Music Box Top Ten Rules
Just to make myself clear or answer any questions
-Music videos can be of any age to be in the countdown.
-If a video is submitted to me for a premiere it will be included in the countdown.
-You can self-vote.
-An artist can have more than one video submitted for the countdown.
-Voting will be closed on Thursday, if there is a tie by that time the artist with the higher peak on the digital and airplay chart will gain the higher position.
-To perform on the show an artist has to be established, with an upcoming release. I will give you the interview, and I will need it by Friday which is the latest. Your performance should be completed by Friday also and given to me. This is just in case you or I can't make it on that day there will be more than one copy.
Premieres rules
-I need a teaser so I can promote, if that can't happen I will simply use a photo from the video to promote.
-If a video is submitted to me for a premiere it will be included in the countdown.
-A video must be new for a premiere of course.
-This is mostly for established artists.
The Music Box Video Awards
I finally worked it out, after a few months or probably by August the awards will debut. It will be based completely on votes, so it can be more fair. There will be categories, but since the videos are mostly pop, rock, and r&b I do need other genres to make it more eclectic.
-To be in the nomination period for the first award show, the video must have been in the top ten during the period of June 17 to August 5th.
- These are the categories. . .
*Best male video
*Best female video
*Best video by a band, group, or duo
*Best rock video
*Best pop video
*Best r&b video
*Best art direction
*Best storyline
*Choice single
*Choice artist
*Choice combo (this is for the best artist combination in a song)
(hopeful future categories best hip/rap video, and best dance/electronic video) I need more videos of those genres.
-The nominations are given to the videos with 4 highest accumulations of votes over the nomination period. The winner of course will be decided by the act with the most votes in that category.
-I will need a host, a co-host and award presenters.
-The award show will be live, so post your performances at the time given, if you can't make it I will post it.
-The award show is like MTV's Video Music Awards to give you guys a picture or it.
*I want this thread to be interactive so if you want to be apart just pick something you like and do it. This is new so it will take time to loosen up.*
There's another tie, guys keep voting. I have 11 responses.
Edited by user 14 years ago
| Reason: Not specified