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Offline genocidal king  
#701 Posted : 10 October 2013 04:16:18(UTC)
genocidal king
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As Mark stands and waits on the doorstep, he can't help but feel a little nervous. This was something he had only really done once in his life - dating. The rest of his life had always been dedicated to his music. However, he was determined to do his best, and he wanted to make a good impression. He really liked Nadia, and she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He almost couldn't believe she was interested in him. In Mark's mind he was still that awkward little 21 year old who had struggled to get a girlfriend. As he hears some movement in the house, Mark feels a little jolt of nerves in his stomach, and he quickly puts a piece of chewing gum in his mouth to freshen his breath, smiling before the door opens.

When it does, and he sees Nadia, Mark beams far more genuinely. He had never seen her dressed like this before, at least not for his benefit. He looks her up and down briefly, totally taken by how amazing she looked, before he hands her the flowers when their eyes meet. "Oh, yeah, sure, it's nothing" he says quickly, almost babbling as he watches her disappear back inside. When she returns and kisses his cheek, he feels his cheek turn a little red. "Hi," he says, shifting his feet a little in an attempt to look less awkward. He smiles at her warmly. "You look, so beautiful," he says honestly, as they walk over to his car. He opens the door for her. "For the lady," he says exaggeratedly, bowing his head and chuckling, before he rushes around to get in the other side, almost tripping himself. "What are your thoughts on Italian food?" he asks as he turns the ignition.

Offline GirlSpice  
#702 Posted : 10 October 2013 04:36:20(UTC)
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Nadia blushed slightly herself at his compliment, "Thank you! It's all make-up, I assure you," she winked, laughing at herself after. She could tell Mark was just as nervous as her, and she liked it for a change. She had been with guys who had always been so sure of themselves, and it was a welcome change to be with a guy different to that, maybe that was what she was looking for now.

As the two of them walked over to the car, she watched him open the door for her and smiled, laughing at him as he bowed his head, "Ahh, what a gentleman, thank you." She was wearing something rather short and strategically sat herself down on the seat, swinging her legs round into the car, before giving Mark a wink, "They taught me how to get in and out of a car when I first joined GirlSpice, you'll never see a picture of me flashing my underwear online!" She giggled at herself and soon watched him move round the car to get in beside her, turning her head to look at Mark as he spoke, "You're in luck then, Italian's my favourite." She crossed her legs and got herself comfortable, putting her seat belt on, "Damn, this is a nice car you've got, Mark. They've been paying you well in Blood of Wecz, huh?"

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline genocidal king  
#703 Posted : 10 October 2013 04:56:27(UTC)
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Mark shakes his head and laughs a little at her compliment. "Far too modest, Ms Berry," he says with a little smile, reaching up to make sure his hair was still in place. Mark smiles over at her, no idea that Nadia was as nervous as him. In his mind, pretty girls didn't get nervous, and he imagined going out with someone as awkward and new to the dating game as he was would be a breeze for a confident person like Nadia.

He chuckles when she calls him a gentleman, allowing her to sit in the car before he closes the door. He gets in the other side and closes his own door. "Tricks of the trade, Nadia, huh? It ain't all singing and dancing in the pop game. You have to practice sitting as well or some pervert will exploit you for a quick buck. Media culture." He tuts and rolls his eyes before laughing a little. Mark puts his seatbelt on and looks in the mirror once more at his hair. It was his pride and joy, and he felt it had to look perfect. He starts to pull out of the driveway. "Good, because we're going Pizza Express, I have vouchers," he jokes a little, before blushing. "Sorry, that was a joke. I know a really nice Italian in Mayfair. I sound pretentious, don't I?" He looks over at her and smiles. "I know, right? It's my one weakness. my car. If anything they pay me too much." He chuckles. "Was that your actual house, by the way? it seems more like a hotel...the size of it I mean."

Offline GirlSpice  
#704 Posted : 10 October 2013 05:16:53(UTC)
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Nadia was often portrayed as a confident person in the media, but she'd often fake it to hide the fact that she was really quite shy and reserved as a person. A lot had happened in her life in the past, and she liked to keep herself guarded in most cases. She wished that going on dates was easier, but she had always found it all a little nerve-wrecking, she just hoped it wasn't showing.

