Ellen: All right, today's' guest, is one of the industry's most talented musician slash producers in the biz. He's won a Hall of Fame music award and he's gone out to produce some of the best tracks for stars like Stephanie Fierce to even stars like himself. He's a lover of bananas. Please welcome Daniel!
(The Audience give Daniel a standing ovations as he makes an entrance and Stephanie Fierce's "Back To Fierce" begins to play. Daniel is seen with a mistletoe ornament on the top of his head. While making his way down to Ellen, he begins to groove to the song and the crowd begins to cheer him on. Ellen then gets up from her seat and starts dancing close to Daniel. They nearly begin to grind, but Daniel shyly moves away. Eventually the song stops playing and they both make way to their seats laughing hysterically. Dead silence is then heard from both of them as Daniel and Ellen then seemingly have a stare off. They both slowly and intensely begin to move closer and close until Ellen speaks).Ellen: You know what they say Daniel....... You're suppose to kiss someone who's under the mistletoe...
(The audience begins cheering as Ellen begins to pucker up her lips as so does Daniel, moving closer toward him. And just as they were about to kiss Daniel moves away before Ellen could kiss him. Daniel then begins to laugh feeling embarrased) Ellen: Oh yeah!!! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up one more time for Daniel!
(Everyone in the audience begins to chant out Daniels name)Daniel: Thank you, Thank you all so much!. I'm so honored to be here! This is so amazing, I can't believe I'm here!
Ellen: All right! all right! All right! Everyone, it is just Daniel, no one special.(audience cheers on louder) Ok, before we start the show. Daniel, I need to have a talk with you
(Scary theme music of 'Who wants to Become a Millionaire' start playing)Daniel: Oh Oh!
Ellen: You know.....It's been what...two years since the last time you were on my show. Do you not like me anymore? Does my breath stink when I talk? Or do I not dress too well? I mean two solid years, since you've been on my show Mr.!
Daniel: (looks down, making sad face) Aww, Don't make me feel bad Ellen. I watch your show almost like everyday!
Ellen: Well, you should! (
audience laughs) So what have you been up to since THE LAST TIME WE MET?
(audience laughs) Daniel: (laughs) Well a lot has actually happened
Ellen: Uh hu!
(audience laughs) Daniel: Oh my god Stop Ellen
(laughs) Well, can I jut say this. It's been a real roller coaster the past two years. I've kind of just hid behind the scenes for a bit, but what's important is that I am here, and I have a new record coming out
(audience claps and cheers) Ellen: So growing up, did you ever think you would be doing what you're doing now?
Daniel: I don't think anyone thinks they're actually going to make it, even if they say it to themselves for hope and whatever. It is very surreal as it all happens. I just remember when I was younger, I loved anything that was music related, and even though my parents restricted me from a lot of things when I was younger because of religion, I still managed to do many cool things that lead me to where I am today.
Ellen: Like impersonating Elvis?
Daniel: Wait...how.... Please tell me you don't.....
(looks around embarrassed and scared) Ellen: (smiling) Do you recall this by any chance Daniel?
Daniel: Noooooooooooo!
(laughs)(A video of Daniel impersonating Elvis when he was younger is shown. The audience begins to cheer as they say "awee")
(Once the video finished showing, Daniel is seen in deep laughter covering his face, which was tomato red) Daniel: Who gave you that tape?
(laughs)Ellen: Your mom actually gave it to me. She says hello and that she loves you so much.
Daniel: Mom! I'm so gonna have a talk with you when I get home
(laughs)Ellen: That's adorable though! Do you even remember that, how old were you?
Daniel: I was about 7 years old.I will never forget that day, it's so embarrassing. Please lets move on to another topic!
Ellen: All right! All Right! I tortured you enough! So.... you've decided to call your new album XXX Party
(audience laughs) What is so funny guys? that's the name of his album! Tell us the inspiration behind calling your album XXX Party
(audience laughs).
