Recording or Performing Live?Ryan: Thats tough! I would probably say playing live though. Recording music gets us so hyped, we love making new music and getting it out to the fans, but there is nothing quite like it when your playing live and the room echos with the fans singing along. Thats the biggest buzz we get.
Morning or Evening?Josh: Evening. Morning's are good for recording because its when we are all most focused, but you can't beat a nice evening.
What is your worst habit?Ryan: Ill answer for Josh, he can answer for me. I would probably say his worst habbit is how often he spaces out. You be talking to him then the next second he'll be like.. "What?". *laughs*
Josh: Ryan's worst habbit is definitely the long that he takes doing his hair! Straighteners are out in the morning, then the wax, then the hairspray. Then in the evening the same again. Also the fact that he plays with his hair constantly! The man's crazy about his hair. *laughs*
What is your favourite song of the moment?Ryan: Ohhh! Im going to say Loverboy by You Me At Six!
Josh: Ill second that, loving that jam.
What is your favourite song of all time?Josh: Ok. Ill say my most played on my iPod. Architects - An Open Letter To Myself.
Ryan: Probably Free by The Maine. Great little song.
What is your favourite musician/band?Ryan: I really like The Verdict Is Vengeance! I love their material which was a big reason why wanted to collab with them.
Josh: Hmm. Im really feeling Sammy Griffin y'know. Love how laid back his music is, you can literally listen to it no matter what mood your in.
What is your favourite movie?Ryan: The Breakfast Club! Love this film so much. Fantastic concept and story line behind it.
Josh: I gotta shout for Backdraft. I seriously watched this film about a million times when i was a kid. All i ever wanted to be was a fireman so badly! But ill settle for being in a band with these idiots instead. *laughs*
What would be your perfect day?Ryan: Spend some time with the family in the morning. Release a song afterwards, i love releasing songs to the fans.. its the apprehension of how they will perceive it. Then headline a huge festival.. where the crowd sing the words back to us.. goosebumps at the thought.
Josh: I would say Ryan's because that would be a perfect day. But, another perfect day for me, would be to wake up without a hangover, manage to get through my day well. See my girlfriend (if i had one at the time). Then travel long distance to a show on our tour bus. The fun we have on that bus will live with me forever, spending it with my best friends in the world. Then as Ryan said, play an awesome show.
What is your best memory of your childhood?Ryan: Hmm. Probably my toy guitar. I loved that thing. I used to perform shows for my family on christmas, making riffs from a electronic toy run on batteries. You couldn't take the smile of my face though! *laughs*
Josh: I still think of myself as a kid! Although, i would have to go for school! You don't realize how much you miss High school until its over. But yeah, my whole childhood was generally amazing!
Tell us something nobody else knows about you?Ryan: *laughs*. Well, i dont know. That's a good one. I cant think. Ill answer Josh's again, he can answer mine.. much easier. Not much people know that Josh has a tendency to fall for girls so easily! Like he is literally hooked on a girl at first sight if he likes her.
Josh: Not true.*laughs*. Here's one for Ryan, barely nobody knows that one of Ryan's nipples grows hair around it, the other doesn't! So it looks really weird and he has to shave his nipple *laughs*
If you could date anyone in the music industry, who would it be?Ryan: Ooooh! Very good question. Im going to slap on the table, although there is a few. Wait, are you allowed to mention like 10? Ill limit myself to 3.. or 4. Isabel Merjos. Wow. Many Williams. Again, wow. Cinzia Ricci. Babe. God theres so much to say! Ok, ALL of G2L.
Josh: Your so greedy!*laughs*. Hm, would it be boring to say Kate? Ahh, ill be boring then. Ill say Kathleen Kerry *laughs*.
What would be your 3 wishes?Ryan: That i didnt get old. To own my own record studio/label. Then 10 more wishes.. this could go on forever.
Josh: The old 10 more wishes trick *laughs*. I dont know actually. I Don't think i would use the wishes. Just let fate control your life really.
Would you rather have worldwide success or true love?Ryan: Aw man! You may call me fame hungry, but its always been my goal to make a huge name for myself. I want true love don't get me wrong, but worldwide success has always been my goal.
Josh: This is going to sound cheesy. True love.
What do you think happens when we die?Ryan: Your reborn. In a different person of course with no memories on your past life.
Josh: You die basically. I don know, its hard to say. I think when your dead, your dead. I know it sounds stupid but it seems like it makes sense.
What are your 5 life goals?Ryan: Have a #1 chartin album. Headline festivals. Be known as a music legend. Get happily married. Then live happily ever after. *laughs*
Josh: I like yours. But i want to do more things too, like climb mountains. Star in films. I kinda want to test myself at everything.