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Offline Gemma375*  
#1 Posted : 20 June 2010 13:11:35(UTC)
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Gemma Maddison was sitting in the living room of her Californian home in Sunset Boulevard, watching daytime TV. Lying on the sofa with her feet stretched out, she struggled against her 7 month pregnancy bump to reach over and grab the drink from the coffee table. Just as she achieved her goal, and took a victory sip, the phone began to ring.
"Shall I get that?" her husband, Billy Maddison, asked from his spot on the carpeted floor where he was playing with his two sons, Caleb and Kai.
"No, it's okay. I think I can manage", the pretty expectant mother replied, swinging her feet round and inching herself forward in preparation for the physical activity.
Billy sighed as he watched her. She was in far too much discomfort, he thought to himself. His piercing, bright blue eyes stared at his wife for a moment. Her long, bouncy brunette hair loosely curled down, settling beneath her shoulder blades. Her green eyes were alert, giving him and the children loving glances when he spotted her staring at him from the couch - the place she spent most of her days these days. But she still looked like the vibrant and beautiful teenager she was before they married and she became pregnant. Looking at her face, he remembered the way she was: so full of life and fun. But this pregnancy was taking its toll. His eyes scrolled down her body and took in the enormous baby bump that strained against the seams of her clothing, so big it made it difficult for her to sit up, or drive comfortably. She couldn't even reach shelves anymore. Her ankles were swollen and puffy, making mobility uncomfortable and her back was in constant agony. He felt that this pregnancy was stripping away everything that she was: her independence, her confidence and her self belief had been left in tatters as one by one all the tasks she enjoyed became near on impossible. Just then, he felt a tug at his hair.
"Daddy, daddy!!" Kai shouted, trying to get his father's attention.
"We wanna play in the pool!" Caleb stated, so matter of factly it didn't seem as if Billy had a choice.
"You do, huh?" he asked them. The boys nodded. "Hmm... okay. Maybe your mama would like a dip in the pool as well, huh?"
Caleb nodded, his dark brown eyes twinkling with excitement. Billy looked up and realised that Gemma had now got off the couch and had managed to reach the phone.
"Come on, get your things", Billy announced, getting up off the floor, picking Kai up with him, while Caleb ran ahead and up the stairs. Billy followed, pausing at Gemma's side to wrap his free arm around her bump, stroking his unborn child, and gave Gemma a kiss on the cheek before walking up the stairs after Caleb to find their swimming gear.

"Gemma, you will not believe what's happened!!" the voice yelled, obviously distressed.
"Dean, what's wrong?" she asked, nervously, "is everybody okay?"
"I'm fucking pissed off is what's wrong!" Dean shouted down the phone. "Have you seen what the fuck the Infidels are calling their next album?!"
"Oh, yeah... I was gonna call you about that today, actually... But... why are you so mad?"
"It's fucking slander, that's what that is!" Dean said, obviously pissed off. "Even my mum has heard about it. And how the hell am I gonna pick up girls now?!"
Gemma laughed. "Come on, Dean, who actually believes it? Your mother doesn't, you've shown your bits at gigs enough times for the girls not to believe what they hear - and even if they did, after seeing the display you put on, I'm willing to bet most of them would sleep with you, even if it was just to find out the truth".
"I don't want my name being used. I hadn't even heard of these so called musicians before. Or if I did, I was either on too many drugs, or they were too shite for me to care to remember them".
"Look, at the end of the day, they're a bunch of nobodies, using your name, your fame and your fanbase to try and cause controversy, which leads to interest, which leads to profit", Gemma reasoned.
"Well if they think they can use me, they're fucked", Dean said, calming down.
"What are you gonna do?"
"I'm taking the no good penniless nobodies to court. I'll take them for everything they have".
"That probably won't be much," Gemma reasoned.
"I don't care if I have to take the fucking cardboard box that they call a home, I'm taking everything. If the fucking retarded ass mother fuckers think they can bitch about me, I'm gonna prove them wrong".
With that, they said their goodbyes and hung up, promising to speak the next day.
Gemma turned around, just in time to see the kids go flying through the room in a haze of swimming trunks and towels before Billy appeared before her, struggling to wrap his arms around her swollen body as he gave her a kiss.
Live Youth are: ---------------------------------------------- Billy Maddison (Solo artist)
Gemma Ferns (Vocals) -- Dean Keller (Lead Guitar)
Jason Cevallos (Guitar) -- Guy Collins (Bass)
Tyler Albright (Drums) -- Levi Reiss (Keyboard)
Offline Captain Insano  
#2 Posted : 20 June 2010 14:32:38(UTC)
Captain Insano
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If you can prove that the album statement was a deliberate attempt to pass of a statement as fact and cause malicous damage and not just an opinion, which I am sure many people have negative opinions of others but dont' run off to a lawyer at the first comment made, then go right ahead but personally I don't think you can. Hey, go ahead if your that highly strung about a bunch of 'nobodies'...Gemma made a valid point about the resulting interest and profit that could ensue mostly on your behalf. I am sure you don't need me to tell you that we don't beleive you actually have a vagina. It's a metaphor in case your still hyperventilating and your eyes are misted red and can't reason at this time, with the title relating to a time when you accused us of not been able to read and been rather antsy, so completely tongue in cheek we decided to have a bit of a joke...which you clearly can't handle. If you want, we will see you in court.

The Infidels!

