Erica and Rex
*screen fades In to Erica playing with a dog. She glances up and notices the camera.*
Erica: oh! Hi there! I didn't see you come in. Me and old Rex here *she ruffles the dog's fur.* were having too much darn fun! It's been a heck of a year,right?
*screen flashes scenes from big brother (with appropriate pixelation),along with grainy footage of her fighting with Natalya. Rex growls slightly at the footage.*
Erica:* laughs * yup,rexie. Erica's had one heck of a year. But In 2013? I'll be a wife, a god mother,along with an aunt. It's time I do something for the kids.* she sits down and Rex puts his head on her thigh.* you see,there is a silent killer among us. He isn't as flashy as cancer,or as good a dancer as HIV. Heck, even the socially awkward gum disease.....gingivitis,gets more attention than scurvy. Yes scurvy. Laugh if you must but did you know Abraham Lincoln once staved off an entire battalion of Khmer Rouge soldiers,while being armed with nothing but a handful of scurvy germs? Oh,it's true. Now tell me is that what you want around our children? Nearly 86% of all scurvy deaths are due to scurvy! That ratio is to darn high!
*rex whimpers and hides his face.*
Erica:* ribs his head reassuringly* sorry old Rex, I had to take it that far. People go around all too willy nilly,not giving a single thought to their vitamin c intake.thats why I,tv's Erica Hess and old Rex here, are teaming up with each other in a campaign to save our children. Our motto is: " if to have to ask if you have enough vitamin c, YOU DON'T!" Orange juice. It just makes sense,ya know? Do it for you,do it for the children. Do it for Rex the anti scurvy pup.