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RolePlay by Anna Pilgrim Pilgrim - Radio InterviewThe following is a radio interview conducted between the network Chicago809 and RECKLESS ABANDON singer Pilgrim Pilgrim. It was originally intended that Pilgrim would use his time on air to promote the new record from RA. However, he would go on to have a performance that he was less than happy with. The decision was made by Pilgrim that night that the interview, although already broadcast on Chicago809, would not be promoted on the RECKLESS ABANDON site, in order to save him the embarrassment of looking like a total douche, and to stop the fans turning somewhat against him. What he did not compensate for was the power of a woman scorned. For Pilgrim has no control over the website. I do. So have fun, my little lovelies, and enjoy hearing how much of an asshole this guy is. I personally think it promotes the punk attitude and his agenda rather well. This will be good for the band. All my love, Envy!
Welcome back to Chicago809! Thanks for tuning in on this wonderful spring evening with me Carlos Boyata. It's time for that favourite little section where I bring someone into my little boudoir to have a chat and see what they make of the world. So I'm here on my couch with the controversial and rather larger than life vocalist of RECKLESS ABANDON Pilgrim! Hey, what's going on my friend?(Clears his throat) Alright. A few things before we start. 1. My name is not Pilgrim. It's Pilgrim Pilgrim. If you have to refer to me with one name, it'll be Pil and nothing else. 2. Don't yell 'hey' at me like we're meeting for the first time. I just fucking spoke to you out there. You shook my damn hand and everything, you idiot. And 3. I am not your friend.Oh....oh ok. Well that was a unique start. You wanna tell us how things are?(Sighs) Things are going well. Things are alright. We got this CD coming out, which is why I'm here. We recorded it. We're happy with it. (The sound of a lighter can be heard, followed by a loud puffing noise and then a relaxed and elongated exhalation).Ummm...should you be smoking that in here?Relax man. For the love of fucking God. It's just a damn pipe. Is there crack in it? Yes. Are you gonna die? No. So chill the fuck down.Wow. So you mention a CD that you guys are bringing out. It's called HATA AKA! Can you tell us something more about that?The title? It means red flag. I'm a socialist. I believe in keeping supply and demand level and ensuring some form of political balance. The songs reflect this. I'm proud of it. I am. It speaks to me when I listen to it in the way a good punk record really should. I wrote the vast majority of it, and I can't really say I understand the notion of the parts I didn't write. But at the end of the day this is a democracy right? Can I also just say that you got very unlucky just there.Why?Well that's the most cohesive answer you'll get from me all day. I like politics. I dislike everything else. Including you.I see. Well can I ask you about the CD itself. I was interested by the rumours that said you wanted to release it on cassette only.Yeah, well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that's one of those urban myths. We talked about releasing a cassette version, for the nostalgia, but there was always going to be a CD.Damn. I shouldn't have asked. There was something a little magical in that. So....What sort of thing should we expect to hear. What should we ready our ears for?Something angry. It's punk. It's real punk, as I've always said. So be ready for something political and idealistic. Mostly. Also expect some bullshit about love and stuff. I didn't write those.I have the tracklisting here. I'm assuming you mean songs like....ummm...Lies in my Head? Actually no. You pick an interesting tune there. That one was very personal. Very much something that I've needed to write for many years. Not many things that don't involve my dick getting wet make me happy. But that song does. It almost acted like a vessel for my mind's freedom.What is it about? The affair and stuff with your wife?(Laughs) No. Not at all man, not at all. It's about a secret that I've been living with for a lot of years. You ever see that SyFy show where the serial killer says he has a 'dark passenger'? (Takes a long drag) That's the same for me. Except I've never taken to murdering anyone in my life. I have a different sort of dark secret that I carry every day.Will anyone ever know what it is?One person knows. Well one person plus me. Will the world ever know? I guess it might, but for that to happen there has to be a damn hell of a lot more acceptance in the world than there is right now. I'm always contemplating it. People would be upset. Let's just leave it there for now.Ok, no problem. Now back to the CD itself, your wife Envy features on there. There was some controversy there in the past few weeks. Has that been dealt with now?You know, it was a hard thing to deal with the whole Twitter crap. I dealt with it the only way I knew how, by reacting and lashing out.Following the argument, you told Erica Hess that you threw your wife out. Surely that was just bravado, right?This is the problem with social media. You only see what people want you to see. Twitter