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#1 Posted : 05 December 2012 16:02:51(UTC)
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Name: "Man Music"
Total Tracks: 6
Recorded: 2012
Writer/Composer: Stephanie Fierce, Daniel, Alicia Lena
Producer: Stephanie Fierce, Daniel, Mathew Curtis
Photographer/Artwork: Stephanie Fierce,
Record Label: Hot Eye Records
Formats: CD, MP3 Download; iTunes, Amazon(LP & Digital)
Release Date: December 9, 2012


Fierce has won many award trophies and recently received the "Icon" award at the Chaos Awards Ceremony. She's sold over 200 million records, has scored countless number one hits, has sold over 5 million concert tour tickets worldwide and is still on the rise! She's the only artist to have a #1 hit every consecutive year since the new charts started and has released over 7 studio albums (4 which have topped the album charts). Believe it or not, She's only getting started! At 26 years old, Fierce stands as one of the youngest and most succesful pop stars in history of music and she thrives to keep that title for a very long time. So get ready!

With "Man Music", Stephanie Fierce will be releasing her very first E.P. While this is a gift for the fans to cherish, this also serves as a movement in Fierce's music! As a gift, fans will also be able to download a free complimentary digital album booklet where they will be able to view artistic images that coincide with each of the songs. What's even more exciting is the fact that Fierce has already been proactive in the promotional aspect of the album. In the midst of a wedding, as well as a rigorous tour schedule, fierce is working hard to make sure the album is presented as it should. In preparation of the album, Fierce decided to release two brand new songs titled, "Liar" and "Bitter Queen" respectively. Both songs, which will appear on "Man Music" have already been made available for free download and have received a music video treatment. Fierce is also set to be appear on Saturday Night Live on October 6th to perform both of the songs.

"Man Music", the album alone stands as a strong soldiery piece of work. Featuring strong masculine rythms and risky vocals and sounds, the albums is easily her strongest and dare we say it...most complex to date. Beggining production in July, in just three months, countless songs have spilled from Fierce's mouth and hands with a diverse group of sounds still being produced. Joining in on the creative sound is highly respected musician and producer Daniel who as mentor helped craft songs like "Liar", "Bitter Queen", and "Carry On". Challenging Fierce as both a writer and a vocalist, Daniel's purpose and goal was to simply bring Fierce's sound to new heights and he has definitely accomplished that thus far.

With "Liar", the album's first released song, Fierce first teased fans with a personal pre-lude letter and 5 second snippet of the song. Fans had to wait nearly three weeks for the song to be released but once the song premiered, it was clear that Fierce was back and with a vengeance! Delivering fierce raw vocals and honest poetic lyrics through the rapture of fierce violins, the song received immense praise from both fans and top critics. The song was eventually accompanied by a glossy priced music video, which showed a darker more artistic side of Fierce. More importantly, the song was sent out for free to the fans, reaching over 700,000 downloads thus far through the official site. With a performance on the way, the song is close to becoming one of Fierce's all time classics.

"Bitter Queen", the album's second song was released without warning alongside a simple yet fierce music video through the platform of NME. The song garned an even more impressive reception through fans and critics, and has already received over 500,000 downloads through the official site.

Other songs like "Carry On", feature a more relaxed bluesy rock composition. It is evident, that thus far this album as a whole is presented with rock as the main genre. Something Fierce hasn't accomplished or done since her self titled third studio album.


1. Liar
2. Bitter Queen
3. Carry On
4. Vomit
5. Timebomb feat. Alicia Lena
6. Violent Side Effects

Edited by user 06 December 2012 00:01:21(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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#2 Posted : 05 December 2012 16:05:44(UTC)
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Title: “Liar”
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop Rock
Written by: Stephanie Fierce
Produced by: Stephanie Fierce, Daniel, Curtis Mathew
Lenght: 6:30
Released: September 2, 2012; Free MP3 Download, October 14, 2012; Digital Download

"Liar" is a song written and recorded by Stephanie Fierce, the first single from E.P "Man Music", set to be released through Hot Eye Records on December 9, 2013. The song as produced by Fierce herself with the company of Daniel and Curtis Mathew. The song is 6 minutes and 30 seconds in length and is available for immediate free download.

