teresa campbell

hal alfred
hal:we have a special treat today....ok,i was short 50 buck and couldnt pay the bakery for the pastries i ordered. what?! like you dont eat fifty dollars of pastries at a time? i supposed you dont masturbate with peanut butter either?
teresa:*looks appalled* um...should i leave? *she thumbs at the door*
hal:sorry,you get busted once and nobody lets you live it down. anyways.i couldnt afford the pastries,so the delivery girl was willing to trade an interview for the pastries.
teresa:it's like i'm a whore,slinging my pastries all over the street. i'll give you a case of rolls for 10 miniutes on your show! *she laughs.*
hal:ok, teresa..is it?
teresa:*nods enthusiastically*
hal:ok,teresa..what is it you do? other than helping hosts low on cash procure baked goods.
teresa: well...i play music.
hal:....ok.what kind of music?
teresa: um.sorta ska flavored pop?
hal:oh.another pop artist. just what the world needs. *rolls his eyes*
teresa:i dont think "pop" is a bad word. i think it's like the swastika.
hal:*interrupting* oh,so you're a neo nazi?!
teresa:*deadpanly* yes,hal. i'm a nazi. my jackboots are in the wash,so i threw these on. *holds up a green conversed foot* anyways....like i was saying,pop is like the swastika. something with decent beginnings that has been co-opted into something terrible by a small,yet vocal group of people.
hal:ooh,so who out there do you think is making bad pop music?
teresa:i'm not going to slag anyone. there is too much strife as is these days,i refuse to become part of it. im not saying i'm here to save a genre,or redefine it,or anything like that. i'm only offering my take on what music should be.
hal:and what is that?
teresa:good. *she laughs* i think some people try too hard to avoid the mainstream and any sort of pop sensibilities at all. catchy is something to embraced and shot for.i want to make the kinds of music people hum hours after hearing it.
hal:*looks at teresa* i think you are going to have to show more skin to make it in the pop world...more like suzie!
teresa:not my style.but i will say suzie and her crew are geniuses.people say they hate her,but yet EVERYONE knows her. there isnt just air in that head.she knows exactly what she is doing.
hal:so what is your style?
teresa:well...fully clothed for one! i wont be up there,singing and dancing like suzie or stephanie fierce.i looooove them both,but i cant dance! i guess i use "pop" as a shield against saying "i'm a ska artist" because soon as you take a toe off that ska line into some other genre, you're a sell out or you "went mainstream". i dont want that over my head,so i'm claiming pop artist from the get go. *teresa shrugs*
hal: it was announced you were signed to-
teresa:*interrupts* nomad records! they saw my first show on my site,and signed me! *she jumps up and down * gah! i'm so excited.i'm hoping to really make them proud of me. such a good group of people.
hal:so when can we expect to have a single from you?
teresa:whew..i dunno. at first i was hoping to churn one out soon,but now that i'm signed..i kinda want it to actually sell,you know? i'm working on it,that's all i can say.
hal:ok,my real interview is here.you gotta beat cheeks.
teresa:ok,thanks for having me,enjoy those pastries!
*teresa leaves and seconds later pops her head in front of the camera. *
teresa: remember,i'm teresa campbell. come see me,pleaseeeeee!