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Offline Famouss7x7  
#1 Posted : 12 years ago
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Rolling Stone: Hi James and thanks for joining us, you're looking well. How are you?
James Urie: I'm doing excellent, everything has been so positive lately for me. It's certainly great to be here. Thank you for having me.

Rolling Stone: It's been a quiet few months for you after a busy 2012, have you enjoyed the chance to stay a little out of the spotlight?
James Urie: Last year was very busy for me indeed! *Laughs* I thought I could take off the first two months of 2013 to essentially relax, enjoy quality time with my wife and by March, get back into things. Although it was just two months, I'm really glad I took the time off because some people completely exhaust themselves out with virtually no time to take a rest and think that's the proper work ethic. If I'm exhausted, it takes away from my craft, my performance ability..among other things, so I find it important to take a bit of time off and get back into things when I'm ready. I enjoyed it very much, but now I am ready to get back into things.

Rolling Stone: You have a new album coming out very soon, what can you tell us about that?
James Urie: Yes, The Recovery album, it is my third studio album and this is really a testament and like a sequel to my previous album "Tales From The Struggle". I've taken my time to record this record so I really cover topics that really come from my heart, and being able to get material out there to my fans that literally came from my mind, soul and interior makes me so grateful to be a musician. I made this record to not only open up to my fans on how I am feeling after my ordeal, but initially to serve as therapeutic value to any of my listeners who have gone through what I've gone through in the past, or anything negative along those lines...I'm showing them that there is a reason to stay strong, and to make it through the bouts of depression and sadness, and to show all my listeners that there IS a thing called overcome and as I always say, light after the dark, and for them not to give up.

The album has 10 really strong tracks, two of which have features on it. With this album, I really took charge into how everything is arranged and the entirety of the album. I had a vision as to how I wanted it to sound, I experimented with different instruments and sounds before I got to recording the album and was album to incorporate those into the record I feel very, very proud of the final entire project. Its not the typical rock album, it has meaning, truth and sincerity. Which is why I find it to be my strongest record to date.

Rolling Stone: How does this differ to what we've heard from you in the past?
James Urie: It has more direction in terms of sound then my debut work, Climbing, but more diversity as opposed to Tales From The Struggle. I wanted to focus on making the initial sound more punk. It has an 80's rock influence, and I focused on more empowering topics. There is a barrage of different instruments that was used for the album by myself and the band and really gives you an indie rock, alternative feel, with an obvious influence from 80's punk. It's has taken a different turn in terms of the albums initial attitude as well.

With the new album, being able to say goodbye to the past, and lift people up with empowering records was something I've never done before but got a chance to do on the new record. I'm in a new place in my life, a positive one, and I think I've easily displayed on the Recovery through not only the sound, but the topics on the album too.

Rolling Stone: What do you hope to achieve with it and in the months ahead?
James Urie: To create a lane for myself musically, to be able to experiment with different types sounds and instruments and continue to incorporate it in the music I create. This record is so free, and inspiring, I want it to be the testament record for eventual overcome and for it to be an important record for my fans and supporters.

Rolling Stone: Will we see a tour from you in the near future?
James Urie: Absolutely. I do want to embark on a proper world tour. I've done plenty of tours before including Warped, No Venue, and even headlined a regional tour of my own but following this album I'd love to go on a world tour. I'm talking places like Africa India, and Japan. Places I've never visited before to perform at where I've got fans who reach out to me from in hopes of me coming there to perform for them. So the tour has to be huge and it really has to capture my vision of a proper event since it will go on so long and will be my last tour for quite some time

Rolling Stone: There is a huge anticipation from your fans for the album, is that sort of attention something you're used to yet?
James Urie: Personally, I don't think there's any such thing as being used to the fame and attention. There's always twists and turns and I've been doing this for a while, but recently it has become overwhelming, in a good way. I never thought I would be as influential on people and I think its something I am still getting used to. It's really delightful to know so many people appreciate me, and I am grateful for that.

Rolling Stone: We know this is a cheeky question...but do you see yourself as some sort of superstar now?
James Urie: No..it isn't cheeky at all. I actually think its a great question. There's so many different definitions people give on what a superstar is, but I can't be the judge on my own stardom, I guess you can be the judge on that? *laughs*

Rolling Stone: Some people argue that someone like you deserves fame more than most, do you agree with that?
James Urie: I think I have worked hard for what I have achieved so far, and other musicians, and entertainers work hard in their own right. I won't say I deserve it more than others, because that would be selfish of me. I guess we're all here making music for some reason right? We've all got fans to please.

