Hi :) Yeah, I still write these letters!
Well, ladies and gentlemen, 2012 has been another great year and so it looks like we made it through another apocalypse! I mean, the way the industry was heading this year, I honestly started to believe the world was actually gonna end. What a bummer though, maybe the world ending, would of created some form of new humanity, a world were everything was actually fierce and everyone was a Stephanie Fierce fan, but one could only dream right? ;) Oh but it wasn't actually so bad. 2012 has surprisingly been my second most successful year in my career, according to "stats". Funny right, how I have "stats" now lol
I'm not here to make any new year resolutions because people tend to hate those and find them quite overrated and annoying lol I agree, come on, does anyone actually think about their year resolutions by the time spring time hits up? Didn't think so lol
The first thing that pops into my head though, is the fact my daughter turned one years old this year and yes...her very first word was mommy :) It made my now boyfriend Johnny Johnson mad (yep the tea is officially served). Despite my busy music work schedule, I'm always on double duty as mother and I find that to be a very refreshing and enjoyable thing. But as she grows, I can't help but appreciate every single moment and feel a bit bittersweet. But now, she's about to turn 2 years old in a few weeks and she can already talk her head off! More importantly, I'm seeing some pre-vocalization skills from her which she got from her mama (pats weave) and I think we might have another superstar in our house! Oh lordie lol I see it now!
In terms of success, I saw a lot of it this year! So much success, that I deserve bragging rights. So lets begin shall we:
Top 3 moments in my music career this year: - Releasing three musical pieces of art;
"Life's Good", "Love is Lust" and
"Man Music (E.P.)" All which I am very proud of.
- Having four number one singles this year
"Life's Good", "Back To Fierce", "Lead Me to Your Heart", "U and I = Suicide" and a number one album
"Life's Good" that
nearly went diamond with 4.5 Million Sold Worldwide. But hey what more can I ask for? Oh but that's when the next part comes in... At least I didn't have to re-release to make that achievement.
- Winning the
"Icon Award" and
"Best Single: ("Back To Fierce") at the Chaos Awards this years. Had me tearing up and shit during my speech. #divamomentmuch Very proud to hold that title from a very much respected magazine corporation.
Now on to the negative.
Top 3 things that got to me the most this year: -Being called "Old Lady Fierce", "Old Hag", ect. I agree, it got to me. I never understood the joke though... I know it's hard to believe that with all I've achieved, I'm only 26.......biotches! lol But the only thing old is my money bitch, cause that shit be resting in the bank! But ok, keep using the same "old" joke ;) Ahhhh see what I did there :D Ps.
-I felt like people put me on such a high pedestal this year and for their own benefit too, yet every time I made a mistake, people blew it up and held it against me, as if it were gonna all of the sudden make my voice and recording booth disappear. As if it were gonna take away everything I've achieved.
-The mishandling of my seventh studio album.
But I guess life is really like an ion (nerd points baby), life is full of positive and negatives.
But on the bright side, I hope the new year fills your with fierce blessings and I hope that someone doesn't come up with another apocalypse cause that shit is getting annoying now, I rather someone come up with a "hoe" doomsday. Cause I sure saw a lot of them on twitter this year. SMH!Oh and the whole Oppa Gangnam Style thing. Enough is enough! You deserved to get slapped if you post a video of you doing that overrated dance in 2013!
So there ya have it! It's all on the table! And I know I promised not to make any new year resolutions earlier in this letter, but I can't but make at least one!.....Oh come on! Pretty Please :)
Well..................... my new years resolution is..........*drum roll*........... to release ONE GOD DAMN ALBUM
lol That's hard but I'm gonna try my best, I promise :)
With that being said, this leads on to my next album. Yes, I've been keeping quiet about, but no, not in the studio that I've hitting up the past couple of months ;) But unfortunately, you're gonna have to do a little bit of waiting this time around. But for making you wait, I can officially announce that my next album will be titled
. More details will follow in a few months. Until then, enjoy the great things that are about to come first!
My lovely fans, as always, stay fierce, #immortal -
Stephanie Fierce