Hello everyone, and welcome to SomeGenericShow! I am your host, Brent Lucille, and here with us today is simply one of the biggest figures in heavy metal history and a media icon... it's only Jason Fucking Smith!Jason Smith, performing in Paris.
Hello Jason, thank you for coming here today. How are you?Yeah man, I’m not too bad... everything’s calmed down, I’m feeling very relaxed at the moment. Although, to be honest, I’m feeling a little bit ill... I think I’m coming down with a cold or something. How are you?
We’re good thank you Jason. Now... first question... what’s happening on the relationship front at the moment with you? It’s been all over the place in recent months.Yeah, thanks for that... anyway, it’s all been sorted now. I am currently dating the very lovely Mikki Moo and everything seems to be going pretty well... I hope it is anyway, heh heh. Sorry to disappoint you ladies, and certain gentlemen, but I’m taken again. I’ve been a bit of a dipshit in the past as far as the whole relationship things go, but I’m gonna be careful now... I want every decision that I make to be the right one.
Good, good. It has been reported that you are turning to a clean lifestyle. And by reported, we mean that you haven’t stopped fucking going on about it ever since you decided to do it. Care to elaborate?Sure thing. Basically, since these things have nearly killed me in the past, I will no longer be doing drugs, will drastically cut down the alcohol, won’t just be fucking everything with a pulse if I’m single and am finally going to bother thinking about other people than myself. I’ve decided... if I’m going to be a father, I need to seriously clean up my act. What I was doing when I had just split... it wasn’t helping anyone. All I did was make people upset and worried about me, as well as almost being put in a mental institute. I’ve been to rehab, like, twice now and that’s a fucking horrible place, so I want to show everyone that I can do it by myself. I’m a very stubborn person, so trust me... I will do this.
You mentioned being a father... what’s happening on that front?Well, basically, I had sex with Katie Coyle and I am now facing the consequences. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a lovely girl and it was fun, but... I think we can both agree now that it was a huge mistake. However, I am perfectly willing to look after this kid and I’m actually now quite looking forward to being a father... I know people have their doubts about me, but this’ll be the kick up the arse that I’ve needed for years to make something of my life. I will be the best possible father to my child. I already have a list of names that I want to call it... if it’s a boy, it will be called Eric, naturally. If it’s a girl... actually, I haven’t properly decided, but something like Emily would be nice.
Talking about your “friendship” with Eric Quillington...Why did you put quotation marks over friendship?
Well... is it just friendsh-Oh, fuck off.
Very well. Swiftly moving on... your EP series. How’s it going?It’s going fantastically man, yeah... absolutely brilliant. The first two have been released, so buy them. Or illegally download them. I’m rich enough really, I don’t actually care. The reaction to it has actually been pretty immense. I hoped they’d do well, I didn’t expect them to do THIS well. I wasn’t really as surprised for EP 2, because it was a critic’s wet dream, but the support for EP 1 really shocked me. I am absolutely chuffed. But yeah, the last 3 are going to be released very soon... EP 3 is the next one, and it’s a lovely little progressive folk rock EP, but with some very subtle hints of other genres. For example, Hail to the Shadows is the longest song out of all the EPs and incorporates practically everything in it. I didn’t actually know what EP to put that song on, but I guess the main riff was quite folky, so... yeah, I put it on there. EP 4 is absolutely fucking mental. It’s an industro-noise-jazz-thrash-electronica-ambient-technical-pop-rock record. It has absolutely everything on it, all weirdly sounding quite coherent as one piece. And EP 5 is actually a bit similar to Mind... except I have a little more freedom with it. I am no longer restrained by what can be considered metal or not and the last EP has some pretty tongue in cheek moments. It’s still crazy as balls though.
GAH! Screw you, Mark Wahlberg lookalike in the background! This almost looked like a convincing interview!