Lyrical Meaning

The songs introduction is written in the form of a poem, to describe the feeling of pain and suffering during the aftermath of a serious life chancing breakup. While the song reflects on a past marriage Fierce experienced, the song also talks about the possible meaning during certain arguments she had with her ex-lover, coming into realization that he indeed lied often. During the storytelling of this heartbreak, Fierce reflects on her feeling of his new lover, that despite their happiness, he's still a liar. Fierce also, shows signs of jealousy as she starts wishing nothing but the worst for her ex-lover and his new wed to be. In contraction to her own words she wishes that he should of kept "the ring on". Meaning, that the after some time being separated with her ex-lover, Steph comes into realization that with no doubt she's unfairly being replaced by a new woman and she somehow wished to still be him. According to the lyrics content, the song is believed to be directed at Johnny Johnson.

Background and Development

Ultimately, when I wrote “Liar”, I already had the song envisioned in my head, it wasn’t something I wrote from scratch. Matter of fact, some of the melodies where already living in my head for a while now, and surprisingly, they were the first to come out when I started to experiment on the soundboard for the new album. From what I’ve written, this song is kind of like a piece of a dramatic short film. It did come from a true place because in my life I've dealt witht his exact situatuon, only this time I'm in the position of reflecting back on it. However, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when recording this song. There was so much tension going on in my life, that I just felt numb when recording. With the fact that I didn't think I was goin to be recording, especially with the anouncemant of my hiatus. However, I think that's why Daniel took advantage of the moment by challening me.

I think this sound just brings a total different approach from what I've been doing the past two-three albums. In terms of vocalization and how the song builds up, It is quite shocking! No one expects a song to be in acapaella for about 4 minutes and then transition into a whole different sounding song without sounding like a mess. I can honestly sya that with this song I experimented with my voice a little more than I have in the past. I would say that it's a bit more sonic .I had to learn how to break it down and make it sound more thin but sonic at the same time. Which was hard for me, because my vocals are abit thicker and can fall in the Once again I'm just challenging myself as a vocalist.

I wrote the idea for the song and me and Daniel began working in the studio immideately, adding piece by piece. Obviously, we didn't feel limited, so we just sort carried on with what we were doing without forming a structure, which is why the acapella lasts for a good 4 minutes, until the violin melodies come creeping in with a more medolic backbone. There was this special moment in the studio, when Daniel reached out to me to remind me that the song was already 4 minutes in, before any real "medolic" sound was introduced. I simply told him that it was ok, and that excited him a bit more.

Eventually, we just made like 20 cuts for this song and each cut we added something different and different, making the song sound better each time. That's how eventually ended up having this epic family of violinists in the form of an orchestra working together, to differentiate each part of the song. It was just crazy how insane this song was developing each time. I remember that the first cut served only of violins. It didn't have that oopmph the final version has. Then the next cut we decided to add flutes, then the next cut we decide to add a tamborine, then the next we decided to add more air, then the next we decided to add this backdrops of random noise that we made on the soundboard. It was very complex. Until finally the song sounded exactly like I envisioned it. I nearly just darn out cried tears of joy because my voice was hurting at that point, I had been awake for 52 hours and I could feel the song and what I just done with my lyrics. I felt like a true artist and that moment was magical. You would think that at this point in my career I would be very bored and broken, but It felt like the very first time with this song in particular.


The song begins with a sound which is produced by violins and an ambiance that's orchestrated by a vintage soundboard. With a hushed quiet intensity, Steph vocals become present and she sings in an almost acapella form. Her voice sounds more high pitched than usual, but remains a rich but soft and almost whispered texture. The sound of ambiance produced by violins and a soundboard continues but this time with the company of more violent violin strokes. As the song progresses, Steph's vocals become more present and harmonized as the violins fade in an out at a continuous pace, each moment in differentiation of the next. By the time the second verse comes in, the sounds matures a little more, as some of the lyrics are sung with more emphasize and eventually Steph introduces a more upscale set of notes. Once again, the violin composition keeps growing a little more present and melodic until everything comes to a halt. During this moment, the whole production goes completely quiet, as a more forceful and hoarse note is heard with the spooky stroke of violins. A flute is then introduced alongside the violins and the song's more melodic pace returns hinting a dramatic climax. Once the 4 minutes of acapella comes to a finish, a more fast paced production, with a more pulsating harmony is introduced. Almost dancy in its discretion, Steph's vocals also grow more angry and horse. Meanwhile, in the background a family of violins are heard alongside a smashing tambourine and groovy like flute that was introduced after the long unexpected pause earlier in the song. During this climax, Steph's vocals grow longer and angrier as the outro comes to a finish with sharp dramatic violins going off until eventually fading out in complete.