Daniel: Ok. From my belief, the "XXX" rating or title is applied to some pornographic films obviously for its sexual content. So this album is kind of like the pornographic version of pop music, in a metaphorical sense.
(Audience laughs) I'm not even joking, that's the idea and that is honestly the reason behind the album's title. But I also decided to call the album that because I feel like this album is probably going to be my most poppy, most naked
(audience laughs), most sexual record of all time. It has like a party atmosphere and honestly I think the title truly represents that.
Ellen: Well that's pretty straight forward don't you think.
(pauses) I like it!
(audience cheers and clap) so are we going to see more naked Daniel, cause I'm sure some if not all of these people in the audience wouldn't mind (audience cheers)
Daniel: I don't think I'm ready to expose my banana just yet
(winks as audience cheers)Ellen: (while laughing) So the first single, which you will be performing later on in the show, is titled "Electric Fever". Now I have to give it to you Daniel, I have never heard anything like that in my life. Ever! It's like catchy, trippy but at the same time, it is so you! How did you manage to create something like that? Let's play a little of that.
('Electric Feel' Bridge plays and audience cheer after finishing)Isn't that great!
Daniel: Thank you so mich! Well, what I can honestly say is that it took some time before I could get the song to sound like that. I remember that I wanted to create something uplifting and inspirational and next thing you know I created a song about sexual feeling and all this other XXX stuff.
(audience laughs) Ellen: That's how all things end anyway. you meet someone, become their fried and next thing you know we're all Suzie wannabes
(audience laughs) I like the little flute part we just played though. It's very tribal like, almost like a chant or something hypnotizing. What made you want to include that in the song?
Daniel: You know. There's something I hate many artist are doing with their music, and that's putting horrible dubstep in their bridges. So I picked the most random and least edgy instrument I could think of. The flute came to mind and next thing you know I made the flute sound like something people could not probably get an eargams out of.
Ellen: Well I definitely enjoyed it. Now looking at everything, I almost see you as underdog. Do you consider yourself to be an underdog in the industry?
Daniel: Not at all. If you are a producer you understand your role and that's to bring out the best in someone else. In the long run, depending on what audience you're reaching, the producer may be recognized, especially, if the producer achieves success more than once with that same artist. However, I understand my role and that's to simply to bring the best out in an artist. As long as the credits are there on that booklet, know what I'm saying.......
(audience laughs) I think that my first album was first received, and I earned a Hall of Fame music award for it, so I can't complain. My second album was not meant to be mainstream and successful.
Ellen: So whats different now, in comparison to your first two albums?
Daniel: Well first of all, I can honestly say that my first two albums weren't as polished as this one. This new album I think shows me in much more brighter spirit than my first two. I'm not saying my first two albums were tragic, but I think I was in much darker period in my life and those songs don't represent what I'm going through now as a person anymore.
Ellen: Now we're definitetly going to get a little more personal later on, but first let's play a little game.
Daniel: Ooooh I love Games
Ellen: Ok so you're ready for the game?
Daniel: yes!
Ellen: The game we're going to play is called "Apple or Banana"?
(Daniel laughs) So basically, if you do not find this person attractive you say Apple, and if you do find this person attractive you say Banana. But there's a twist. All these 'people' are actually Men in the music industry.
(audience cheers)Daniel: No Ellen, don't do this to me.
(laughs)Ellen: Scott H
Daniel: He's a cross from being an apple to a Banana.
Ellen: So He's a banapple.
Daniel: Yes
(laughs) Ellen: Ryan Ross Hernandez
Daniel: Banana. But's he taken by the beautiful Nadia Berry.
Ellen: Erich Hess
Daniel: No!!! I will not answer this one! Either one will fit to his benefits I think
(laughs) Ellen: Andros Angelakos
Daniel: Apple!
(squinst eyes, feeling embarrased) I'm sorry
Ellen: Ouch!
(laughs) Ok...Up next is
Daniel: Is this ever going to stop!
