From Blogger to TV star: Cassie Summers readying herself for debut TV appearanceCelebrity blogger and awards show presenter Cassie Summers has apparently written a TV sitcom set to air later this year.
Will we be seeing a lot more of Cassie in the months to come from now?She may be the most famous blogger and bitch on the entire planet after her rather amazing rise to fame over the past few years, but it seems Cassie Summers may be about to take on a rather major change in career as she takes herself off the internet and into the realm of acting and writing with her first TV show. It has been reported by an insider at NBC that Cassie came to executives a number of months ago with a proposal for a show which has since been given the go ahead for writing and filming with a view to a full season being produced if it is well received.
Having started her career as a singer, before moving on and becoming the most popular columnist in celebrity history, Cassie has become one of the most well-known names in the world, upsetting and insulting almost everyone who gets in her way along the route. After forging a career out of insulting others for so long though, it appears that the teenager, who surprisingly only turns 19 this Wednesday, is ready to move into a new line of work as she makes her debut on the small screen toward the end of 2012.
The spokesman from NBC, who asked not to be named, said: "Cassie called up for a meeting, and despite the fact that there were no plans to commission any new shows at the time, it is not company policy to turn away such famous people as Cassie. We are lucky we took that decision too; within just an hour of her arriving to meet with us, it became apparent that this kid was absolutely passionate about this project. It's the sort of thing NBC bosses like to see when someone comes with a project to us. We don't like burned out old writers who are just writing for one last time at getting the chance to make a buck rather than because they either believe their project is amazing, or because they just really want to make good TV."
While it may be surprising to many people that Cassie is even about to forge a career in TV at all, ehat might come as even more of a shock to most people will be the genre that she has chosen to go into. While many famous faces from other walks of life will opt to move into the easy money and relative comfort of a talk show, where they can utilise the skills they have learned. Not Cassie. Never one to be a shrinking violet, the star is branching out into the world of comedy, with a sitcom, written by and starring her on the cards, according to our source.
"It was amazingly well written actually, and very funny. Most people don't come to us with a script that's so well formed. Not when they are just starting out anyway. It was only fair to give her a chance to get started on the project. If the pilot does well, we certainly will let her do a full season. She has it all written already anyway after all," the NBC rep said.
Culture Uncut contacted Cassie to see what the deal was with her new project, and the queen bitch gave us a few clues about the details of her new show.
"It won't just be starring me," Cassie told us. "I have a co-star, who you all know very well. It may be a surprise to see us together, but for the premise of the show, it will work very well. I'm excited. It will be absolutely fantastic to get to try my hand at acting, and writing the show was super fun too. I hope that this represents a new line of work for me to really excel in."
So what do you think as readers of Culture Uncut? Will Cassie make a success of her new career?