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"I don't want you to be perfect I want you to just be you, basically what im saying is that I fell in love with you the way you are." Emerald smiles but also feels guilty for making Nina freak out |
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Fresh air. A warm breeze. A combination of the scent of her coffee and cherry blossom trees growing right outside the cafe she sat at. All of these things Evangeline Wolfe loves, but none of them more than she loves the feeling of relief. Her debut single was out, and, of course, she wouldn't know until later how it did, she still felt really good about it. She sits at one of the tables outside the coffee shop and pulls out her copy of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, and begins reading it for the fourth time.
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The cool breeze from the coast was pleasant on Katie Coyle's skin as she walked, her hair blowing gently as she enjoyed having a day away from home, a day to herself. It had been rare that she had a chance to relax lately, and she had decided to spend her alone time shopping for some new clothes - treating herself. Seeing a little quiet cafe with tables outside, she smiles and walks over, putting her shopping bags outside at a table. She goes inside to pick up a coffee before she comes back out, taking her notebook from her purse and jotting down some notes. |
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Evangeline looks up from her book for a moment to see Katie Coyle walk into the coffee shop and then back out, sitting at the table next to her's. Evangeline looks around, trying to see if anybody else had noticed her idol walking around. Except for a couple people inside the coffee shop who had pulled out their cell phones and were trying to snap pictures of her through the windows, nobody else.
She takes a deep breath in and then says, "Hi!" towards Katie, except for her esophagus wasn't quite ready yet, and the greeting came out in a sort of strained way, making Evangeline sound like she had a bad cold or she had been smoking for twenty-five years. She clears her throat and tries again. "Hi, Miss. Coyle. I'm Evangeline. I'm a really big fan." She gives her cute, beaming smile.
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Katie writes some things in her notebook for a while, oblivious to people inside the store taking shots of her with their phones. She never craved the fame, and she had never been too comfortable with the idea of being famous, but it was something she had gotten used to since the massive sales of her first album. She didn't mind fans talking to her or grabbing pictures because it was they who had done so much for her.
She hears a strange little voice at the next table and she looks up to see a pretty girl sat there looking at her. When Evangeline speaks again, Katie smiles and takes her large sunglasses off. She puts her pen down and smiles warmly at the girl. "Hi Evangeline. Thank you so much! That's very sweet. How are you?" Katie asks, extending her hand towards the girl. |
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How nice Katie was being to Evangeline, who probably looked like a total freak to her, made Evangeline almost squeal with happiness. When she takes Katie's hand, her beams again, looking at their hands together. "I'm, uh- I'm doing great. Thank you so much," She says back, stumbling over her words. "You can all me Eva. That's what my friends call me. Not that I think you're my friend-- But we can be friends! I'm not saying that I wouldn't want to be your friend, just that we're not an-- I'm sorry." She blushes madly, upset at herself for getting so jumbled and excited around Katie. "It's just really great to meet you."
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Katie tries not to giggle a little at how nervous Evangeline was. She knew what it was like to meet someone she was a fan of, and the first time she met Ryan Ross Hernandez, she had scarcely been able to breathe. She puts her other hand on the back of Evangeline's as if to calm her. "You're so sweet Eva. It's lovely to meet you." She couldnt help but think how nice the girl was and how great it was to meet someone who seemed so open and honest and true. It was not something she saw often in LA. "Hey would you like to join me for a coffee? It's always great to meet new friends. And I like your book." She smiles and moves her purse to make space for Eva. |
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Evangeline nods and picks up her purse and coffee, moving over to the seat across from Katie at her table. "Thank you so much." She puts her book back into her purse and smiles. "Jane Eyre is my favorite. She's so... so... refined, yet rebellious. It's beautiful." She starts to calm down a bit and takes a sip of her coffee. "What have you been doing lately?"
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Katie smiles when Evangeline joins her, happy to see that she is managing to calm down a little. She puts her notebook away and nods. "I haven't read that one. I'll have to get around to it soon. My book club does a lot of romantic and Gothic period stuff. Do you read a lot?" She takes a drink of her coffee and smiles. "Mostly I've been looking after my little boy. This is the first day I've had to myself in a while. I love him but it's stressful some times." She laughs. "How about you?" |
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Evangeline nods excitedly, loving talking about books, especially with somebody else that reads. "Mhm. I love reading. Especially Charlotte and Emily Bronte..." She beams at her. "I love that you're in a book club. That just seems so... so.. plebeian, yet perfect for you." She takes another sip of her coffee as she listens to Katie, watching her. She claps her hands together and smiles. "How is your little boy? How old is he? Do you have a picture?" She asks quickly. "I haven't been doing much, really... I..." She hesitates, wondering if she should even mention that she also sings to her idol. "I'm a a singer. I just released my first single..."
