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User is suspended until 11/08/2288 11:47:34(UTC) Greenleaf  
#1 Posted : 25 April 2010 10:36:34(UTC)
Rank: Advanced Member

Groups: Registered
Joined: 18/02/2010(UTC)
Posts: 161

Green Leaf at Jimmy Kimmel LIVE!

The camera zooms into Maria who is pretending to be an interviewer sitting in Jimmy Kimmel seat. She's wearing a rainbow t-shirt and some over-sized sun glasses.

Maria: Sorry but Jimmy Kimmel couldn't be here and i sort of had to fill in for him. *Now holding album artwork* Their debut album "Spectrum Overflow" will be hitting the shelves on *pauses and looks at her index paper* June the 1st 2010, *whispering* gosh, as if people didn't already knew that. Please welcome Green Leaf!

Small set of clapping is heard in the background. Leon, Luis and Rebecca the only ones seating in the audience make their way to the three seats wearing banana suits, except for Rebecca who is doing all her best not to laugh.

Luis: Aren't we weird? *snaps finger*

Maria: Whats with the outfits?

Leon: It's fashion. We want to demonstrate how we feel at the moment you know with fashion.

Luis: Because that's technically that's possible.

Maria: Or....Maybe you just want attention.

Luis: Or both.

Leon: Shut up Luis......gosh!

Luis: Sorry.

Maria: So you feel like a long piece of fruit? All righty then! So Yellow..

Rebecca: Green *palms her forehead*

Maria: Green Leaf. Right! So how did you guys make it in *longs pause from both Maria the band* you know..

Luis: Um... I think we made a demo album and it kind of took off with a lot of hard work. Doing festivals, battle of the bands and stuff like that. You know all that promotion probably made it sell a million copies.

Maria: That's it?

Rebecca: what do you mean "That's it"?

Maria: Oh no no no. I mean like that's all. Ok moving on now.
Sooooooooooooooooo...... we have your new music video "Insomnia" and it's going to premiere here *Camera zooms in close to her face* exclusively. Any words before we play the video?

Rebecca: Umm.. play the video. *shrugs*

Maria: Right!

Jimmy Kimmel runs in with pajamas screaming punches Maria in the face.

Jimmy Kimmel: Nobody takes my spot. Here is the official premiere of Green Leaf's Insomnia music video.

Jimmy helps Maria who pretended to be hitl, up to her feet laughing while the camera fades out into the video.

Insomnia Music Video:

Setting & Description:
The music video takes place inside a Trish’s dorm room during 12:00am to 8:00am. Trish takes the role of an obsessed music and Green Leaf fan. In her dorm she has a poster that reads “Go green or Go to Sleep” and on her floor she has a stack of CD’s. The CD on top happens to be Green Leaf’s new album, as the cover is seen. She even has a leaf-shaped clock on top of what looks like a desk and on the bead there is a Green Leaf costume made blanket. Trish is also insomniac but only because she’s obsessed with music and the media. She also loves to party and drink.

Music Video:
The music video begins with 19 year old college kid Trish sitting on her bed. Trish takes a look at her alarm clock and it reads 12:00am, seconds later “Insomnia” finally begins. Trish is constantly looking out her window as if someone was watching her since she has that paranoia. However when she looks out her window she notices some people coming into her building at 12:00am in the morning, which was not normal. Suddenly she hears a knock on the door and before she could even open it, her friends open the door wide open and start a crash party. This represents the first distraction by Insomnia. The party scene is hectic and you see Trish sitting down as her friends begin to drink alcohol while Trish mimes the chorus of the song. When the catchy part of the song finally reaches, they force Trish to dance. A shot of her and her friends dancing behind her is then seen. You’ll notice the friends are all smiling evilly, while Trisha is frowning. This represents the second distraction by Insomnia. Finally Trish puts her foot down and tells everyone to leave. She pushes them out of her dorm and locks the door. When she is about to sit on her bed, the bed “magically” moves as if it were escaping from her! This represents the third distraction by insomnia. She finally manages to sit on her bed, she lays her head back and as soon as her head hits the pillow a marching band burst into the door (As the climax of the song builds), the TV turns on and so does the radio, waking her up and out of the bed! The marching band (the fourth distraction by insomnia) is Green Leaf. You see Maria, Rebecca, Leon and Luis singing the bridge of the song while playing their instruments. Trish while star struck begins to cover her ears. The room begins to shake and the movement spills a glass of wine. The wine turns into water and begins to flood the room. Trish then hangs on to her bed as the water is almost reaching the top of it. The band begins to disappear as the water rises. Finally, when the room is close to being fully flooded by the rising water, with the help of Maria and Rebecca Trish swims to the top for air. As soon as she reaches the top the whole water in the room jumps back into a small glass of wine. Trisha while the screamo part of the song starts, begins to smash her TV so it won’t turn on , throws her radio against the wall so it won’t work, and finally grabs the new Green Leaf CD and throws it out of her window. The song finishes and since the sun is already out Trish looks at the camera shrugs and leaves her room to go to school.

