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Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 
As Dermot O'Leary says this, most of the crowd in the arena begin clapping loudly as an eerie instrumental plays, the lights in the xfactor arena go completely black as a vignette comes up on the X factor screen with flour-scent purple lights flicker around the arena. As this video pops up, you see Suzie dancing in the background as a another instrumental fills the place of the previous eerie sound, this sounds more cinematic and action like. Flashes of Suzie's previous videos show up as well as Suzie's accomplishments come onto the vignette
CHAOS & FAN CHOICE AWARD NOMINEE! ITS SUZIE...STOCKHOLM!!!!!! __________________________________________________________________  As the video finishes, the large television like system rises above the stage and "Burn Away" is heard. and a 'SuzieNATION' banner comes up in lights. Some fans go into a complete pop in cheer, and others stand their ready to judge the pop star. However, it may come across as surprising of how many supporters there are in the crowd with many females jumping up and screaming and even some males, who are obviously fans of Suzie's. Still no sign of Suzie as the spotlight still hasn't hit and a backing beat of a song starts off The lights in the arena escalate some more and Suzie is finally seen. She holds her arms out wearing a very suggestive outfit as the crowd scream in cheer from the site of Suzie. She looks deeply into the crowd holding as the opening sounds of Burn Away is heard. The aggressive pounding beat is heard, blaring throughout the arena as the stage begins feeling up with smoke. Suzie's dances start strutting out the the stage as Suzie's electro pop smash hits extended opening sound are heard. Suzie stills stands there with her arms out for this very triumphant like opening and finally once all of Suzie's dancers walk out onto the stage, Suzie sings out as the backing beat lays nicely behind her voice as her nasally vocals sing over the track as she sings into the mic

Judgers judge Haters hate In this fickle world We make our own fate
The dirty looks and negativity Have become too common It’s no surprise to me
Judgers will judge Haters will hate In this fickle world We make our own fate
Suzie looks confident as she sings each word accordingly as the beat moves through the beginning of the song for a few seconds that then makes a helicopter like, rising sound, following that Suzie's over confident, edgy vocals supported by backing track are heard slicked with some auto-tune, "singing" behind this brilliant production number she ad libs behind the track, as she's singing Judgers judge| Haters hate| In this fickle world| We make our own fate Suzie sings out as she continues to bring on her next lines, the backup dancers do a quick paced dance routine as Suzie holds the mic to her face. She then joins in for the routine, with a burst of energy Suzie, she then throws her hands in the air. Her fans in the audience cheer loudly as Suzie holds her arms up with confident delivery. She brings the next lines out for the continuation of this performance, she then continues to bring her vocals to the next lines of the tracks that are approaching. The fans cheer and Suzie stands there passing her mic to one of her backup dancers They walk away with the holdable mic as Suzie sings into the mic that she doesn't have to hold. Despite what people say about her, Suzie has this facial expression on her face, as if she's singing to all the people who speak badly about her, showing just how strong she is despite what people have to say about her, you could see the confidence on her face.

As the The backing track sounds as if it's rising behind Suzie's vocals, song breaks into a euphoric pop liftoff that sounds futuristic even better because the speakers in the arena are blaring loudly with lilting synths and digital processing that compliments Suzie's voice. With this futuristic backing beat sailing across the track the beat continues to move slow as the hook begins to lightly tap through the system. Suzie nasally syncing the chorus and the next verse standing center stage, moving about in different dance moves along with her backup dancers. Suzie's dancers move closer to her as Suzie moves around slowly, moving along with this euphoric slow manner of the chorus of the song.

