Lorraine: We are here today with a special guest....well I should say, special
guests... These boys emerged almost two years ago releasing a hit single "Going On" and even a debut album. They soon took an extended breach from music leaving us wondering where these handsome guys have gone as their career was certainly looking to take off. Fortunately for their female fans around the globe, they are back and looking to be more popular then ever after releasing their new single
"Ready For The Weekend" and returning to music! Here today in the studio, it's the Stat Nerds! Thank you for being here with us today!
The camera's pan over, to see the Chris, Dennis, Brian and Jerry all smiling. And looking at Lorraine. Chris: Thank you for having us.
Dennis: Thank you Lorraine..
Brian: Good morning, and thank you for having us
Jerry: It's an honor to be here.
Lorraine: First, Congratulations on all of the attention you all have been garnering. Has it sunk in yet that you're now becoming an international act?Chris: Thank you. We've always wanted it to be this way. We've always wanted to broaden our spectrum and see many different crowd of people, and see many different places. Personally for me, it's all very exciting but not unbelievable. I knew we would get here, eventually ...I feel like there's still things that we need to do before I feel like we're accomplished or made it so to say.
Dennis: I don't know about Chris, but I think it's really crazy actually. Coming from what we've gone through and being able to jump back and sit here in the U.K have all these fans rooting for us like never before really is hard to believe, so it's definitely sinking. Slowly but surely. *laughs* Thank you!
Brian: Thank you Lorraine, I'm very appreciative for everything that has been happening. Us getting signed to another label, and recording our album being the U.K making our self known and just being remembered is really unbelievable, so I'll agree with Dennis...slowly but surely.. but I think it's sunk in that we're going to make this huge.
Jerry: Eh, I'll have to agree with Chris. I've always felt like once we got the chance were going to take off. This is nothing. I think people have yet to see what we have in store.
Lorraine: How do you like the United Kingdom, it's quite different from the states isn't it?Brian: It is! Right now it's pretty cold in the states but it's really, really cold here and I really like the way everything is built. It looks so royal, and just...I don't know. Much different than the United States. We've been here only once or twice before and when we did it was for two quick shows so we never really got a chance to experience what the U.K is but now that I've sort of gotten a chance to get the feel of it, I love it. It's a nice place.
Dennis: The accents are amazing, I love english accents....and the fans are crazy. They are very devoted. People still are devoted to us after we sort of fell off, and I'm just like wow...they remember us. It makes you feel good.
Chris: It's a really cool place, actually. I love the nightlife, it may not be all city like, like what I'm used to but the pubs out here are amazing. Jerry and I are the only ones old enough to drink so we've taken advantage of that. Poor Brian and Dennis can't ...*laughs*
Jerry: I second that.
Lorraine: Lets backtrack two years ago, you guys released your debut single "Going On" it became quite a hit. What happened in between the release of your debut single and album? ...where you guys experienced a period of quietness and everyone began to wonder...what happened to the Stat Nerds.. and now, you've had this sort of rebirth.Dennis: We were basically being sabotaged throughout the entire year that we were gone.
Chris: Yeah, our former label..Shooting Aces Records went bankrupt right around the time that Want To Be was being released and it got so bad to the point where the label didn't even have enough to distribute the album to retail stores or any type of funding for the album so instead of all the hard work we put into the album being shelved, it was released online. So we didn't have this big coming out party and what not. Fast forward a bit, you'd think once the label is closing, we'd be able to you know.. move on and do bigger and better things but our former boss tried locking us in a contract as well as taking our publishing and name rights from us. It was really, really bad. So all that time we were gone, we weren't really gone.. we weren't allowed to really do anything. We were basically battling for our lives...as recording artists.
Brian: Luckily, after months and months of court dates and battling for our name and publishing, the judge ruled in our favor and look, we're back. I hate to even think about that time. You put so much trust into a person to do what they have to do as a boss and a label head and then when things hit the fan, they turn on you and try to take everything your worth? That was the really screwed up part about it.
Jerry: I barely even think about it any more because we're stronger then ever. Yeah, that rebirth that you say, definitely happened. The boys and I, after what we've gone through want this so bad, we're hungry and hell and we basically know, we're going to get it. Super stardom.... it's right there, and nothing can stop us.
