Episode 1: Tales Of An Hero
The show begins with some opening titles, showing bits of the five Titas videos, bits of the tour and some photos of their childhood and adolescence. The soundtrack is a new Teen Titans' song that looks like an electro-pop song. At the end of the opening titles is shown a photo of Den.
After a black screen of two seconds, the instrumental version of the song "Illusion" starts playing and some photos and videos of Den in his early life are shown. Then a voice starts talking.
"Den, aka Daniel Walnut, was born in London on November 28th, 1991. Den has always fought since his early life as he had to be operated from hernia when he was only one year old."
- Den: I remember that my family told me I suffered a lot and I always cried because of the hernia. They didn't know I had an hernia and my mother once was so deperate to see and hear me crying that she even litterally threw me out of the bed and I was only one year old!!
"Den will always remember his childhood as the gold years of his life. He was a mischievous kid when he was with his family, but with the school he became more educated and quiet.
At the second year of elementary school Den met Mimi.
- Den: At that year she wasn't very important to me. She was like every other person and I can't really remember my first impressions on her.
- Mimi: Den was very quiet at school and he had some good marks too. I remember he was the most courted in the class even if we were only kids. He even had two or three girlfriends!
"But not everything was going well for the young Den. In fact he had to fight with his fear or rainstorms and his problems with his weight as he was a bit overweight."
- Den: I think those were just the first problems in my life and thank god I'm over them now, but here was nothing funny on them.
"At the age of eight years old, Den met Tanya on his holidays"
- Den: I can still well remember how Tanya looked at me the first time. I thought she didn't like me very much as she was looking like she was going to kill me.
- Tanya: Den was very different when I met him. He was a bit... fattier! (laughs)We met each other thanks to a card game we used to play almost everyday. I remember that he used to fancy me and I told him "You better change your mind with me!". (laughs again) That was funny!
"Den was growing up and on last elementary school Den became very close to Mimi."
- Den: I remember that the teacher changed my seat behind Mimi and as we were becoming closer day after day, I fell in love with her and I once told her but she never answered me. But growing I understood that was just a big friendship for me.
- Mimi: We became friends very quickly and one day Den told me he fell in love with me. I was so embarassed that I didn't talk to him for a while.
"When Den went on the high school, the problems began for him. He didn't like the new class and the new school. Den happiness was slowly becaming depression and he was going to totally change.
- Den: It wasn't a great time. I never liked what the people did in that school. Most of them were just having fun and I didn't understand why they were acting in those ways. I was still the elementary school kid!
"So in his early adolescence Den fell in to a slight depression with still a lots of fears."
The soundtrack song changes in the instrumental version of "Through Your Life".
"After three years Den changed his class and his school, but he didn't find the peace, even if some of his fears went away as he fell in love again. There Den met Joey and Laurence.
- Den: Laurence was funny and he was very friendly. He was one of the few who made a good impact on me. Joey wasn't in that school, but he was at the school near. At first I didn't veri like him to be honest. But then I understood he was a very good boy.
- Laurence: Den was a very quiet and sometimes shy boy. But I remember also those times when he started laughing and never finishing. There were also a lots of times when he looked very sad, like there was something that was killing him inside.
- Joey: When I met him I thought he was a very quiet and good boy, I think I was right on the second.
"At that age Den began writing the lyrics of some songs, but he will make the songs just at the age of sixteen years old, when he was already out of depression and he was matured."
- Den: That was a great time for me. It was like I was taking back my childhood time. I began feeling happy again when I was fifteen years old. Everything at school was going fine, my family was happy and I didn't have any problems with me anymore!"
"After a long time Den could make his first album with the help of some programs on his computer as he couldn't play any instrument. His ambition and the help of his father and other people close to him made his dreams possible."
- Den: It was amazing. I couldn't believe it. It was like all of the problems of before were just helping me to maturate.
- Tanya: I remember Den invited me be in a band with him but I told him no because I was too shy, I was proud of him though.
- Den's father: I helped him a lot. He was studying too so it was hard for him to do all alone. So I decided to help him as I could use computer well.
The soundtrack song changes into "Saturday" instrumental and some bits of the early career of Den are shown.
"After some months Den released his first album: "Live And Let Die". The album was a pop album which didn't became very successful in the UK, but it was successful on his MySpace and for the people who knew Den. After the first album Den immediately worked on the second, while he was still studying."
- Den: It was a bit stressful because of all the hard work, but I had to do it because it was a my passion.
"Den released the second album on his 17th birthday. He released a few singles from it, because he didn't want to be a solo singer, so he searched some members for its band among his friends."
- Tanya: Den tried to take me on his band in every way he could, but I thought I was too shy so always told him no. This until the day I understood it was a great chance for my life and I was losing it. So I accepted.
- Mimi: Me and Den were becoming close friends again after not seeing each other for a long time and a day he asked me to be in his band. At first I was unsure, but then I accepted because it was a good chance for my life
- Laurence: Den asked me to be in the band because he knew I was good at computer so I accepted. We were closer friends than when we were at first years of the school.
- Joey: When he asked me to be in the band, I accepted without thinkin' twice. It was great to be in the band with such amazing people.
"So in the year 2009 the five began practicing and Den was also working on his third solo album. The five went to the university together, while they were still working to be a band."
The "Friendship Never Ends" instrumental starts and some videos and photos of the Titans together are shown.
"After releasing his third album and some singles with the Titans, Den releases the debut album of the Teen Titans with the group. The name of the band was a Den's idea, which is a tribute to the "Teen Titans" comics that Den used to like."
- Den: The name was perfect! On the comics the characters help each other and their strenght is in their friendship which is almost the same for us!
"The five went on tour in autumn 2010 and Den sang some of his solo songs. At the end of the tour Den left the band due to lack of friendship he felt."
- Den: With the tour and the solo-projects, we were all a bit exhausted and I thought there was no more friendship between us, so I left thinking about all the fans that were believing in our friendship. I just couldn't lie to them.
"After his departure, Den released a Greatest Hits which contained all the singles of his solo career."
- Den: With the Greatest Hits I wanted to close a chapter of my career and opening another one different.
"The thought of the departure from the Teen Titans and the fact the had deluded them, made Den think about his past. But one night has been crucial: the night when Den met Glamazon and Stacey Walton. Den used to insult the two women for some things they were telling him. Then Den went into his hotel room sad for what he just said them. The morning after he'll be found on the ground of his room, after attempting to suicide."
- Den: (takes his hand to the face) I think... I think what I did was awful. The fact that I had insulted Glamazon, sho said kind words to the group and thinking of my departure from the band made me decide to close my life because it was getting worse than ever.
- Glamazon: From what I've come to realise, it's that Den appears to me to be a very sensitive person and it's his suicidal attempt that really broke my heart. Whatever he has said to me in the past, I have definitely not taken offense as I know not everyone will agree with my way of thinking, so it hurt me to feel that he needed to result to such extreme measures because of how upset he was over everything. He's a very talented guy with a bright future ahead of him... I wish him all the best.
At the second week of december Den got out from the coma and, after recovering, he went on the Warped tour. He also rejoined the group and more mature for this new experience, he's now happy and he's going to work new material."
- Den: Finally at least I can say I'm happy and I learnt all the lessons of my life. That's very good indeed!
The show ends with Den smiling and the ending credits start showing some images and parts of the episode with the song "Who Are You?" as the soundtrack.
Edited by user 06 March 2011 20:48:06(UTC)
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