Erica Hess

Mariko kobayashi
Video opens with Erica on one side of the screen,Mariko on the other. Erica is in her tour bus,a city can be seen behind her. Mariko is seen in a tiny apartment. It's very pink and in complete disarray.
Mariko:*rubbing her eyes* have you any idea of the time? You are interrupting happy cereal time. I do hope you know that.
Erica:*grins widely* well aware and don't care. Lets help the world At large get to know you. First off,what's your name soldier?
Mariko:* sits up very straight and giggles* I am Mariko kobayashi. * she winks and blows a kiss. The kiss is cut short by a loud burp* fuck,there goes any chance I had at sexiness.
Erica:*cracking up* ew! That was so gross. I can smell it all the way over here. Sake for breakfast? For shame,Mariko!
Mariko: I was out of milk! Using water on cereal is...um,what is the word in English? Um...ghetto?
Erica: ok,Mariko...if that is your real name.*looks askew at Mariko.* how old are you?
Mariko: of course its my real name! *makes air quote gesture* Erica, or should I say....*turns around in her chair,then quickly turns back around to face the camera* hitomi kobayashi!
Erica: gah! You bitch! Now the world knows!
Mariko:* grins* I am the same age as you. We share the same birthday even. But if you really want people to know our age....
Erica: oh yes,you are 21 years old,right? Right. To clear up things. We are not sisters,we are cousins.
Mariko: clearly my father was the better looking of the kobayashi brothers....
Erica: in your dreams! So lets see. You are Mariko kobayashi,you are...21 years old. You're from ishinomaki,Japan.
Mariko: I did not say that! You are putting things I did not say in my mouth! But yes,I am from ishinomaki.
Erica: what does your crazy ass do?
Mariko: my... Crazy ass??* she looks at her bottom briefly,with a confused expression on her face.*
Erica:*giggles* what do you do,what kind of music do you play? Stuff like that.
Mariko: oh! Sorry. You use strange phrases. I have worked at several conveyer belt sushi stands. So i am handy with a knife. * spins a small knife in each hand.* I do not play instruments well,but I do sing. My music is ...um...bubble gum death rock? * thinks for a couple seconds* yes. That's what It is called.
Erica: sounds...interesting. What is it like?
Mariko: I am not telling you! You will steal it. Just like you stole my favorite red robot when we were kids.
Erica: the dog ate it!
Mariko: * shakes her head.* am not buying what you are peddling.
Erica:he was crapping robot parts for days!
Mariko:* narrows eyes* you planted those parts in the poop!
Erica:dammit Mariko,I didn't steal from you!
Mariko: you....did not? Oh.*she frowns* I guess it is too late to take back what I did to your toothbrush.
Erica* eyes widen* what did you do?!
Mariko: it does not matter. You are fine now.* she turns red* let us talk of other things.
Erica: Mariko....what . Did. You. Do?
Mariko:* looking off screen* I may have...brushed the dog's teeth with it. After he ate poop. You remember how he loved eating from the kitty box?
Erica:*calmy* Mariko..I am going to kill you.
Mariko: *puts her fists up.* bring it,bitch! ....that is right phrase?
Erica: * laughs* I can't wait to see you. When does the world outside of japan get to meet Mariko kobayashi in person?
Mariko: *clapping happily* Monday! I get my passport Friday,my flight is booked for Sunday night! I am so excited.
Erica: See you then! * waves at camera.* we are going to have so much fun.
Mariko: *waves enthusiastically * bye,hitomi....and the world. I will see you soon.
The screen fades out.