She nods her head at Mark's comment and smirks, "Oh gosh, honestly, you guys don't have to worry about getting a camera up your dress, you don't know how lucky you've got it." Trying not to make it obvious that she was looking at him, her head turned just slightly as she looked to the corner of her eyes, watching Mark perfect his hair, he wasn't the only fan of it. "I've never had a boyfriend with more impressive hair than mine," she giggled, the new look he had going on was definitely something Nadia found extremely attractive. Her eyes widen a little as he mentions Pizza Express, looking out the window for a second, before bursting out into laughter with him, "Don't do that! I thought you were being serious, wow." She wets her lips for a quick moment, "Pretentious? Hmm, I'm used to that. Sounds pretty good to me." Answering Mark's question, she nods her head and smiles, "Yeah, it is. If I'm honest, I'm hardly ever here, it's a bit of a waste. I'm thinking of getting a new place out in LA near Izzy though, it'll be nice to have a friend close-by, you know?"

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline genocidal king  
#705 Posted : 10 October 2013 06:02:15(UTC)
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Internally, Mark was starting to relax a little, but his stomach was still a knotted ball of nerves. He had, there was no doubt about it, become a lot more confident in the last few months. But that was in music, and his career. He was good at that. This was dating, and he was basically a newcomer in this game. He had no idea Nadia was nervous as well, which was why he tried to look confident outwardly.

Mark laughs when she talks about the stresses of being a female star. "Hey, I guess I'm doubly lucky. There's hardly anyone wants to take a photo of me anyway. Well not anyone who isn't my mom anyway," he jokes as he looks over at her and smiles when he catches her looking at him. He found Nadia absolutely gorgeous. Who wouldn't? So the fact she would even cast her eyes over him was such an alien concept in his mind. He had no idea of his own attractiveness. "I bet you've never had a boyfriend who took longer to get ready in the morning than you either? Seriously, this seemed like a good idea at the time...but it's just a pain now." When he fixes it, he nods. "Alright, I look pretty enough to be seen out in public with a member of GirlSpice now." He laughs when she does at his date 'idea'. "Hey, maybe I was just testing the waters. You'll never really know now," he says with a smile. "Imagine us walking into Pizza Express dolled up to the nines like this. Culture Uncut would have a field day." He smiles and nods. "Me too. They do the best pasta in England," he says with an enthusiastic smile. Mark was a bit of a foodie, mostly because he didn't drink, and it was nice to have a passion when he went for a night out. "That sounds like a good plan. You're right as well. Having a friend around would be great. It's always nice to have someone to talk to. I'm holed up in LA at the moment as well. I had to leave New York..obviously...and Scott put me up out there. I assume you've been before?" He turns red. "Sorry...stupid question. You're Nadia Berry, of course you've been before. Blah...sorry I babble when I'm nervous."

Offline GirlSpice  
#706 Posted : 10 October 2013 06:43:16(UTC)
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Nadia looked out the window as the car made its way down the road, it had been such a long time since she had been back in the UK, it was always her first home to her, even if she was hardly in the country these days. She took a deep breath to relax herself a little more, glad the first few moments of the date were over, those were always the most awkward.

She rests her head back in the car seat and laughs at Mark, "Aww, well me and your mother can be your biggest fans then, yay!" Nadia blushes slightly once more when he catches her looking at him through the mirror, it was only early days so she tried her best to take things slow, she had always rushed into things in the past and made sure not to appear too keen, even if he was her boyfriend. "Yup, that's a first, but it's acceptable, because your hair's sexy," she giggles, before roughing his hair up with one hand just a little to show him that he didn't need to go to so much effort with her. She laughs at the idea of the two of them walking into a Pizza Express restaurant, "Could you imagine? I think I'd rather flash my underwear instead." Nadia shakes her head and smirks, "Oh, Culture Uncut, where would we all be without it?" She nods her head with an impressed look on her face, she could tell Mark was pulling out all the stops for this date, "Ooh, so you're spoiling me! Gosh, I'm starving." Nadia laughed at his question, before he began to stutter and blush, she found it more adorable than anything. She actually found it a relief when he admitted he was nervous, even though she could already tell, "Yeah, it's really nice out there, very hectic though." She paused and smirked, "Mark, you don't have to be nervous, okay? I'm your girlfriend after all, that stands for something!"