is a bit like the US government (he laughs.) No, but the issue is this; all you saw was myself and Hess fighting about my wife. I was angry, I should have kept it private. But she's a nosey little bitch and the dyke had to be told how things are. What you didn't see was the way Envy was bitching the same shit at me at home. So I gave her a backhand and then put her out. If she doesn't like it, ain't no one making her stick around.So you just threw her out? You're damn right I did. I don't take shit from people my friend. Sooner people realise that the better. I can excuse Hess. She didn't know me. Envy should have known better. Now I live with my babe and I'm happy. Envy's off sucking puss wherever. I don't care.And does this mean the end for your band as it stands?Of course not. This band still has a place for Envy. I mean, who would make the sandwiches, right? Nah, she's still there. We just don't talk. We never will.And you don't feel guilty?Why would I? Like I've said a million times, Envy knew the deal when she married me. It was a convenience thing. I didn't love it. I love That One Girl and now I'm with her. A guy can only thank Erica Hess for that.So you and Envy are done forever then? I mean it seems sad...We're finished, yes. What don't people get? Envy was my friend. It was never anything more than that in my eyes. If she looks deep enough into her own mind, she'll see that it was the same for her. She just thought she loved me.(Getting more annoyed) Pray tell, mi amigo, how the hell would you know that? Envy is her own woman.Haha. Really? So that's how at the age of sixteen she couldn't just up and leave the family home? She needed me to get her out by marrying the stupid bitch. People never understand someone else's situation. You can sit there and judge me all you like, little man, but you have no idea. That's all I'm saying.I know what I saw on Twitter.Which was?Well the poor girl was devastated to be thrown out.(he sniggers) These things happen. Once more, that one girl and I are happy now, ok? Don't do-gooders always harp on that people being happy is the most important thing?(Silence fills the studio for a couple of minutes) Alriiiight. I'm getting a little heated on that topic, and I can tell I am NOT going to get you to see any sort of sense. So let us just move the hell on and get back to music, right? Deal.So your band is still fully together and committed despite the issues that have come up in recent weeks and we will not mention because it just makes me want to kick you in your dumb face?(Silence again) Mature. Anyway, yes, we have managed to resolve the problems. Envy doesn't look at me, and that's fine. She's sort of the meal ticket though, so it's important to have her around. I'll be damned if I'm gonna be managing the band as well.With that in mind then, what are you hoping to achieve with the release of the EP?What I would like would be for this band to get heard around the world. Not to make money but more for....not the fame. What's the word I mean? Notoriety! That's the one. I have pretty outspoken political views, and won't be silenced, so I think when I say something, people will stand up and take notice. That's my own aim. So all you want is to be infamous?Certainly. I guess other members have different desires. I respect [Jake] Gomez. That kid is ace on drums and he's dedicated to playing music for life. If we can get him recognised, then I'd be happy. Landon I think could be brought around to the political side of life and see this project for what it really should be. As for Kim....she's only here so Gomez would stay. And the braindead kid [Jordan Schroeder]....if I could run a band without bass guitar he would be the fuck outta here. Genuinely then, money and fame mean nothing to you?Is that such a weird concept? I suppose it is right. This really is what I'm talking about though, so I'm glad you mention it. It's all capitalism, the music industry. I mean, look at some of the top 'stars' in the world, yeah? All they want is to make money and make people want to fuck them. What is that? I'll be happy so long as I make enough money to survive and get my anti-capitalist message out there and heard.So just what are your own political views?Socialism. I don't believe in the whole consumerist nature of life these days, where we manufacture a million and eight things to tell people they need them just to make money. It should be about demand and supply. Not the other way around. We have a false economy built on prosthetic demand manufactured by massive firms. And the government. I want to see that sort of attitude and political vehicle overturned.Don't you fear some sort of backlash over your views?In what way? From the public?Well no. I was thinking more on a legal standpoint. If you're planning to spread this message worldwide, then you might face some opposition from other countries' governments, no?Probably. But do I seem to you like a guy who backs down from that sort of thing? I'm not really. I'm not some Pussy Riot style 'punk' who would go to jail for their cause. What use were their neon-balaclava wearing mouths in there? Fair enough, they were some sort of political martyrs for all of ten minutes, but very few people gave a shit when they