A Video Project; by Stephanie Fierce and Daniel

Title: "Liar"
Premiere Date: September 14, 2012
Directed by: Daniel, Stephanie Fierce
Length: 6 minutes and 35 seconds (VEVO/Youtube)

Preview Synopsis:

The video follows the insight of the life of a woman's obsession over Stephanie Fierce. The obsession is so severe, that the woman decides to surgically and cosmetically transform herself to a man, in hope of Fierce's approval. Sitting in her home, tuned into to her computer, the obsessed woman is seen watching a performance of a song called "Liar". The woman who seems to have a strong connection with the singer begins to encounter unrecognizable connections with the demonic world. After the rough encounter, the frightened woman runs out of her house demonized with the song following her everywhere. Eventually the woman begins to experience sings of lycanthropy, which eventually require severe medical attention. After a few disturbances in public through her animalistic behavior, the woman is strapped and taken to a hospital, where she would eventually transition to a behavioral mental hospital in treatment for her lyncanthropy behavior. After being taken to the hospital and as all medical procedures are processed, with the demonic force the woman manages to injure the doctors as well as the nurse involved. Escaping the hospital, the beast runs freely and attempts to escape the city, in search of Fierce's ex to kill him. Never finding her obsession's ex lover, she's eventually held capture by higher authority. After being locked in a behavioral site, an exorcism is held on the woman. Fierce's ending of the performance of "Liar" seem to reflect the exorcism.

"Liar" Lyrics:

"Like an ember,
fighting a rain storm
one can only suffer,
for so long.....
I remember
all those endless fights
I was so young back then,
I thought I was gonna be strong enough to put up the fight
But I was wrong
My heart was robbed from my very eyes
They sure did warned me and told me...
Every first love dies!
but I will rise
I'll return, yeah eh
This beast isn't tame
You will learn
I will rise
I'll return
Even being what you are
There is no other choice
but for you to LIIEE
I never meant to hurt you
I swear I din't mean those things I said
I never meant to do that to you
next time I'll keep my hands to myself instead
Oh does she love you
what she's capable to do
Does she take you like I do
oh you fucked her, she was good yeah
does she take it like I do
whoa oh, ooh oh Like ooh oh oh....
Do you want me again, should I believe
You always told me that you loved me
but sometimes I wondered if I should of believed
Oh I loved you, God I loved you
I'd slay a dragon for you
Oh, DIE!
but i will rise, I will return
You will learn
and I will rise
You'll see me return
Even being what you are
There is no other choice
but for you to LIE!
When you should of kept the ring on
you should of kept the ring on
Then I wouldn't even tried it
and I would've known
And I wouldn't have pulled you tighter
No I wouldn't have pulled you close
I wouldn't have screamed
No I can't let you go
even when the door is closed
No I wouldn't have pulled you to me
No I wouldn't have kissed your face
You wouldn't have begged me to hold you
You haven't done the same in the first place
Ah but I know you wanted me to beg oh oh
Every lie that you threw burns inside now
Oh Oh, but you should of kept the ring on
you should of kept the ring on
I use to be so afraid, now she better share your grave
Tried to give you a chance, but you still threw it away
you're still a liar
you still a liar
you're still a liar!

Sounds Like:

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#3 Posted : 05 December 2012 16:14:04(UTC)
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Chanel: Girl, you slayed that track around girlfriend! That was so good. I was just jammin' to it girl, I WAS LIKE sing it Stephanie! Sing it! You did that, I have to give you a full appaluse. The sound, that vocal style.. girl.. you made me just scream. Just pure unique music. I love it girl, I'm have call you up for a writing session, this is just flawless girl.

thanks 1 user thanked Moquel for this useful post.
stephaniewazhere on 05/12/2012(UTC)
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#4 Posted : 05 December 2012 16:21:13(UTC)
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Title: "Bitter Queen"
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop
Written by: Stephanie Fierce
Produced by: Stephanie Fierce, Daniel
Lenght: 6:01

"Bitter Queen" is a song by music artist and producer Stephanie Fierce off her EP album "Man Music". The song premiered alongside a music video on September 9, 2012.

