
--- Maxwell Jennal (Rhythm Guitar) ---
Nate once joked that you could pull just about anyone off the street and they would probably play guitar - and never thought that Tim would test this when they needed a guitarist before Dan and Shane came along. A Barry College drop-out, Maxwell adds crunchy, punk-like guitar to the odds and ends of Gethsemane.
--- Weedly Noan (Bass Guitar) ---
Weedly looks and acts like a Weezer music video reject who fell through a thrift store window and got into a fight with a lawnmower and lost terribly. A rebel without a cause, Weedly will do anything that looks like it might be fun, but only if it pisses "the man" off. Unfortunately, he likes to dance. Badly. With a bass guitar.
--- "Didi" Vladimir Leago (Drummer/Backup Vocals) ---
The constantly-bickering Devil's Advocate-in-a-human's-body brother-in-law of Estragon, Vladimir tends to take his fury at the world for not disagreeing with him on everything on the drums. Didi also likes to hit things. Things like Estragon.
--- "Gogo" Estragon Leago (Violin/Backup Vocals) ---
The shy, nervous, and riddled-with-stage-fright Estragon somehow got not only a girlfriend, but a wife, despite rarely being seen talking, let alone flirting. Of course, Didi likes this not one bit, it being his sister - who's last name he took due to a reason he refuses to divulge when asked. A classical musician, Gogo hates being surrounded by the "modern" music and records what he needs to and leaves - which also may have something to do with constantly being assaulted by Didi.
--- "Oss" Osbourne Lealin (Keyboard) ---
Oss seems to have a habit of liking music everyone else refuses to - and he also likes to listen to it loudly, with a boombox, in public. Techno, techno, and more techno are his modus operandi - not coincidentally, that's also what he brings to the table for Gethsemane - badass sound effects and piano-noise for the various songs.
--- John Denvice (Brass Instruments)
Jack Denvice (Wind Instruments)
Allen Pace (Miscellaneous Percussion)
Merk McMilan (Mandolin)
Micheal Zoad (Lute) ---
Various musicians at Swansea Metropolitan, recruited to perform in the studio for whatever various songs require strange instruments.

(Ah, I love you all. ~Tim)
(OOC: Decided to use this band in roleplay. Never Rockstar roleplayed before, so...)

Edited by user 09 March 2010 11:24:27(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline Gethsemane  
#2 Posted : 18 February 2010 11:50:46(UTC)
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Ze Lyrics Have Been Posted, For The 4,184 People That Bought Our Single!

And we're 503rd on the UK Charts! Which is decent, I guess! Yay!

Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline Gethsemane  
#3 Posted : 18 February 2010 13:48:09(UTC)
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Meanwhile, in the forums...

ProzacTimDrik: Hey guys, welcome to Gethsemane's website. Glad to have you here in our first ever Q.A. segment. Few simple rules: try to keep it clean and as non-insulting as possible. One question at a time, I answer it, another question goes up. Decent enough? Alright. GO!

idkfa: Hey Tim. Around the internet, the single hasn't gotten that much good press, with "average"s at best. What do you think of this?

ProzacTimDrik: Well, I don't really think we're big or good enough to really be getting in the top lists or anything like that - so it's fine. We had some fun making it, I assume some fans enjoyed it - and if not, well, what better motivation to keep working hard until someone damn well enjoys it?

musicfan121: there is a lot of drama in the music biz, what do u think of all it?

ProzacTimDrik: See, that's the kind of stuff we want to stay out of. While we may poke fun at genres and even occasionally people, we don't mean any harm by it. We're just, y'know - poking fun, just as we poke fun at ourselves on a regular occasion.

guy692: Speaking of drama, how do you feel about some of the more recent pop artists like Stephanie Fierce?

ProzacTimDrik: Oof... Stephanie Fierce. I don't have much room to speak, but I'm not a huge fan - not of the genre, I haven't really met her... at all. We actually have a little song parody of her work coming up... The only real problem I have is the pretensious stuff like "Give Me Fierce Of Give Me Death" and the fact that she thinks she can establish a genre around herself. (Fierce-Pop and Fierce-Rock. Pfft.)

whee333kngs: Ryan Ross Hernandez is a pretty splitting artist. What do you think of him?