Good to know. Speaking of Mind, is it true there is going to be a new record soon?Of course man! I have about 50 songs for it written... I have a good idea of what the track listing is going to be though. I just need to meet up with the other guys, and then we’ll start the recording progress. Expect it to drop about April time next year, I’d say. As far as it goes musically, it’s quite different from To Hold All actually. It’s still proggy, don’t get me wrong, there’s two songs on it which go on for over 15 minutes, but it also has a lot of earlier, more aggressive, more angry elements in it. It’s very, very vicious. As well as the typical prog ambient metal stuff, it’ll have more industrial, more death, more symphonic and much, much more avant-garde. There will be a lot of songs which reference previous ones... carry leitmotifs etc. Don’t expect this to just be a regurgitation of The Juggernaut or Shattered Fairytale though, this is completely uncharted territory. It’s actually gonna be quite scary when we do it. It’s a massive project to undertake. I think that it’ll be the last Mind record probably, because we’re never going to top it. I plan to make it the best Mind record, and hopefully one of the best metal records if I’m being ambitious, ever. It’ll be perfect closure for both the fans and for me. Some of the things that I have planned for it will actually take a lot of people by surprise... this one is not going to be your traditional standard metal record.
Can you give us any names of songs yet?Aw, go on then... a couple maybe. The record itself will probably be titled Mind... a stroke of genius, I know. Two songs that I’m certain will be on the record are tentively titled Safety in Numbers and Angular Cuts. I’ll be nice and give you a little more detail on them as well... SiN is a massive, epic, heavy slab of technical progressive groove metal, with lots of little surprises and symphonic elements crammed in, as well as my traditional layered production style. AC is... well... batshit insane, to put it lightly. Fastest, craziest, most manic thing we’ve ever done and it’s furious as sin, dude. Early Mind fans will love it.
What’s happening with your touring schedule at the moment? The Scott H tour? The Mind tour? ANY TOUR?!Well, I don’t know what’s happening with Scott’s tour, but I’m afraid that the Mind tour has had to be cancelled due to me being a tit on Big Brother. However, I will be going back out into the open soon. I have actually been playing small pub gigs around the world recently, but they’re mostly spontaneous, so you can’t really book tickets...
Do you want to talk about Big Brother then, since it has been such a focal point on your life recently?No, I don’t particularly... sorry, but can we move on?
Alright. We’re running out of times, so only a few more questions and then you can perform for us, deal?Yeah, blud.
Did you just...? Never mind. Now naturally, we have to talk about your drastic image change in recent months. After your disappearance... well, you became hot. What happened there?I wouldn’t say I became hot... I look the same; I just lost a little weight off of my face and cut my hair off so that I didn’t look like tumbleweed. I really find it flattering how people actually find me attractive now though... then again, it has gotten me into a spot of bother... going back to your point about relationships. Since I decided to magically turn attractive, I have been getting quite a few people who are... interested in me, if you know what I mean. Basically, I now have more stalkers, angry one night stands and ex girlfriends. If they all grouped together, they would probably equal the population of a small country. I don’t even consider myself that attractive, but... I must be doing something right, heh heh. Well, I like to think so. I’ve done well not to get any serious STDs thus far. It’s, like, a one in a billion chance that someone can do what I’ve done and not get riddled with them.
Your high sex drive... or other people’s high sex drive around you... has made you a few enemies recently.Definitely. And, I mean, I don’t blame them really... I’ve broken hearts, been a bit twisted, made some people very upset... and very angry. They have reasons to hate me. So, I don’t really think I need to talk about that, because there’s nothing to talk about. If you don’t like me, so be it. You don’t have to talk to me.
Nice answer. Okay... final question before you perform and we let you go... what does the future hold for Jason Smith?What does the future hold for me? That’s a massive question... and I am afraid to say that I don’t really know... I will make a stab at it though. At some point during the next 5 years, basically up to when I’m 30, I want to have a family, settle down and be a normal person, just doing what I love... making music. Whether it’s for me or for other people, that’s what I want to do. As far as my music goes... I’m not sure that I have much left in the tank. There will definitely be one more record from The Jason Smith Band, the Mind record as you know, a project with Johnny, Project; Prometheus with Eric... and one more solo project, which will be probably built more around electronic, glitch, drum and bass elements. Working on that as we speak. I will probably release that under a completely different name. But... I don’t know. The future could hold anything at all. I don’t know what I’ll be doing 10 years from now. I don’t particularly care to look forward to future... I’m happy as I am now.
Cool story bro. Now, performing his new single, Ignites into Butterflies, please give it up for The Man, The Smith, The Legend, JASON SMITH!!Are there any questions you would like to ask Jason? Please do so in the comments section below.