The haters wish I’d burn away But I gotta to tell you that I’m here to stay The haters wish I’d burn so fast They thought this success wouldn’t last I’ve proved you wrong No matter what you’d say There’s no chance That I’ll ever burn away
With the futuristic backing beat sailing across the track and Suzie nasally singing the very memorable chorus The haters wish I’d burn away|But I gotta to tell you that I’m here to stay|The haters wish I’d burn so fast|They thought this success wouldn’t last|I’ve proved you wrong|No matter what you’d say|There’s no chance|That I’ll ever burn away, she says the last line strongly as she sneers the words without singing so it stands out to the listener that there is no way she will burn away. She looks deeply into the crowd as you can hear the people in the crowd screaming. The medium in speed dance moves go along perfectly with the manner of the chorus and Suzie's backup dancers dressed in odd attires, keep up with her as they do these dance moves.
I ain’t going nowhere No matter what gets said No matter how much hate comes my way I ain’t hanging from a thread

As the chorus fades away, the verse returns to that aggressive backing beat that was heard at the beginning of the track, as Suzie returns to the next verse of the track. She possesses this brash cockiness that compliments her bleak vocals as the backing track roars on with Suzie's cat like vocals behind it. Suzie does more dance moves along with her dancers, still maintaining that confident posture, elegant look.
Just say what you want Do what you please I ain’t going nowhere You won’t bring me to my knees
The haters wish I’d burn away But I gotta to tell you that I’m here to stay The haters wish I’d burn so fast They thought this success wouldn’t last I’ve proved you wrong No matter what you’d say There’s no chance That I’ll ever burn away
The tracks unrelenting beat, breaks down for the next chorus once again, showing that futuristic, euphoric beat that might just become your guilty pleasure and grow on you as she sings the chorus once again however. Suzie does the slow, moves that she did earlier in the performance. She shows a smile on her face as the crowd pops in cheer once again as the chorus begins to fade out again, it doesn't exactly fade, the track sounds like it rising again with this unorthodoxed beat as Suzie says the lines once again There’s no chance| That I’ll ever burn away. Slowly begins to break into a surprising dubstep break down, which may totally take you by surprise. She sings it sexily with even more digital backup. The breakout oozes across the track with Suzie still performing. The lights in the gig arena start going wild as Suzie and her dancers break into a massive high energy dance routine. This is obviously a favorite of the crowds as the entire crowd starts cheering for her as she dances the steps perfectly.

Burn, burn, burn away Don’t you realize, I’m here to stay Burn, burn, burn away Burn, burn, burn away Don’t you realize, I’m here to stay
As the dub breakdown fades away as the synths take over, bringing us to the chorus as the tempo is cracked a bit higher. She sings her way throughout the last chorus that incorporates some euro rave synths, it sounds even more powerful blaring over the sound system. The crowd goes into a surprising cheer as some might just think Suzie could be quite the performer.

The haters wish I’d burn away But I gotta to tell you that I’m here to stay The haters wish I’d burn so fast They thought this success wouldn’t last I’ve proved you wrong No matter what you’d say There’s no chance That I’ll ever burn away (2x)
Suzie then makes her back up to where she started the performance as the song comes to an halting end with Suzie's dancers following her. But this is not the end of Suzie tonight. The crowd cheers loudly

The lights in the arena then go dark, and then pop back on as "Dance With The Queen" starts rumbling up. Suzie stands where she started this performance off as the performance starts off right away. The swooshing noise is heard of this new single off of Suzie's "Rise Above" with fizzing synths and a slow, pounding backing beat that rides throughout the beginning of the track that is then picked up as computerized cymbals burst onto the track that make the beginning of the track. Suzie stands there with a smile on her face for a few seconds as the the beat slows down as Suzie's finally brings her voice into the mic. The backing tracks aids Suzie as her studio voice is echoed with layers, as she holds this seductive manner in her voice and kitten like grown as she sings looking into the crowd. Her dancers, some below her on the actual stage, and a few next to this risen stage that Suzie is standing on, dance around her.
I walk into this dark room and I see those heads turnin' It's so good down here I feel the fire deep inside me burnin' But you want more, than just to drink me with those eyes I'm on the next floor, but boy you know I'd give you some highs, You see I'm at the bar downin' shots, it's like I'm gon' drown, Do you want me on my knees? You know I'll never go down
Suzie sexily sings about, and moves to the center stage, breaking into a dance routine with her dancers. The beat moves behind her and she starts dancing harder sounds, the beat rises and then bursts into a incredibly catchy hook instrumental as the beat continues to rise, after a few seconds of the instrumental, Suzie moves her hips around according to the beats speed almost perfectly with her dancers flipping around the stage as the the songs bursts into a dubstep like chorus that adds in all the previous vocals not to mention as the beat relentlessly makes it presence known the track with electric guitars adding and Suzie yells out the chorus of the song.
You wanna dance with the queen, d-d-dance with the queen, I push my hips close to yours and feel you moving in between You gonna beg me, please me, tell you that you need me, But I don't wanna see you drop right down on your knee, Everybody's watching as I'm grinding to to the beat, I see your eyes on the prize as you grovel at my feet. Dance with the queen, I'm your mother fuckin' queen I'm gonna make you blow, yeah we'll be makin' a scene.
 Suzie still possesses this sexy growl in her voice mixed with the production blaring over the system that her fans in the crowd dancing. She sings about being on a dancefloor and engaging in an over the top suggestive dance with this guy on the dance floor. Suzie keeps this overly sexy prowress on with her over the top outfit as she walks around the stage as the beat slowly fades out with only the synths bringing us to the next verse. The beats then pick up faster as Suzie starts singing the next verse of the track standing in center stage
I feel the beat calling me into the middle of the dancefloor/ Your eyes are washin' over me, like you wantin' some more/ You say you danced with your princess, you fought with the king, But I ain't gonna give it up when all you want is my bling. I'm swaying to the sounds and I can see your brow sweating, But boy you better understand that this is all you'll be getting