Lorraine: Have you spoken to your former boss?Dennis: Of course not. If we did, you don't want to know the things I'd like to say to him.
Chris: I agree. We're sure he sees us, and is hearing about us and I know he's dreading every instant where he hears the name the Stat Nerds
Brian: And wishing that the name, and us, were in his possession.
Jerry: But that's not happening, and no, we'd never speak to that man again.
Lorraine: How have your fans responded to your new single 'Ready For The Weekend'?Chris: They love it and appreciate it. I think we had a big buildup to the track so it was only important that the song lived up to the hype and the title. And I definitely think it did. Who isn't ready for the weekend.
Dennis: Yeah, they love the song. That's all we wanted.
Jerry: They all showed their appreciation and we got so many tweets about how much they like the song, it was a moment where you go "hellll yeaaaah!"
Brian: Not only did the fans give us a warm reception but so did a lot of people in the industry. Bigging up the single and re-tweeting it, that was really nice, we love the support.
Lorraine: I'd now like to ask that burning question, is the single a nudge at boy band Weekend or harmless fun?Brian: I think it's an odd coincidence, really *laughs*
Jerry: I say it like this, people can take it how they want. If they insist it's a nudge at them, than fine.
Chris: It's nothing but harmless fun, uhmmmm. *laughs*
Dennis: *laughs*
Lorraine: You will be releasing an album in 2013, what release can we expect?Chris: I think there's so much we need to cover and talk about for this album, so expect a energetic album full of variety and something that will make you want to party and make you want to dance but at the same time there's those ballads and those songs that you listen to when you really like someone and you think about them when you hear a certain track...that's what we're aiming for.
Brian: Yeah, the album is coming along great! We definitely want an album that has variety and is not totally one and childish, but will show our growth from our last album.
Jerry: We want this album for the ladies *winks and laughs*
Dennis: I definitely think it will be an album for any Stat Nerd fan.
Lorraine: Is the third album being penciled for the beginning of the year then?Brian: At this point we really couldn't say, the album is however coming along amazingly.
Chris: Yeah, I'd have to agree with Brian. It's coming along, and we're almost ready to record the songs we've got written for the album. I'm really excited about it.
Dennis: I'd hope to have the album out in the first quarter of 2013
Jerry: *Nods*
Lorraine: Have you written down any ideas to include on the third album?Chris: Written? They are already in effect. We came together and just thought about all the things we want to sing about on the album and began writing. The next single we have in mind are excellent too. But for now, it's all about getting "Ready For The Weekend".
Dennis: *laughs*. Yeah, we also want to work with some musicians for the album, that's something we didn't get a chance to do with the debut album. But this time I think we'll get around to some really good collaborations.
Lorraine: What do you all think sets you apart from the other boy bands on the market? Do you consider them contemporaries?Jerry: I consider anyone who's doing the same thing as us, as a boy band....a contemporary. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm naturally a really competitive person.
Chris: I think we're smarter...like you won't find one of us coked out in a club, or getting a random chick pregnant or any of that nonsense. Our main focus is domination and and the music, not all the perks of scandals for the sake of attention and record sales. We can revert to that when we have nothing going for us, where people pay more attention to your controversy than your music. Let the scandal happen, don't make the scandal happen. That's how I look at it. I do, look at the others as contemporaries, we're not really here to be the nice guys.
Brian: I wouldn't exactly look at them as contemporaries and I respect what they are doing because I feel we're all opening up more opportunities for us as a boy band. So personally, I have no issues.. I do however, think The Zone is cool. They've been pretty nice to us so we're going to be nice to them.
Dennis: Yeah.. I think I can agree with 50% of what Jerry and Chris said and 50% of what Brian said. I think anyone who's doing the same thing as you, it's pretty much in my nature to look out for them but at the same time I think The Zone is cool, they just need something to make them stand out more.
Lorraine: The music industry is widely know to be a pretty tough one, what lessons has it taught you so far?Brian: I learned you gotta watch what you say...coughcough, Jerry. *laughs*
Jerry: *looks serious*
Dennis: *laughs*
Chris: *laughs*
Lorraine: We have been hearing about The Stat Nerds's female attention, but do you ever come into contact with male fans?Dennis: *laughs*. We do, you'd be surprised. We've actually got quite the gay male fanbase and they're really cool and supportive.