Lyrical Meaning

The song talks about a bitter queen's view of life. In her lyrics, Fierce talks about the bitter control she has in music despite the recent experiences she's faced; "Cause it's bitter queen, enjoying her life", "I won't change, but I'm still sitting in my throne". Specifically, the song also talks about life of pop stars and exposes the idea of control and bitter intentions they have with their music "Trying to make my poison sweet, You're a slave to my music, then you die". In relevance to the phase Fierce is going through currently in the music industry, the song could mean that despite her recent fall, she's still very much a Queen to herself, and is in a much deserving state of happiness.


The song features an orchestral backbone against a climatic beat, which samples Rolling Stones "The Last Time". Once again in comparison to her last song "Liar", the theme of violins seem to be present. As described by producer Daniel, Fierce's vocals seem to sound vintage and as if recorded in the early 60's.

Music Video

The intro begins with News reporter announcing Stephanie Fierce's death. "Worldwide Superstar Stephanie Fierce is Dead" is then repeated various times, each time fading away and with more static. The scene eventually then fades out as the sound of wind and a busy road is heard. The view of a busy New York city street comes into view and a woman with a short haircut comes into view. Her hair is mixture of a fading black and a dark gray color somewhat representing her age. She's seen holding a family of roses that are pressed against her heavy rain coat. With her face shying away from the camera, this leads people to believe that it may be Stephanie Fierce. Walking with her six inch stilettos, the woman is seen rushing through the crowd to her destination. As this happens the music begins to play. It is then unveiled that this is Stephanie Fierce but in older times.

Fierce who seemed predominated by the music industry, is showcased as a rebel, making her way down, many people staring at her, gazing wondering who she might be as she makes her way down. Mysteriously, Fierce with her chin up continues walking without hesitation as the music plays in the background. Her movement is somehow slow motion in the music video, serving as a melodramatic effect. As she walks down the pavement leading to a cemetery that's still long ahead, rain begins to fall down, hitting the already battered streets of New York. Fiercely, without looking, Fierce takes out an umbrella, opens it up and continues walking, as other New York City residents are seen rushing out, some even out of the rain to get to their destinations,
As various places from the city are shown throughout out the video, Fierce is never kept out of focus. As she keeps walking, a running woman bumps into Steph and starts lashing out at her. Steph grins and keeps walking feeling unbothered. Finally Fierce reaches out to the cemetery and makes her way in. Walking past the deaths of many, Fierce eventually makes it to the grave she was looking for. The Stone that's placed on the grave reads "Stephanie Fierce".... "Her love never felt Like Grenades, A pop sinner she was, but free she will always be". Smiling, she bends down and places the roses on the grave. She kisses the stone, rises up and heads out of the grave. As she walks out, she begins to mime the last part of the song, with the camera slowly rising and zooming out, eventually showing the whole city with the now tiny dot that is Stephanie Fierce.

"Bitter Queen" Lyrics

"'Cause it's a bitter queen enjoying her life
Trying to make my poison sweet
You're a slave to my music, then you die
I'll sing the notes I've never written down
You know the one that takes you to the places
where all ends meet

No change, I won't change
I wont change, I can't change
But I'm sitting in my throne
I'm still sitting in my throne
and I'm a million different people
according to the Papa--
I won't change, I won't
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Well I'll never stay
But tonight I'm on my knees yeah
You need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah
let the melody shine, let it cleanse your mind, feel free now
Now the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to me now

No change, I wont change
I won't change, I can't change
But I'm sitting in my throne
I am sitting in my throne
And I'm a million different people
according to the Papa--
I won't change
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
I wont change
I wont change

'Cause it's a bitter queen, enjoying her life
Trying to make poison sweet
You're a slave to my music the you die
I'll sing the only note I've ever written down
You know the one that takes you to them places
where all the demons meet yeah

You know I wont change, I wont change
I wont change, I can't change
But I'm sitting in my throne
I am sitting in my throne
And I'm a million different people
according to the papa--
I won't change
No, no, no, no, no

I won't change
no, no, no, no, no,
I won't change
won't change,
no, no, no

I'll sing the notes I've never written down
I'll sing the notes I've never written down
written down
Ever written down
Ever written down
Ever written down
Ever written down
That I've ever written down
That I've ever written down"

Sounds Like:

Edited by user 05 December 2012 16:56:40(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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#5 Posted : 05 December 2012 16:45:28(UTC)
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Title: “Carry On”
Genres: Experimental rock, Indie rock, Folk Rock
Written by: Stephanie Fierce
Produced by: Stephanie Fierce, Daniel
Lenght: 5:39

"Carry On" is a song by music artist and producer Stephanie Fierce off her EP "Man Music". The song first premiered on NME on October 6, 2012.