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Katie smiles at first. "I have to say I don't think I've ever read any Bronte stuff at all. Which ones would you recommend?" She nods and then scowls a little, unsure if Evangeline had intended to insult her. "Really? In what way is a book club plebeian?" She sits back and folds her arms, trying not to look too annoyed. She tries to shake it out of her head and not dwell on the fact. She fishes in her bag for her phone, always happy to talk about her son. "This is him," she says, showing her a picture of Lucas with Hayden. "His name is Lucas and he's 18 months old almost." She smiles. Katie nods when Evangeline mentions that she's a singer and she beams widely. "Oh you are? What sort of stuff do you sing?" She crosses her legs and takes a drink. Something about Evangeline was just so lovely and she had a magnetic personality. |
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Evangeline smiles, happy to be given a moment to talk about books any time. "Well, of course, Jane Eyre... And Wuthering Heights! But that's Emily Bronte, not Charlotte. They're both wonderful," She says excitedly and then realizes that she may have offended Katie. "Oh! No! I didn't mean it like that! I think book clubs are great! It's just... well... most of the time when I hear about book clubs, it's with middle-aged mothers. It's just funny that The Katie Coyle is in a book club, don't you think?"
Evangeline smiles as she looks at the picture of Lucus, smiling as she sees that Hayden is also in the picture. She had always thought that Katie Coyle and Hayden Merjos were cute together. Seeing a picture of Hayden in that family situation made her think it even more. "He's absolutely precious," she muses at the picture.
"Oh, I sing indie folk songs... You know, indie rock. Very minimal..." She smiles. "I'm not as great as you, but I'm trying. I just released my first single this morning."
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Katie smiles and takes note. "Well I'll definitely read those two. What else do you read? Right now I'm reading one called The Castle of Otranto. I think its by Walpole or someone. It's hard because of the old language he uses. Have you heard of it." When she hears what Evangeline had really meant she smiles and giggles a little. "Oh yeah I see what you mean. My book club is exactly like that. It's sort of why I like it. It's a world away from red carpets and fancy dresses. It let's me feel normal for a little while you know? The ladies are lovely, and some of them don't even know who I am." She smiles softly.
She nods and smiles at the picture. "He is. They both are. Do you have any kids?" She asks. "Or any other family?"
Katie looks impressed. "Indie folk girls together huh?" She smiles, surprise to find someone else who sings the same sort of thing she does. "A single? Well you must be a great singer Eva! You must let me hear it. I'm sure I'd love it." |
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Evangeline smiles. "The Castle of Otranto.... That's the one where the kid gets crushed by the huge helmet, isn't it?" She giggles a little bit. "I believe I read it, but I must have stopped midway through it. I don't remember what happens at the end. I just remember that it was very gothic and Poe-like. Of course, it was all before Poe, but still." She beams at her. "Do I have any kids? Oh, no... no. I don't even have a boyfriend." She laughs, shaking her head. "Um... I have my father? I spend a lot of time with him. He's my manager, and he writes a lot of my songs with me..." She says, becoming quieter as she continues on with that train of thought. She was pretty embarrassed by the fact that at the age of twenty-four, she was still controlled by her father, but, honestly, she didn't know any other way to live.
She smiles, happy that Katie seemed interested in her music. "Of course, of course! Um..." She digs through her purse and pulls out a copy of her single. "I promise I don't normally carry around CDs of myself. I just happen to have this on me," She says, embarrassed by the fact that she had that CD on her. "You don't have to listen to it... But if you want to... You can have that CD. It's yours." She blushes, the idea of letting one of her idols hear her music scaring the absolute shit out of her.
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Katie nods and claps her hands, delighted they had something in common. "That's the one! Yes. Didn't you enjoy it?" She chuckles. "It is a bit difficult for me. I'm not like the smartest person. I love Poe though. The one where he put the cat behind the wall used to give me nightmares." She laughs.
"Awww that is sweet that you do a lot with your dad. You guys must be close, huh?" She takes a drink and looks up. "Hey, you think we should get a bottle of wine? That would be fun." Katie thought it was great Eva did a lot with her dad, something Katie would have loved in Ber younger days. "I think a nice girl like you should have a boyfriend. When was your last one?"
She smiles and takes the CD. "I will listen to it I promise. How much do I owe you for it? I'd feel bad just taking a CD from you. Katie smiles. "I just know I'll love it. A sweet girl like you just hss to make awesome music, right?" |
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Evangeline shivers. "All of Poe gave me nightmares. I think that's why I like them so much. My dad made me stop reading them when I was a kid because I wouldn't be able to sleep for weeks afterwards..." She laughs. "Yeah, my dad and I are really close... Always have been. It's nice, most of the time..." She laughs again, and then suddenly freezes up at the idea of alcohol, even wine. "Um... Yeah, if you think we should. I've never... had wine before." She blushes again, and even more so when Katie asks her when her last boyfriend was. "Um... Never." She forces a smile, trying to seem like it's a not big deal, when it's really kind of depressing that a twenty-four year old girl has never even kissed a guy before.
