Naked On Paper - Katie Coyle (featuring Eric Quillington)
Katie -
Hi. This song, it's called "Naked On Paper", is a song which means quite a bit to me. The title is a metaphor, referring to how exposed I felt seeing stuff written about me in magazines and newspapers, and how it made me feel that I was just the public's eye candy...I essentially did feel naked for weeks.
I wrote this track whilst all of the "rumours" surrounding the Miss Vanity scandal were going on. It was a very difficult time for me, because of the fact that I had to not only try to protect myself and pretend that it was all lies, but I felt like I had to protect Vanity's best interests as well. She had told me not to tell anyone about us, but she was feeling very little pressure from the media. So I felt like I had to hold up a whole load of lies, and deceit on my own whilst she used me as the barrier to allow her to do what she does.
The song reflects my dark dark emotions at the time. You'll hear the lyrics, they're all about lies, harassment, bombarding, exposure etc. This was what I was feeling at the time of writing it, when I was locked in a hotel room, alone, facing wave after wave of paparazzi. The music itself is also quite dark. Because of the broken arm, I had Eric Quillington in for this one playing guitar. Eric is a true musician, and he was really easy to work with, and I think his guitar playing on this track captures my feelings of isolation and fear really really well.
In terms of the artwork. That has a good story to it. This is a picture I took in one of my "less stable" moments. I hadn't slept in like 48 hours, and they were knocking on my door, shouting, "Katie, just admit it....did you sleep with Vanity?" "Come out, let us see you...give us a picture" and all that. So I grabbed my own camera, threw the door open and screamed "How do you like it" as I took pictures of them...probably not the best move at the time. But we got to use the picture for this single cover, and we just threw a coloured pencil filter over it, and I think it looks ok. The black outer border, which is very thick, was my idea. It's supposed to symbolise the barrier of that world. There literally was no way out. I was boxed in with those people, those cameras. Track description - (if you look down, each part of the lyrics has been given a number/letter so you can follow the description easier) The song starts with a slow, smooth keyboard intro. It sounds very soothing, and almost peaceful, before a loud acoustic guitar breaks the serenity, and plays one loud chord, before going into a medium paced chord progression, as Katie sings the opening verse (1).
Verse (1) is sung in short, slow bursts. Each line of the song is started at the same time as the guitar plays a single chord, which rings out as she sings the rest of the line. There is also a momentary pause at the end of each line.
Between verse (1) and (2) there is a ten second break, where the guitar picks up and plays a medium to fast paced folky progression, which symbolises the frantic lifestyle of celebrity culture.
Verse (2) is sung in the same fashion, with the same music as (1), until the last line where Katie sings a bit louder, and the guitar plays repeated chords, building up to the chorus
(.C) Comes in with the guitar playing a loud, triumphant, but dark sounding chord, accompanied by the smooth keyboard once again. They play a lot faster than in the verse, and Katie's lyrics are a lot smoother, as each line runs into the next, without the gaps used in the verses. The last line of each chorus is sung slower, without any music, which just fades at the end of the penultimate line.
(3) the first line of verse (3) is sung without music, before the guitar joins in on line 2, but this time it plays constant chords rather than just one at the start of each line. There are gaps in the vocals as in (1) and (2), but no gaps in the guitar playing.
(.C) just as above, but the music stops abruptly as Katie sings the last line of the chorus
(4) is sung with just keyboard and no guitar. The smooth keyboard at this point is used to symblolise the haunting feeling that Katie felt when she needed Vanity. She felt alone, but there was always an eerie silence when she called out for help The lyics are sung in the same manner as all the other choruses.
(.B1) the first bridge is very fast paced but still very much in a minor key. Each line is sung with a punch, as if their is some venom behind it. The final word "lust" is held for a while, as the guitar plays a jumpy repeated chord to build up once again to the chorus
(.C) Chorus as above
(.B2) This is sung completely acapella and very quickly. Katie has like a filter over her voice to make it sound quite distant and haunting, but there is a real sense of hate in her voice, as if she wants the listener to feel the pain that she felt. This repeats, exactly the same.
(.C) Chorus as above
(.C) Chorus sung acapella, after line 4 it really slows down, and by the end, it sounds like Katie's voice is breaking through crying. The last line is sung through tears, and incredibly slowly, before the guitar comes back in and plays a very slow, and very minor key finger picking section. It then finishes with one, slow, deliberate chord, which sounds very sad.
The lyrics
(1)A bright flash of lightning
Obscurity’s death
Turn eyes to the pages
A rumour spread
I pray for the silence
My friend in the dark
Casting a shadow
On my heavy heart
(2)I feel interrupted
By society’s glare
I’d never have asked to
Be such a fare
I turn and I block out
My mind is a blur
Running from rumours
Like a wildfire they burn
(.C)And now I’m naked on paper, I’m
Exposed to the world
It’s a hopeless situation, and
I’m just a hopeless girl, oh so
Naked on paper
Why can’t you see all the pain, oh
My mind is like a pavement
Weather beaten in the rain
(3)There’s light in the tunnel
It’s far at the end
A glow of resistance,
My silence commends,
But soon it’s all shattered
Privacy isn’t free
Public interrogation
Is all for me
(.C)And now I’m naked on paper, I’m
Exposed to the world
It’s a hopeless situation, and
I’m just a hopeless girl, oh so
Naked on paper
Why can’t you see all the pain, oh
My mind is like a pavement
Weather beaten in the rain
(4)It’s all here on me
The public glare
You get off scot-free
Whilst I’m laid bare
I beg for assistance
It’s changing me
But you didn’t help it
You have to have seen
(.B1)And now I see through this game
This unforgiving fame
It’s a… lonely existence
Filled with enemies and resistance
I tried to turn and walk away
It’s my life but I can’t play
It’s all lies and there’s no trust
I’m just a girl, not society’s lust
(.C)And now I’m naked on paper, I’m
Exposed to the world
It’s a hopeless situation, and
I’m just a hopeless girl, oh so
Naked on paper
Why can’t you see all the pain, oh
My mind is like a pavement
Weather beaten in the rain
(.B2)They lie, and then
You all believe
I tell the truth and people leave
My side and
It’s all so absurd
I’m just a girl
Here in the world…
(.B2)They lie, and then
You all believe
I tell the truth and people leave
My side and
It’s all so absurd
I’m just a girl
Here in the world…
(.C)And now I’m naked on paper, I’m
Exposed to the world
It’s a hopeless situation, and
I’m just a hopeless girl, oh so
Naked on paper
Why can’t you see all the pain, oh
My mind is like a pavement
Weather beaten in the rain
(.C)And now I’m naked on paper, I’m
Exposed to the world
It’s a hopeless situation, and
I’m just a hopeless girl, oh so
Naked on paper
Why can’t you see all the pain, oh
My mind is like a pavement
Weather beaten in the rain
OOC: Spent ages on this. Vote on the Airplay chart if you like it! Cheers!