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline genocidal king  
#707 Posted : 10 October 2013 07:17:22(UTC)
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"Good, we can have a red carpet on my birthday, and you two can stand there and take pictures of me." He laughs. He notices her blushing and he turns a little red as well. He felt like he had made her feel embarrassed. He could tell Nadia was still a little apprehensive, but Mark was fine with taking things slow. After all, they were both recently single after long relationships and it was never going to be easy to dive into something new. He was prepared to allow Nadia as long as she needed to feel comfortable. When she ruffles his hair, he mocks looking really upset. "Hey, we're not too far away for me to turn and drop you back at home, Berry." He laughs a little, feeling more relaxed now that she had shown him he didn't have to look absolutely perfect. "Really? You like it? I like yours as well. When did you go brunette again? It really suits you. Makes you look sultry and seductive," he jokes. "I can imagine the hatred from those journos in that story. 'All those millions of dollars and these two share a seven inch cheese and tomato on Camden High Street. Shame on you, pop stars'! It would be their headline of the year....unless you flashed your underwear of course. They'd love that even more," he jokes with her. Mark shakes his head. "Yeah, Culture Uncut, eh? Our friends in low places..." he was pissed off at Culture Uncut for printing a story painting him as having left his wife for Nadia, which was untrue - they had split weeks before, earlier in the evening. Not that he would bring that up tonight. He smiles at her, aware he had been scowling a little. "Too right I'm treating you. Only the best for you, Nad. I don't do things by half. Well....not all the time," he says with a genuine smile. Mark laughs gently and looks over at her as he pulls the car to a stop beside a big fancy restaurant. He nods at her and holds his hands up. "You're right, Nadia. I'm sorry. I just feel like I want everything to go well tonight. I'm nervous about that." He smiles at her softly, his smile growing when she calls herself his girlfriend.

Offline GirlSpice  
#708 Posted : 10 October 2013 07:46:52(UTC)
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Nadia laughs at Mark's comment, biting down on her bottom lip gently, "Sounds like a plan, Mr. Talley." Nadia knew that the two of them wouldn't be fully comfortable with each other straight away, after all, there was still a lot that they had to find out about each other, but she was happy with how things were going between them so far. Mark was extremely sweet and had a similar sense of humour to Nadia, she felt like she connected with him on various levels, and that was enough to convince her for now that he was good for her. She pouts playfully, folding her arms, "Nooo please, don't take me home!" She let a warm smile appear on her face as he compliments her again, twisting a strand of hair around her finger as he talks about it, "Sultry and seductive, huh? I'll take that." Nadia lets a soft laugh escape her mouth and pauses, "I guess I just wanted a change, you know when you get that urge to just do things over? Like, get a new wardrobe, dye your hair, make a fresh start." Nadia smirks as Mark speaks, turning her head to look at him, admiring his looks for a brief moment, "I know, right? Oh, and there'll be no underwear flashing from me out on the streets, my Maxim shoot should have been more than enough," she giggles. "Aww, well thank you! I'm looking forward to tonight, it'll be nice," she replies, before the car soon pulls up outside the restaurant. She could already see a few paparazzi waiting outside, sighing, before turning her attention back to Mark. "It'll go well, why won't it? You're here," she smiles, giving his hand a squeeze, "C'mon, let's go."

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline genocidal king  
#709 Posted : 10 October 2013 08:14:44(UTC)
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Mark shakes his head and lets out a little chuckle as they continue to drive towards their date. "And then for your birthday you can have a party where people don't try to take a snap of your underwear." He smiles gently. Mark knew he must be different to anyone Nadia had dated in the past, especially Ryan Ross Hernandez, who he knew to be very confident and quite brash. It didn't phase him like it would have done in the past though. He and Nadia had ended up together quite naturally, and he felt the pace they were taking things at allowed them to learn about each other much better than if they were diving into things. They had connected for a number of reasons, including their mutual humour, and Nadia had been the source of laughter Mark needed over the weeks following his break up. He laughs when she pouts. "Hey, that's not fair. How I could resist that cute face?" he winks. "Fiiiine, I guess I can still take you to dinner." He smiles. "Sultry and seductive indeed. I know what you mean though. That's how I ended up looking like an extra from Happy Days Christmas Special. A fresh start can be good though. I bet you feel much happier, right?" He chuckles. When she mentions her Maxim shoot, Mark loses his cool a little. "eehhhh....yeah, I...might have seen that." He looks up at her. "Is it ungentlemanly to say that it was one of the sexiest things I ever saw? You just looked....wow..seriously amazing." He smirks a little, clearly embarrassed to admit that. In truth, he was just worried she would think he was a creep. When the car stops, Mark looks out. "Prepare for tomorrow's headlines of "Nadia Berry has dinner with a mystery man." I swear I'm anonymous," he chuckles. When she squeezes his hand, Mark feels a million times better. He looks down at their hands before his gaze comes back up to meet her eyes and he nods. "You're right. We'll have a wonderful night." He says, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Mark walks around the car and opens the door for Nadia, holding his hand out to her. "Is it like this everywhere you go?" he chuckles, nodding towards the cameras.