Ellen: Just a few more Daniel! James Urie!
Daniel: Banana!
Ellen: Den Walnut
Daniel: Banana!
Ellen: Adam Benjamin
Daniel: Banapple!
(laughs) Ok no more!
Ellen: One More......
Daniel: Ok!
Ellen: CJ Lane!
Daniel: All right, shows over
(laughs) Ellen: That was some funny stuff! Ok. So I think you know why we played this game.
Daniel: Oh oh.
(laughs) why?
Ellen: Are you dating someone?
Daniel: Ellen!
(Audience laughs) Ellen: WHAT?
(Audience laughs) Are you?
Daniel: Maybe...
Ellen: Who? Wait....
Daniel: Never!
Ellen: (shrugs) All right guys, when we return Daniel is going to be performing his new single "Electric Fever", you do not wanna miss it!
(commercial break)Daniel Performs "Electric Fever" 
The Ellen audience who were all seated stared as a confident Daniel faced them awaiting for his performance to start. The show was currently taking its commercial break and Daniel just stood there mentally preparing himself to do his first televised performance of "Electric Fever". His band then immediately began their sound check. Various stage managers and audio technicians worked around him as Ellen was interacting with the crowd, giving Daniel a better chance to focus and go over some of the songs complex instrumentation. Finally the lights were adjusted to fit the performance, alongside his band.
Ellen: All right, our guest performer is incredibly unique and talented, please give it up for Daniel!
With the sounds of clapping, whistling and cheering, Daniel is seen full view by the camera. He's seen standing tall and confident, giving the camera an intense stare. Suddenly the sound of bass and are heard, as they are part of the song's intro. Daniel begins to move forward with his voice, head up to coincide with the powerful instrumentation and attitude of the song. Sooner then later tribal drums are heard being played by musicians who are seen playing. With hois ambitious vocals, he begins to give out vocals that seem much more stronger than the original.
The guitar players begin to play the riffs of the song as Daniel begins to sing verse 1 confidently while doing minimal choreography. He also makes various confused facial expressions as he sing some of the lyrics, adding a bit of comedy to his performance. He then begins to move more forcefully making the audience stand up from their seats, sound coming to a roarr. Ellen is also seen jamming along as she joins the audience. Moving her butt off, she drops lower as she gives the audience a seductive look. The audience sheers in amazement .
During the chorus, Daniel begins to move but this time even more seductively as he sing "ooh boy, you giving me electric fever tame it boy, you start giving me electric fever". He also does a hand movement around his crotch area mimicking the movement of guitar as each stroke is plated,. Daniel continues jamming during the chorus repeat, as everyone in the audience begins to clap, forming into a clap along performance. With this section of the song, Daniel puts more effort into the singing, closing her eyes, allowing him to focus on the vocals. Then as the strong guitar strokes begin, Daniel is seen bopping his head.
As the bridge of the song starts, Daniel is joined by the flute player. Every instrument behind them plays in a slower pace, as the flute goes off. Daniel then begins to tilt his head in clockwise motion, moving his shoulders up and down feeling out the music. The audience is heard cheering in amazement of the flute player. And quickly all the instruments come back together to introduce the outro of the song.
As the outro begins, everyone in Daniel's band comes forward with him, and eventually everyone including Daniel is seen jumping wildly as he begins to sing and chant
"Do what you feel now, electric club now", the audience begins does the same to the outro of the song, which unlike the intro, involves horn players and a more lively melodic instrumentation. During each line Daniel sings "YEAH YEAH" in a loud pitch voice showing out his vocal range and skills not heard in the original. They all, including Daniel throw a fist in the air, as the performance comes to an epic finish! Everyone in the audience all in their feet, give Daniel a standing ovation, as the show fades out to credits. During so, Ellen is seen running into the stage to hug and congratulate Dan on his performance. Daniel then blows a kiss into the air as he side hugs Ellen.