Croeso i fy mlog! I'm Damien, blue-eyed bomb shelter from Moronic Changeling. This one.
Ha, it's a daft picture, Kate took it. She's good with her camera, catching you when you least want to be caught. Kate's very special to me, she says I'm her "token gay friend". I'm fine with that, she could call me much worse. Anyway, she's a fragile piece of kit. Personally, I don't think that the rockstar lifestyle is suited to Kate, though she'd disagree. She does a lot of silly things, like entering us in this Battle Of The Bands. We haven't practised, we're not going to get anywhere. We don't want to let everyone down.
So anyway, about Kate, being as this is her domain. (Clever. Kate's verses or the Kate universe? Bit of both I should expect.) What is this secret? What can you do, as a child, that's so bad that you have to make up a whole new life story, or whatever you did, to cover up? You can trust me, Kate. You know I wouldn't tell anyone. I serve and protect you!
Kate is all over the place, like my token straight friend Dan - I'm agreed with most of the band, he's being a twat and we need a proper studio to record in. (I think even Dan knows, he's not that thick. I think really, he just used the studio excuse as a reason to see Meryl.) So, I've talked to this bank called Catterling's, asking for a loan. The guy I talked to, Jerry Catterling, seemed surprisingly OK with it, considering I just phoned him up out of nowhere and asked for an arseload of cash.
For now, we're staying at Meryl's, in the spare bedroom for now, doing what we can. Working on guitar and piano parts to Kitena's first solo single, "What Do You Want?". It's a great song, but it's just vocals and bass, and we're not being left out!
This is how it goes. I'm not great at describing songs, but this is my attempt. It's soft rock mixed with heavy metal, a strange mix, but it works. There are big bass guitar solos between each softly sung verse, and the vocals gradually get louder at the end until we get the first instance of the "Kitena scream", which Kasia van Mouschi used to call "a household name", on the final "DON'T CRY TO ME! FOR WHAT YOU'VE - LOST! WHAT DO YOU WANT!?"
Change me make me someone else
That's all I ask of you
Change my hair my face my soul
To make me right for you
Give me words to change my mind
To concur with your own
Fill me full of words new words
Rewrite the score for me
Hide me from my former self
Destroy it lock it out
Give me nothing dark or frail
Make me all your own
Alter me entirely
Leave not even a memory
Of what has gone before
When only what you want remains don't cry to me for what you've lost
When only what you want remains don't cry to me for what you've lost
When only what you want remains don't cry to me for what you've lost
When only what you want remains don't cry to me for what you've lost
When only what you want remains don't cry to me for what you've lost
When only what you want remains don't cry to me for what you've lost
What do you wantOne more thing. About Kitena and the Kateverse - Kate, PLEASE sort it out with Kitena, apologise, get her a new card. You shouldn't have done it, and you guys need to be, at the very least, talking if we're going to pull this off.
Damien out. xo