Renee looked at Winston with the same awe I did because the aura he oozed, one of child-like fascination, completely disagreed with his face. His eyes, heavy with bags that implied he was skipping sleep on a regular basis and his collar, rather jacked up in manner that suggested he had gotten into a minor scuffle. Nonetheless he sat down and looked at me with innocent eyes. "Lay 'em on me." He almost whispered.
WINSTON MARSHQ: OK Winston, you're the band's main guitarist aside from Gary. You handle all the solos and most of the main tracks. What does being a Guitarist in an up and coming Metal band feel like?A: It feels like you're an ant being constantly stepped on. No, seriously, it's like this there are people who want to be something in life and then there are people who want to be something more you know? I want to be something more, being the Guitarist in Bremen is my way of doing this. Plus I fancy the look Bela over there gives me when I stare at her breasts.
Renee looks over to Winston with a noticeable scowl on her face, he slowly scoots his chair away from her as she goes back to sipping her smoothie. Things are getting testy....
Q: So Winston, you're actively trying to woo newcomer Brenda Callaway but word is you're not having much luck, what's up with the whole deal?A: Look here man, I'm doing just fine at wooing Brenda. In fact I have a date with her tonight. [Silence] OK, I admit that I'm doing pretty fucking terrible but I DON'T KNOW WHY! I mean I did all the classics that I learned from Michael Cera, awkward talking and awkward movements. I don't know what to do!
Renee shakes her head as she looks over to me, "Change topics before he asks the waitress if this place carries cyanide pills." I nod quickly hoping to redirect the conversation to another light.
Q: OK, as a heavy metal guitarist you have to have idols that you look up to and certain rules that you follow. Can you share some of this info with us?
A: People are always all, 'Aww man, Jason Smith is rad!' Don't get me wrong man, I have nothing BUT respect for that guy. He's been behind us since 'Heresy' but man, Aaron del Petro was the running force behind Mind. His guitar work is what I always aim to emulate in some form. Then you have Mark fucking Talley, I literal god behind with the strings. Before I heard Petro, Talley was the reason I picked up the guitar in the first place. I had just seen Blood of Wecz kill the comp during Battle of the Bands, Mind had a lackluster set that day. I never got into bands like The Nimrods, I don't know why.
Q: How did you join the band?A: Simple but funny story. I was the 'Wizard' back in Seattle, I fucked with all the gear and all the latest amps. I played mean riffs too, so Gary with Renee in tow came into McDonalds because that's where I worked. They came in and basically said, we need you to make these riffs for us and I looked at them like, 'OK....' and then they picked me up when I got off. Ever since then they have dealt with my whining and bullshit so I respect them.
Moments after Winston's final words, a familar face walks in: Paul Glover, he looks around seeing the three of us. 'Holy shit, I'm not the last guy here!' Are the only words he utters before rushing over.
(Part Tres coming in whenever)
Edited by user 30 April 2011 11:47:52(UTC)
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