Drops of Sangria

Hi loves! Nina Drake here. I guess this is one of those blog things kids do nowadays. OMG WTF ROFLCOPTER! I came to the conclusion that I should do this while watching my little one sleep. I have grown up so bloody much since marrying castor and becoming a mother. I'M the one who gives Erica advice and tells her to cool her libido now. Maybe this gives the wisdom to offer my knowledge on things. So here goes...my first official blog....
I can't be a parent! My parents were parents!
To tell a personal tale,that isn't 100% mine to tell,but it's integral to this....when I first met and fell in love with castor drake, (Drummer of vile hour,in case you have terrible taste in music and don't know.) he kept the fact he had a daughter from me. I guess he thought I'd go bonkers and run far away.i guess maybe drummers with kids aren't the prize I think they are? Who knows. When I found out,my first thought...other than fear. Was " holy fuckballs! I can't be a mother. Mothers Aren't cool!" Needless to say ,that wasnt a deal breaker for me. I met his (and eventually mine as well) daughter and was smitten nearly instantly.
My biggest fear was how could I,nina sangria, tell any female child what do do?! I mean,everyone knows what I used to do for a living. As a musician, Erica and I had more debauchery than anyone two people should. I still drink,I still smoke weed,I used to ingest anything else I could get my hands on....not exactly role model material,right loves? I think my new role as mother put things in perspective. There is a time and place for things,and at home isn't it. So with things firmly in control,I was ready to be a mother. I take my daughter to school,I pick her up. I take her everywhere with me,on any errand. Castor and I spend every moment we can with her. Parenting isn't hard,it doesn't have to be dorky. All it requires is you.
Castor taught me that.i really thought parenthood meant sodding jumpers with cats on them,mom jeans and that magic moment that Celine dion sounds amazing. I'm 28 years old and still want to rebel against my parents. But being a parent...being a parent makes that rebellion all that more important. You CAN be responsible without being boring. You CAN set a great example by doing all the wrong things. As it shows no mistake is too big to over come. I love being a mom.....till next time,loves.....nina drake.