ended up in there. All you get with that sort of bullshit is initial uproar. What I will be doing is keeping the message flowing.It's quite odd to hear someone speak out about fellow punks like th-It's rude, yeah? Mate, I'll speak out against anyone and everyone. Listen, if I sat here and praised anyone and everyone who ever had something to say about politics, then my opinion would hold little water, right? I support anyone with a real agenda. The Sex Pistols hated capitalism, but you know what? I saw John Lyon on a fucking commercial for butter? What in the holy fucking name of hell is that? That's why I'm loathe to praise Pussy Riot. If you're gonna be outspoken, at least have the balls to show people your fucking face. If you don't, then how do we know you are respectable and honourable in your opinion? For all I know, as soon as Pussy Riot take those masks off they might all be working in a bank, you know? Strangely, I do see where you are coming from. Odd. Hmmm. Anyway, let me just skip us on because we are getting widely off topic here, darling. What I want to talk about is your career. You must be looking forward to getting the record out there so you have a chance to tour right?The chance to tour? Sure. Sure yeah I look forward to it.I sense it won't be for the most typical of reasons. But very well, I shall ask. Does it excite you to have the chance to get out there and see your fans? To play the music people love and connect with those who support you?(Sighs loudly) No. Well done on getting that right. I can't be assed with all that love in stuff that bands come out with towards their fans. I have left concerts before when the bands get too sentimental. I went to see Metallica once. Hetfield started blabbing on about Metallica's family. So I walked the hell out of there. Nah, what I really look forward to is the chance to hit the open road, play a show and then trash that city in a wild binge before moving on. Never being in the same town the night after you fuck it up is a good thing. Plus, there is such a thing as having to wait for dealers to get supply back in. I've had to go without for a while in Chicago. I guess if we're on the road then That One Girl should always be able to find someone who's selling, you get me?Does your whole life revolve around being drunk and high?It's so sweet that you would notice what's important in my life.I'll be honest...music seems like a very small part of your life. Especially for a musician.Different strokes for different folks. (Sighs and lights a cigarette) Some people in this band are in it for music and the fans and stuff. For me it's a means to an end.Which is making enough money to survive?Exactly. And providing for the very few people I love. You catch on eventually, see? Learn to listen more.It's interesting you mention people you love, right? Because you have had a little public thing with your family this last few weeks, right?(Nonchalantly) I don't know what you mean. I'm sure I don't.Well let me just refresh your memory!Please do (sighs).Well last week, your little sister Stacey announced her pop career. You seemed to react badly, bad mouthing her all over Twitter and stuff.And your point is?Well what the hell was that? She's the sweetest. In fact I have a message from her right now for you.The radio goes silent for a second before a slight crackling sound starts, followed by a new voice, sweet and excitable. It starts to speak in a cute French accent. 'Bonjour Ryan! Il...' before it gets cut off by an almighty bang.(Silence for a few seconds) Oh my G! He's broken my recording thingy! He's actually just thrown it against the wall. What the hell, man? Hey look, man. That was sneaky alright?In what way?Well if you're gonna pull some family shit on me, that was not cool. I should have been told or warned that you were going to do that. That is absolute bullshit man. Bullshit.Can you explain this whole...anger toward your sister Stacey to me, please?Sure I can. I hate the little c***. I know, I should love my baby sister, but she ruined my damn life. I was seven when that little parasite was born, and it was like suddenly I didn't exist. I had to bring myself up after that because I was no longer enough in my parents eyes. I wasn't their gifted little girl.So you still feel hostility towards her? She wants to build bridges.The only bridge I want to build with her would be one that keeps clear distance between us forever.What do you think of her music career?I'm not surprised. I was always told that music was not a good way to make a living. But when it comes to sweet little Stacey, they want to help her on the way to the top. She's precious to them, so of course I'm not surprised. The only weird thing is that they are allowing their prodigy to bypass college for music.Wow. Surely there's a part of you that wishes her well?I hope her career crashes an burns. I hope she gets kidnapped or some shit like that. And I hope she can one day experience the pain that her birth caused me. Because life isn't what we make for ourselves, it's the way other people impact on it.Again....wow. Well, we're out of time now. I can only say thank you for coming in. It was....different.Suck a dick.A song starts to play and the sound quickly fades away. |