You wanna dance with the queen, d-d-dance with the queen, I push my hips close to yours and feel you moving in between You gonna beg me, please me, tell you that you need me, But I don't wanna see you drop right down on your knee, Everybody's watching as I'm grinding to to the beat, I see your eyes on the prize as you grovel at my feet. Dance with the queen, I'm your mother fuckin' queen I'm gonna make you blow, yeah we'll be makin' a scene.
 Suzie's male dancers move to the side as she breaks into a sexy dance routine with her female dancers that have to do with her feeling her thighs up and down and doing hair flips. The chorus fades out as the girls join Suzie as they continue to dance. Suzie's begins singing the next verse of the track. The crowd is still cheering and Suzie looks more confident then ever as she continues to sing the next lines of this song behind the synths and aggressive backing beat.
I'm like your royalty, boy you push me up me a throne, And when I look down, oooh you know I see how you've grown, But I'm not! Im! Pressed! Oooh No No No You'll never see your queen undress, hey hey it's time to go. No you can't dance with your queen, not when I'm wearing my crown Keep your hands free from my scene, Or I'll be takin' you down. Dance with the Queen, D-d-d-dance with the queen, you'll never never dance with your queen Not when I'm wearin' my crown.
After she sings those lines with her female dancers, all her dancers join as one as the triumphant ending chorus is coming about, the beat rises and then bursts into a incredibly catchy hook instrumental as the beat continues to rise, after a few seconds of the instrumental, Jumps around the stage as her dancers begin flipping around the stage once more as the the song bursts into a dubstep like chorus that adds in all the previous vocals not to mention as the beat relentlessly makes it presence known the track with electric guitars even harder then before. Suzie stands there singing out the chorus doing dance steps heavy and hard, adding to the loud production of this track.
You wanna dance with the queen, d-d-dance with the queen, I push my hips close to yours and feel you moving in between You gonna beg me, please me, tell you that you need me, But I don't wanna see you drop right down on your knee, Everybody's watching as I'm grinding to to the beat, I see your eyes on the prize as you grovel at my feet. Dance with the queen, I'm your mother fuckin' queen I'm gonna make you blow, yeah we'll be makin' a scene.
By the time she sings the words |I'm gonna make you blow, yeah we'll be makin' a scene.| Suzie makes her way back up to where she began her performance as the screen opens up, Suzie holds her hands on her hips as the performance comes to an halting end. The crowd goes into a cheer as the performance officially ends SetlistBurn Away Dance With The Queen _____________________________   |
Cristina Lake • Aubrey Mikkel • Sabina • James Urie • Austin Nimmo • Mandy Williams • The Wolverines • Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • Miami• BYS • Naomi • Suzie • Aaron Styles • Cory Dionne • The Kittens • Brittany Knox • Dennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT Rodriguez • Jay-C •Nick Urie • PRÓXIMO |