Erica Hess

Nina sangria drake

Total punk rock magazine.
Total punk rock:almost ready to take stage at aphrodisiac,and almost ready to start a tour...well, they are supporting another act, it's the harlots!
Nina: woa...the 80's returned,kill them with fire!
Erica: no! One match near that hair,and we'll all go up in flames!
Nina:speaking of hair,love... Why are you all glammed up?
Erica: Im feeling...sexy....I'm feeling...on the prowl..*she giggles and makes a clawing motion with her hand.* a certain hot Russian wife better watch out.
Nina: I'd hit it. If I was still into that stuff,that is.
Erica: once you go Asian, you never go...um...back? That's how it goes right?
Nina: I don't think so. But we aren't in the rhyming business.
Erica: word. Mr interviewer? Does...um.. All your hair look like your head hair?
Nina: *snickers* he looks like that bear from the hair bear bunch.
Erica: oh my god,he does!
Total punk rock: hair bear bunch?! Is that a gay porno?
Erica: it's a cartoon,you Pervy Dan!
Total punk rock: I am not a pervert!
Nina :*makes a face* ew. Yes you are,love. "Porno" was your first guess? Sir,you are a pervert. A bloody pervert!
Total punk rock: fine,I'm a pervert. I dont know some obscure cartoon. Can we get to the questions,please?!
Erica: he admitted it. ...gross. Hey nina,what kind of shoes do child molesters wear?
Nina: white vans!
Nina and Erica crack up. Mr total punk rock doesn't look amused.
Total punk rock: seriously? I took a mail
Order course in music journalism,and this is what I get?
Nina: what is THAT supposed to mean...love? *she crosses her arms.*
Erica: is it because nina is English,you xenophobic bastard? She can't help where she is from,you know!
Total punk rock:what? No! That's not what I meant at all.
Nina: back peddling isn't going to help you.
Erica: ew,look at his beady eyes! He has a dirty British nanny fetish,you can just see it.
Total punk rock: ok. This has gone far enough,stop.
Nina: is that right? You want me to go all Mary poppins on you? Well tough titters! Just because we are female musicians ,doesn't mean we can be treated like whores.
Erica: no matter how much of your aqua net budget you are willing to part with.
Total punk rock: I use white rain!...I mean...uh,I have naturally curly hair....and I don't have a nanny fetish!
Nina: Japanese school girl fetish?
Erica:..no....no...anything but that! I'm twenty fucking eight! I'm not dressing up or pretending to be younger, so you can fill some sick fantasy!
Erica:* with wide eyes* um.. Sure. I don't see what all the yelling is for.
Nina: ok.
Total punk rock: ok, who are you going to be touring with?
Erica: you son of a bitch! That's a second question !
Nina: we answered your question,then you spring a bloody second question on us?! You have no honor,sir! None! Good day!
Total punk rock: but...wait,what?
Erica: she said good day,sir!
Erica and nina stare at the man until he leaves.
Nina: another interview successfully avoided.
Erica: I like interviews,I just don't like the whole " I'm going to ask you questions,you answer them" thing.
Nina: he left his phone....lets break it.
Erica: ten bucks says its got pictures of his dick on it.
Nina:*going through the phone.* yup.3rd pic in...wow...he really likes being naked...oh my god...there's photoshopped pics of you in here!
*credits roll*