ProzacTimDrik: Honestly, I think RRH is a decent musician and a pretty good guy - he doesn't seem to be as big of a dick as the media makes him, if he's a dick at all. I think he gets a lot of bullshit thrown at him, and he doesn't deserve it... but maybe that's just me. :P

d00dcorner: Any inspirations you care to list?

ProzacTimDrik: Oh, boatloads. Anything I'll ever parody is always an inspiration, if only to write the parody... I'm rather fond of Pilot myself, and RRH has inspired me to think of some softer stuff - though probably not going to be a mainstay (;)). The Rockers, The Nimrods... y'know, more classic, older stuff that you can't really not know.

GardenOfWeeden: Any idea when you're going to release your album or next single?

ProzacTimDrik: As it is, we're just working on getting our skills down and we're only just getting into the songwriting process - though we do have some songs I think you guys are gonna really love. Anyway, that's pretty much all the time we have for now - so I'm gonna skedaddle. Thanks for being our first fans, guys, and keep on listening in for more news.
Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline Gethsemane  
#4 Posted : 19 February 2010 21:51:36(UTC)
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((OOC: Some feedback would be good. >.>))
Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline the strom  
#5 Posted : 20 February 2010 00:35:48(UTC)
the strom
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occ:Grammar...jokes it looks good to me



the strom website here
the rockstar game music Here


the strom (thrash metal) breaking up?
Band members

Rp bands
Mind game (prog metal/alt metal)
Ben (guitar)
King (vocalist)
Jace (drums)
Luke (bass)

Offline Gethsemane  
#6 Posted : 21 February 2010 01:44:16(UTC)
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Gethsemane's co-lead singer "Prozac" Tim Drik will be featuring in The Waiting Room's new song "Radiofrequency!" The band is very happy about this, hoping to both show off their lead's talent and hopefully give them a boost of fame.
Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline Gethsemane  
#7 Posted : 25 February 2010 09:28:33(UTC)
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Attention Gethsemane fans! (All three of you.) For those waiting for a good concert to come to, in London on the 23rd, 24th, and 26th, Gethsemane and Infinite will be supporting CD Of Iron! We're super excited about this and hope to see you there. :D ~Tim
Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline infinite135  
#8 Posted : 25 February 2010 12:33:58(UTC)
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Greg: We're really excited to be working with you guys on the CD of Iron tours. We're also really enjoying your music, keep up the good work!
Kid Anything- Indie/Britpop/Shoegaze; influenced by Sigur Ros, XXYYXX, Kanye West, Blur, Oasis

(Bringing together an eclectic group of influences, Ulysses' songs are sung with carefree abandon by Nick Junk)

Kurt Ulysses - Songwriter, Guitarist, Backup Vocalist
Nick Junk - Vocals, Mojo

Infinite- Alternative/Experimental Rock; influenced by Muse, Radiohead, and The Beatles

(Known best for their experimental music and their frontman's eccentric behavior, the band disbanded after Eric Quillington's death to pursue solo careers or, in Matt Robert's case, peace of mind. Infinite released four albums over the course of their career; Blue Nebula, Midnight Skies, Insomnia, and Dancing about Architecture.)

Eric Quillington (Deceased) - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Piano, Primary Lyricist
Matt Roberts - Bass
Greg Oldson - Drums, Backup Vocals, Secondary Lyricist
Amelia Florentine - Keyboards, Piano, Lyricist, Backup Vocals


"When asked 'how do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time', and this answer is invariably dismissed. But that's all it is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of China, if you will: one stone at a time, man. That's all. One stone at a time. But I've read you can see that motherfucker from space without a telescope."

- Stephen King
Offline Gethsemane  
#9 Posted : 26 February 2010 03:34:09(UTC)
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California Uber Alles, a cover of the popular Dead Kennedys song, is being sold online and in the occasional store now! But it up, kids, and let me explain it to you!

First of all, we have California Uber Alles as the single. Simple enough.

Next up, we have "PUNK!", a little parody-ode to Pop-Punk and the synchronized jumping that comes with it.

After that we have "I'm Fuckin' Emo," another parody - this time of the emo genre.

I'll have lyrics up later - until then, I hope you guys enjoy it!
Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline Gethsemane  
#10 Posted : 03 March 2010 21:35:27(UTC)
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Oh boy, our latest single has been released onto the market. Yay!

It's, again, featuring three song, and it's far better than anything we've done before - getting four star ratings, mostly.