Lyrical Meaning

"The lyrics are a momentum and grow to be very monumental. What I mean by this is that I think as a songwriter, I'm getting tired of these heartbreak songs I keep writing, I think that's why it sounds very climatic, as if this were the last heartbreak song I would write. But that's what makes the song so great in my opinion. So many times before someone has hurt me, but this time, I'm just kind of shrugging it off, but in a more poetic way. This album in it's entirety is full of a lot of poetic lyrics matter of fact. I felt the most confident writing this songs. I had no time to think, just pouring our my heart, because It was already in me." - Stephanie Fierce


"Carry On" is an experimental rock song that contains many elements of art rock within its instrumentation. It contains several instruments into its composition, most notably harps and guitar. Above the quirky folk rock sound Fierce's vocals seem relaxed and ghostly. A gospel organ and choir along with trilling guitars provide instrumentation in the song as well. The song begins with a 80's gothic inspired sound and it progresses with sounds that are more polished with rock guitars alongside the strings. It is written in the key of C minor and Fierce's vocal range in the song runs from the musical note of A♭3 to E♭5. The song breaks down into a near a capella chorus three minutes into the song in gorgeous fashion, but it is only a foreshadowing of what is to come with soaring gospel-rooted harmonies and tribal chants on top of ethereal harp strings and intense lyrics. In the end of the song, Welch tries a "new, softly-softly vocal style" which is similar to Liz Fraser and Harriet Wheeler from The Sundays.

"Carry On" Lyrics

put your hearts away ladies

Your hate tickles,
your laugh... don't fickle me
That's what your actions do to me
the air grows thicker
between the two of us
You sure have mistaken me
but that's what your actions do to me

(Repeat 2x)
Carry On...
lend me your soul
hide the little you own
closets full of bones

You brought the sirens, to scare me away
but I still found the silence, at the nearest alleyway
who knew this girl had strong arms to hold up the sky,
.....on a rainy day
you were sure enough to betray me,
but you weren't strong enough to break me
that's what......

(Spoken Quickly)
put your heart away ladies

So carry on.....
Lend me your soul
hide the little you own
closets full of bones

Carry on......
Lend me your soul
hide the little you...
this will be the last time!!!
You drank my poison, left you blind by your own light
You tried throwing me away, like a used up rag
but you could never break me anyways
you could never break me anyways
you couldn't break me anyways

And you will never ever break my heart
Slap my face again, and I will break you apart
I've had enough, lord father forgive me

(Repeat 5X)
So Carry on
lend me your soul
hid the little you own
closets full of bones

yeah eh eh eh, yeah eh eh eh
yeah eh eh eh, yeah eh eh eh
yeah eh eh eh, eh eh eh eh

Sounds Like:

Edited by user 05 December 2012 16:57:15(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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#6 Posted : 05 December 2012 16:58:04(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Moquel Go to Quoted Post
Chanel: Girl, you slayed that track around girlfriend! That was so good. I was just jammin' to it girl, I WAS LIKE sing it Stephanie! Sing it! You did that, I have to give you a full appaluse. The sound, that vocal style.. girl.. you made me just scream. Just pure unique music. I love it girl, I'm have call you up for a writing session, this is just flawless girl.

Stephanie Fierce: Thank you very much :) I'd love to have a writing session with you!
Offline Moquel  
#7 Posted : 05 December 2012 17:01:24(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Moquel Go to Quoted Post
Chanel: Girl, you slayed that track around girlfriend! That was so good. I was just jammin' to it girl, I WAS LIKE sing it Stephanie! Sing it! You did that, I have to give you a full appaluse. The sound, that vocal style.. girl.. you made me just scream. Just pure unique music. I love it girl, I'm have call you up for a writing session, this is just flawless girl.