Jerry: Yeah, they're not all gay either. I know there will be men getting out CD and saying it's for their sister.. but it's for their ears.
Brian: laughs*
Chris: I think people get the wrong perception of what a boy band should appeal to. We're the type to appeal to the females, the male... straight or gay. It shouldn't matter what your orientation or gender is, if you like the music then you like it. But yeah, we've had male fans as well. Our tours aren't only full of women, it's pretty mixed. And that's cool.
Lorraine: Will you be back in the UK much this coming year?Brian: I definitely plan on coming back here. Hopefully to do some press and an album signing with the boys
Jerry: After seeing some of the women out here, and the fans... we're definitely going to be back here!
Dennis: I think we'd all love to come back here. We'll be touring eventually and we've got a lot to do in terms of media and stuff, so we'll be back!
Chris: Yeah.. I think we all agree that the U.K is a place we have to come back to in 2013. It's great.
Lorraine: You all have been causing quite the stir on the twitterverse, so to say. Was it ever in your intentions to become such a controversial act?Chris: I mean, we've always been controversial. But not because we force it on people, it just happens unfortunately. We say certain things on twitter and people get bent out of shape because of it. We're just being truthful...
Jerry: People are always pretending in the industry, or trying to be something or someone else and that's not us. I'm straightforward and will say what's on my mind when it's on my mind. Yeah, that has it's pros and cons but at least I'm not being a fake about it *laughs*.
Brian: And then because of those two, we get this rep of being complete jerks and not all of us are jerks *laughs* but we're a group, we all love each other like brothers.. it happens.
Dennis: I don't think it was in our intentions. We're doing what we gotta do.
Lorraine: What are your plans for the rest of 2012 and even into 2013? Chris: The album
Brian: A Tour
Jerry: The Weekend! *laughs*
*they all laugh*
Dennis: Domination!
We are here with the Stat Nerds, when we come back we will have solo interviews with each of the Stat Nerds!________________________________________________________
JerryLorraine: You are looked at as the wild one of the group, for obvious reason Jerry, do you agree? *laughs* ?Jerry: *Laughs*. I certainly don't think I'm the
wild one, but I can say that I'm the...hm...the one that's most blunt about things. I'll say it like it is when it is and I don't know, people have automatically given me this wild boy reputation and although I'm a partier and what not, I'm not the wild. But considering how the boys are, maybe I am *winks and laughs*
Lorraine: You've had some twitter spats with members from the Weekend and even Scott R.H. Care to elaborate on what caused these issues?Jerry: I really don't care enough to elaborate on it. What happened, happened and I can't even remember what happened with Weekend. I think they started with us or whatever and we were just screwing around, pissing them off. Harmless fun. *laughs*. The one with Scott, I don't know, they escalated really fast. I never said anything to him, and I said something about Gia, our boss. I said she was beautiful and it went crazy after that. But aside from that, Gia... you are in our prayers. We've sent you flowers and balloons and we're coming to see you as soon as we're out of here.
Lorraine: Are you and all of the members as close as you all appear to be? Jerry: Yeah, I've been through so much with the guys and we've known each other for year. Alot of groups pretend to be all close and what not but really don't like each other ...the Stat Nerds are different. We have genuine love for each other, we really are like brothers. Even though we can piss each other off.
Lorraine: If you weren’t singing in The Stat Nerds, what other path in life would you have taken?Jerry: I don't know, really. I actually haven't thought about that.
Lorraine: You've flirted with the likes of Mykaylah, Serenity Scott, Barbarian, Jennifer Armstrong, Cassie Valentine, Sophia and many more I'd assume, but is there anyone you would really want to make your soul mate?Jerry: Any one of them.. they're all beautiful and talented females but I've really hoked to Barbarian, Mykaylah and Jennifer. Barbarian thinks I'm little but she has yet to see. *laughs*. Mykaylah gave me her own personal show during her concert ... I was in heaven!! And Jen, well she seems really hard to get. But still dry beautiful.
Lorraine: What do you think of the women here in the U.K?Jerry: They're beautiful and the accents make em all the more attractive. They think it's odd that I find their accents compelling. I don't know... I just do.