The feature song is "I Want To Have Sex With You." As you may or may not gander by the name, it means... I want to have sex with you. Well no, not really. It means that it's a parody of the hair metal genre that I personally think was neat. It's definetely going on our album.

I also have a demo of a song me and Nate were working on. It's a bit of a love song, that we just felt like writing. No name, so we released it as "3am Song (Demo)", because that's when it was written. It's only a demo, so listeners, expect to see a lot changing before the released version.

B-side numero dos is "Party Animal", which is another track that's going on album, which we'll reveal the details about later - but Party Animals is a parody of not even quite a genre, but rather the musicians that write it, possibly. (I'mma get shanked now.)

I really think you'll guys enjoy this one, 'cause we got a good and expensive producer, and I think we have our instruments prettymuch down by now... so we're almost making good music! :D


Edited by user 03 March 2010 21:44:12(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline troy211619  
#11 Posted : 03 March 2010 21:53:50(UTC)
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Gethsemane wrote:
Oh boy, our latest single has been released onto the market. Yay!

It's, again, featuring three song, and it's far better than anything we've done before - getting four star ratings, mostly.

The feature song is "I Want To Have Sex With You." As you may or may not gander by the name, it means... I want to have sex with you. Well no, not really. It means that it's a parody of the hair metal genre that I personally think was neat. It's definetely going on our album.

I also have a demo of a song me and Nate were working on. It's a bit of a love song, that we just felt like writing. No name, so we released it as "3am Song (Demo)", because that's when it was written. It's only a demo, so listeners, expect to see a lot changing before the released version.

B-side numero dos is "Party Animal", which is another track that's going on album, which we'll reveal the details about later - but Party Animals is a parody of not even quite a genre, but rather the musicians that write it, possibly. (I'mma get shanked now.)

I really think you'll guys enjoy this one, 'cause we got a good and expensive producer, and I think we have our instruments prettymuch down by now... so we're almost making good music! :D


Great job! You guys get better and better with every release, although I don't really feel comfortable with the title "I Wanna Have Sex With You"..
zicon wrote:
So what is Role Play all about, Imagination?

Aj wrote:
I don't dislike pop, I dislike bad music.


Offline Gethsemane  
#12 Posted : 03 March 2010 21:54:12(UTC)
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troy211619 wrote:
Gethsemane wrote:
Oh boy, our latest single has been released onto the market. Yay!

It's, again, featuring three song, and it's far better than anything we've done before - getting four star ratings, mostly.

The feature song is "I Want To Have Sex With You." As you may or may not gander by the name, it means... I want to have sex with you. Well no, not really. It means that it's a parody of the hair metal genre that I personally think was neat. It's definetely going on our album.

I also have a demo of a song me and Nate were working on. It's a bit of a love song, that we just felt like writing. No name, so we released it as "3am Song (Demo)", because that's when it was written. It's only a demo, so listeners, expect to see a lot changing before the released version.

B-side numero dos is "Party Animal", which is another track that's going on album, which we'll reveal the details about later - but Party Animals is a parody of not even quite a genre, but rather the musicians that write it, possibly. (I'mma get shanked now.)

I really think you'll guys enjoy this one, 'cause we got a good and expensive producer, and I think we have our instruments prettymuch down by now... so we're almost making good music! :D


Great job! You guys get better and better with every release, although I don't really feel comfortable with the title "I Wanna Have Sex With You"..

But it's true. I do.

Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline troy211619  
#13 Posted : 03 March 2010 21:55:37(UTC)
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Gethsemane wrote:
troy211619 wrote:
Gethsemane wrote:
Oh boy, our latest single has been released onto the market. Yay!

It's, again, featuring three song, and it's far better than anything we've done before - getting four star ratings, mostly.

The feature song is "I Want To Have Sex With You." As you may or may not gander by the name, it means... I want to have sex with you. Well no, not really. It means that it's a parody of the hair metal genre that I personally think was neat. It's definetely going on our album.

I also have a demo of a song me and Nate were working on. It's a bit of a love song, that we just felt like writing. No name, so we released it as "3am Song (Demo)", because that's when it was written. It's only a demo, so listeners, expect to see a lot changing before the released version.

B-side numero dos is "Party Animal", which is another track that's going on album, which we'll reveal the details about later - but Party Animals is a parody of not even quite a genre, but rather the musicians that write it, possibly. (I'mma get shanked now.)