Offline GirlSpice  
#710 Posted : 10 October 2013 08:57:30(UTC)
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Nadia smiles, before her eyes widen suddenly, "God, don't remind me about my birthday! It's in exactly two months, I've got no clue what I'm doing for it." Nadia liked how different Mark was to the other men she'd dated in the past, at this stage, she just wanted a relationship that wasn't going to be such an uphill battle, and she figured Mark was the kinda guy who wouldn't give her such grief. Nadia enjoyed the pace they were going at though, slowly opening up to each other and growing closer gradually, she knew that after such an intense relationship, rushing into a new one wouldn't be the way to go about it. "Aww, so now I've got a cute face?" Nadia laughs, poking at his arm playfully, "Yay! Thanks, handsome." She laughed at the reference he made, before nodding her head, "Yeah, I'm happier now." Nadia might not have meant it recently when she told other people that she was, but in this current moment, she genuinely was happy. Her eyebrows raise a little as she watches him barely string together a sentence at the thought of her Maxim spread, smirking, "You're a cutie! I'm glad you liked it, was kinda awkward to play the whole sexy act." Nadia rolls her eyes at the mention of headlines, before cracking a smile, "You certainly aren't anonymous, you're in Blood of Wecz, dummy!" She gives him another smile, a more reassuring one this time, clearly looking forward to their dinner. She takes his hand and steps out the car carefully, saying nothing but meeting his eyes and giving a slight nod, squeezing his palm again and walking round the side of the car to walk up to the entrance of the restaurant.

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline genocidal king  
#711 Posted : 10 October 2013 20:06:40(UTC)
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Mark laughs. "Two months away and you're worried already? You should just....hire a yacht and have a strawberries and cream party," he says with a little shrug. It was the most English thing he could think of. "Mine isn't til July, so you've still got ages to decide what you want to get me," he teases. Mark looks over at her when she pokes him in the arm. "Don't tell me no one's ever told you about your cute face before. I don't believe you've never used it to your advantage." He winks and chuckles a little. He was starting to ease up a little now, cracking some jokes and feeling less nervous the more time they spent together. He was happy to have someone he could be himself around - Mark never was any good at pretence and trying to be someone he was not. "Really? Is it awkward being on the beach with all those cameras around and stuff? You pulled it off amazingly. I remember seeing it the first time and I was just like...wow." Mark takes Nadia's hand as she steps out of the car, handing his keys to the valet. "I know...I've got a lot more coverage in the last year. I used to be like Robin to Scott's Batman, and I sort of hated that. The attention I get now gets a bit overwhelming at times though. Still it's nothing like you have to put up with." He holds her hand as they make their way past the cameras, trying to force a smile for them as the flashes almost blind the couple. He walks inside and nods to the concierge. "Ciao, un tavolo per due in nome di Talley," he says effortlessly. As the concierge leads them to their table, Mark looks over at Nadia. "Italian mother," he explains. "I'm like a regular Jersey Shore, huh?"
Offline GirlSpice  
#712 Posted : 10 October 2013 23:32:21(UTC)
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Nadia giggles at Mark's suggestion, "Excellent daahhling, I'll have strawberries and cream and plenty of tea," she jokes. When he mentions his own birthday, she looks up and shifts her mouth to the side a little in deep thought, "Hmm... I'll probably just get hair combs, one in every colour, for your pretty hair," she smirks. Nadia puts on her best puppy eyes and pouts again, "No, no, I've never used it to my advantage, honest!" She could tell Mark felt more relaxed now and it was making her feel more at ease too, she was glad they were being playful and joking around with each other, his humour was definitely one of her favourite things about him. Nadia shrugged her shoulders, "Kinda, yeah. I don't see myself as this big sex icon, so to play up to that was... different," she laughed, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, my hard work paid off then!" Once she steps out of the car, she pinches his cheek playfully, "Aww, well I prefer Robin to Batman anyway. He's overrated." Nadia keeps her head down as they make their way past the paparazzi, stepping into the restaurant with her hand still in his. Her head turns, an impressed look on her face, "I didn't even know you had Italian in you! I think I like you that little bit more now," she smiles, moving over to their table and taking a seat. "So, are you fluent?"