Rolling Stone: How do you think your time with the likes of The Walls shaped the person and artist you are now?
James Urie: It really taught me how to become a better musician. I was very young when we created the band and it really molded me to become the solo rock artist that I am today. I learned a lot about being on the road, recording and playing instruments live with them..and having to be able to cope with eachother. No band is perfect, and we by far weren't either, there were good times and the bad and I think being with them really shaped me to know the fundamentals of being an up and coming musician.

Rolling Stone: Do you think there would ever be a chance of that band reforming and coming back with new music?
James Urie: I'd love to do that. Just, when the time is right. I am entirely too busy with my solo work to be able to focus on another project and I think there's some relationships that can't be fixed sadly...but maybe with due time? I'd love to come together and do another tour, when the time is right. Maybe it'll happen, maybe not.

Rolling Stone: Recently, Mark Talley of Blood of Wecz said that you were the sort of artist he would like to emulate with his solo work, how did that make you feel?
James Urie: I felt very flattered that someone like Mark Talley would say such positive things about me, when I heard it was really glad to see he even noticed my work...let alone find and interest in emulating it. I've watched him, while I was a young teen trying to make it into the business..and for him to say such thing was really an honor. I appreciated his words greatly.

Rolling Stone: And how about when you were wrongly quoted as saying that Mark should concentrate more on himself?
James Urie: That was total nonsense. I never responded publicly following what he said, aside from me personally thanking him. I think it was just another Culture Uncut false story trying to generate a buzz. Why would I say such a thing, that was just be idiotic of me.

Rolling Stone: Did you consider taking legal action after that article was published at all?
James Urie: For what? I will never let a false story get me to that point.

Rolling Stone: Cool, well moving on, another big moment in your life came at the end of last year....ladies everywhere were gutted...but James Urie got married!
James Urie: Yes! To my beautiful wife Gemma.


Rolling Stone: Most people were surprised to see you tying the knot, and you were criticized for moving too quickly. What did you make of that?
James Urie: It was our personal decision and quite frankly whether we got married whenever, that's our business and our love. We knew people would have things to say, but we didn't care. Its something that's unbreakable between us, and shouldn't concern others.

Rolling Stone: What made you and Gemma want to get married so soon after meeting? Was there just a connection?
James Urie: She was perfect for me that's why. We balance each other out and support each other in all that we do. From the day we met, our conversations were so intellectual and deep, our chemistry ..so perfect. Not only is she beautiful, but she showed me she has such a good heart and the best for me, just as I do for her. When I met her and got to know her and realized how much I actually loved her, it really opened doors to a new feeling I never felt before, which is true genuine love and we decided it was time to get married.

Rolling Stone: So do you believe in love at first sight?
James Urie: I do believe it, in Gemma and I's case. When I first met her, I knew she was the one. Really sounds like something out of a romance movie but really, I knew.

Rolling Stone: Speaking of the Uries though....how did you guys meet?
James Urie: The set of Starfactory. Never forget seeing her smile and how beautiful she was, and knowing she was the one I needed to get to know..and after talking to her for some time, I wanted her to be mine...I knew she was the one.

Rolling Stone: And how have things gone so far?
James Urie: Amazingly. We argue occasionally like any couple, but we want to spend the rest of our lives together.

Rolling Stone: You've had a bit of controversy as well with Serenity Scott over your relationships. What happened there?
James Urie: We just weren't compatible. Serenity is a great girl and we shared some fun times in the beginning, but things just turned sour later on. Things still get alittle argumentative when she says certain things, but I am done arguing, its just not worth it.. At all

Rolling Stone: Gemma accused her of being jealous; do you think that's the case?
James Urie: Personally, I don't know.. And I'm focused on other things as opposed to that...positive things.

Rolling Stone: Glad to hear you're still happy. On the subject of your family though....there was one missing link from your wedding, wasn't there?
James Urie: Was there?

Rolling Stone: When was the last time you and Matt spoke properly?
James Urie: Oh...It's been quite a while. Maybe a little over a year. Haven't really thought about it much.

