Hello James. Thanks for joining us.Thanks for having me, good to be here.
How do you feel about the critical praise of your debut single, which is the controversial song 'Dig Me A Hole'? It feels great. I always had faith in this song and always though so well of it. I was just hoping once everybody heard it, they'd think the same. And for that to happen made me feel amazing.
What exactly is the song about?Its about all the problems of today. The world, although beautiful, is a bit screwed up right now. We got the aids epidemic going on, STDs, global warming, the economy crisis, job losses and more and I thought writing a song about all of it and how I feel about the situtation was great. And it worked out well!
How was the recording process? Did your brother Matt Urie take any part in creating the song?The process was long. I wanted the song to be just perfect, and I became really neurotic in the studio. One minute I'd be okay with the turnout, the next i'd want to change a few things and so on, so forth. But it was really an experience and its just amazing to have an idea planned out and hear right before you. Thats what I loved about recording the song and all my other music too.. And as far as Matt having to do anything with the song, nope. I told him I wanted it to be a surprise, and him, Nick and Nicole seem to love the song, so Cheers! Its great being on the same label as them.
We have realized that since your first set of material, which was more of a theatrical rock sound with your E.P 'Tales Of A Lost Soul'. Now with your new single and label, what encouraged you to turn to a more progressive rock sound?I just felt comfortable with the type of music im recording now. I think it fits me better.
Are we expecting your debut album soon?Of course. I'm nearly done with it actually. Finishing up recording day in day out.
What can you tell us about the album?Its very powerful, and awaking. I might be young but I think people of all ages will not only enjoy the music, but they can also learn from it too. Dig Me A Hole is really awakening and people want to hear music that has a meaning to it and the entire album really has a certain purpose.
What other rock acts in the industry do you look up to? Who are the ones you like?I look up to all of them in a way. I respect them all and I think we all represent eachother in a way.
Do you ever miss your old days with The Walls and Less Than Infinity?Of course! I grew up with these guys and we all were like brothers, but unfortunately all of us really couldn't get off our feet.
Will there be a reunion with the proper label behind you guys soon?I dont think so. I think with me doing my own thing and Dan Richerds too.. were doing our own solo projects. For now and the near future I dont think we'll be coming together but who knows what later has in store...
The Total Annihilation festival released details that you would be performing there on April 17th, are you excited for your performance? What can people expect?So excited. That will actually be a big night for me.. I'll be performing never before heard songs from my debut album and I'll be revealing my album artwork and title of my album right after my performance, Its gonna be a big night.
Best Of luck to you. Once again, thanks for joining us James.