Edited by user 20 June 2010 14:43:41(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

The Black Gates- Progressive technical metal
The Infidels!- Retro doom funk grindcore
The Graveyard Sluts- dirty, slutty rawwwwk
Psycopathologist- old school death grind

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's just that your's is stupid.
Offline Gemma375*  
#3 Posted : 24 June 2010 02:45:17(UTC)
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The Mirror's "Spotted" section:

"Dean Keller, the guitarist from Live Youth, walking down a busy West London street, before walking into a lawyers office, with a newspaper in hand".

Below, there is a picture of Dean, in his regular uniform of converse, black jeans, a t-shirt and a black faux leather coat, walking in London.

"Dean Keller was seen walking through the busy streets of west London today, on his way to a solicitors office. It is thought that Dean is looking for legal advice after the Infidels named their album after him in less than flattering terms.
The rockstar, who has been out of action for the best part of a year, was wearing a black leather jacket, despite the heat, and sunglasses in an effort to hide his identity, yet was still recognised by a few fans, who called his name, asked after Gemma or shouted out song titles to him.
One fan even asked "Are you the father of Gemma's baby?!", to which Dean simply replied "yes", before ducking his head down and walking faster to try and get past the questions, before finally jumping into a lawyers office.
We're not sure how long the meeting lasted for, but Dean was still inside the building half an hour after our reporters left the area".
Live Youth are: ---------------------------------------------- Billy Maddison (Solo artist)
Gemma Ferns (Vocals) -- Dean Keller (Lead Guitar)
Jason Cevallos (Guitar) -- Guy Collins (Bass)
Tyler Albright (Drums) -- Levi Reiss (Keyboard)
Offline Captain Insano  
#4 Posted : 24 June 2010 22:43:44(UTC)
Captain Insano
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Tomi hardly ever read the paper, and hardly ever gave The Mirror a second glance such was his general disdain for any printed media within the UK. Sensationalist, hyperbolic muckraking reactionaries was what he coined them, in more serious moments that demanded some form of contemplation. Still, he looked at the folded copy before him as Habib had entered the kitchen of his Weston Super Mare retreat having managed to find his way from London in a voyage of epic proportions and thrown the paper on the table. Tomi was smoking a freshly rolled joint, interspersed with sips from a steaming hot cup of coffee. It was Tomi’s favourite way to start the day, as was the fried breakfast his sister Anna was cooking. Anna was over from Finland on holidays and hadn’t seen her little brother since the pair broke up Dies Irae last year.

‘What’s this?’ he asked Habib as he spied the paper sliding to a stop in front of him. ‘A newspaper Tomi…it’s where they write the news of the world for people to read’ Habib said in a slow and deliberate voice, acting as Tomi was mentally deficient. ‘Yeah, thanks for that Captain Obvious, but why are your reading dross like The Mirror?’ Habib rolled his shoulders. ‘Read it? Why the fuck would I read it? I took it as toilet paper in case I needed to take a crap on the roadside in the likely event of hygiene facilities at road stops been completely unsatisfactory to my delicate needs’

Anna laughed. ‘Maybe you should use it to slap yourself in the face once in a while, might actually lead to some improvement in your all-round looks…or better yet, you could use it as a butt plug’. Habib cooed ‘Oooh, darling, could you insert it for me?’ Both were about to continue been completely ridiculous when they heard Tomi speak, who had ignored their dribble and was idly thumbing through the rag.

‘Son of a fucking prostitute’ Tomi breathed and shook his head. Habib asked what was up. Tomi slid the open paper to him. Anna leaned over to look. ‘Hah! It’s Mister Sandy Vagina innit?’ Anna peered closer. ‘Yeah, looks like it…must be a wee bit cold in London at this time of the year judging by the jacket’

‘Have a read you pair of douche bags’ Tomi grunted. The pair quickly scanned the article before both cracked up laughing. ‘He isn’t seriously surely?!’ . ‘Fucking hell…then he really MUST have a sandy vagina…the poor sap can’t take a joke!’ giggled Habib. Tomi was already on the phone. ‘Arturo you worthless PR scum bag…you read the paper today?’.

‘Why hello Tomi, I am fine, nice to talk to you’

‘Yeah yeah, this isn’t a social call…’

‘Relax doofus, I’ve seen the paper and well, I nearly fell out of my chair from the laughter’

‘So what if he actually goes through with the legal action?’

‘Then we worry about it then eh hombre? He could have been there on ‘other matters’ if you get my drift. Its not all doom and gloom pal. If he wants to play with fire then he should be prepared to get FUCKING INCINERATED! I have taken liberty to contact your SMA legal team and they are ready to go to court if it ever comes to that.’

‘You are the fucking man Arturo…I guess we must wait then. Can’t believe the man cannot take a joke. It’ll play into our hands anyway if this blows up bigger than it should. Liam O’Malley’s festival, record sales, even that radio interview that is supposed to be coming out soon and what not…we will be killing it’

‘That’s the attitude man, always find a way to profit from an unfortunate event. Even if it goes to court and goes his way, the fucking record isn’t even released yet but the publicity will still be useful…hey man, gotta go, some hot bird is about to have a line of coke laid out on her ass. See ya!’

Before Tomi could say anything else the phone went dead. He looked at the others. ‘Well?’ Anna demanded a response. ‘Well my pain in the arse sister…we just wait and see what Mr Sandy Box will do.’
The Black Gates- Progressive technical metal
The Infidels!- Retro doom funk grindcore
The Graveyard Sluts- dirty, slutty rawwwwk
Psycopathologist- old school death grind

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's just that your's is stupid.
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