DennisYou Dennis, are considered the "pretty boy" of the group. Would you agree that you are the "pretty boy" of the Stat Nerds?Ugh *laughs*. I've gotten all types of things like that. I've gotten Ken Doll too. I think pretty boy is whatever *laughs*.
What do you imagine is the perfect girl for you? I'm pretty sure your fans will be listening right now!She has to be laid back, attractive and ambitious. A girl who doesn't have a life for herself planned put and objectives is a no-no. She has to be a winner.
Rumors were spreading that you are romantically linked to Aubrei of the 4U girls, is this true?I think Aubrei is really, really cute and I'd like to get to know her more. We've hung out and what not but we're nothing but friends as of right now. But you never know what the future holds. But at the same time, we're both busy doing our thing and seeing her would be pretty much impossible. We're good friends, she's a really cool girl to be around, attractive too.
What is something that you think people may perceive of you that you can set to sleep here today?That I'm a womanizer. I'm not like that at all. I'm faithful in relationships and I'm honest. So everyone insisting that I'm a player and what not, your wrong. I'm a southern born boy who wants to eventually fall in love. Yes. But now, I'm just having fun and if I'm single ...why not have fun?
Do any of you get into that occasional argument or two? You lads probably spend alot of time together so I'd imagine you can get under each others skin at some point in time.Dennis: Of course we do. But it never lasts longer than a few minutes. Or if we really get into something it's done by a few hours later. It's crazy, we just don't stay mad at eachother and don't do anything to eachother to really cause that long, drawn out fight or argument. It's never like that, luckily.
Brian Lorraine: You Brian, from what I am told is that you are the groups peacemaker? Would you consider this true? Why do you choose to take on this position?Brian: Yes! It is true! I wouldn't say that I've chosen the position, it just sort of happened. I'm the one that really tries to avoid problems and I feel really uneasy with sticky situations do happen. But over time I get over it. I like it better when it's peaceful and a problem have been resolved. Unless someone starts with us. And even then, I'm usually the one to try and find a way to alleviate the problem.
Lorraine: Being the peacemaker, who do you consider the trouble maker of the group?Brian: Jerry... you're probably going to be mad *laughs*. But it's him. But it's who he is, he's straightforward. People like that always tend to be called trouble makers. He's gotten us into some nonsense in the past. But that's Jerry, we still love him.
Lorraine: How is the recording process of the album going so far, in your perspective? I think it's coming along great! The songs we've written are really good and we cannot wait unveil all these great tracks. We're very excited about the new, upcoming album.
Lorraine: Will you be playing that guitar you're holding in the "Ready For The Weekend" artwork on some tracks of the new Stat Nerd album?Brian: *Laughs* Yeah, that's my guitar. I did a couple of riffs for Ready For The Weekend, but I'll be showing my skills on a couple of tracks for the album, yes..
Lorraine: How does it feel to be back in the spotlight again after a year of obscurity? Brian: It really feels great, to finally be back out and see our fans again. I'm happy for it. Honestly. But there is a lot more that we are looking to do before like we said earlier, we can say we've really done it.
Lorraine: You Chris, are considered the ...most experienced of The Stat Nerds. Correct? So you must play a pivotal role in the Stat Nerds building empire?Chris: Yeah *smiles* that's what they call me. And yeah, I'd say so. I guess we all play an important role in the final Stat Nerd empire but I feel like I'll always be the most experienced, with all due respect to my bros. I think I play an important role since I'm the oldest and have the most experience due to a two year apprenticeship with arecording studio but never do I try to lead the group or anything like that.
Lorraine: How are you enjoying the United Kingdom? Chris: I really like it, it's different. I like different things.
Lorraine: Do you regret any of the issues between you and others in the music industry?Chris: Not at all. Things happen for a reason so I'm not regretting any issues we've had with anyone. I think it happened for a reason, we may not know why but human nature does. I don't care if people in the industry don't like us. Like we said, we're not here to be best friends. We're here for our supporters and fans and if your with us then we really appreciate it and we will show that appreciation but if you don't like us, more power to you and the haterade.
Lorraine: Do you consider yourself cocky ?Chris: I've been told I'm cocky but I don't think so. I'm pretty confident, cocky? No.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Chris: I really couldn't say. Still making music, selling records. We'll have to see how it goes.