********************************************************Commercial Break********************************************************

Jimmy Kimmel: Here is Green Leaf performing a set of their songs, give up!

Green Leaf doesn't have one of those pricy sets with brig screens and circus acts for their shows yet, but one thing for sure is that they know how to work with that they have. At the battle of the bands, the band unfortunately had to put up with a power outage and an irritated crowd. While they pulled through, they are a tad terrified that might happen again anywhere they perform. To make fun of their performance at the second round of the battle bands the band has signs reading “No Power Outages Allowed” around their filming area.

Green Leaf who’s been sound checking behind a big green curtain the past 30 minutes finally appears in front of the stage as the curtain takes a rise. Maria steps into the mic.

Maria: HOW IS EVERYONE on JIMMY KIMMEL DOING! How many of my Green Leaf fans are out here today? Maria shouts into the crowd. Hope you are all excited and ready to rock on with us. And don’t worry there isn’t going to be any power outages or you see these signs, we’ll take them protest and burn the stage without harming you little plants of life of course.

*Maria winks at the crowd. While some begin to laugh some begin to scream from excitement. The band then begins a rough version of Green Leaf; the bands signature song.*
The crowd is happy with the song choice since they begin to sing along. The song finishes and the crowd gives a warm response.

Leon then steps away from the drums as Luis takes over since the others are about to sing acoustic versions of “Dying times” and “Shameful Roots” and Luis is not much of a singer.

Leon: These two songs we are about to perform are a specialty to us, and yes were going to slow things down a bit.

Leon, Rebecca and Maria then make their way to the front of the stage and begin the song much differently from how they usually do.
A man with a panflute mysteriously shows up and begins to play as they sing the song. The sound is much more pleasing since the crowd responds with an amazed look. The man with the panflute gets a louder cheer as he does his 1 minute solo at the end of “Shameful Roots”. The song finally comes to an end.

Luis: Give it up to our friend Lucas. He’s amazing with the panflute and he’ll be touring with us from now on. He has his own solo work as well so if you want to know more about his music visit his website lucasound.com. Once again that is lucasound.com.

The crowd cheers on as Lucas exits the stage.

Smoke then starts to fill the stage as the big green curtain lowers. Suddenly the band is nowhere to be seen on stage as the smoke blankets the stage.
The crowd anxiously now waits as they see nothing but a drum line stepping into the stage while the green curtain behind them keeps Green Leaf hidden.
After a short pause the drum line leader blows his whistle and begins to smash his drum sticks together; the drumming begins! The anticipation for Green Leaf to pop out of nowhere grows. Finally after the drum line finishes their piece, the curtain that was hiding the band finally rises up into the air and Maria jumps out to the mic wearing multicolored pajama suits along with the rest of the band.

Maria: 1, 2, 3, 4!

The small crowd begins to jump with excitement. As the rest of the band behind her begins to play “Insomnia”; the brand’s new single from the new album. It’s a new song so everyone is just seemingly bopping their heads to the sound.

When the song reaches the middle a mattress is brought into the stage and Maria with the help of Leon throws it to the crowd so people can lay on it. A guy, one of the biggest Green Leaf fans jumps on top of it and the mattress crowd surfing continues throughout the performance. When the performance reaches its climax which is when Green Leaf is about to finish the song, the drum line steps back into the stage hitting their drums as hard as they can as Green Leaf do their screamo debut. The band was shocked as to how well it went since it was one of the new songs they didn’t get to practice much. The response was so amazing. The band had to wait three minutes as the crowd was shouting “GREEN LEAF!”.

Maria: WOW! WOW! WOW! Did I say wow? That was “Insomnia” our new song that is available for free on our website right now! If you love it or even if you hate it you can download it for free on Greenleaf.com. Also leave us a comment to tell us what you think of the song.

Maria then takes a sip of her water bottle as she is a little out of breath. The band begins to play an instrumental version of “Driven” while Maria continues to talk to the crowd.

You guys have been an amazing crowd. The best we’ve had so far. We are so excited about our new album, which you can call whatever you’d like. The album is out April 19th. So if you’re a real fan get it the first day. And since you guys have been such an amazing crowd. We’re going to play another song from our new album called “Spectrum Overflow”. This one is dedicated to you guys.

Green Leaf does a brief performance of the song and once again they get an astonishing response. When the song comes to an end Maria and the rest of band make their way to the front.

Maria: I want to thank you guys once again. We want to take a time out and say you guys are awesome and we appreciate all the love and support. All right everyone without these guys right here this show would not be possible. So give it up to Leon!
Leon hit the drums as hard as he can and the crowd cheers

Give it up to Luis! Whoop whoop!
Luis waves at the crowd and some begin to shout his name.

Now give it up to girl Rebecca
*She blows a kiss to the crowd and waves*

Luis: Thank you all so much, we love you all and good night!

*Green Leaf walks out of the stage and the camera zooms out to commercial break*

********************************************************Commercial Break********************************************************


Jimmy Kimmel: All right Green Leaf had to go. you know they are a pretty busy band But we got some sweet footage that may like. Watch this...

Edited by user 25 April 2010 10:37:10(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified


YES I am.......
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