Rolling Stone: What happened between you?
James Urie: A lot. I just think last year a lot things happened that caused us to basically lash out on one another. A lot of animosity. With us being constantly in the public eye and pitted against eachother.. I really think it was the fame...us always made out to be competition by the public.. Nicole's death, my personal issues, his personal issues..instead of that causing us to come together as family and help each other.. It made us resent each other, I think jealousy also became an issue as well.

Rolling Stone: Do you think it's something you will ever patch over? What would it take for that to happen?
James Urie: At this moment, no. I don't think the near future will make a difference either. I just think it will take us time to realize the wrong things we have done. I personally don't like holding grudges but I am fine with how things are to be quite honest.


Rolling Stone: You have also recently said that you went through bouts of depression, was that anything to do with Matt?
James Urie: No. But when I expected him to be there for me, he wasn't, and that's what hurt me even more. You would think when you're going through a rough time..you always have your older brother to look to but sadly he had other things going on, which I found to be quite hurtful.

Rolling Stone: What caused you to get down?
James Urie: I hate to think back to these times since I've written an entire album on it last year and its something that I've been trying to really get behind me eventually but just like anyone dealing with depression, it gets so hard to explain when you're not writing and singing about it, or keeping it inside. I went from being optimistic about being life and my career to losing all hope for myself. Not loving who I am and the life god gave me, which made me turn to things like alcohol and other stimulants to keep me away from what I was facing. Loneliness, failure.. Friends and family separating themselves from me, not feeling inspired, my separation from my fans . The 7 months that went on where no one heard from me was the darkest time for me. I was feeling so low that there were points where I was thinking of ending my life and if it wasn't that then I was thinking about quitting music because I felt it was too overbearing and that the commercial failure of my debut was the end of the world, and James Urie. Sitting at home, staring at the ceiling, thinking about how worse my life could have gotten, with no musical inspiration. I was young and still trying to find myself mentally and musically and I seriously credit myself for getting out of it alive.

Rolling Stone: How did you manage to get out of that rut?
James Urie: One morning, I'll never forget..waking up in the morning and going into the bathroom mirror at myself having an epiphany that changed it all. I didn't want to be sad anymore, I didn't want to lay at home thinking about how heartbroken I was. I was so tired of being tired. So sick of being sick. That moment, I picked myself up and began the fight against depression. I had so much bundle up sadness I finally thought it was time to pick up the pen and paper and open up. I knew my fans were waiting, I knew my heart was waiting. I needed to pick myself back up. I'll never forget that moment, because the fire was back in my heart like a lit match, but that match continued to grow.

Rolling Stone: Would you say that it affected your career?
James Urie: I think it affected my career in a negative way, which soon turned positive. When I was feeling down, and faded into obscurity that wasn't too good for my career, and without my massively supported fans I really don't know if I could have bounced back. Having them by my side, and having finally reached my epiphany, sort of created this hunger inside of me to perfect everything I do, and I think that all stems from battling depression. I think it really helped me want to go out and get what I want, to see the visions I have on my music and my craft...to remain positive.

Rolling Stone: And what did it do to you in day to day life?
James Urie: Sit around ...sad all day, wishing ...praying to god...questioning god...drinking...occasional tears being shed...really dark time.

Rolling Stone: Most importantly, are you feeling a lot better now? You seem to be a lot happier?
James Urie: Absolutely. I am feeling entirely better now. Things right now in life could not be better. I am glad people notice too! I am finally enjoying my life and especially what I do. I really want this moment of happiness to last forever.

Rolling Stone: What is next for James Urie then? Any huge plans for the rest of the year?
James Urie: The release of my album and a big tour. That's just one announcement, but we've got plenty more plans for the rest of the year that I won't exactly be revealing now. We have to go step at a time and this will be a very exciting year for Urie fans.

Rolling Stone: And before we go; do you have a message for all of your fans out there?
James Urie: Aside from me thanking each and every one of them for sticking with me and being supportive in my every decision, I'd like to tell my fans as I always do....To never give up, to never let negative occurrences get the best of you..and if they have, pick yourself up and make the best out of who you are because we're all strong in our own way. Never stay weak..and that's coming from my heart.