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline genocidal king  
#713 Posted : 11 October 2013 00:00:03(UTC)
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"Don't forget to invite the Queen and.....Russel Brand...? Jesus, can I really not think of any other English people?" He laughs. When she tells him what she'll get him for his birthday, he chuckles softly. "That sounds like the best birthday present. I do love to comb. Get me Grease on DVD as well and you might just be my favourite person of all time." He smiles at her pouting face - she really was amazingly beautiful - not just in Mark's eyes, but to anyone. It was the thing that made him more nervous than anything else. He knew he was a rock star of sorts, but he was still a little shocked someone like Nadia could ever be interested in him. "I believe, you. Thousands wouldn't," he smirks as he looks into her eyes. This felt a lot more natural now than when he first picked her up at her house. It had been the best part of their getting to know each other. Even when they first met, everything just seemed open and honest, with none of the drama that was normally associated with relationships. "You're far too modest, Nad. Didn't you win some sexiest awards at Chaos and stuff? I'm sure you did." He smiles at the way she reacts to the paparazzi.She clearly didn't revel in the height of fame like a lot of top stars. He admired how humble she was about her career. Mark nods when he sees how impressed Nadia is with his Italian. "Yeah, just my mom. God knows what my dad is, just some sort of regular American." He laughs. "Sì, più o meno fluente. I had to take lessons when I was a kid. I just get more boring by the second, eh?" He chuckles as he pulls her chair out for her and then takes a seat opposite, smiling warmly at her, totally oblivious to the looks of the other diners. "Do you want to order some wine?" he asks when he sees the waiter hovering.
Offline GirlSpice  
#714 Posted : 11 October 2013 01:31:09(UTC)
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"Poor Queen, using her and Russell Brand in the same sentence, she should behead you," Nadia joked, "I met her once actually, really sweet woman." She nods her head and smirks as Mark speaks, she had a tendency of spoiling people on their birthdays, so she was sure she could muster up a little more than hair combs and a DVD, "Hmm, I'll think about it, if you're a good boy." A lot of men seemed to be strangely intimidated by Nadia's looks and fame, but that never really registered with her. In her mind, she had a very handsome, hugely successful boyfriend, which was a little daunting, but she was more comfortable with it these days. After such a high profile relationship with Ryan, she had become used to the idea. She giggled at Mark's response and poked him again, "Rule one, always believe your girlfriend! At least you've got that one down." As he brought up the awards, she took a time to think, not really sure herself, "I think so? I know I won Sexiest Male once when I had like... a terrible public image and was batshit insane," she laughed. Nadia had come a long way since her public meltdown and made a huge name for herself, in hope that her past wouldn't define her as a person and as an artist. It was always awkward on her behalf when she met people for the first time, hoping they wouldn't judge her for those times, and Mark was one of the people who didn't. It was part of why she was so guarded and closed off these days, which was the reason behind her reaction when walking past the paparazzi, keeping her head down and trying to ignore them. "I bet your mum makes the best Italian food, right?" she asks, smirking. After Mark pulls the chair out for Nadia to take a seat, she thanks him and crosses her legs again, looking to Mark as he takes a seat opposite. "Umm, do you wanna share a bottle of red? Or are you more of a white wine kinda guy?"