Stephanie Fierce: Thank you very much :) I'd love to have a writing session with you!

Chanel: Girl because this next album has be so good to save my black ass, lol. No, yes, we have to get together soon Steph!!
thanks 1 user thanked Moquel for this useful post.
stephaniewazhere on 05/12/2012(UTC)
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#8 Posted : 05 December 2012 17:03:48(UTC)
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Title: "Vomit"
Genres: Art Rock, Indie Rock, Pop
Written by: Stephanie Fierce
Produced by: Stephanie Fierce
Lenght: 6:01

"Vomit" is the fourth track on the "Man Music" extended play. The song consist of harmonic violin and orchestral composition, which is a continuation of one of themes in "Man Music". The song will be made available for free download alongside "Man Music" on October 28, 2012.

Lyrical Meaning

"I'm very loyal to the NME listeners, so I just want to give them something new to listen, every time. This one in particular is one of my favorites of "Man Music" and I'm premiering it a little early. I kind of wanted to give the song a rush feeling of when you're about to vomit, especially towards the end of the song, where everything starts clashing together. I really love the make you want to skip and chanting feel of the song, it just kind of expresses a more fun side to a serious song. The song itself is definitely me talking about today's generation of pop singers. I just honestly think that we are in a terrible state in music There a few artists out there that are actually making good music and this song expresses how I feel every time I turn on the radio. Honestly when I started in the music industry, I took the initiative to take risks, and not make something out of at trend. I don't think people take risks anymore in pop music. I think everyone is just playing if safe. Everything has to be so "dub-step-sized", I know that's not even a word, but it's just horrible music. I mean, I know that in pop culture there is always going to be this trendy thing going on. But so far, dubstep has been the most annoying to me. But again, this song is not just about dubstep in general, it is about this generation of pop tarts. However, I'm also speaking from a a general state of mind, not directly to any artists. It is just simply a fun expression"- Stephanie Fierce .

"Vomit" Lyrics

Your songs remind me of vomit
which I started doing, when I started to sing
transferred away to wanting more
but my stomach started to shrink
it was a peculiar notion
but these words don't hit like rock
your songs remind me of vomit
but somehow I forgot....
I was singing, and now I'm sick
I was singing, and now drunk
your songs remind me of vomit
but somehow I forgot....
I try to avoid the chorus
I can't respect the verse
this song it sense me of vomit
is like the notes that.... hurt
felt like a peculiar notion
dancing like a siren
who's dancing anymore?
your songs remind me of vomit
now I can't sing anymore
now I'm at the altar
Halleloooooog (Gibberish)
I opened my arms
praying for you
it felt like a peculiar notion
yes it felt like a peculiar notion
take a deep breath
send them notes off my chest
take a deep breath
send them notes off my chest
they start singing
they all for....they all forget
then all the sudden I heard a little noise
it started in my stomach, then ended in my throat
then I realize, then I realize, then I realized
I was singing, yes I am singing, wait I am singing, why the fuck am I singing
your songs remind me of vomit, but I forgot when I started to sing
your songs remind me of vomit, but I forgot when I started to sing
your songs remind me of vomit, which I forgot when I started
your songs remind me of vomit, which I forgot when I started
Just stop........

Sounds Like:

Edited by user 05 December 2012 17:04:56(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 2 users thanked stephaniewazhere for this useful post.
Moquel on 05/12/2012(UTC), erich hess on 05/12/2012(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#9 Posted : 05 December 2012 23:59:44(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Moquel Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Moquel Go to Quoted Post
Chanel: Girl, you slayed that track around girlfriend! That was so good. I was just jammin' to it girl, I WAS LIKE sing it Stephanie! Sing it! You did that, I have to give you a full appaluse. The sound, that vocal style.. girl.. you made me just scream. Just pure unique music. I love it girl, I'm have call you up for a writing session, this is just flawless girl.

Stephanie Fierce: Thank you very much :) I'd love to have a writing session with you!

Chanel: Girl because this next album has be so good to save my black ass, lol. No, yes, we have to get together soon Steph!!

Stephanie Fierce: Oh come one, don't think of yourself that way. But honestly you''re a very talented vocalist, so it would be interesting to see what we could come up, but maybe in the future :)
thanks 1 user thanked stephaniewazhere for this useful post.
Moquel on 06/12/2012(UTC)
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