(Questions courtesy of genocidal king :])

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

thanks 8 users thanked Famouss7x7 for this useful post.
snap_itshannah on 26/03/2013(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 26/03/2013(UTC), Walton on 26/03/2013(UTC), BrownSugar on 26/03/2013(UTC), erich hess on 26/03/2013(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 26/03/2013(UTC), mebeme101 on 27/03/2013(UTC), Osprey037[Reported Failure] on 31/03/2013(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#2 Posted : 12 years ago
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OOC: Good work on this :) It flowed very nicely like a real interview.
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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Famouss7x7 on 26/03/2013(UTC)
User is suspended until 28/07/4752 18:55:55(UTC) Walton  
#3 Posted : 12 years ago
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Serenity: I don't understand why my name was brought up in this interview. But okay, thanks for your compliment... I hope everything works out for you and Gemma... including your career and family issues.

OOC: Great job on this interview! :)
thanks 1 user thanked Walton for this useful post.
Famouss7x7 on 26/03/2013(UTC)
Offline theonlysorrow  
#4 Posted : 12 years ago
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Wow. Great interview and stuff :) I don't know the character yet but that was really great to read. Also that guy is hot lmao.
Envy /\/\/\ Stacey Pilgrim

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Famouss7x7 on 26/03/2013(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#5 Posted : 12 years ago
genocidal king
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OOC: Hmmm...not happy about this. Not at all. Took me hours to write questions for my RP magazine which I was going to post when this was done, only to find that they are now used elsewhere. Not really fair at all given the amount of time I spent on writing them and looking into his background and history.
thanks 1 user thanked genocidal king for this useful post.
Famouss7x7 on 26/03/2013(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#6 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Hmmm...not happy about this. Not at all. Took me hours to write questions for my RP magazine which I was going to post when this was done, only to find that they are now used elsewhere. Not really fair at all given the amount of time I spent on writing them and looking into his background and history.

Honestly I am really sorry. I thought you were leaving and by that time citing how much you seemed to be through with this place and your enjoyment of your new RP website.. I thought the album would be out and such by the time you came back so I would use this since I didn't want it to go to waste. I truly didn't know you still intended on doing the cover, my apologies.
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline genocidal king  
#7 Posted : 12 years ago
genocidal king
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OOC: To be fair, you might have asked me. If you had sent a PM asking, I would have got an email and checked it, then I could have told you I was still going to post it, rather than just sending a PM less than an hour ago telling me you were going to use it. The magazine was sitting ready to go once this was done, but it sucks given the amount of thought I put into the questions etc only for you to get all the praise now.
Offline erich hess  
#8 Posted : 12 years ago
erich hess
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erica:i love james.like seriously. if i could go straight for a day with no repercussions?


erica:you damn right i would.

nina:*smacks erica with a rolled up paper.* bad erica!

erica:*smacks nina with her own paper* back at you,clyde.its not like i would just like him for his boyish good looks,he is the most talented man out there.

nina:well,that isnt named castor drake.

mariko: james,you have a lot of japanese fans.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
thanks 1 user thanked erich hess for this useful post.
Famouss7x7 on 26/03/2013(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#9 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
OOC: To be fair, you might have asked me. If you had sent a PM asking, I would have got an email and checked it, then I could have told you I was still going to post it, rather than just sending a PM less than an hour ago telling me you were going to use it. The magazine was sitting ready to go once this was done, but it sucks given the amount of thought I put into the questions etc only for you to get all the praise now.

Made it evident that you created the questions in the RP. What else do you want me to do? I already apologized for it, you're making it seem like I maliciously took the questions with the thought in mind to post it whenever I was done. You stated you were leaving, I didn't want the RP to go to waste, not going sit here and beg for forgiveness but once again I am sorry your hard work went to waste, nothing else I can do. Simple as that.

Edited by user 12 years ago  | Reason: Not specified

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline Famouss7x7  
#10 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Good work on this :) It flowed very nicely like a real interview.

OOC: Thank you, glad you enjoyed it :)
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline Famouss7x7  
#11 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: Walton Go to Quoted Post
Serenity: I don't understand why my name was brought up in this interview. But okay, thanks for your compliment... I hope everything works out for you and Gemma... including your career and family issues.

OOC: Great job on this interview! :)

James: Thank you Serenity :)

OOC: Thank you! :)

Originally Posted by: theonlysorrow Go to Quoted Post
Wow. Great interview and stuff :) I don't know the character yet but that was really great to read. Also that guy is hot lmao.