I really think you'll guys enjoy this one, 'cause we got a good and expensive producer, and I think we have our instruments prettymuch down by now... so we're almost making good music! :D


Great job! You guys get better and better with every release, although I don't really feel comfortable with the title "I Wanna Have Sex With You"..

But it's true. I do.


That makes me even more uncomfortable...
zicon wrote:
So what is Role Play all about, Imagination?

Aj wrote:
I don't dislike pop, I dislike bad music.


Offline Gethsemane  
#14 Posted : 03 March 2010 21:57:05(UTC)
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troy211619 wrote:
Gethsemane wrote:
troy211619 wrote:
Gethsemane wrote:
Oh boy, our latest single has been released onto the market. Yay!

It's, again, featuring three song, and it's far better than anything we've done before - getting four star ratings, mostly.

The feature song is "I Want To Have Sex With You." As you may or may not gander by the name, it means... I want to have sex with you. Well no, not really. It means that it's a parody of the hair metal genre that I personally think was neat. It's definetely going on our album.

I also have a demo of a song me and Nate were working on. It's a bit of a love song, that we just felt like writing. No name, so we released it as "3am Song (Demo)", because that's when it was written. It's only a demo, so listeners, expect to see a lot changing before the released version.

B-side numero dos is "Party Animal", which is another track that's going on album, which we'll reveal the details about later - but Party Animals is a parody of not even quite a genre, but rather the musicians that write it, possibly. (I'mma get shanked now.)

I really think you'll guys enjoy this one, 'cause we got a good and expensive producer, and I think we have our instruments prettymuch down by now... so we're almost making good music! :D


Great job! You guys get better and better with every release, although I don't really feel comfortable with the title "I Wanna Have Sex With You"..

But it's true. I do.


That makes me even more uncomfortable...


Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline Gethsemane  
#15 Posted : 07 March 2010 00:13:13(UTC)
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Many, in fact.

First and foremost, HOLY SHIT WE JUST SOLD OUT THREE-ARENAS-IN-A-GODDAMN-ROW. Not just bars, no, but real, 12500-people arenas. That kicks some serious ass.

Now, if you'll wait a second, I can tell you the second news.

Second, HOLY SHIT WE'VE FINISHED RECORDING FOR OUR FIRST ALBUM. It's currently in production with the best we could find (and pay for,) and we're really excited for it. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

It's basically a parody of genres as a whole, with a little song for each genre we could think of - including our own.

So, for our first album, we're holding a little vote for our album title - "We Are Not A Genre" or "We Suck So Don't Buy Our Music." Vote, peeps, vote!

Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline Synxhard  
#16 Posted : 07 March 2010 05:28:27(UTC)
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No 'Pirate This CD'? Yeah, it was SOAD's idea first, but hell, we stole a Fear Factory album title, which justifies you guys doing so.

Black Gold Reign
Offline Gethsemane  
#17 Posted : 07 March 2010 06:31:20(UTC)
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We're not big enough to warrant pirating. :P

Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
Offline genocidal king  
#18 Posted : 07 March 2010 06:37:22(UTC)
genocidal king
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Gethsemane wrote:
We're not big enough to warrant pirating. :P


everyones big enough to warrant pirating! Who needs to buy CDs?
Nah I'm kidding! When you've sold the number of records we have then you don't mind people "questionably" acquiring your album, but I hope people give Gethsemane a great start and buy the album!

Ryan Lee
Offline Gethsemane  
#19 Posted : 09 March 2010 11:23:21(UTC)
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YES! WOOOOH! Our first album is out there, and it is selling like day-old hotcakes. 234th on the UK Charts, which is the only place it was released in, we have sold 13,428 copies on the day of it's release!

Here's the track listing, lyrics and such will be up later:

1. Party Animal
2. Love At Second Look (3Am Song)
3. Maturity Is Boring
4. I Want To Have Sex With You
5. California Uber Alles (Dead Kennedy's Cover)
6. You're Beautiful (And Should Fuck Me)
7. We Suck, Don't Buy Our Music
8. Country Song
9. PUNK!
10. Being Obscure Means My Songs Don't Have To Mean Anything

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Buy, buy, buy, bitches!

...Sorry, little excited. But it's deserved! FIRST ALBUM!

Gethsemane - A Lot Of Band Members (Frontmen Are Tim Drik, Nate Barretta)
Emergency Porn - Jackie Roan, Quincy Shevir, Dwight Lelan, Rick Pearson
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