Just back from their trip to Los Angeles, Teen Titans met us this morning to discuss their new music and more.
Hello. How are you all?Teen Titans: Hello!
Laurence: We're good thanks.
So you're just back from Los Angeles.Joey: Yep, we're gonna fly a lot during this month and the next ones!
That's because of the new tour, isn't it?Joey: Yeah.
Martina: ...Which is going to be amazing. We are starting rehearsals in the next weeks, but what we planned is exciting enough.
Is it going to have a lot of special performances like the last one?Den: Yeah! You should never expect a Teen Titans' tour without special effects and huge performances.
Martina: We do like artistic performances indeed.
And what special effects are you using for this one?Laurence: Well, the new tour is about our new album 'Neon Lights' which is about the night, so all the ones that fit with it.
Like?Laurence: Like a lot of lights, flying-platforms with the forms of the stars and...
Tanya: ...And come to a show to see the others.
Laurence: Yeah, right.
(Laughs)Nice. So tell me about the new album.Martina: It is called 'Neon Lights' and it is our best one yet. We did not call anyone else to work on it - we totally made it all by ourselves.
Den: Yeah, just like our first album. You can tell that we have grown up and got much more experience this time around though.
So Den and Laurence are the only producers of the album?Laurence: No, Martina also produced a track.
Is it good?Martina: Why would you have any doubt of his goodness?
(They all laugh) No, I am kidding. It was a song that I wrote all by myself and meant a lot to me, so I wanted to produce it too. I hope people will do enjoy it.
They will if it's good.Martina: (In a very threatening way) Excuse me?!
Laurence: No, it is actually good.
You also recorded a cover of 'We Will Rock You' for the album. Did you try to give a new sound to the song?Tanya: Uhm... Yes, we did.
(Smiles cheekily)Martina: Don't you worry, we did not ruin the song!
That's what I was hoping for. Martina: As a huge Queen fan I can assure you it sounds good.
Good. So you're currently shooting the video for the new single. What should we expect?Joey: Ahh, a lot of cool action!
Den: Yeah, it's basically going to be us following these two people that chase each other, but how it ends is a surprise!
(Laughs)So it's about two people that are looking for love?Martina: Yes, exactly.
Are you five still looking for love?Laurence: Well, I'm happily married, Joey is getting married soon too and Martina is dating. Only Den and Tanya are still looking.
Den: No, I found it actually! But it's complicated.
Why?Den: I can't tell you! It's a very, very private thing and all I can say is that I thought I had just found the love of my life, but I'm starting to have my doubts since last night. I still hope I'm wrong though.
So you're in love but not sure.Den: I am sure! It's only that I think this person doesn't love back or maybe not anymore.
What about you Tanya?Tanya: I'm still looking.
Will you find it?Tanya: Hopefully.
Ok. Thanks for the chat Titans.Den: Thanks to you!
Martina: Thank you too.
βWhere Is The Loveβ is out on December 9; βNeon Lightsβ follows on December 16. Click here for pre-order links.