Raven sat and listened to what Troy had to say. She didn't know how he associated her with honesty, and swallowed hard to hold back a laugh - nobody else would. However, she agreed with what he said. Music associated not with fame or frills and fancies, but with raw emotion. That's what she had always believed that music was about; making the listener feel something. She couldn't believe how much he was complimenting her power as a manager, she never knew that she was such a driving force behind Reckoner.
Then she heard the words, "Chaos Records". She listened to the rest of what he was saying, but the word "Chaos" hung in the air, echoing around her mind. She started to panic.
"Chaos Records, eh?" she said, trying to keep her composure. "I just need to make a call."
She ran off to the next room, got out her mobile and called Jimmy Bishop, her own manager.
"Hello, Jimmy's love-line."
Despite everything, she giggled a little at how he answered his personal mobile. "Howdy, it's Raves."
"Hey Ravenah! I thought you were busy today?"
"I can't do it."
"What? Of course you can! You were an excellent manager before."
"He wants to sign with .... Chaos Records." She started to shake.
"And the problem is?"
"Scott!" she shouted. "I'm not gonna work closely with him, am I?"
"Raven. Remember when Kash and I got a divorce, and we both came back into work the next day? We mostly kept away from each other, but when I needed to talk about finances, I talked to her as if nothing had happened. Just like, if you need to talk to Scott about Troy, that would be the beginning, the middle and the end of the conversation. You don't need to be friends with Scott, just work together for the sake of the artist."
Her lip started to tremble. "Troy asked me never to give up on him."
"Then don't. Simple as that."
"What if Scott tells Troy not to work with me?"
"Then he's being unprofessional. If so, Chaos wasn't worth going to anyway. But you're not going to be like that. Never give up on him, just like he said."
"Right! Thanks Jimmy."
"You go girl!"
She returned to the room Troy was in, standing up straight, and feeling much less scared at the prospect of working with Scott H. She sat down and took a deep breath. "If a deal with Chaos Records is what y'all want, that's what you're gonna get," she said. "I reckon I can do that for y'all!" She smiled at the memory of why Jimmy matched Raven with Reckoner in the first place. Strange how silly things like that can work out so well, she thought.
Raven looked straight at Troy. "I'm never gonna let you down," she said. She started walking over to the contracts. "If y'all want me as a guest musician, I can help; if y'all want me as a friend, I can be that too, for sure. I ain't in it for the money - heck, I'm part of Moronic Changeling, I hardly need the extra cash. I'm doin' this for you."
She handed him the contracts. "Read through, there shouldn't be any problem, but never sign anything without lookin' first. Let me know if there's anything wrong." She looked deep into his eyes and smiled. "Pun intended or not, I totally reckon we can do this!"