"Oh, you don't own me anything, Katie," Evangeline insists, shaking her head and her hands. "It's enough that you're going to listen to it, you definitely don't need to pay for me." She beams at her.
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Katie smiles. "Your dad sounds like he takes great care of you, Eva. You guys must have a special connection. It's nice to have someone like that behind you." She nods, remembering all the times she had gone off the rails early in her career since she was out there on her own. "Really? Well why don't you have a glass and try it? It's nice but you don't have to have too much." She smiles. "Have you had any drink before?" She could see Evangeline was a little embarrassed, but she would never judge anyone for something like that. When she says she never had a boyfriend, Katie is a little more shocked. "Oh. Can I ask why? You're a very pretty girl. I'm surprised you never met a great guy." She smiles as she tries to make her feel more at ease.
Katie looks at the CD and nods. "OK....if you won't take any money, why don't we make a deal. If I like it, why don't you come and play some shows with me?" |
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Evangeline smiles. Her father was a great guy, just very very VERY protective over her. That doesn't mean that he was a bad guy... just a little annoying to her sometimes. She nods. "Alright... I could have a glass. That sounds... great," She forces another smile, still trying to convince herself that drinking was going to be okay. Her father was never okay with drinking. Drinking leads to drugs, and drugs lead to.... Her mother had died of a heroin overdose. That was the progression she had always thought it went... "I've never drank before. It's always been kind of... taboo in my family." She gives a little laugh.
She wanted to tell Katie the truth about why she had never had a boyfriend before; that her father would never let her keep one. In high school, he kept her from the opposite sex as much as he could. She was homeschooled, never allowed to do sports or any sort of activities outside of her studies and practicing her music. And now that she was older, he kept her away from them in my complicated ways. Her schedule was constantly full. She was constantly writing, constantly practicing, constantly working on every aspect of her performance because of him... "I've just never met a really good guy before," She tells Katie with a smile and a shrug, not sure how else she could explain that.
Evangeline gasps, almost not able to breathe when Katie offers for Evangeline to play with her. "Y-yes! That would be amazing! Thank you!" She says back, immediately thinking that she needed to call her father and tell him what Katie Coyle just offered to her.
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Katie smiles as she orders the wine for them both. She thought that Evangeline seemed a lot younger than she was, and she could tell that she had been quite protected growing up, and even now. "Even if you have a taste and decide you don't like it." She smiles and looks at Evangeline for a moment, sensing there was a reason why she felt drink was such a taboo. "How come....how come you never thought you should drink? If that's not too personal?" She asks. She knew how bad drink could be - her dad had turned to drink after she started dating girls, and it had almost killed him - but at the same time she knew it wasn't something to be scared of in moderation.
When she spoke again, Katie thought maybe she was hiding something about her relationship with guys, but she definitely didn't want to push her too much into saying things she didn't want to, so Katie just nods. "That's a real shame. Maybe I could see if Hayden has any guy friends who are single. He knows some nice guys." She smiles warmly as their wine arrives. Katie opens the bottle and pours two glasses.
"Oh don't worry about it, honey. Every tour needs a good support act huh? Plus, when I was new, people gave me the chance to be a support act. It would be nice to give someone else the chance." She giggles a little at Eva's reaction to her offer, thinking how sweet it was that it excited her so much.
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Evangeline smiles at how sweet Katie was being to her. "Alright..." She says, now excited that she was going to be drinking for the first time, even if it was just wine. She hesitates when Katie asks her why she doesn't drink, wondering if she really should answer. "My... mom. My mom died and my father blamed alcohol for the beginning of it, so I was always told that drinking was bad," She explains, hoping that that shallow explanation of what happened would be enough.
She gasps at the idea of dating one of Hayden Merjos' friends. "That would be... really really awesome..." She says excitedly, immediately thinking of ways to date somebody and keep it from her father. Maybe if the guy was famous, her father wouldn't care so much because it would help her career... Even if he wasn't famous, he'd be friends with Hayden Merjos, which made her connected to somebody famous... This could actually all work out. She smiles. "Thank you so much. For all of this. I can't believe I just met you today, and you're doing all of this for me. You have to be one of the nicest, coolest people on earth."
She smiles, thinking about how much fun it would be to get to hang out with Katie Coyle every day if they were on tour together. "Still... thank you... again," She says back. "This means a lot to me. A lot to me and my father."
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