ALLURA SILK VISITS "THE BREAKFAST CLUB"DJ Envy: Power 105.1, The Breakfast Club. We gotta special guest in the building today.
Charlamagne: Yeah this family right here.
Angela Ye: And I end up talking like her when I’m around her.
Allura Silk: Do you?
Angela Ye: Yeah.
Allura Silk: [Sounds confrontational but says playfully] Like what? How do I talk.
Angela Ye: You know, the New York, signature Allura accent.
Allura Silk: You mean the Silky Smoove accent.
Charlamagne: Go ahead and introduce her.
DJ Envy: Alllurra Silllkkk!
Allura Silk: Ayeeeee! Wassup Yall. What’s poppin Breakfast Club. Good morning.
DJ Envy: What’s up Silk?
Allura: Same shit.
DJ Envy: You’re single 21st Century Hoez dropping tomorrow.
Allura: Yes! Coming to radio and available for download tomorrow.
DJ Envy: We don’t get you on morning shows too much. So we gonna keep you here for how long we could, and talk everything Allura. What we heard and what we don’t know.
Allura: Ohhhh Brovvva, I’m ready.
Angela Ye: So 21st Century Hoez comes out tomorrow, and you just announced your album release date.
Allura: Yes, December 4th.
Charlemagne: We know you worked with Mercedes Payne, how was it working with her?
Allura: You know, I’m not a lesbian, but she was one of the most beautiful women I ever laid my eyes on. She was pretty busy and I was as well. But I hit her up and said, I love what you doing. I have this track. It’s gonna be my first single, and I need you on it. Just like that, it was done. Without even hearing my vocals, my verses, she says yes. So I’m like, oh this a down bitch. I send her my vocals that night, How about that next day, in the evening, I had her vocals laid down on the track already. So I respect her, she’s all about her grind, and I’m all about mine. She mad cool.
Charlemagne: Do you have any other surprise guest on the album?
Allura: Besides Mercedes, there is another young lady on the album. She has a incredible voice. I envy her voice. But that’s all I can say. She’s one of the biggest singers out right now. She’s just amazing that’s all I can say.
Angela Ye: Can you give us a hint?
Allura: Ummm, I’ll give you some insight, we recorded this track over a year ago when I began working on my debut album.
DJ Envy: So Allura, we known each other since you was making mixtapes. We all know you from New York, born and raised. You rep New York hard. But it seems like they don’t give you the credit that is due. Does that bother you?
Allura: When I first went mainstream and signed my first record deal it did. No scratch that. My second deal with Tric-Jam it did. Because when I signed with Malory Evans label, and when I was underground doing mixtapes, everyone was like, this chick is too real, she’s dope. I wasn’t used to getting criticized for little things in the public eye. But when I signed the deal with Tric-Jam, and a lot of the female rappers in the game, and rappers male and female I came up with in the underground, specifically in NYC, just spread so much hate. I guess they thought when I got dropped, they didn’t think that I was going to make it, and it was over. They thought I would remain an underground darling. But that wasn’t the case. But now it doesn’t bother me. It just makes me go harder. It makes me more hungry. I’m hungry!
DJ Envy: Speaking of female rappers, there’s a lot of female rappers that try to come at you, some are known, some are unknown. Do you care?
Allura: I don’t even wanna get on that. But I don’t care. It’s this simple, if you say something, don’t get shocked if I reply back. I’ve always been a crazy confrontational bitch, so don’t be shocked. But bless their hearts. Their in my prayers.
DJ Envy: But some people kinda think you’re a bully. “Kill A Ho” you came at Shantell Stiletto, “Slaughter House” you came at Chloe, You even had a beef with Sexy Star back in the day.
Allura: [Smiles, and yells playfully] I don’t bother nobody Envy!!!! If I feel attacked, I just become a beast, I don’t know why.
Angela Ye: It’s kind of like the dog barking at the moon. Nobody notices it, but when the moon barks at the dog everyone notices. It’s like people realize when you come at someone.
Allura: [Laughs] Some people do annoy the hell outta me. But if I don’t call no names in those songs, that means half of the time I am talking about somebody ya’ll don’t even know. It’s like WE went at it, the best woman won, and I’m moving on.
DJ Envy: So we have a snippet of your first single, 21st Century Hoez. You wanna tell us a little about it before we play some.
Allura Silk: Sure, so you guys got the chorus. You know, 21st Century Hoez was one of the weirdest recordings I ever had. Because I had this beat and I never wrote anything for it. And then I went in the studio and just started writing and the next the you know, 90 minutes later I was done. I don’t even consider Mercedes a feature. It’s kind of a duet. We both have equal time on the song. I don’t wanna give her a little bit of bars to sing because she is just coming out like me, and I know we are both grinding and have a lot of prove with just breaking onto the scene. And we both bring a different essence to the track. It’s bananas.
Charlamagne: Play it!
DJ Envy: Here’s a snippet of Allura Silks first single off her debut album, 21st Century Hoez, featuring Mercedes Payne.
[21st Century Hoez snippet]
[Mercedes Payne]
These hoes wanna steal my set
And take over the show
These hoes wanna take my spot
They wanna be a head hunter
These hoes wan’t to steal my creativity
These hoes have no aspirations of there own
They wanna clone her and me
[Allura Silk]
They wanna…
Live the life
Crave the life
Rock the life
Be about the life
Stop worrying about me
I’m living my dreams
Bitch, go get your paper
You want to live the life
But you’re a drop out
You fuck every nigga who pays you a compliment
You take pics of yourself in lingerie
And claim that you’re a model
I live on top of the world
Up here, sometimes, it gets lonely
We having the time of our lives
Angela Ye: That was cray!
Allura: Thank you Ang!
DJ Envy: So you gave us the initials to the album OTJMB. When are you gonna announce the title.
Allura: Later on this week. I have a performance, so by the end of the week you all should know.
Angela Ye: Well that’s our show, it was great having you on Allura.
Charlemagne: Come back when the album comes out.
Allura: I will be back the week of December 2nd when the album is out.
DJ Envy: Alright! Power 105.1. It’s The Breakfast Club. We be in here tomorrow, from 6 am to 10 am. Check you later.
Edited by user 23 October 2012 13:38:24(UTC)
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