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline genocidal king  
#715 Posted : 11 October 2013 02:14:38(UTC)
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"Please....behead a head with hair like this?" he winks. "I guess it would make for an awesome model in a hairdresser's salon, though." He smiles and shakes his head when she said she met the queen. "And you doubt your own star power, Nad? How did you manage to meet the queen?" He was impressed that she had done something which, to an American, seemed so insanely cool. "You know me, I always behave. Especially if Grease is the word." He cringes at his own awful joke. "That was bad. I'll let you out if you want," he says with a little laugh." Mark looked over at Nadia again, smiling at her. He tried not to stare at her, but he was really quite taken by her, and it was hard not to occasionally look. He loved her smile and her little laughs. "Rule one noted. I'm a stickler for regulations," he jokes. Mark wasn't that up on celebrity culture, so Nadia's mention of being "insane" takes him by surprise. He narrows his eyes a little and looks over at her. "How would you go about winning sexiest male?" he chuckles a little nervously, not sure whether it was pertinent to ask about her issues that she spoke of. He genuinely had no clue what she even meant. As far as he was aware, Nadia was a highly popular and famous, yet amazingly grounded, pop star who had always been this level headed. He looks over at her and wets his lips a little, still not sure whether to ask. "Were you ok?" he asks sympathetically. "What happened? If you'd rather not talk about it, it's fine. I understand." He gives her a warm smile to show he didn't mind and would never judge her. Mark wasn't that sort of person - he was always caring and understanding to everyone - almost to a fault. As they sit down, he nods. "She does, but she's a typical Italian, makes far too much. Moms, huh? If you ever come round, she'll tell you you look "too skinny" and try to fill you with pasta and garlic bread." he chuckles and shakes his head. When she asks about wine, he cringes a little. Through his life, this was the one thing about him that seemed to shock people more than anything. "You're gonna think me really weird here...but I don't drink at all. I never have." He goes a little red.
Offline GirlSpice  
#716 Posted : 11 October 2013 02:46:56(UTC)
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Nadia gazes over Mark's hair again, taking the time to appreciate it, "Hmm, that's true, I'm sure even the Queen would love your hair." She laughs at his comment about her star power, not really taking much notice of it, "Yeah! GirlSpice performed at the Royal Variety Performance years back, it's like a variety show put on for the royals, so I got to meet her then." Nadia shakes her head and giggles at him, "Any more terrible jokes like that Talley, and I shall be on my way home," she smirks, teasing him. Nadia almost acted in the same way as Mark, she had always found him attractive, but he looked extremely handsome tonight, and it was difficult not to stare. She paused for a moment, trying to think back to those years as she laughed for a moment, "I guess people started some sort of petition at the time for me to win it for a laugh, I was in the media a lot for being like, unhinged and insane, and people played on that. It's pretty funny looking back." Back then, GirlSpice and Nadia hadn't really made a name for themselves overseas, and this was a time where she was glad about that, no one outside of the UK really seemed to care about those events in the past. Nadia could tell he was intrigued, and she figured as they were dating, he deserved to know this stuff, "You know I'm bipolar, right?" She hoped he already knew, she didn't want to scare him away so early on in their relationship, as far as she knew, everyone was aware of her mental condition. "I take medication now, so I'm all good... sometimes I feel like I don't need it any more and I should stop taking it, but I don't wanna go back to how I used to be," she says softly, "I didn't know I had it back then, so that's why I was doing all this weird shit. Pretty crazy." Mark had a caring, understanding look in his eyes, and she felt comfortable sharing such personal details about her life with him. A warm smile appears on Nadia's face as he describes his mother, "Aww, she sounds sweet. I'd love her! I love food, pasta and garlic bread are like, the best two things in life." She rolls her eyes and shakes her head at herself when she remembers Mark doesn't drink, "Of course, sorry. I'm not a big drinker myself if I'm honest." She grins, turning to the waiter and waving him over, "Hi, can I have a glass of your recommended red wine please?"