OOC: Hopefully you got to know him through the RP! :) Glad you enjoyed it, and yes... I agree :P lol
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline Famouss7x7  
#12 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
erica:i love james.like seriously. if i could go straight for a day with no repercussions?


erica:you damn right i would.

nina:*smacks erica with a rolled up paper.* bad erica!

erica:*smacks nina with her own paper* back at you,clyde.its not like i would just like him for his boyish good looks,he is the most talented man out there.

nina:well,that isnt named castor drake.

mariko: james,you have a lot of japanese fans.


James: You girls are crazy!

@mariko Really?! :)

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

thanks 1 user thanked Famouss7x7 for this useful post.
erich hess on 26/03/2013(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#13 Posted : 12 years ago
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Stephanie Fierce: Really great to see your journey as a musician! Congrats on all of your success!

OOC: Great interview as always!

Pts....Scott I know you're crawling around here somewhere! This is how I felt about Steph, but the only difference here is that these are only just questions and Jaime actually credited you, so quit overreacting dude, Ja ;)
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#14 Posted : 12 years ago
erich hess
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erica and nina in creepy simultaneous speech: we knoooooww.

mariko: yes. at least in the part i lived in. a lot of people are in the know when it comes to you. but since nobody ever tours japan anymore.....nobody expects to see you. you are like the spanish inquisition.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline Famouss7x7  
#15 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere Go to Quoted Post

Stephanie Fierce: Really great to see your journey as a musician! Congrats on all of your success!

OOC: Great interview as always!

Pts....Scott I know you're crawling around here somewhere! This is how I felt about Steph, but the only difference here is that these are only just questions and Jaime actually credited you, so quit overreacting dude, Ja ;)

James: Thank you so much Stephanie!

OOC: Thanks :).

Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
erica and nina in creepy simultaneous speech: we knoooooww.

mariko: yes. at least in the part i lived in. a lot of people are in the know when it comes to you. but since nobody ever tours japan anymore.....nobody expects to see you. you are like the spanish inquisition.

James: Very good news to hear! Well I've got good news for my Japanese fans... My next tour will absolutely touch Japan. Promise :)
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

Offline Andre Gandra  
#16 Posted : 12 years ago
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Julia: James is an incredible musician, I had the privilege to work with him and I can say that he is always looking for the best riff, I mean he's obsess when he's on studio always working to get things perfect and that makes him a unique singer! I hope we'll be working in the future again once it's always a pleasure to be surrounded by talented people. and by the way you and Gemma make the most beautiful couple in this industry! LOL

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
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#17 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: Andre Gandra Go to Quoted Post
Julia: James is an incredible musician, I had the privilege to work with him and I can say that he is always looking for the best riff, I mean he's obsess when he's on studio always working to get things perfect and that makes him a unique singer! I hope we'll be working in the future again once it's always a pleasure to be surrounded by talented people. and by the way you and Gemma make the most beautiful couple in this industry! LOL

James: Thank you so much for your kind words Julia. I'd definitely love to work with you again, I think we're both perfectionists in our own right :P Youre very unique yourself and I'm glad you think so highly of me and especially Gemma and I, that really means so much to me!

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
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#18 Posted : 12 years ago
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ooc: This was a great RP really great job on the questions Scott and good answers Jaime really enjoyed reading it guys :)
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

thanks 1 user thanked mebeme101 for this useful post.
Famouss7x7 on 28/03/2013(UTC)
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#19 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: mebeme101 Go to Quoted Post
ooc: This was a great RP really great job on the questions Scott and good answers Jaime really enjoyed reading it guys :)

OOC: Aw thanks for reading ! :)
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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#20 Posted : 12 years ago
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Ryan: I find James's rise to stardom quite fascinating. With no disrespect intended, I hadn't heard of him until his last album came out. It wasn't that he was a bad musician or anything. It's usually really hard for a rock act to make it on to the big stage without changing up their sound to sound more commercial. I applaud James for staying loyal to his sound. It's also intersting to read that you also went through a dark stage in your career. It seems like every musician in some way or another is now facing addiction, depression or something along those lines. Pressure needs to be lifted off and people need to start pleasing themselves before they even think about pleasing others. Good luck with the new album, James.
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