O F F I C I A L - P R E S S - R E L E A S E [Hot Eye Records Presents "Man Music" an exceptional album by Stephanie Fierce ] 
Official Promo Image for "Man Music"]
Fierce has won many award trophies and recently received the "Icon" award at the Chaos Awards Ceremony. She's sold over 200 million records, has scored countless number one hits, has sold over 5 million concert tour tickets worldwide and is still on the rise! She's the only artist to have a #1 hit every consecutive year since the new charts started and has released over 7 studio albums (4 which have topped the album charts). Believe it or not, She's only getting started! At 26 years old, Fierce stands as one of the youngest and most succesful pop stars in history of music and she thrives to keep that title for a very long time. So get ready!
For the first time ever, Stephanie Fierce will be releasing a "digitally released only" album at no cost. While this is a gift for the fans to cherish, this also serves as a movement in Fierce's music! As a gift, fans will also be able to download a free complimentary digital album booklet where they will be able to view artistic images that coincide with each of the songs. What's even more exciting is the fact that Fierce has already been proactive in the promotional aspect of the album. In the midst of a wedding, as well as a rigorous tour schedule, fierce is working hard to make sure the album is presented as it should. In preparation of the album, Fierce decided to release two brand new songs titled,
"Liar" and
"Bitter Queen" respectively. Both songs, which will appear on
"Man Music" have already been made available for free download and have received a music video treatment. Fierce is also set to be appear on Saturday Night Live on October 6th to perform both of the songs.
"Man Music", the album alone stands as a strong soldiery piece of work. Featuring strong masculine rythms and risky vocals and sounds, the albums is easily her strongest and dare we say it...most complex to date. Beggining production in July, in just three months, countless songs have spilled from Fierce's mouth and hands with a diverse group of sounds still being produced. Joining in on the creative sound is highly respected musician and producer Daniel who as mentor helped craft songs like
"Bitter Queen",
"Carry On" and
"Soulless Man". Challenging Fierce as both a writer and a vocalist, Daniel's purpose and goal was to simply bring Fierce's sound to new heights and he has definitely accomplished that thus far.
"Liar", the album's first released song, Fierce first teased fans with a personal pre-lude letter and 5 second snippet of the song. Fans had to wait nearly three weeks for the song to be released but once the song premiered, it was clear that Fierce was back and with a vengeance! Delivering fierce raw vocals and honest poetic lyrics through the rapture of fierce violins, the song received immense praise from both fans and top critics. The song was eventually accompanied by a glossy priced music video, which showed a darker more artistic side of Fierce. More importantly, the song was sent out for free to the fans, reaching over 700,000 downloads thus far through the official site. With a performance on the way, the song is close to becoming one of Fierce's all time classics.
"Bitter Queen", the album's second song was released without warning alongside a simple yet fierce music video through the platform of NME. The song garned an even more impressive reception through fans and critics, and has already received over 500,000 downloads through the official site.
Other songs like
"Carry On" and
"Soulless Man", feature a more relaxed bluesy rock composition. It is evident, that thus far this album as a whole is presented with rock as the main genre. Something Fierce hasn't accomplished or done since her self titled third studio album.
There is definitely much more to come, so stay tuned!