Vanity x Nadia Berry
Offline genocidal king  
#717 Posted : 11 October 2013 04:58:18(UTC)
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Mark smirks. He thought he must be talking too much about his hair, but it seemed to make for something of a conversation piece. "She certainly would. She was in the prime of her life back when I would have looked actually cool rather than like an eccentric rock star." He chuckles, still in awe of how she brushed off such a massive thing as meeting the actual Queen. "Oh I've heard of that show. That's where you go if you win....shit what's it called...England's Got Talent..? Right? That's huge though. Did you curtsey and act nice and proper for her?" He laughs and then does his own little pout. "Awww please don't go home," he says. "I'd look right sad dining on my own," he jokes. "I hope they weren't trying to say you looked like a dude. That's just nasty," he frowns. Mark hated bullies. He had never been a victim himself, but being as quiet as he was, the kids he hung with at school were the sort who were targeted. He listens carefully as she talks about all of her problems, nodding as he listens and occasionally looking over. He was a good listener, and he never judged anyone, no matter what they said. "Bipolar? I never knew you had that," he says giving her a reassuring smile. "It's not something I really know a lot about. It's good that you're feeling good now though. That's all that matters, right? Are you happy these days?" He gives her hand a little squeeze to show her he doesn't even care about any issues she might have. He liked Nadia for who she was, and nothing like that would bother him or make him think any less of her. It meant a lot to him that she felt comfortable to share, and Mark felt like he could as well. "What sorts of things did you do? If you don't mind me asking that is." He pauses for a brief moment. "I had depression myself actually, when I was teenager," he says quietly. This was something only his parents knew, but with Nadia being so open with him, he felt good to share with her, and he felt it might make her feel a little more comfortable with what he had shared.. If they were going to go anywhere, honesty like this would be important, and proved they were comfortable with each other. "I had real self esteem problems and I used to let them seriously get to me. When she praises his mother, Mark chuckles and smiles warmly across at Nadia, holding her gaze for a few moments. "She would love you as well then. I swear since I started making a lot and I bought them a bigger house, she just fills it with more food." He laughs. "Do you see your parents a lot? I assume they live over here?" He laughs a little when she remembers he didn't drink. "Phew, for a second I thought you didn't know. Most people look at me like I kicked their dog or something when they learn I don't drink." He turns to the waiter. "Just a glass of champagn- nah I'm kidding just a water for me please." He winks at her.

Offline GirlSpice  
#718 Posted : 11 October 2013 05:49:10(UTC)
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Nadia found it funny how Mark seemed to be so impressed with the fact that she met the Queen, it was probably a bigger deal it was to him than it was to her, "I did! I was a little nervous, but she's really sweet, she probably wonders why we all act so proper around her, she might be really common behind closed doors, that'd be funny to see." Nadia watched him do his best pout and giggled, "I totally have to give you pouting lessons, you look cute doing it though," she winked, teasing him. She shakes her head, "Oh no, I don't think that's why I won the award... at least I hope not!" Nadia was definitely victim to negative press and hateful comments back then by people who didn't understand her mental illness, but she had learnt to accept her condition and ignore such people. She raised her eyebrows in shock once Mark confessed he didn't know she was bipolar, Nadia had assumed everyone knew by now, "Yeah, it was hard to accept at first because I can be pretty stubborn, now it's like whatever. But I am happy now, so it's all good." She gave Mark a warm smile once he squeezed her hand, it was a relief to know that he didn't care and seemed accepting towards her disorder, she didn't want to appear weak or let it define her, Nadia definitely wasn't one to sit and complain. She pressed her lips together and thought back when Mark questioned her, "Umm... I was driving quite recklessly and drove into a wall one time, I was really rude to a number of interviewers because I was having a low moment, you get like that, the most extreme highs and the lowest of lows, I just appeared bored and uninterested. I got forced into rehab and eventually got kicked out of GirlSpice altogether, pretty fucked up, right?" Looking back at it all now, it almost made her laugh as she smirked just a little after she told him, her life was so much more in control and different now. Nadia nods her head as she listens to Mark speak, "Wow, really? I had no idea," she says softly, "I hope you're better now though." Nadia had this idea in her head that Mark was perfect and she had all the issues, so it was a relief finding out that he had his own demons in the past. As the conversation moves to a lighter subject, she smiles, "Sounds pretty good, the more Italian food the better in my opinion." Nadia nods her head, "I saw my parents earlier today, but I don't get to see them as much as I want. They've been looking after my dog Boots while I've been on tour... they're babysitting her again tonight!" She laughs at his response, frowning a little, "That's silly though, I think it's cool you don't drink, definitely not a pretty sight watching someone get wasted every night." Nadia winked back at him playfully, wetting her lips, "So what does Scott think of us being together? I know you and him are like best buds."

