So with the album and single both coming July, plus Miss Vanity tour and baby on way whats next for Cherise?
A Holiday I hope (laughs)Its been a busy time I love my work I love throwing myself into things and producing what I do to the best that I can and this normally comes from a lot of hard work, I've got things lined up until end of August but then its downtime for me and preparing for motherhood
You will be back though?
I hope so! its not going to be a quick comeback though I want to experience being a mother I want time out after this album I'm out of my joint contract with Shooting Star and MOFM nothings been discussed with either or any other label but I want to be a mum for a while, I'll continue writing I'm sure I will be inspired to through emotions and experiences
So we can expect a different Cherise when you do return?
I can be a sexy mamma (laughs) I'm not going to be in rollers with cocoa and cardigans on I'm only young, you might see a maturer version of me but i'm still going to be shaking my ass with the best of them!
How do you think MattY will take to fatherhood?
He'll be a good father, he's different to what he gets portrayed as through the press and stuff. I see him in a different light he's caring and protective and loyal and I'm so dead when this gets published
You both get a lot of stick in press and twitter, especially MattY do you think this is because he's so young?
I think it could be, I think we got quite a lot of bad press they dont pick up on the good things they only see the bad and then twist it and blow it up but as they say any press is good press it keeps you out there and you just learn to handle it, MattY is young and successful he's come from nowhere and blown up producing quality music for himself and others and owning a label as well he's very talented
Do your family like MattY?
They love MattY, they see him as I see him they understand how the press works they all get along with him think he's sweet and caring, they know the problems he's had in the past and they support us both fully
We've got some fan questions now if thats ok?
Sure I love hearing from the fans they are what makes us and I appreciate them all so fire away
Ok this question is via twitter from Jasmine Who's your idols and who would be your dream to work with?
My idols are definately Miss Fierce and Miss Vanity they are both exceptional artists and the way they handle themselves and produce what they do is amazing they are constantly upping their games and paving the way for people to challenge themselves and stay so fresh it's just amazing and inspiring, as to work with theres a list (laughs) i love both Stephanie and Vanity but then I'd love to work with Alicia (Lena) her voice is amazing sends chills down my spine such an amazing beautiful talented lady and Glamazon is wicked, I like Mudshovel a lot at the moment and not just cos MattY's involved think they are refreshing and Ryan Ross Hernandez is just beautiful but don't tell MattY i said that (laughs)
Next question was via email from Hannah it says Why doesn't MattY like vinegar?
Classic question (laughs) You know what I honestly cant answer cos I don't know but me I love vinegar on my chips and salt best chips from seaside resorts they just taste so different and lush
I agree, Final few questions this ones from Georgina, Would you prefer a boy or girl and any name ideas yet?
As long as its healthy and happy I really not fussed, I think MattY probably wants a boy but then again most fathers to be normally do to build a football team but for me I'm happy with either it will be loved no matter what as for names there's a few I'm playing with which MattY hates but my family has tradition of naming first borns with C names I not idea why its just something that happened and caught on so I should stick with tradition which I'm trying to but I'm sure MattY will try his best to sway me
And final question is from Jamie, Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Hmm thats a hard one cos no one knows whats round the corner but hopefully still doing what I love happy healthy and preparing for troubled teenager by then (laughs)
Thank you to Cherise for an insight into all things Cherise and we wish her and MattY best of luck for the future and the baby.
Editors note: At the time this interview was taken Cherise was preparing for support on the Welcome To Hell Tour due to untimely death of Miss Vanity we delayed the publication for a special Summer edition and Cherise has since announced she is taking a break after the shocking events involving both Miss Vanity and Katie Coyle to concentrate on her health and well being and baby, we wish her the very best and can't wait to have her back the album has also been revealed as 'The Other Sides Of...' due July 18th