Modi : Ooh, St. Pat's tomorrow - gonna be a fun night in here! I may not be Irish, but any excuse to get pissed!
Kaethe : Oh ja, oh ja!
Modi : Kaethe's got relatives from just about everywhere, she can be our excuse. ;)
Krista : I'll join ya, Mods. Maybe some guy will get drunk enough to think I'm pretty!
Modi : Aww, I thought you were going to stay sober and keep watch on Kameerkate, make sure they don't get too drunk and go too far!
Alex : Don't worry, we'll be fine! And besides, Daphne's the designated driver, so Brisky, get off your face all you like!
Modi : Crap, Mayhem can't fucking drive. Ah well.
Jet : Hey Kettle, you up for a beer-drinking contest with Nick?
Kaethe : YAY! :D
Jet : OK, loser! Drinks on Kasia, and anyone 18+ is welcome to fail - erm, join! How about you, Raves?
Raven : No, I don't think I'll join. I'll come out for a few drinks though.
Modi : You can pull a Kameerkate and curl up with Jakey!
Raven : Meh. Don't think so. I hope he comes here, but I don't think ....
Modi : Are you STILL afraid of sex!? Weirdo!
Raven : You could have said that a bit louder.
Edited by user 16 March 2009 23:18:13(UTC)
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