Vanity x Nadia Berry
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#719 Posted : 11 October 2013 06:20:32(UTC)
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"Oh my god, I bet the queen totally is common back there. I can just imagine her laid on her couch on a Friday night in her underwear watching Geordie Shore with a big bag of Doritos." He shudders at the thought. "Ohhhh really? Have I not got that pop diva perfect pout down yet?" he asks with a wink. He loved that they could tease each other like this. It made things seem so much more natural and relaxed. "I'm sure that wasn't it. Who could ever think you looked like a guy? You're beautiful. Really, you are." He listens to her again as she discusses her condition. She seemed surprised that Mark didn't know, but he had never been one to pry into the personal lives of celebrities and he hated when the press would do just that. He smiles genuinely when she says she feels happy. "I'm glad. You've already shown me how wonderful you can be and I would hate to think you were unhappy. You deserve to be happy," he says while looking at her. He raises his eyebrows a little when she describes her former behaviour. He expected something mild but it sounded like she had got up to some real dangerous stuff. "I honestly had no idea that all happened. That's so sad, Nadia." He didn't like to think of her in a low place like that. "But I guess all those times helped you to be the strong person you are today, huh?" Mark always had that sort of way, looking at everything through a positive lens like this. "You've come back from a lot, and that shows how strong you are I reckon. You've managed to become the biggest name in pop." He was impressed at, and he listens to her surprise when he describes his own depression. It was a common reaction, since most people had Mark painted as like this cool and calculated rocker who was never fazed by anything. He thinks as he looks down for a few seconds. "Yeah.....it was nothing too serious. Just a period in my teenage years where I realised I found it hard to make friends because I was so shy, and that got me really down or a while. I'd go home and just lay in the dark until morning. I'm all good now, though. I got help and I ended up in a much better place emotionally. I think getting serious on guitar took my mind off it. Would it be cliché to say that music saved my life?" He smiles a little at her, trying to make the conversation a little happier. He was enjoying their date, and he hoped she was as well. "It sucks not being able to see your parents much, huh? I know how it feels. That's awesome that you have them to look after your puppy though! How is she? I remember you used to tweet pictures of her all the time. It was the cutest." He smiles and nods. "I just never liked the idea of being drunk. I don't mind other people drinking though. I'm not one of those people." He laughs. Mark shrugs and exhales slowly when she asks about Scott. "Scott? I don't know. I literally haven't seen him since we worked with you guys. He takes strange little episodes and leaves Gia for periods of time to go back to England. So he doesn't know. What about your band? I bet some of them were shocked about us, huh?" The waiter comes across and Mark looks up. "Oh, hi. I'll have the penne chicken arrabbiata please. Nad?" He smiles at her, leaning forward a little.

Offline GirlSpice  
#720 Posted : 11 October 2013 06:55:14(UTC)
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Nadia bursts into laughter at Mark and shudders with him, "Aww, poor old Queen." She shakes her head and makes a sad face, "Nooo, sorry, Marky. You haven't mastered the pro Berry pout just yet, maybe one day." Nadia laughs at herself, glad that the two of them were being a lot more playful with each other, she hoped Mark was comfortable with her in the same way that she was with him now. Nadia gave him another warm smile once he complimented her, trying her best not to have a big cheesy grin across her face, she had always loved it when he called her beautiful, "You're too sweet." Nadia was so used to meeting people that seemed to know anything and everything about her life, so it was a refreshing change that she had some sort of mystery with Mark, "And so do you, thank you. I'm just glad we can just be ourselves with each other, you know?" Nadia watched his expression change after she told him all of the wild things she got up to when at the height of her public meltdown, she laughed softly and expected it, "Aww, it's not sad, it's in the past now. Yeah, you go through things and grow from them, if anything." She appreciated his positivity, she didn't know many people with the same outlook on life that Mark had, "Biggest name in pop? Oh please," she laughs, she knew she was successful, but would never accept such a title being held over her head. Nadia nods her head with an understanding look, "I'm glad you got out of that though, depression can be hard to shake off, but hey, I'm sure your life is pretty good right now, huh?" She smirks at him, shaking her head, "Nah, I get you. Music helped me a lot too, I'd be even more insane without it." Nadia enjoyed deep conversations like this, feeling like she was growing closer to Mark by the minute, the more she found out about him and his past. "Yeah, it's a shame, I've got a little trip to make to New York again this weekend, then I'll come back to London and stay here till next year, probably." She grins once he mentions Boots, clearly always a subject she liked to talk about, "She was so happy to see me! She's my baby, I've missed her so much." Nadia was pleased to hear Mark found the pictures of Boots cute, figuring that he was a dog person, that would have been an awkward difference if he wasn't, considering she was such an animal lover. Nadia bites down on her bottom lip for a second, "Hmm, yeah. Scott's an odd one, I do feel sorry for Gia. Like, we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I'd never put up with that, poor girl." Her head turns to the waiter and she smiles, "Umm... I'll have the carbonara, thanks."

Vanity x Nadia Berry
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